Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
I have a very str0ng feeling that i might fall sick anytime .
* c0ughs * * c0ughs *
I th0ught that i see h0pes in y0ur eyes . But everything is just a lie .
H0pe can see y0u everyday, even if its just a peek at y0u . :) Will be very happy already .
With y0u by my side i feel safe and secure . I trust y0u s0 much .
PS . I MISS Y0U . =)
l0ves & misses
0FF t0day .
W00ts, the F1 race is s0 exciting . Luckily i didn't went there, but was s0 excited f0r the past few days . The place was damn cr0wded, i d0n't like cr0wded places . I supp0rted Lewis Hamilt0n . He is in the third p0sit0n . And he's cute ! =) T00 bad he's n0t a Singap0rean . Th0ught he was at first . Actually i just kn0w him in the F1 race . The 0ther racers i am n0t s0 familiar with them s0 far . But manage t0 catch it 0n the tv live 0n Saturday . A nice match, huhs ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpz0VcDuR4g Here is a s0ng i wanted t0 rec0mmend t0 y0u guys . =) Sang by PussyCat D0lls - When I Gr0w Up
0h mt g0d, they are s0 H0T ! I l0ve their dancing ! They have big b00ts t00 ! L0LS . Fell0w guys, please remember t0 carry tissue paper bef0re y0u watch this music vide0s f0r y0ur saliva !
Now ive got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I'd do anything
Anything at all for them to notice me
But I aint complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You don't know what its like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
Cus see when I was younger I would say
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star,
I wanna be in movies
When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies
When I grow up
Be on tv
People know me
Be on magazines
When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick when I step out on the scene
I always wanted to be a superstar
I can't sleep, feeling very tired . W0ke up damn early sia . Tired like hell .
I'm g0ing Bugis later . =D T0 sh0p . Hees
l0ves & misses
Awaiting f0r pay t0 arrive . LALALAS ~~~ !
Recently a l0t 0f unhappy things happen, t0tally n0 m00d f0r anything .
Waiting f0r PEACE t0 arrived, and everything will c0me t0 an end .
N0thing much t0 p0st . Feeling very vexed . SIGHS );
面对你的时候 我不会舍不得
反而我没有遗憾 因为我已爱过你深深的
PS . Ph0t0s will be upl0aded LATE .
l0ves & misses
=) Staying happy is very imp0rtant ! Must smile everyday, and be happy everyday s0 that y0u can live 0n happily . Sians, w0ke up at ar0und 12 pm and i 0nly slept f0r 6 h0urs nia . Damn tired . Been 0nline fr0m 1 0r 2 pm till n0w 5.1o pm . Searching f0r s0ngs t0 put inside my MP3 . Revamp finish at ar0und 4 am plus . * YAWNS * Must sleep early t0night . We ate Burger KING . ;)
N0thing else t0 p0st lia0s .
l0ves & misses
Kn0w that its freaking lame . LAME !
My new name ! But i like vanilla ice cream m0re ! I like unique things t00 . ((=
Perhaps I MIGHT BE changing back t0 my 0ld names like KERAIN 0r L0RRAIN .
Having ST0RE revamp t0night but i w0ke up damn early, sh0uld w0ke up late, but can't seem t0 sleep m0re . T0night will be a tiring night f0r me again . I hate revapm, d0n't kn0w why the management always put d0 these type 0f things . I did 0ne last three m0nths ag0 . They kept changing the fl00r set and keep having revamp every n0w and then .
Met up with Vayen g0rz g0rz yesterday aftern00n at 4 pm, he finally 0RD, finish his army ansd started his w0rking life, we were planning t0 watch Mirr0r but it is released t0day . Ended up watching 4bia . A h0rr0r m0vie with s0me disturbing scenes . Scared me, man ! Rated: 7/1o . We br0ught p0pc0rns and drinks t0 the m0vies . We went wind0w sh0pping ar0und bef0re the m0vie, abd went t0 my w0rkplace, been a l0t 0f sh0p including GAP, then i saw him . I pretend i didn't him and i saw him with an0ther girl, maybe his c0lleague 0r GF ? I admirer him, a admited that but what i can d0 ? Whenever i saw guys with a l0t 0f girls ar0und, i will started t0 think way t00 much, 0r prehaps i am just palin thinking way t00 much . But i kn0w y0u w0n't fall f0r me, but i have already fall f0r y0u . I hate this kind 0f feeling . Whenever i see y0u, i feel heart ache and av0id l00king at y0u . 0k, all craps again . L0LS, l0ve can't be f0rced ! Back t0 my t0pic, after the m0vie, it was 9 pm and we sat 0utside cineleisure t0 chat . He t0ld me his w0rking life and it sucks and and h0w he lived f0r his life all these while . I t0ld him mine t00 and he enc0urage me t0 quit t00 . N0w he is happy t0 quit that j0b but sad cause he have t0 find j0b again . G00d luck, br0ther . We have kn0wn each 0ther f0r tw0, three years but we d0n't really c0ntact each 0ther, we are n0t that cl0se . In fact, he is the 0nly pers0n i trusted s0 much and whenever i feel sad, i will tell him .
Tell y0u s0mething really funny . L00k, i am a typically Chinese, and pe0ple th0ught i am fr0m 0ther c0untry 0r fr0m 0ther race . D0 i really l00k like fr0m 0ther c0untry 0r 0ther race ? G0t this 0ne time i went Z0uk with 0ne 0f my girlfriend and the Phuture side and its damn packed l0rs . Guess what, cause its Wednesday, Ladies' night . =) But heard that they have change their Ladies' night t0 Thursday, i am n0t s0 sure ab0ut it t00 l0ng never been there . Always g0 M0S . The fact is i hate t0 g0 M0S . S0 many Malays, and they always ended up fighting inside the club . I am n0t being racits 0r what, i prefer t0 mix with Malays than s0 n0w i am trying very very hard t0 learnt Malay s0 i can c0mmunicate with them easily . =D 0k, back t0 my t0pic, then my girlfriend and i think 0f a trick t0 let the b0uncer t0 let us in . Guess what idea we think 0f ?
She ask me t0 pretend that i am a Japanese, just came t0 Singap0re and she wanna sh0w me what it is like inside the Phuture side . And the b0uncer agreed and said 0nly f0r a while . S0 we went inside happily . But we enj0y 0urselves l0rz, with0ut caring ab0ut any0ne else . I really miss th0se days, man !
And als0 as a Chinese, that is a l0t 0f things which i am able t0 eat . But i d0n't eat at all, in fact i hate it t0 the c0re ! Like, p0rk, spicy f00d, m00ncakes, ba gua, durian, i hate the smell . Seaf00d, cause i am allergy t0 it . I d0 n0t l00k like Chee-nas . I am n0t a MALAY, i just mix with them . I h0pe t0 l00k like Japanese . W00ts . CHI0 . ((: JAPANESE girls are very damn CHI0 & H0T l0rs .
Wa, in real life actually have a d0ll, name the L0VE D0LLS, 0r CANDY GIRLS . Think is f0r guys t0 have sex with them but they are just d0lls, when y0u t0uch them they w0n't feel pain 0r ask y0u t0 st0p . S0 wh0se guys wh0 is very pervert 0r h0rny can c0nsider buy this d0ll h0me f0r y0ur fantasy . Its n0t just a sex d0ll, y0u can even buy it h0me and d0 whatever y0u want with it . But in Singap0re we d0 n0t have this pr0duct yet, 0nly in Amercia and Japan . =) I d0 s0me research in the net ab0ut everything s0 i happen t0 see this s0 share with pe0ple in my bl0g . =x L0LS, but it is n0t f0r me lahs !
I am b0red at h0me ! S0 watching s0me vide0s and listening t0 music as well . i watched s0me cart00ns t00 like P0okem0n . Reas0n given; t00 b0red !
I am s0 int0 this s0ng n0w . >>> Fall F0r Y0u by Sec0ndhand Serenade <<<>
I'm craving f0r m0re tatt00s, tatt00s are really very addicitive .
Suddenly craving f0r K0k0 krunch . L0LS . I'm l0ving it ! Watched Mirr0r, damn scary and g0re . Yucks ! Rated: 6.5/1o . D0n't quite understand the st0ryline .
On the pr0cess l00king f0r j0b, help me keep a l00k0ut t00 lehs . Any l0bang, let me kn0w, 0k ? BIG THANKS THANKS ! =D
PS . L0ngest p0st ever .
l0ves & misses
T0day is my 0ff day . Have t0 r0t at h0me until 3 pm plus then g0 0ut and meet g0rz g0rz . Sians, i am very b0red at h0me . Feel like sleeping sia . Head ache like hell sia .
S0mem0re my sayang started w0rking t0day already, g0nna be very lifeless already . )):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au_AZ37Yq9s Chinese Versi0n .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zfCJkvU0F0 English Versi0n . This is a nice s0ng in year 2004, wa f0ur years ag0 s0ng . Sang by the J-STARS因為愛
. ((: I prefer the Chinese Versi0n 0ne . =D
I wanna kn0w what it is like t0 be l0ved . I wanna feel what it is like . T0 be, t0 be l0ved ~~~ . =)
This s0ng is nice t00 ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSkNT_mdlII
G0nna g0 0ut n0w !
l0ves & misses
Variety is the spice of life ! True, isn't it ?
I WILL always be here f0r y0u when y0u need me .
S0mtimes, i think ab0ut the past . All the mem0ries were s0 pain when i suddenly remember .
The feeling is n0t right at all . I tried n0t t0 think 0r remember, but its hard .
Arghhhh . What sh0uld i d0 ? Human beings must never have regret in life . I am damn sad all 0f a sudden, cans ? Y0u were just my past tense, i wanna be y0ur present and future tense . =D
These few days especially at night, when i can't sleep, i will read Cray0n shin chan c0mics . Hei s just s0 CUTE ! This is a picture 0f him, his mummie, his daddie and his bel0ved d0ggie ! ((:
0k, gtg . G0t t0 g0 sh0wer and read my c0mic !
l0ves & misses
I want t0 watch the F1 race lehs . I want, i want & i want !!! =)
W0ke up damn early s0 decide t0 0nline and g0 0ut earlier t0 ask ab0ut my stupid extensi0ns .
SIGHS ): I want t0 d0 m0re t00 !
l0ves & misses
E-M-0 ღ _爱我,慧慧。=) Missing - In - Acti0n (: ♥♥♥ IL0VEY0U, i W0N'T say that ANYM0RE . SMILE m0re & y0u will be PRETTIER . =) CHEER UP* I need the fastest r0ute t0 the happy r0ad . =) G00d things never LAST . N0thing is F0REVER .
自恋狂 . =D 爱我,慧慧。((= CHEER UP* =) I hate myself f0r l0ving y0u . IL0VEY0U, i W0N'T say that ANYM0RE . *fcukeL0VE .
L0LS, i am t00 b0red . S0 rand0mly p0st all these previ0usly is my MSN, BL0G & FRIENDSTER acc0unt des things . ((:
Kill that disgusting pimple fr0m my face . Its freaking me 0ut sia . I want t0 learnt Malay lahs !
I feel safe when y0u're beside me . Y0u are the 0nly pers0n wh0m i trust and will tell everything t0 . =D
l0ves & misses
0ff t0day . N0 ph0t0 t0 upl0ad t0day .
A VERY tired day . Play PSP till late night .
Surfing the net,d0wnl0ading s0ngs, watching m0vies 0nline and chat .
What a em0 day . I think i need a HUG . =)
I want t0 g0 0verseas ! I want t0 g0 Hawaii !
By the way, f0rgetting sarah marshall is a nice sh0w BUT sad t00 . Just sh0w it 0nline ! Rating: 8.5/10. L0LS, a l0t 0f sex thr0ught0ut the sh0w .
Watch Kung Fu Panda t00 . L0LS, damn funny . Rated: 7/10 . =D
I have been feeling headache . My head spins and pain like hell sia . Think i need t0 eat painkiller later .
Ps. Feel like getting a star 0r small tatt00 0r barc0de 0r s0mething 0n my hand 0r wrist . ;)
l0ves & misses
W00ts, he's CUTE ! He's MINE ! ((=
My fav0urite cart00ns ! ELM0, ILU ! <3>
Pard0n me, i am VAIN-P0T . :)
BAD B0YS with TATT00S & CUTE SMILE and DIMPLES catches my ATTENTI0N . I 0nly l0ve MR SUPERMAN ! ((:
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diarysians sians lehs ):
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 ( 9/30/2008 09:56:00 PM )
I have a very str0ng feeling that i might fall sick anytime .
* c0ughs * * c0ughs *
I th0ught that i see h0pes in y0ur eyes . But everything is just a lie .
H0pe can see y0u everyday, even if its just a peek at y0u . :) Will be very happy already .
With y0u by my side i feel safe and secure . I trust y0u s0 much .
PS . I MISS Y0U . =)
l0ves & misses
The diarysians 1/2 . ((;
Monday, September 29, 2008 ( 9/29/2008 11:42:00 AM )
0FF t0day .
W00ts, the F1 race is s0 exciting . Luckily i didn't went there, but was s0 excited f0r the past few days . The place was damn cr0wded, i d0n't like cr0wded places . I supp0rted Lewis Hamilt0n . He is in the third p0sit0n . And he's cute ! =) T00 bad he's n0t a Singap0rean . Th0ught he was at first . Actually i just kn0w him in the F1 race . The 0ther racers i am n0t s0 familiar with them s0 far . But manage t0 catch it 0n the tv live 0n Saturday . A nice match, huhs ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpz0VcDuR4g Here is a s0ng i wanted t0 rec0mmend t0 y0u guys . =) Sang by PussyCat D0lls - When I Gr0w Up
0h mt g0d, they are s0 H0T ! I l0ve their dancing ! They have big b00ts t00 ! L0LS . Fell0w guys, please remember t0 carry tissue paper bef0re y0u watch this music vide0s f0r y0ur saliva !
Now ive got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I'd do anything
Anything at all for them to notice me
But I aint complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You don't know what its like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
Cus see when I was younger I would say
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star,
I wanna be in movies
When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies
When I grow up
Be on tv
People know me
Be on magazines
When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick when I step out on the scene
I always wanted to be a superstar
I can't sleep, feeling very tired . W0ke up damn early sia . Tired like hell .
I'm g0ing Bugis later . =D T0 sh0p . Hees
l0ves & misses
The diaryVexed, vexed, & vexed !!! ~~~
Friday, September 26, 2008 ( 9/26/2008 11:31:00 AM )
Awaiting f0r pay t0 arrive . LALALAS ~~~ !
Recently a l0t 0f unhappy things happen, t0tally n0 m00d f0r anything .
Waiting f0r PEACE t0 arrived, and everything will c0me t0 an end .
N0thing much t0 p0st . Feeling very vexed . SIGHS );
面对你的时候 我不会舍不得
反而我没有遗憾 因为我已爱过你深深的
PS . Ph0t0s will be upl0aded LATE .
l0ves & misses
The diaryTired sia ~~~ .
Friday, September 19, 2008 ( 9/19/2008 01:42:00 PM )
=) Staying happy is very imp0rtant ! Must smile everyday, and be happy everyday s0 that y0u can live 0n happily . Sians, w0ke up at ar0und 12 pm and i 0nly slept f0r 6 h0urs nia . Damn tired . Been 0nline fr0m 1 0r 2 pm till n0w 5.1o pm . Searching f0r s0ngs t0 put inside my MP3 . Revamp finish at ar0und 4 am plus . * YAWNS * Must sleep early t0night . We ate Burger KING . ;)
N0thing else t0 p0st lia0s .
l0ves & misses
The diaryFALL F0R Y0U .
Thursday, September 18, 2008 ( 9/18/2008 01:22:00 PM )
Kn0w that its freaking lame . LAME !
My new name ! But i like vanilla ice cream m0re ! I like unique things t00 . ((=
Perhaps I MIGHT BE changing back t0 my 0ld names like KERAIN 0r L0RRAIN .
Having ST0RE revamp t0night but i w0ke up damn early, sh0uld w0ke up late, but can't seem t0 sleep m0re . T0night will be a tiring night f0r me again . I hate revapm, d0n't kn0w why the management always put d0 these type 0f things . I did 0ne last three m0nths ag0 . They kept changing the fl00r set and keep having revamp every n0w and then .
Met up with Vayen g0rz g0rz yesterday aftern00n at 4 pm, he finally 0RD, finish his army ansd started his w0rking life, we were planning t0 watch Mirr0r but it is released t0day . Ended up watching 4bia . A h0rr0r m0vie with s0me disturbing scenes . Scared me, man ! Rated: 7/1o . We br0ught p0pc0rns and drinks t0 the m0vies . We went wind0w sh0pping ar0und bef0re the m0vie, abd went t0 my w0rkplace, been a l0t 0f sh0p including GAP, then i saw him . I pretend i didn't him and i saw him with an0ther girl, maybe his c0lleague 0r GF ? I admirer him, a admited that but what i can d0 ? Whenever i saw guys with a l0t 0f girls ar0und, i will started t0 think way t00 much, 0r prehaps i am just palin thinking way t00 much . But i kn0w y0u w0n't fall f0r me, but i have already fall f0r y0u . I hate this kind 0f feeling . Whenever i see y0u, i feel heart ache and av0id l00king at y0u . 0k, all craps again . L0LS, l0ve can't be f0rced ! Back t0 my t0pic, after the m0vie, it was 9 pm and we sat 0utside cineleisure t0 chat . He t0ld me his w0rking life and it sucks and and h0w he lived f0r his life all these while . I t0ld him mine t00 and he enc0urage me t0 quit t00 . N0w he is happy t0 quit that j0b but sad cause he have t0 find j0b again . G00d luck, br0ther . We have kn0wn each 0ther f0r tw0, three years but we d0n't really c0ntact each 0ther, we are n0t that cl0se . In fact, he is the 0nly pers0n i trusted s0 much and whenever i feel sad, i will tell him .
Tell y0u s0mething really funny . L00k, i am a typically Chinese, and pe0ple th0ught i am fr0m 0ther c0untry 0r fr0m 0ther race . D0 i really l00k like fr0m 0ther c0untry 0r 0ther race ? G0t this 0ne time i went Z0uk with 0ne 0f my girlfriend and the Phuture side and its damn packed l0rs . Guess what, cause its Wednesday, Ladies' night . =) But heard that they have change their Ladies' night t0 Thursday, i am n0t s0 sure ab0ut it t00 l0ng never been there . Always g0 M0S . The fact is i hate t0 g0 M0S . S0 many Malays, and they always ended up fighting inside the club . I am n0t being racits 0r what, i prefer t0 mix with Malays than s0 n0w i am trying very very hard t0 learnt Malay s0 i can c0mmunicate with them easily . =D 0k, back t0 my t0pic, then my girlfriend and i think 0f a trick t0 let the b0uncer t0 let us in . Guess what idea we think 0f ?
She ask me t0 pretend that i am a Japanese, just came t0 Singap0re and she wanna sh0w me what it is like inside the Phuture side . And the b0uncer agreed and said 0nly f0r a while . S0 we went inside happily . But we enj0y 0urselves l0rz, with0ut caring ab0ut any0ne else . I really miss th0se days, man !
And als0 as a Chinese, that is a l0t 0f things which i am able t0 eat . But i d0n't eat at all, in fact i hate it t0 the c0re ! Like, p0rk, spicy f00d, m00ncakes, ba gua, durian, i hate the smell . Seaf00d, cause i am allergy t0 it . I d0 n0t l00k like Chee-nas . I am n0t a MALAY, i just mix with them . I h0pe t0 l00k like Japanese . W00ts . CHI0 . ((: JAPANESE girls are very damn CHI0 & H0T l0rs .
Wa, in real life actually have a d0ll, name the L0VE D0LLS, 0r CANDY GIRLS . Think is f0r guys t0 have sex with them but they are just d0lls, when y0u t0uch them they w0n't feel pain 0r ask y0u t0 st0p . S0 wh0se guys wh0 is very pervert 0r h0rny can c0nsider buy this d0ll h0me f0r y0ur fantasy . Its n0t just a sex d0ll, y0u can even buy it h0me and d0 whatever y0u want with it . But in Singap0re we d0 n0t have this pr0duct yet, 0nly in Amercia and Japan . =) I d0 s0me research in the net ab0ut everything s0 i happen t0 see this s0 share with pe0ple in my bl0g . =x L0LS, but it is n0t f0r me lahs !
I am b0red at h0me ! S0 watching s0me vide0s and listening t0 music as well . i watched s0me cart00ns t00 like P0okem0n . Reas0n given; t00 b0red !
I am s0 int0 this s0ng n0w . >>> Fall F0r Y0u by Sec0ndhand Serenade <<<>
I'm craving f0r m0re tatt00s, tatt00s are really very addicitive .
Suddenly craving f0r K0k0 krunch . L0LS . I'm l0ving it ! Watched Mirr0r, damn scary and g0re . Yucks ! Rated: 6.5/1o . D0n't quite understand the st0ryline .
On the pr0cess l00king f0r j0b, help me keep a l00k0ut t00 lehs . Any l0bang, let me kn0w, 0k ? BIG THANKS THANKS ! =D
PS . L0ngest p0st ever .
l0ves & misses
The diaryL0VE L0VE L0VE ~~~
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 ( 9/17/2008 02:01:00 PM )
T0day is my 0ff day . Have t0 r0t at h0me until 3 pm plus then g0 0ut and meet g0rz g0rz . Sians, i am very b0red at h0me . Feel like sleeping sia . Head ache like hell sia .
S0mem0re my sayang started w0rking t0day already, g0nna be very lifeless already . )):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au_AZ37Yq9s Chinese Versi0n .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zfCJkvU0F0 English Versi0n . This is a nice s0ng in year 2004, wa f0ur years ag0 s0ng . Sang by the J-STARS
. ((: I prefer the Chinese Versi0n 0ne . =DI wanna kn0w what it is like t0 be l0ved . I wanna feel what it is like . T0 be, t0 be l0ved ~~~ . =)
This s0ng is nice t00 ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSkNT_mdlII
C'est Si Bon
Sang by 5566 & 7 fl0wers .ENJ0Y !
G0nna g0 0ut n0w !
l0ves & misses
The diaryI think i miss y0u .
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 ( 9/16/2008 08:10:00 PM )
Variety is the spice of life ! True, isn't it ?
I WILL always be here f0r y0u when y0u need me .
S0mtimes, i think ab0ut the past . All the mem0ries were s0 pain when i suddenly remember .
The feeling is n0t right at all . I tried n0t t0 think 0r remember, but its hard .
Arghhhh . What sh0uld i d0 ? Human beings must never have regret in life . I am damn sad all 0f a sudden, cans ? Y0u were just my past tense, i wanna be y0ur present and future tense . =D
These few days especially at night, when i can't sleep, i will read Cray0n shin chan c0mics . Hei s just s0 CUTE ! This is a picture 0f him, his mummie, his daddie and his bel0ved d0ggie ! ((:
0k, gtg . G0t t0 g0 sh0wer and read my c0mic !
l0ves & misses
The diaryN0thing much .
Saturday, September 13, 2008 ( 9/13/2008 10:33:00 AM )
I want t0 watch the F1 race lehs . I want, i want & i want !!! =)
W0ke up damn early s0 decide t0 0nline and g0 0ut earlier t0 ask ab0ut my stupid extensi0ns .
SIGHS ): I want t0 d0 m0re t00 !
l0ves & misses
The diaryTake cares huhs ! 0k ?
Friday, September 12, 2008 ( 9/12/2008 10:18:00 PM )
E-M-0 ღ _爱我,慧慧。=) Missing - In - Acti0n (: ♥♥♥ IL0VEY0U, i W0N'T say that ANYM0RE . SMILE m0re & y0u will be PRETTIER . =) CHEER UP* I need the fastest r0ute t0 the happy r0ad . =) G00d things never LAST . N0thing is F0REVER .
自恋狂 . =D 爱我,慧慧。((= CHEER UP* =) I hate myself f0r l0ving y0u . IL0VEY0U, i W0N'T say that ANYM0RE . *fcukeL0VE .
L0LS, i am t00 b0red . S0 rand0mly p0st all these previ0usly is my MSN, BL0G & FRIENDSTER acc0unt des things . ((:
Kill that disgusting pimple fr0m my face . Its freaking me 0ut sia . I want t0 learnt Malay lahs !
I feel safe when y0u're beside me . Y0u are the 0nly pers0n wh0m i trust and will tell everything t0 . =D
l0ves & misses
The diarySIGHS ); B0red t0 TEARS . ):
Thursday, September 11, 2008 ( 9/11/2008 03:26:00 PM )
0ff t0day . N0 ph0t0 t0 upl0ad t0day .
A VERY tired day . Play PSP till late night .
Surfing the net,d0wnl0ading s0ngs, watching m0vies 0nline and chat .
What a em0 day . I think i need a HUG . =)
I want t0 g0 0verseas ! I want t0 g0 Hawaii !
By the way, f0rgetting sarah marshall is a nice sh0w BUT sad t00 . Just sh0w it 0nline ! Rating: 8.5/10. L0LS, a l0t 0f sex thr0ught0ut the sh0w .
Watch Kung Fu Panda t00 . L0LS, damn funny . Rated: 7/10 . =D
I have been feeling headache . My head spins and pain like hell sia . Think i need t0 eat painkiller later .
Ps. Feel like getting a star 0r small tatt00 0r barc0de 0r s0mething 0n my hand 0r wrist . ;)
l0ves & misses
The diaryFeeling a bit em0 .
Monday, September 8, 2008 ( 9/08/2008 09:03:00 PM )
W00ts, he's CUTE ! He's MINE ! ((=
My fav0urite cart00ns ! ELM0, ILU ! <3>
Pard0n me, i am VAIN-P0T . :)
My fav0urite picture . <3 href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi_MqcEXSjKO2UOVqo4XLXHGsDUlYEwFZMheD8V7BLaK0oeiOybaoNTy7h_uC0rYIoM56ktcl5TXPfsb90LaRhQnPc9_2MQdEnMXqdP9Dguz8GeGpjSOXzcVjdx5bKM56b6nGETR6_bQ3dJ/s1600-h/P07-09-08_09.53.JPG"> I kn0w d0n't l00k like me .
I'm SICK, sick and sick ! But i d0n't have fever . My c0lleague t0uched my f0rehead and said s0 . But my b0dy feel h0t lehs .
Thinking whether sh0uld i put m0re hair extensi0n . Give me s0me suggesti0ns . My hair always get tangled t0gether whenever i c0mb my hair .
Busy deleting unkn0wns fr0m my MSN . =) T00 many STRANGERS . ): DELETED . Ha0 kai xin w0rs !
Been feeling very lazy t0 bl0g my everyday life . I want t0 get a new life ! New j0b, new future . Any j0b f0r me ?
H0w d0es l0ve feels like ? H0w d0 y0u feel when y0u are h0lding hands with y0ur BF/GF ? I have n0 clue . Think i have been single f0r 0ne year plus . My heart feels numb, d0n't kn0w h0w t0 l0ve any0ne and d0es n0t kn0w h0w d0es l0ve feels like . S0metimes feel quite empty inside but i knew i have already get use t0 it . It d0es feel weird s0metimes t00 .
SIGHS ): Feel very fan lahs . G0t a l0t 0f unsp0ken secrets . L0LS .
Thinking whether sh0uld i put m0re hair extensi0n . Give me s0me suggesti0ns . My hair always get tangled t0gether whenever i c0mb my hair .
Busy deleting unkn0wns fr0m my MSN . =) T00 many STRANGERS . ): DELETED . Ha0 kai xin w0rs !
Been feeling very lazy t0 bl0g my everyday life . I want t0 get a new life ! New j0b, new future . Any j0b f0r me ?
H0w d0es l0ve feels like ? H0w d0 y0u feel when y0u are h0lding hands with y0ur BF/GF ? I have n0 clue . Think i have been single f0r 0ne year plus . My heart feels numb, d0n't kn0w h0w t0 l0ve any0ne and d0es n0t kn0w h0w d0es l0ve feels like . S0metimes feel quite empty inside but i knew i have already get use t0 it . It d0es feel weird s0metimes t00 .
SIGHS ): Feel very fan lahs . G0t a l0t 0f unsp0ken secrets . L0LS .
l0ves & misses
The diarySec0nd p0st .
Sunday, September 7, 2008 ( 9/07/2008 08:48:00 PM )
G00d things never LAST . N0thing is F0REVER .
I d0n't trust any0ne anym0re . 0nly my family and m0ney .
Hey peeps, relink my new acc0unt ! =) www.fcukthel0ve.blogspot.com
Sec0nd p0st in my new bl0g . Shall be my last acc0unt . =D After that n0 m0re .
Sighs, i want t0 watch l0tsa m0vie lehs . N0b0dy acc0mpany me . S0 sad . Perhaps i sh0uld get myself a bf . Haas .
S0rry f0r the first p0st the ph0t0s are a bit messy . Try t0 re-arrange it . ;)
Any nice s0ngs t0 rec0mmend ? Any sh0p that can sh0p cheap ? D0n't rec0mmend me t0 g0 Bugis Street, i d0n't like t0 sh0p there . ((: I'm unique . L0LS . I d0n't sh0p 0nline t00 . I d0n't trust pe0ple 0nline . But i d0n't mind pe0ple p0st their link s0 that i can see what they sell, wh0 kn0w i may be interested in their pr0ducts 0ne day ? But, i d0n't welc0me any SPAMMERS ! I L0VE P.E.A.C.E. !
D0 i l00k m0re feminine after putting my extensi0ns ? I think s0 lehz .
I will try t0 upl0ad as many as p0ssible . N0 pr0mises, if i am n0t free i will n0t update and 0nline . N0 ph0t0 upl0ading t0day .
林宥嘉 劉力揚 傳說
林宥嘉 - 伯樂
林宥嘉 - 神秘嘉賓
All these s0ngs is very nice !!! Must listen ahs ! (:
BABY, I miss y0u like HELL sia ! Meet up s00n, sweetHEART . SAYANG, ILU !
l0ves & misses
I d0n't trust any0ne anym0re . 0nly my family and m0ney .
Hey peeps, relink my new acc0unt ! =) www.fcukthel0ve.blogspot.com
Sec0nd p0st in my new bl0g . Shall be my last acc0unt . =D After that n0 m0re .
Sighs, i want t0 watch l0tsa m0vie lehs . N0b0dy acc0mpany me . S0 sad . Perhaps i sh0uld get myself a bf . Haas .
S0rry f0r the first p0st the ph0t0s are a bit messy . Try t0 re-arrange it . ;)
Any nice s0ngs t0 rec0mmend ? Any sh0p that can sh0p cheap ? D0n't rec0mmend me t0 g0 Bugis Street, i d0n't like t0 sh0p there . ((: I'm unique . L0LS . I d0n't sh0p 0nline t00 . I d0n't trust pe0ple 0nline . But i d0n't mind pe0ple p0st their link s0 that i can see what they sell, wh0 kn0w i may be interested in their pr0ducts 0ne day ? But, i d0n't welc0me any SPAMMERS ! I L0VE P.E.A.C.E. !
D0 i l00k m0re feminine after putting my extensi0ns ? I think s0 lehz .
I will try t0 upl0ad as many as p0ssible . N0 pr0mises, if i am n0t free i will n0t update and 0nline . N0 ph0t0 upl0ading t0day .
林宥嘉 劉力揚 傳說
林宥嘉 - 伯樂
林宥嘉 - 神秘嘉賓
All these s0ngs is very nice !!! Must listen ahs ! (:
BABY, I miss y0u like HELL sia ! Meet up s00n, sweetHEART . SAYANG, ILU !
l0ves & misses
The diaryNEW BL0G . =)
Thursday, September 4, 2008 ( 9/04/2008 01:57:00 PM )
First p0st in my bl0g . =) 0ld bl0g n0t using anym0re . Will aband0n it at the m0ment . Peeps, relink me, 0k ?
Brand new skin, brand new bl0g and new s0ng . Everything is new ! (:
Credits t0 my SISTER ! =D
I d0n't want t0 be fam0us . D0n't make me fam0us if y0u want t0 spam my bl0g . I hate pe0ple t0 spam my bl0g . Wh0 LIKE sia ?
Latest update ab0ut myself .
Feeling a bit em0 recently .
D0n't trust any0ne anym0re . 0nce trust is g0ne, it's g0ne f0rever .
Have my naval pierce again . D0ne hair extensi0ns . L0ng straight and curls 0ne . L0LS . L0ve it man . Upl0ad f0r y0u t0 see . ((=
Brand new skin, brand new bl0g and new s0ng . Everything is new ! (:
Credits t0 my SISTER ! =D
I d0n't want t0 be fam0us . D0n't make me fam0us if y0u want t0 spam my bl0g . I hate pe0ple t0 spam my bl0g . Wh0 LIKE sia ?
Latest update ab0ut myself .
Feeling a bit em0 recently .
D0n't trust any0ne anym0re . 0nce trust is g0ne, it's g0ne f0rever .
Have my naval pierce again . D0ne hair extensi0ns . L0ng straight and curls 0ne . L0LS . L0ve it man . Upl0ad f0r y0u t0 see . ((=
BAD B0YS with TATT00S & CUTE SMILE and DIMPLES catches my ATTENTI0N . I 0nly l0ve MR SUPERMAN ! ((:
l0ves & misses