Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
Saw him yesterday . Damn sians . He give me that damn sians l00k . SIGHS )): L00ks like its time t0 give up ? Wh0 cares ?
Perhaps i am g0nna g0 back t0 sch00l . A 0ld adult student ? L0LS . And i will w0rk part time if i have extra spare time .
I need very sians and em0 recently, needs advises .
My s0ul seems g0ne . Been suffering fr0m ins0mnia . Can't seem t0 sleep at night . Damn it !
I need t0 f0rce myself t0 sleep at night . If n0t listen t0 s0me music .
N0thing t0 p0st lia0s . )=
PS. By the way, peeps, pls take n0te that i will very seld0m 0nline lia0s due t0 laziness and i have a busy schedule . =) C0ntact me by my m0bile, 0kays ? MISS every0ne ! <3>
l0ves & misses
0ff t0day .
Went 0ut with Gl0ria & Angela .
Met up with Gl0ria first . As Angela was taking her 0's level . But i was late . It was a last mintue decisi0n t0 meet up . S0, a bit rush lahz . Lucily when we get inside the cinema, the sh0w has just started 0nly . Watched St0rm Rider: Clash 0f evils with her . A nice sh0w . L0VED it !
Rated: 8/1o .
Was planning t0 g0 clubbing with Angela, but she end up saying that she have t0 ask her Mum . Her mum d0n't all0w her t0 g0 0ut till late night and saying that she have an presentati0n early in the m0rning . SIGHS ); An0ther dissapp0inted day . Always end up unable t0 g0 club at the very last mintue. Very sick 0f it already .
Went jalan jalan ar0un t0wn and we walked t0 esplanade . Yes, we walk . Any pr0blems ? Hahaz .
Sick 0f w0rking . I want t0 club and enj0y my life lehs !
S0me ph0t0s t0 upl0ad . Pr0cessing ... =)
Wanted t0 get a geek spec asap !
Spend s0me time em0-ing and day dream 0n my 0wn . A th0usand, milli0n th0ughts in my mind n0w . Thinking al0ne and ab0ut a l0t 0f things . A bit l0st f0r w0rds . Feel very speechless . A penny f0r my th0ughts ? Answer is a l0t 0f th0ught .
Aunt went 0verseas f0r eleven days, g0nna miss her . She went Australia t0 visit my c0usins and f0r h0liday . My c0usins, they migrate last year . The air ticket is n0t cheap . =x Very freaking expensive . A bl00dy fcuking 1,ooo bucks plus . C00L ! Called and wish her b0n v0vage in Mandarin is 一路顺风 。She s0unded very happy .
I WANT t0 kn0w all y0ur dirty lil' secret . Shhhhh . Its a secret, keep it t0 y0urself ! =p I need a fcuking time machine . Grant my wish, will y0u ?
Ps. H0pe t0 see him w0rking in GAP again ! Hahas .
l0ves & misses
I want t0 g0 clubbing, watch m0vies and etc . =) But haven get pay, s0 maybe n0t at the m0ment .
M0st imp0rtantly, i want t0 st0p being em0 and be happy all the way .
That is the life i want t0 lead and have . N0 m0re tears, bye bye unhappiness .
Fr0m t0day 0nwards, i must stay happy ! =D Live with a smile .
l0ves & misses
If there's a time machine will things still be the same ? What will things turn 0ut t0 be if it d0esn't change ?
Have t0 be str0ng when seeing difficult situati0n . Have t0 0verc0me the 0bstacle . Theref0re, i have t0 stay str0ng at this m0ment 0f time .
Imgine if y0u have 0nly 15 minutes m0re t0 survive what will be the last few things y0u wanted t0 d0 bef0re y0u leave the w0rld ?
Think carefully bef0re having a answer f0r it .
Back t0 the t0pic peace, 0nly a cetain part 0f the w0rld have peace, 0ther than that it is always war and etc ..... I d0n't kn0w what really is happening in s0me c0untry, what i kn0w is 0nly war . I hate war and i am very anti them . Imgine what if 1o years d0wn the r0ad, Singap0re have war, h0w w0uld the pe0ple live ? A l0t 0f pe0ple will suffer and a l0t 0f pe0ple will die . Bl00d everywhere . Scary, isn't it ? WIll be having nightmare . Perhaps maybe migrate t0 0ther m0re peaceful c0untry ? But its VERY expensive . What i like ab0ut Singap0re is 0nly peace . 0ther than that n0 c0mments . =)
0h my g0d, i feel extremely l0nely and sad at night . Make me unable t0 sleep and unable t0 sleep well . I am feeling t0tally sick 0f it . CURE me pls, D0CT0R ! This is driving me insane s00n !
I need sleeping pills !
I am nice, if y0u're . =D Tender me with cares and l0ves, 0kays ? I will L0VE y0u t00 .
l0ves & misses
My addicti0ns . <3
I hate t0 d0 fitting r00m n0wadays . Last time i l0ve it . But n0w i l0ve standing at the sales fl00r t0 st0ne and em0 . L0LS . I l0ve being a runner t00 . Runner is the 0ne wh0 put the cl0thes back after the cust0mers have tried fr0m the fitting r00m . It is the c00lest am0ng all the 0ther j0b sc00p . Hees .
What the FISH !!!
L0LS .
Saw him t0day after w0rk, but guess he didn't 0r pretend never see me .
I kn0w his name, sch00l and ... Hehes . S0 happy huhz ?
Start saving m0re m0ney n0w ! I want t0 buy a l0t 0f things lehs !
Happy is imp0rtant t0 every0ne . If y0u are n0t happy, y0u w0n't be feeling any better . TRYING t0 change my mindset n0w .
S0 sick 0f my life . What d0 i want in my life ? S0 many questi9n marks .
A bit tired .
l0ves & misses
Life is full 0f ups and d0wns . But i must 0verc0me everything myself .
THANKS t0 Vayen and Alex f0r their supp0rt, a bit t0uched lahs ! =D Appreciate it l0tsa man ! THANKS guys !
Talking t0 them and texting them these few days .
Live f0r MYSELF, n0t live f0r 0THERS, i HACK, HACK care h0w y0u l00k at me . =d
Learnt fr0m s0meb0dy . Hahas .
Be myself is m0re imp0rtant . Hees .
M0st 0f my p0st is sh0rt . I prefer t0 p0st sh0rt 0nes . L0ng 0nes makes me feel extremely sleepy and l00ks like a c0mp0siti0n l0rs . Wh0 is free t0 see th wh0le p0st ? Very lame right ?
Can't be b0ther t0 even p0st s0 l0ng . As l0ng as i g0t s0mething t0 exp0se 0ut can lia0s . Hahaz .
Trying very hard t0 be friendly and less anti-s0cial . =))
MISS me when i'm g0ne .
l0ves & misses
Sh0uld i feel happy 0r sad f0r staying at h0me f0r tw0 days ?
Sh0uld be sad l0rs, cause 6 m0nths incentive g0ne just like that . This m0nth and the rest 0f the m0nth my pay g0nna be very little . )): SIGHS .
Sh0uld i blame myself f0r being t00 harsh at times ?
Sh0uld i stay put 0r leave ?
If i g0nna leave, i am n0t g0nna c0me bck here again, and y0u w0n't get t0 see me ever again .
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
Can guys be trusted ? I d0ubt s0 . I d0n't trust as much as i d0 last time . L0st c0nfident in them and myself .
PS. Special thanks t0 wh0se wh0 sh0w me care and c0ncern whenever i feel sad . =) THANKS BIG TIME ! =D
l0ves & misses
Wanna bec0me m0re and m0re slimmer !
I want t0 diet, diet and diet ! =)
T0day and t0m0rr0w i will n0t be w0rking due t0 s0me pr0blems . Shall n0t menti0n .
I wanna dye my hair lahs !
Black is the new trend but i l0ve br0wn hair m0re ! I l00k s0000 in-n0-cent in black hair .
Tatt00 Obsession . What tatt00 shall i put this time and where ?
Stress sia . N0t ab0ut this, is ab0ut 0ther thing l0rs .
Sians, talk ab0ut it next time .
A bit tired and stress 0f m0ney issues and 0ther things .
Headache these days .
l0ves & misses
0ff t0day . Decide t0 r0t at h0me . Have n0thing t0 d0 at all .
I d0n't g0 0ut if i am having my 0ff day n0wadays . Very sick 0f g0ing 0ut everytime and spending m0ney and wasting m0ney . Besides, Singap0re is a b0ring place f0r me already, afterall i gr0w up here . I m0stly just hanging ar0und t0wn . Which is m0re b0red cause i w0rk in t0wn . S0 m0st 0f the time i just g0 there and n0t anywhere else .
My hearts pumps faster whenever i think 0f y0u . Missing y0u is my fav0urite h0bby as well . D0 i still l0ve y0u ? I d0n't have an answer . Perhaps, i just can't let g0 and accept the fact .
Th0ught 0f switching t0 part time j0b and get tw0 part time j0b . Th0ught 0f w0rking in a pub . Wanna earn extra cash . =) Any l0bang d0 let me kn0w, kays ?
Wanna l00k m0re r0ck . G0nna get m0re b0mber jacket 0r black jacket . Must start saving f0r my future .
Enj0ying my single life . Spending every single day t0 the fullest like that is n0 t0m0rr0w . Life sh0uld be like this, isn't it ?
Life is like a jigsaw puzzle . Life still g0es 0n .
Can y0u imagine what Singap0re will be like if that is war, n0 peace, n0thing ?
It will be t0tally disaster . If that is war, i will definitely m0ve 0ut 0f Singap0re t0 s0mewhere peaceful . I 0ften w0nder t0 myself if i g0nna be missing 0ne day, wh0 is g0nna miss me and sh0w c0ncern f0r me ? N0b0dy willl be there, perhaps . I feel s0 l0nely like as th0ught i am living al0ne in this w0rld . Being s0 em0 and l0nely all by myself .
B0ring is all i can describe n0w . All i want n0w is happiness and being happy all the time . Live life t0 the fullest .
I swear that this time i will be m0re seri0us and i mean what i say . *IL0VEY0U*
Miss y0u like hell sia .Take it 0r leave it . Y0u decide .
l0ves & misses
Feeling very c0nfused and vexed . Shall n0t menti0n anything . N0t in the m00d t00 .
What 0n earth is happening ? SIGHS )):
F0rget the past, get 0ver it and d0n't turn back and see ever again .
What's 0ver is 0ver . What past, is past . D0n't let hist0ry t0 repeat again . =)
Its just that i can't accept the facts . Learning t0 let g0 and be happy . =D Must give me y0ur supp0rt , kays ? Feeling very BLUE l0rs . SIANS .
H0pe t0 see y0u again later . (:
Y0u g0nna miss me when i am n0t ar0und . Trust me . L0LS . =d
l0ves & misses
l0ves & misses
Hell0 ! I'm back t0day but g0nna be 0ffline and temp0rary n0t using c0m f0r a m0ment cause my c0mputer is d0wn, I'm using my sister's lapt0p .
My sister g0nna start sch00l 0n 13 0ct0ber . My mummie g0nna be very l0nely again . ): W0rried f0r my sister cause she c0uld have start sch00l early but due t0 she met a accident .
Luckily, she get well already .
Recently, i find myself very materialistic . Been aiming and wanting t0 buy branded things. Addicted t0 it lia0s . I all the way like branded things but didn't buy just like 0nly . But n0w i must give myself a better life . =)
Aim t0 earn m0re cash !
H0pe t0 see y0u again later .
l0ves & misses
l0ves & misses
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diaryMissing - In - Acti0n f0r s0metime . ((;
Friday, October 31, 2008 ( 10/31/2008 11:41:00 AM )
Saw him yesterday . Damn sians . He give me that damn sians l00k . SIGHS )): L00ks like its time t0 give up ? Wh0 cares ?
Perhaps i am g0nna g0 back t0 sch00l . A 0ld adult student ? L0LS . And i will w0rk part time if i have extra spare time .
I need very sians and em0 recently, needs advises .
My s0ul seems g0ne . Been suffering fr0m ins0mnia . Can't seem t0 sleep at night . Damn it !
I need t0 f0rce myself t0 sleep at night . If n0t listen t0 s0me music .
N0thing t0 p0st lia0s . )=
PS. By the way, peeps, pls take n0te that i will very seld0m 0nline lia0s due t0 laziness and i have a busy schedule . =) C0ntact me by my m0bile, 0kays ? MISS every0ne ! <3>
l0ves & misses
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 ( 10/29/2008 11:59:00 PM )
0ff t0day .
Went 0ut with Gl0ria & Angela .
Met up with Gl0ria first . As Angela was taking her 0's level . But i was late . It was a last mintue decisi0n t0 meet up . S0, a bit rush lahz . Lucily when we get inside the cinema, the sh0w has just started 0nly . Watched St0rm Rider: Clash 0f evils with her . A nice sh0w . L0VED it !
Rated: 8/1o .
Was planning t0 g0 clubbing with Angela, but she end up saying that she have t0 ask her Mum . Her mum d0n't all0w her t0 g0 0ut till late night and saying that she have an presentati0n early in the m0rning . SIGHS ); An0ther dissapp0inted day . Always end up unable t0 g0 club at the very last mintue. Very sick 0f it already .
Went jalan jalan ar0un t0wn and we walked t0 esplanade . Yes, we walk . Any pr0blems ? Hahaz .
Sick 0f w0rking . I want t0 club and enj0y my life lehs !
S0me ph0t0s t0 upl0ad . Pr0cessing ... =)
Wanted t0 get a geek spec asap !
Spend s0me time em0-ing and day dream 0n my 0wn . A th0usand, milli0n th0ughts in my mind n0w . Thinking al0ne and ab0ut a l0t 0f things . A bit l0st f0r w0rds . Feel very speechless . A penny f0r my th0ughts ? Answer is a l0t 0f th0ught .
Aunt went 0verseas f0r eleven days, g0nna miss her . She went Australia t0 visit my c0usins and f0r h0liday . My c0usins, they migrate last year . The air ticket is n0t cheap . =x Very freaking expensive . A bl00dy fcuking 1,ooo bucks plus . C00L ! Called and wish her b0n v0vage in Mandarin is 一路顺风 。She s0unded very happy .
I WANT t0 kn0w all y0ur dirty lil' secret . Shhhhh . Its a secret, keep it t0 y0urself ! =p I need a fcuking time machine . Grant my wish, will y0u ?
Ps. H0pe t0 see him w0rking in GAP again ! Hahas .
l0ves & misses
The diaryN0 m0re EM0, pls !
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ( 10/28/2008 09:20:00 PM )
I want t0 g0 clubbing, watch m0vies and etc . =) But haven get pay, s0 maybe n0t at the m0ment .
M0st imp0rtantly, i want t0 st0p being em0 and be happy all the way .
That is the life i want t0 lead and have . N0 m0re tears, bye bye unhappiness .
Fr0m t0day 0nwards, i must stay happy ! =D Live with a smile .
l0ves & misses
The diaryPEACE .
Sunday, October 26, 2008 ( 10/26/2008 11:54:00 AM )
If there's a time machine will things still be the same ? What will things turn 0ut t0 be if it d0esn't change ?
Have t0 be str0ng when seeing difficult situati0n . Have t0 0verc0me the 0bstacle . Theref0re, i have t0 stay str0ng at this m0ment 0f time .
Imgine if y0u have 0nly 15 minutes m0re t0 survive what will be the last few things y0u wanted t0 d0 bef0re y0u leave the w0rld ?
Think carefully bef0re having a answer f0r it .
Back t0 the t0pic peace, 0nly a cetain part 0f the w0rld have peace, 0ther than that it is always war and etc ..... I d0n't kn0w what really is happening in s0me c0untry, what i kn0w is 0nly war . I hate war and i am very anti them . Imgine what if 1o years d0wn the r0ad, Singap0re have war, h0w w0uld the pe0ple live ? A l0t 0f pe0ple will suffer and a l0t 0f pe0ple will die . Bl00d everywhere . Scary, isn't it ? WIll be having nightmare . Perhaps maybe migrate t0 0ther m0re peaceful c0untry ? But its VERY expensive . What i like ab0ut Singap0re is 0nly peace . 0ther than that n0 c0mments . =)
0h my g0d, i feel extremely l0nely and sad at night . Make me unable t0 sleep and unable t0 sleep well . I am feeling t0tally sick 0f it . CURE me pls, D0CT0R ! This is driving me insane s00n !
I need sleeping pills !
I am nice, if y0u're . =D Tender me with cares and l0ves, 0kays ? I will L0VE y0u t00 .
l0ves & misses
The diaryrand0m p0st . =) heez
Thursday, October 23, 2008 ( 10/23/2008 12:47:00 PM )
My addicti0ns . <3
This is s0 f0rtunate, i mean the parents 0f EIGHT kids, wa, c00l sia . The c0uple is s0 pr0 huhs . Baby maker ? The first tw0 girls kids is twins . The picture says it all . Let the picture save the explainati0n . ((= W0nder h0w they live . Such a big burden .
Love is like shiit. You can't stop when it is coming.Love is like shiit. Once flush, it can never come back. Love is like shiit. Everything appears to be the same, but in fact they are different. Love is like shiit. Sometimes you tried very hard, you just get a fark!
CUTE, isn't it ?
If pe0ple kept asking y0u what is l0ve and h0w l0ve feels like ?
Sh0w this t0 them .
Its kinda 0f funny and interesting, y0u see . =))
S0me very ad0rable babies t0 share with y0u readers ! Help t0 make y0ur day !Cute right ? I l0ve babies, s0metimes but can't stand their cries . H0w i wish i can have a baby n0w, but its very hard cause i still want my freed0m and i'm y0ung ! I still a kid, want t0 play . L0LS =x
I hate t0 d0 fitting r00m n0wadays . Last time i l0ve it . But n0w i l0ve standing at the sales fl00r t0 st0ne and em0 . L0LS . I l0ve being a runner t00 . Runner is the 0ne wh0 put the cl0thes back after the cust0mers have tried fr0m the fitting r00m . It is the c00lest am0ng all the 0ther j0b sc00p . Hees .
Here is s0mething i need t0 v0ice 0ut . I really hate pe0ple trying cl0thes giving me back in a reverse way . Hey, its ann0ying and digusting, 0kays ? Respect us t00, human beings . I guess m0st 0f us w0n't give such a disgusting piece t0 0ur Mum t0 wash it right ? It's a f0rm 0f respect as well . F0r s0me pe0ple they might think it is fine f0r them n0t t0 d0 it but f0r me definitely i must respect 0ther pe0ple as well . F0r me respect is very imp0rtant, cause i believe that if y0u respect 0ther pe0ple, they will respect y0u back t00 . =D
i WANT t0 be a GEEK n0w, my style must change ! I want t0 BUY that geek SPEC ! Hees .
End here les .
0ff f0r dinner .
Y0u g0nna miss me . Hahaz .
l0ves & misses
The diary讓自己快樂快樂這才叫做意義
Monday, October 20, 2008 ( 10/20/2008 08:42:00 PM )
What the FISH !!!
L0LS .
Saw him t0day after w0rk, but guess he didn't 0r pretend never see me .
I kn0w his name, sch00l and ... Hehes . S0 happy huhz ?
Start saving m0re m0ney n0w ! I want t0 buy a l0t 0f things lehs !
Happy is imp0rtant t0 every0ne . If y0u are n0t happy, y0u w0n't be feeling any better . TRYING t0 change my mindset n0w .
S0 sick 0f my life . What d0 i want in my life ? S0 many questi9n marks .
A bit tired .
l0ves & misses
The diaryBe myself .
Sunday, October 19, 2008 ( 10/19/2008 07:55:00 PM )
Life is full 0f ups and d0wns . But i must 0verc0me everything myself .
THANKS t0 Vayen and Alex f0r their supp0rt, a bit t0uched lahs ! =D Appreciate it l0tsa man ! THANKS guys !
Talking t0 them and texting them these few days .
Live f0r MYSELF, n0t live f0r 0THERS, i HACK, HACK care h0w y0u l00k at me . =d
Learnt fr0m s0meb0dy . Hahas .
Be myself is m0re imp0rtant . Hees .
M0st 0f my p0st is sh0rt . I prefer t0 p0st sh0rt 0nes . L0ng 0nes makes me feel extremely sleepy and l00ks like a c0mp0siti0n l0rs . Wh0 is free t0 see th wh0le p0st ? Very lame right ?
Can't be b0ther t0 even p0st s0 l0ng . As l0ng as i g0t s0mething t0 exp0se 0ut can lia0s . Hahaz .
Trying very hard t0 be friendly and less anti-s0cial . =))
MISS me when i'm g0ne .
l0ves & misses
The diary珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
Saturday, October 18, 2008 ( 10/18/2008 02:19:00 PM )
Sh0uld i feel happy 0r sad f0r staying at h0me f0r tw0 days ?
Sh0uld be sad l0rs, cause 6 m0nths incentive g0ne just like that . This m0nth and the rest 0f the m0nth my pay g0nna be very little . )): SIGHS .
Sh0uld i blame myself f0r being t00 harsh at times ?
Sh0uld i stay put 0r leave ?
If i g0nna leave, i am n0t g0nna c0me bck here again, and y0u w0n't get t0 see me ever again .
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
Can guys be trusted ? I d0ubt s0 . I d0n't trust as much as i d0 last time . L0st c0nfident in them and myself .
PS. Special thanks t0 wh0se wh0 sh0w me care and c0ncern whenever i feel sad . =) THANKS BIG TIME ! =D
l0ves & misses
The diaryHeadache .
Friday, October 17, 2008 ( 10/17/2008 05:31:00 PM )
Wanna bec0me m0re and m0re slimmer !
I want t0 diet, diet and diet ! =)
T0day and t0m0rr0w i will n0t be w0rking due t0 s0me pr0blems . Shall n0t menti0n .
I wanna dye my hair lahs !
Black is the new trend but i l0ve br0wn hair m0re ! I l00k s0000 in-n0-cent in black hair .
Tatt00 Obsession . What tatt00 shall i put this time and where ?
Stress sia . N0t ab0ut this, is ab0ut 0ther thing l0rs .
Sians, talk ab0ut it next time .
A bit tired and stress 0f m0ney issues and 0ther things .
Headache these days .
l0ves & misses
The diaryHappy missing y0u . =D
Thursday, October 16, 2008 ( 10/16/2008 02:37:00 PM )
0ff t0day . Decide t0 r0t at h0me . Have n0thing t0 d0 at all .
I d0n't g0 0ut if i am having my 0ff day n0wadays . Very sick 0f g0ing 0ut everytime and spending m0ney and wasting m0ney . Besides, Singap0re is a b0ring place f0r me already, afterall i gr0w up here . I m0stly just hanging ar0und t0wn . Which is m0re b0red cause i w0rk in t0wn . S0 m0st 0f the time i just g0 there and n0t anywhere else .
My hearts pumps faster whenever i think 0f y0u . Missing y0u is my fav0urite h0bby as well . D0 i still l0ve y0u ? I d0n't have an answer . Perhaps, i just can't let g0 and accept the fact .
Th0ught 0f switching t0 part time j0b and get tw0 part time j0b . Th0ught 0f w0rking in a pub . Wanna earn extra cash . =) Any l0bang d0 let me kn0w, kays ?
Wanna l00k m0re r0ck . G0nna get m0re b0mber jacket 0r black jacket . Must start saving f0r my future .
Enj0ying my single life . Spending every single day t0 the fullest like that is n0 t0m0rr0w . Life sh0uld be like this, isn't it ?
Life is like a jigsaw puzzle . Life still g0es 0n .
Can y0u imagine what Singap0re will be like if that is war, n0 peace, n0thing ?
It will be t0tally disaster . If that is war, i will definitely m0ve 0ut 0f Singap0re t0 s0mewhere peaceful . I 0ften w0nder t0 myself if i g0nna be missing 0ne day, wh0 is g0nna miss me and sh0w c0ncern f0r me ? N0b0dy willl be there, perhaps . I feel s0 l0nely like as th0ught i am living al0ne in this w0rld . Being s0 em0 and l0nely all by myself .
B0ring is all i can describe n0w . All i want n0w is happiness and being happy all the time . Live life t0 the fullest .
I swear that this time i will be m0re seri0us and i mean what i say . *IL0VEY0U*
Miss y0u like hell sia .Take it 0r leave it . Y0u decide .
l0ves & misses
The diaryB0ring p0st, i kn0w . Haas
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ( 10/15/2008 11:57:00 AM )
Feeling very c0nfused and vexed . Shall n0t menti0n anything . N0t in the m00d t00 .
What 0n earth is happening ? SIGHS )):
F0rget the past, get 0ver it and d0n't turn back and see ever again .
What's 0ver is 0ver . What past, is past . D0n't let hist0ry t0 repeat again . =)
Its just that i can't accept the facts . Learning t0 let g0 and be happy . =D Must give me y0ur supp0rt , kays ? Feeling very BLUE l0rs . SIANS .
H0pe t0 see y0u again later . (:
Y0u g0nna miss me when i am n0t ar0und . Trust me . L0LS . =d
l0ves & misses
The diaryAGNES B & I P0D NAN0 .
Thursday, October 9, 2008 ( 10/09/2008 10:00:00 PM )
0ff t0day .
Went bugis and t0wn with my Sister .
B0red . G0 0ut early and wetn h0me early . Br0ught a bag . NICE ! If its n0t nice, i w0uldn't have br0ught it, isn't it ? L0LS ! =D Its like a vintage bag, but its n0t . It l00ks like a vintage bag lahs ! I L0VE vintage bag !
Aiy0, n0wadays very lazy t0 bl0g ! I WANT that AGNES B bag & I P0D NAN0 lehs ! SIGHS )):
Sians, feel extremely l0nely, em0 and sad at night at times . Will ended up crying with0ut any suitable reas0n f0r me t0 explain .
My heart is damaged .
F0rgetting the past and life afresh and never turn back again . What past have been past and its 0ver, st0p dewelling 0n it again .
Went bugis and t0wn with my Sister .
B0red . G0 0ut early and wetn h0me early . Br0ught a bag . NICE ! If its n0t nice, i w0uldn't have br0ught it, isn't it ? L0LS ! =D Its like a vintage bag, but its n0t . It l00ks like a vintage bag lahs ! I L0VE vintage bag !
Aiy0, n0wadays very lazy t0 bl0g ! I WANT that AGNES B bag & I P0D NAN0 lehs ! SIGHS )):
Sians, feel extremely l0nely, em0 and sad at night at times . Will ended up crying with0ut any suitable reas0n f0r me t0 explain .
My heart is damaged .
F0rgetting the past and life afresh and never turn back again . What past have been past and its 0ver, st0p dewelling 0n it again .
I want t0 start life newly afresh ! St0p thinking t00 much . I d0n't want anything fr0m y0u . I d0n't wish t0 tlak t0 y0u, i d0n't wish t0 kn0w y0u . I just want t0 see y0u everyday and i d0n't y0u giving me that c0ld l00k . I d0n't like it and i h0nestly hate it ! =) I MISS Y0U . C0ming fr0m deep and b0tt0m fr0m my heart .
Time is running really run . Eyes just blink and times flies . Its time f0r special celebrati0n !
C0untd0wn tw0 m0re m0nths t0 Christmas Eve & Christmas . 24 Dec & 25 Dec
C0untd0wn three m0re m0nths t0 Chinese New Year . 2o plus Jan
C0untd0wn f0ur m0re m0nths t0 Valentine's Day . (N0t f0r me) =D 14 Feb
C0untd0wn seven m0re m0nths t0 my BIRTHDAY ! 2O MAY * SECRET * L0LS !
Freebies ! L0g in n0w !
N0thing m0re t0 update lia0s . Y0u g0nna miss me t0night ! See y0u in dreamland . HAAS .
Freebies ! L0g in n0w !
N0thing m0re t0 update lia0s . Y0u g0nna miss me t0night ! See y0u in dreamland . HAAS .
PS . I guess i have fall f0r y0u, started t0 think ab0ut y0u and last but n0t least, I MISS Y0U !
babyB0Y .
l0ves & misses
The diaryEm0, em0, & em0 .
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 ( 10/08/2008 11:49:00 AM )
The diaryH0pe t0 see y0u again . =D
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 ( 10/07/2008 11:19:00 AM )
Hell0 ! I'm back t0day but g0nna be 0ffline and temp0rary n0t using c0m f0r a m0ment cause my c0mputer is d0wn, I'm using my sister's lapt0p .
My sister g0nna start sch00l 0n 13 0ct0ber . My mummie g0nna be very l0nely again . ): W0rried f0r my sister cause she c0uld have start sch00l early but due t0 she met a accident .
Luckily, she get well already .
Recently, i find myself very materialistic . Been aiming and wanting t0 buy branded things. Addicted t0 it lia0s . I all the way like branded things but didn't buy just like 0nly . But n0w i must give myself a better life . =)
Aim t0 earn m0re cash !
H0pe t0 see y0u again later .
l0ves & misses
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 ( 10/01/2008 11:33:00 AM )
Alth0ught i am very materialism but i d0n't buy branded stuffs .
I'm happy with my life at times 0nly . L0LS . Life is sh0rt, must enj0y t0 the fullest .
As l0ng as y0u are happy n0thing else matters . D0n't care h0w d0 0ther pe0ple l00k at y0u .
Y0ur life is y0urs, n0t 0thers t0 decide f0r y0u .
I'm very tired lehs ! Can i d0n't g0 t0 w0rk ?
H0pe can see y0u later !
I'm happy with my life at times 0nly . L0LS . Life is sh0rt, must enj0y t0 the fullest .
As l0ng as y0u are happy n0thing else matters . D0n't care h0w d0 0ther pe0ple l00k at y0u .
Y0ur life is y0urs, n0t 0thers t0 decide f0r y0u .
I'm very tired lehs ! Can i d0n't g0 t0 w0rk ?
H0pe can see y0u later !
Ps . SHE's CUTE, 0k ? But can't stand her cries . ):
l0ves & misses
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music