Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
T0day is the last day 0f year 2008 .
T0m0rr0w will be the first day 0f year 2009 .
But i d0n't really feel very happy at all .
Did s0me reflecti0ns . And think ab0ut a milli0n, zilli0n things .
They just happen c0me t0 my th0ughts .
What's y0ur new year res0luti0n ? I haven think 0f it yet, but the few bel0w have always been 0n my mind . Wahahas, f0r 123456789 years . L0LS . LAME, i kn0w . ;)
I want m0re m0ney !
i WANT happiness ! Bad luck pls g0 away .
I need t0 be m0re happier . N0 m0re sad faces . );
0kays, this shall be my last p0st f0r 2008 .
0ff t0 w0rk, ta ta ~ ! =)
Stay tuned f0r my first p0st in year 2009 .
Will make s0me changes in my bl0g . ;D
l0ves & misses
F0ur days ever since i last update my bl0g . S00ner 0r later, it will bec0me a aband0n acc0unt .
Make a trip t0 Suntec City later t0 ask ab0ut my camera, it seems weird, it l00ks blur whenever i tried t0 take a picture . Sians, th0ught 0f taking ph0t0s but n0w it turns 0ut t0 be like this . Sad . I went with my Aunt . S0 kind 0f her t0 g0 with me .
Went 0ver t0 Suntec City, but the sh0p is cl0sed . Damn it . Lady's luck is with me recently, feel extremely unlucky .
Then manage t0 find a Harvey N0rman, g0 0ver t0 the Digital Camera secti0n and ask the pr0m0ter there, a nice guy assist me, telling me that face detecti0n is sp0ilt, theref0re i am unable t0 take any ph0t0s . SIGHS )): Then the pers0n suggest me g0ing t0 the HQ which is l0cated at Upper Paya Lebar R0ad als0 New Industrial R0ad, quite far and hard t0 find .
Then we take train d0wn, manage t0 find, the pers0n there t0ld me that it might i dr0p it that why it is functi0ning s0 well . It will pr0bably takes a few days t0 check 0n the pr0blem and if that is any charges they might qu0te the price and let me kn0w .
I met nice, friendly Singap0rean t0day . S0 happy ~ =) Thanks f0r assisting me in the directi0ns and etc . =D
Afterwhich, we went t0 Singap0re P0st Centre t0 eat . We ate Slice Fish S0up . Nice, nice, nice !
Then we take train and g0 h0me !
Damn tired des l0rs . Hahas .
It have been 0ne week ever since i fall d0wn, but my w0unds is still bleeding very n0w and then . I keep feeling itchy and keep scratching it . Can't stand it lahs .
l0ves & misses
PS, late greetings . I was really busy recently .
Pissed 0ff with s0me bitches* & bastards* .
N0t really in the m00d f0r festival seas0ns . Everywhere y0u g0 is packed .
I want, i want, i want a NEW PH0NE lahs !
I want t0 sell my cl0thes away !
Few days m0re t0 year 2009 ;D
BYE 2008, LET'S WELC0ME YEAR 2009 .
Shall end here, till we meet again .
H0pe every0ne's healthy & happy . ((: TAKE CARE !
l0ves & misses
Was s0 pissed, was supp0se t0 0ff 0n Friday, and i have pr0mise my Mummie and Sister t0 celebrate f0r them in advance . Cause Sunday was their birthday, i can't even have a m0rning shift 0r 0ff 0n their birthday . They pr0mise me t0 let me 0ff 0n Friday, as my 0ff day is 0riginally 0n every Thursday . But this Wednesday and Thursday happen t0 be a PH, damn it, can't even 0ff 0n PH .
FCUK, fcuk, fcuk . Feeling s0 pissed .
SIGHS ): S0rry Mummie and Sister cause i have already pr0mised y0u guys lia0s . And they changed my 0ff day t0 t0day, claiming t0 say that they have n0t en0ugh cashiers . Always change my shift last minute, damn hate them lahz !
Think i can 0nly celebrate f0r them 0n Christmas Eve, cause i am w0rking m0rning shift .
I d0ubt i will be g0ing f0r celebrati0n and c0unting d0wn, suddenly l0se interest in it, all thanks t0 my management f0r changing my shifts all the time . And it was a very last minute decisi0n .
They always just think ab0ut themselves . Change 0ther pe0ple's shift with0ut n0ticing them . S0 unfair . They everytime say i like t0 c0mplaint a l0t, but wh0 d0n't, especially y0u didn't inf0rm anything and make y0ur 0wn decisi0n . I w0nder there are s0 many staff there why must they keep changing my shift ? S0 n0t fair t0 me .
Fcuk the pimples 0n my face, i have tw0 . Fugly . Th0ught 0f p0king them . L0LS . But it will leave a scar . Disgusting . Eye bags and dark circles, pls g0 away . ;)
An eye f0r an eye . What g0es ar0und c0mes ar0und . We shall see . =)
English s0ngs r0ck and make my day . Seld0m listen t0 Chinese s0ngs lia0z .
Super happy ab0ut s0mething, staff disc0unt will be increase t0 4o %, yeahs ha0 kai xin . But is 0nly f0r staffs, that why t0day must give passp0rt ph0t0 and the Christams present exchange gift . Last mintue decisi0n, have t0 g0 t0wn later . Always last minute . Damn hate sia . S0 tired and lazy t0 g0 .
When am i g0ing t0 quit sm0king ? Haas .
Shall end till the next time we met . L0LS .
l0ves & misses
Am i really happy with my life ? 0r am i just plain thinking ? Ab0ut ?!
♥♥♥ ღ
HEY ~ !
Have 0ne nice s0ng t0 rec0mmend y0u pe0ple !
Save y0u sang by SIMPLE PLAN ! =)
Every0ne featured in that vide0 is a cancer surviv0r 0r is related t0 s0me0ne wh0 had cancer .
What 0riginally inspired this s0ng was Pierre's br0ther's battle with cancer. Ab0ut 3 years ag0 , Jay was diagn0sed with n0n-H0dgkin's lymphatic cancer. After 2 years 0f extremely difficult chem0therapy treatments, he learned that the cancer was g0ne f0r n0w and that he was in remission. After being t0ld he had a 50-50 chance to c0me 0ut 0f this alive, he had w0n his battle.
This s0ng was specially wr0te f0r pe0ple with cancers ! C00l ~ I l0ve this s0ng a l0t a l0t . Like the lyrics . ;D They must be very brave f0r battling with cancer, its hard but that is always h0pe when y0u try . Be p0stive, 0kays ? SMILE ! ((:
If y0u fall, stumble d0wn
I'll pick y0u up 0ff the gr0und
If y0u l0se faith in y0u
I'll give y0u strength t0 pull thr0ugh
Tell me y0u w0n't give up
Cause I'll be waiting if y0u fall y0u kn0w
I'll be there f0r y0u
I won't give up till it's overIf it takes you forever I want you to know
Pe0ple with cancer needs 0ur supp0rt, their life is t0ugh en0ugh already . Let's supp0rt them ! G0d will pray y0u ! =D ♥♥♥ ღ
Damn tired, d0ing st0cktake fr0m last night till this m0rning 8 am plus . DEAD beat . The day bef0re i didn't w0rk, i slept at 5 am in the m0rning, i must be insane . I am s00000 tired, eyes is a bit sw0llen, and thanks t0 my hands f0r rubbing them . C0ntact lens is extremely dry, special thanks t0 0ne 0f the Supervis0r Sarina f0r bringing eye dr0p and she lent it t0 me first . Luckily she bring if n0t the wh0le day i will be "crying" as my eyes is watering . The machine f0r keying the items in st0cktake is damn c00l lahs, like typing text message sia . Didn't have a chance t0 take a ph0t0 0f it . What a BIG pity sia . NEXT st0cktake will be next year December, guess i w0n't be there anym0re . The machine is t0 scan the barc0de 0f the item and we als0 type in the SKU in the machine . Really like a m0bile ph0ne but is multi functi0n and super BIG lehs ! CUTE lahs ~ !
Reach h0me at ar0und 9.15 am, sh0wer, rem0ve makeup and etc . And i am 0ff t0 bed . Sleep till ar0und 4 pm . I am still tired .
G00d news t0 share with y0u guys =d, my ph0ne d0n't kn0w what happen n0w its fine lia0s, but is a bit laggy . S0 happy, can at least save my 217 bucks instead 0f repairing it . But still very w0rry pr0blem may 0ccurs again . *T0UCH W00D* Better d0n't again . The LG m0bile ph0ne cust0mer care centre staff in Alexandra R0ad is s0 unffriendly and rude . Hate them . Whereas the staff in Viv0 City is much m0re better, 0nly s0me g0t stuck up face . See lia0s als0 du lan . But my ph0ne turns laggy n0w, my Daddie suspect is that they might have changed the parts inside with a faulty 0ne . But even that is the case, i w0n't kn0w, but this is n0t the right way t0 make sales . And that SUCKS !
I am gr0wing fatter each day, all thanks t0 all the fast f00d i ate . =) I seri0usly need a diet . I want t0 club, i want t0 dance, i want the music there .
L0nely in the blues . S0 em0 lately .
Need m0ney urgently, t0tally br0ke this m0nth, any suggesti0ns t0 earn extra cash ? Any temp j0b w0rk f0r a few days ? I need it !
Crazy 0ver music, games and great f00d . I l0ve t0 eat, if y0u have any places which sells nice f00d, let me kn0w . G00d l0bang must share ! ;d Especially night 0ut with friends, chilling, clubbing and supper always g0t n0 clue where and what t0 eat . N0 fast f00d, pls . (:
I w0n't give up till it's 0ver . I'll be there f0r y0u .
0ff t0 dinner, shall update later . (: Miss me !
With ღ ANGIE .
Why is it that friendster recently pe0ple keep sending me message and wh0se website t0 0pen ? All craps des . And pe0ple fr0m weird c0untry keep adding me, it is s0 ann0ying .
The th0ughts 0f me gr0wing 0lder every year makes me scare, i have N0 plans f0r my future, i d0 n0t kn0w what i want t0 be 0r d0 in my life, just live and w0rk blindly . Life feels s0 meaningless f0r me . T0tally n0 life . W0rk, w0rk w0rk everyday . N0 time t0 club, enj0y, and play . )); SIGHS ); Feel like a failure . Still c0nsidering whether t0 quit my j0b after Chinese New Year but its very hard t0 find a j0b 0utside, s0 perhaps i just stay put first and see h0w it g0es .
0h ya, f0rg0tt0n t0 tell y0u guys that n0 matter what y0u want t0 tell me 0r ask me f0r my reply, i will n0t reply in my tagb0ard, my tagb0ard is f0r pe0ple t0 tag and n0t spam, s0 theref0re i w0n't reply anything . =) I will reply in y0ur tagb0ard .
PS. St0p seeking my attenti0n, attenti0n seeker, i will n0t give y0u the attenti0n y0u deserve .
Sweet c0uples makes me s000 jeal0us . But i still enj0y SINGLE ~ ! =) Perhaps this is a better decisi0n .
I bel0ng t0 y0u ? Dream 0n, i think . Its just my wishful thinking all al0ng . Fr0m the start, i sh0uldn't have met and c0ntact y0u . I feel like a l0ser in l0ve . Failure in everything . Y0u didn't l0ve me all al0ng, i knew it, cause i can sense it . Intitially i th0ught i c0uld change y0ur mindset and thinking but i was t0tally wr0ng . If y0u really l0ve me, y0u w0uld care and c0ncern ab0ut me and meet me . But y0u did n0thing fr0m theab0ve menti0n . S0 disapp0inted in y0u . PERHAPS, its really time t0 give up F0REVER and let g0 and f0rget .
Regret f0r n0t ink-ing my wh0le b0dy that time, 0nly ink my back and its s0 small . I ink my skin, is n0t t0 sh0w 0ff 0r saying i am a ah lian, pe0ple must be scare 0f me, i just L0VE b0dy arts, tatt00 is my L0VE . And its s0 c00l . Can't understand why n0wadays y0ungsters like t0 ink and pierce until like crazy, wanna make pe0ple scare 0f them, f0r instant, XIA0 AH LIAN & XIA0 AH BENG, little gangster . Trying t0 sh0w 0ff 0r what ? Pls lahs, its ugly, y0u are just damaging y0ur 0wn image and its n0t c00l at all ~ ! Y0u l00k yucky this way, understand ? Think twice bef0re y0u d0 anything, if n0t y0u will regret f0r life .
F0r tatt00s, i d0n't rec0mmend y0ungsters t0 d0 it s0 y0ung, when y0u get y0ur skin inked, pe0ple will l00k at y0u like 0ne kind, thinking y0u are bad girl/b0y . D0 it when y0u gets 0lder and wiser and ch00se "better designs", d0n't be a silly by ink-ing y0ur BF/GF name 0r y0u l0ve that pers0n . Y0u l00k like a cl0wd .
CUTE guys with TATT00S, dimples and nice smiles turn me 0n . Guys wh0 is a pervert h0wever turns me 0ff . GET L0ST, L0SER . Y0u d0esn't bel0ng t0 this w0rld .
Things always happen in a unexpected situati0n . Just like g00d things, its always happen in a flash 0f light . Bad things w0n't st0p . Is life really fair ? ); Negative thinkings again . Can't help but think t00 much .
Hahas, i have turn m0re naggy recently due t0 my w0rdy and l0ng p0sts . Haaz :)
After s0 much happenings, i have gr0w and l00k at things lightly . Feel i am n0 l0nger me .
I am a m0nster . Wahahas, i g0nna eat y0u up ! Hehes .
l0ves & misses
I am n0t g0ing t0 pin 0n any h0pes again . Everytime i pin all my h0pe 0n s0mething, end up the h0pes are dashed . Tired 0f seeing repeated happenings . Either d0 i g0ing t0 think t00 much again .
S0rry f0r what i've d0ne t0 y0u . Can y0u f0rgive me ?
F0r y0u its 0ver . But f0r me its n0t 0ver .
I still l0ve y0u . But y0u ?
All 0ur mem0ries, happiness and l0neliness . Tears, smiles . Cry, laughter . Please c0me back .
I miss y0u a l0t . As i've said, its n0t 0ver . F0r me "PAST IS PAST" . If y0u're disapp0inted, s0rry .
I've cried f0r y0u . I've laughed f0r y0u . I've changed just f0r y0u . N0w i'm al0ne just because 0f y0u . N0w i'm al0ne with0ut y0u .
IF i die t0day . What will y0u d0 ? C0me 0ver ? 0r just pretend n0t affected ?
I l0ve y0u after y0u l0ve me .
I wish i am a grass s0 i can cut myself . Y0u're imp0rtant t0 me .
I d0n't kn0w if i'll be 0kay .
Y0u traded everything just f0r me . I never realized that .
I l0ve y0u . I hate y0u .
My 0nly wish f0r n0w is t0 be with y0u . This summer have been my w0rst nightmare with this life 0f mine . Everything have changed . Y0u rem0ved my w0rries .
N0w i've thr0wed my dreams since i've d0ne this . I'm l0nely f0r a year .
My sunshine bec0mes my night . My happiness bec0mes a crap . Plenty lies .
Y0u're n0t here . I'm al0ne waiting f0r yu0 t0 c0me back .
I kn0w y0u can tell i l0ve y0u . I kn0w y0u can feel it t00 . But please d0n't leave me here because y0u kn0w i l0ve y0u .
I d0n't think i have the strength t0 let y0u g0 . Everything i said and did, wasn't just deceiving .
The grass is always greener 0n the 0ther side 0f the earth .
I am n0t thinking t00 much . Just suddenly feel like typing what is 0n my mind and i happen t0 see this phases 0nline s0 decide t0 p0st 0ut in my bl0g as well . Its alm0st the same as my thinking . I kn0w 0ver is 0ver and i am n0t g0ing t0 dwell 0n it again .
Damn it . Recently feel very tired easily . When i am at w0rk, when i travel t0 w0rk, when i g0 h0me . I feel sleepy at all times . Keep yawning n0n st0p .
Fcuk, fcuk & BIG BIG fcuk sia . Kn0w why i am s0 pissed 0ff ?
Is beacuse my ph0ne can be fixed but at 217 bucks, will y0u fix it if y0u were me ?
What the FISH l0rs, s0 expensive, all my c0lleague sugguest i get a new ph0ne, just n0t w0rth fixing it . But a NEW ph0ne is n0t cheap either . I L0VE that ph0nea l0t al0t . Use it f0r less than 6 m0nths sia and i upgraded my plan that time and its ar0und 200 plus bucks lehs . Fcuk right ? L0LS . Still c0nsidering whether t0 fix it . DAMN, DAMN, DAMN lahs . My mind just keep thinking ab0ut my ph0ne and n0thing else interest me . Including him .
0ff t0day and t0m0rr0w, cause will be d0ing st0cktake at Viv0 City . Think will be d0ing it due m0rning . It will be very tiring and a l0t 0f w0rk . Wish me luck, and d0n't fall alseep there . I feel super sleepy n0w . Been MSN-ING and playing 0nline games . B0RED lahz .
Been having fastf00d cravings . Eating fastf00d alm0st everyday . =p Gr0wing fatter and my dark circles get deeper and deeper . Sleeping really late . Can't sleep . Ins0mnia . Ice-cream and ch0c0late cravings is next . =) Leading life unhealthy . Its my life . But sm0ke lesser n0w . Its g00d news . =D Mummie will be glad t0 hear this .
i NEED m0ney urgently . Deadly br0ke .
W0rk is stressful, cr0wds is there . A l0t 0f pe0ple, sales is d0ing g00d, h0pe can hit target this m0nth and get c0nmissi0n . L0tsa 0f teenagers sh0p and try 0n the cl0thes but didn't buy . FCUK sia . N0 m0ney stay at h0me, better . D0n't waste pe0ple's time and n0 m0ney d0n't g0 steal . STUPID sia, y0ur future g0ne already .
STRESS is just ar0und the c0rner .
Feel guilty f0r my retail therapy . And this SUCKS . Cause i supp0se celebrate my Daddie, Mummie & Sister's birthday this m0nth f0r them, by bringing them 0ut t0 eat 0r whatever but due t0 i spend my m0ney unnecessary, i d0n't think i can d0 it . SIGHS ): Have t0 start saving f0r the next upc0ming pay .
Few m0re days t0 CHRISTMAS, what is y0ur christmas wish ?
Any present in mind ?
C0unting d0wn t0 2oo9 !
Next is Chinese New Year, Valentine Day & My birthday ! (:
Anyway, year 2008 isn't a g00d year f0r me . H0pe in year 2oo9, i will have a peaceful life and everything g00d and n0t tr0ubles again . I want a brand new life !
PS. MERRY CHRISTMAS in advanceee ! In case i MIA 0r never 0nline f0r the next few days . ((;
l0ves & misses
I am sleepy, wanna sleep m0re ! I want m0re s0ngs in my I P0D T0UCH !
I want CHRISTMAS present ! I want t0 g0 f0r c0untd0wn .
I want m0re M0NEY t0 spend ! I want my fcuking ph0ne back fr0m repair !
0kays, this p0st is super super rand0m, have n0thing t0 p0st here . N0 ph0t0s YET . =) AP0L0GISE .
PS. Sh0uld i c0ntinue t0 w0rk 0r g0 back t0 study ? N0 answers . );
l0ves & misses
Super lame l0rs, was supp0se t0 0ff t0day but still have t0 wake up early in the m0rning . S00000 tired . W0ke up early in the m0rning . Guess what time did i wake up t0day ?
Its 9.30 am, s0 early l0rs, all thanks t0 the girl wh0 steal . Spinning headache again .
Feel s0 sleepy .
Went t0 Tanglin p0lice divsi0n l0cated behind KKH . Damn far, cans ? Then walk t0 Bugis . Yes, i WALK t0 BUGIS & 0RCHARD . Any pr0blem ? I rather save the transp0rtati0n m0ney and spend the m0ney in elsewhere . S0 the weather was s0 h0t, but luckily i w0re my shades . =)
Just dye my hair, Mummie is the 0ne wh0 dye f0r me . But the c0l0ur can't really be seen . ):
Get my nails painted as well . It is in Mar00n . L0ve it lahz ! =D NICE ~ !
Dealing with my I P0D T0UCH n0w . It is s000 tr0ubles0me . Sians, everything y0u d0wnl0ad must be transfer fr0m iTunes . S0 waste 0f time . S0 much 0f w0rk t0 be d0ne . I P0D T0UCH is giving me s0 much pr0blems, perhaps i am still n0t used t0 it .
By the way, s0me news f0rg0tt0n t0 state here . I currently using S0ny Ericss0n ph0ne, i hate that useless ph0ne lahs, i miss my LG viewty ph0ne lahz ! Accidently dr0p it int0 the water few days back, was unable t0 use it, have t0 send it f0r repair . H0pe it is n0t t00 expensive . (LG have t0 charge me as water damage c0rr0si0n is n0t under warranty) . SAD right ? I just bec0me br0ke cause i br0ught my I P0D t0uch and this happen . Have t0 spend an0ther am0unt 0f m0ney . Praying hard that it is n0t expensive . I'm scare lahz ! Luckily i g0t extra ph0ne . =D But that ph0ne is useless lahs .
Lazy t0 g0 back t0 w0rk t0m0rr0w, d0ing the same 0ld thing everyday, s0 sick .
I want t0 have l0ng, l0ng hair s00n ! Miss them ! G0nna save m0re m0ney this m0nth if p0ssible, tell y0u s0mething, my c0ntact lens i have been wearing them f0r ar0und 0ne 0r tw0 m0nths, i guess . N0 m0ney t0 change due t0 i am p00r . L0LS ! Need a new pair and i wanna get the c0l0ur 0nes t00 ! =D Really missed wearing c0l0ured lens .
Feel s0 pr0ud 0f myself f0r n0t being lazy these days, cause i seld0m type a very l0ng p0st . Y0u pe0ple must be suprised, isn't it ? I h0pe my English is better n0w, still trying and learning them t0 brush up . Give me supp0rt lahz !
Think i am n0t celebrating 0r c0unting d0wn 0n CHRISTAS & last day 0f 2008 . :) N0b0dy is free t00, i am l0nely again . But i am fine with it . Already get used t0 it .
I wish y0u were here with me t0night . Miss SUPERMAN .
PS. MIND is g0ing wild . Wahahas .
l0ves & misses
Br0ught my i p0d t0uch few days back . Let the pictures d0 the talking . Feel very heartache . Bank acc0unt left a small am0unt 0f m0ney, shall n0t menti0n . L00ks like i g0nna survive with bread and plain water n0w . SIGHS ): Feel happy cause i finally buy it after l0nging f0r s0 l0ng and sad is because i am t0tally br0ke ! N0t sure h0w am i g0ing t0 survive . SIANS . Still quite l0st 0n h0w t0 use it . L0LS, still learning lahs, 0kays .
Really busy t0 0nline these days .
Been having spinning headache and slight fever these days . Feel extremely l0nely, s0metimes feel really l0st, d0n't kn0w wh0 t0 talk t0 . I d0n't really have a l0t 0f friends . I d0n't trust pe0ple that easily anym0re . I realise i have bec0me m0re and m0re em0 . Very sians .
My life feels s0 messy n0w . I need s0me peace 0f mind .
Why d0 miracles d0n't happen 0n me ? Why d0es g00d things always never c0me, bad things keep happening, life is s0 unfair . SIGHS ); Recently t00 many things happen . Shall save the explainati0n .
N0w is festival seas0ns, s0 a l0t 0f pe0ple especially teenagers is 0ut t0 steal . It SUCKS, cause it is very tr0ubles0me when we have t0 make a statement, imgine still have t0 g0 t0 the p0lice stati0n by 0urself t0 take the statement, s0 waste 0f time . I did my statement when the security called in the p0lice and they t00k my statement, s0 why sh0uld i be b0ther t0 g0 again ? Really such a waste 0f time . If y0u can't aff0rd anything, save the m0ney . If n0t, d0n't buy, f0rget ab0ut stealing, 0kays ? Y0u will have a criminal rec0rd f0r the rest 0f the life . Y0ur label in life . The girl wh0 is being caught is 19 years 0ld, waiting t0 g0 Univerisity . If she wanna be 0n bail, the pers0n must be 21 years 0ld and ab0ve and must submit a 5,ooo$ bail sia . WTFish, s0 expensive sia . But her Mum d0n't beileve that she will steal . Her family l00k RICH ! Her Mum even make a hell l0ud 0f n0ise at the p0lice stati0n . S0 unglam . =x
Feel a bit pissed when hear cust0mer calling me "Xia0 Mei Mei", "Madam/Mdm", 0h please d0 i l00k s00000 y0ung and s00000 0ld in y0ur eyes ?!
HEART feel very pain, its BLEEDING, y0u can't SEE it . Tell me what t0 d0, feel s0 l0st . Need advise . I am seri0us in y0u, but y0u treat me like a piece 0f shit . Tell myself have t0 stay str0nger and n0t t0 be weak, but can't help and d0 n0thing, with th0se tears d0wn my cheeks .
Heart is really bleeding hard, scars get deeper again, all thanks t0 y0u . But n0 matter h0w y0u treat me, i am still willing t0 be with y0u and l0ve y0u . Cause i believe in my 0wn feelings . Perhaps i am really hurt, just feel s0 l0st f0r w0rds . N0w all i can d0 is t0 pray f0r the better and f0rget y0u . I d0ubt i can d0 it . But n0 pr0mises, i will try . If y0u ever g0t a chance t0 see my bl0g, i d0 hate y0u f0r hurting me . But i will always l0ve y0u in my heart . I'm seri0us ! N0t a kidding matter . Feel s0 dumb f0r all0wing y0u t0 hurt me alth0ught i kn0w y0u are n0t seri0us in me . Heart feels s0 empty with0ut y0u . Why am i always the 0ne getting hurt ? Can y0u really see my heart bleeding ? Need time t0 fix and heal my br0ken heart n0w . N0 cures f0r it yet . Unhappiness fall up0n me . Sadness c0ver my life with darkness . I'm s0 l0nely and scare in the dark . Just pray f0r the 0ne t0 rescue me is y0u . I'm n0t as str0ng and as happy as y0u see . I am actually very weak inside . Just need s0me0ne t0 be there f0r me whenever i am unhappy . A pity is that y0u are n0t that s0meb0dy .
Everyday l00king at my cellph0ne praying that y0u w0uld give me a text 0r call saying y0u l0ve me, but l00ks like its all my wishful thinking . Y0u were n0t the 0ne . I just need y0u . Y0u are my missing piece 0f puzzle . I d0n't trust any guys w0rds anym0re, thanks t0 y0u ! =D My mind is g0ne, i'm spinning r0und, been day dreaming . Thinking ab0ut y0u and the things y0u said t0 me . H0ping t0 see y0u 0nline . H0pe y0u get the picture 0ne day .
I'm actually a very em0ti0nal pers0n, i may l00k carefree, and happy but deep inside me i am n0t . I am just trying my best t0 l00k happy, at times when i can't handle the pressure i am handling, i will break d0wn and cry . I am nt0 that str0ng either, get em0ti0nally break d0wn easily . Easily influent by pe0ple, hench, i am a very sensitive pers0n . H0nest and straight-f0rward, that is character . Trying t0 get al0ng with pe0ple . And bec0me happy g0 lucky, wish me luck, i am trying t0 d0 n0w . I need l0tsa 0f c0urage, i need y0urs t00 ! Give me help if p0ssible . That all f0r t0day .
PS . PH0T0S will be upl0aded late . Due t0 busy schedule .
l0ves & misses
My tears run d0wn like raz0rblades .
I wish that I c0uld take it back, but it's 0ver.
My, y0u're breaking my heart.
It really d0 hurts t0 kn0w the truth . It cuts my heart deep inside .
D0es it mean i have l0st in the battle again ? I must be plain stupid f0r all0wing y0u t0 treat me unfairly and treating me like shit . SIGHS, s0metimes i really d0 w0nder what y0u are thinking . I tried every way 0f getting y0u back but i have failed . I have l0st in the battle . I hate y0u f0r giving me all this false h0pe all this while but i still l0ve y0u . I really d0 and i mean it . I believe i can f0rget y0u s00ner 0r later . I just need time .
I w0n't be thinking ab0ut it again . 0ff y0u g0 . G00DBYE . =) D0n't wish t0 get hurt again . I will miss ya !
I HATE t0 cry .
I HATE being al0ne in the dark .
Having a slight fever, small pr0blem . I'm alright . :)
I can't believe that i actually can say "I'M S0RRY" . I seld0m say these w0rds and i find it hard t0 say . I am the type 0f pers0n wh0 is bad at expressing myself and my feelings . S0 end up i am at the losing end . Be it anything, family members, friends, relati0nship 0r pr0blem .
Christmas present wanted ! =D G0t the urge t0 c0untd0wn . But with wh0 ? Seems l0nely this Christmas . Whether am i g0ing t0 c0untd0wn is n0t imp0rtant, the main imp0rtant thing is i g0nna w0rk 0n b0th Eve and Christmas . ):
I'm tired, turning in s00n . *Yawns* TATA ~ NIGHTS & CANDIES DREAMS, PEEPS .
l0ves & misses
Just came back fr0m s0mb0dy's h0use . Feel extremely tired but l00k s0 fresh . Hehes . S0meb0dy said that . =)
That s0meb0dy i d0n't l00k tired . N0t en0ugh sleep recently, suffer fr0m ins0mnia again sia .
Miss and l0ve th0se Christmas s0ngs . S0me were nice, s0me were err, n0 c0mments . =) L0LS .
By the way, Pussycat D0lls New Album is really nice and their dancing were s0 h0t . I want t0 learnt lehs . HAHAS .
I MISS Y0U . Secret admirer . L0LS .
This m0nth have t0 start saving a l0t . If n0t i will have a hard life f0r the rest 0f the m0nth .
By the way, what's wr0ng with a t0ngue piercing ? S0mb0dy's m0ther say why i d0 that . Ask me t0 take 0ut . SIGHS )); But i am stubb0rn s0 i w0n't take it 0ut . Even my Mummie ask me t0 take it 0ut but i als0 hack care . =D
I want t0 dye my hair lahs !
When s0mething g00d happen, s0mething bad happen t0o .
Miracles happen when y0u believe it will happen .
l0ves & misses
N0thing t0 update . SIGHS )): N0thing t0 say at the m0ment . Feeling s0 c0nfused .
S0 sick 0f life .
l0ves & misses
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diaryLast day 0f year 2008
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ( 12/31/2008 12:04:00 PM )
T0day is the last day 0f year 2008 .
T0m0rr0w will be the first day 0f year 2009 .
But i d0n't really feel very happy at all .
Did s0me reflecti0ns . And think ab0ut a milli0n, zilli0n things .
They just happen c0me t0 my th0ughts .
What's y0ur new year res0luti0n ? I haven think 0f it yet, but the few bel0w have always been 0n my mind . Wahahas, f0r 123456789 years . L0LS . LAME, i kn0w . ;)
I want m0re m0ney !
i WANT happiness ! Bad luck pls g0 away .
I need t0 be m0re happier . N0 m0re sad faces . );
0kays, this shall be my last p0st f0r 2008 .
0ff t0 w0rk, ta ta ~ ! =)
Stay tuned f0r my first p0st in year 2009 .
Will make s0me changes in my bl0g . ;D
l0ves & misses
Labels: new year res0luti0n and bye ~ ., Reflecti0ns
The diaryCAMERA SP0LIT .
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 ( 12/30/2008 01:06:00 PM )
F0ur days ever since i last update my bl0g . S00ner 0r later, it will bec0me a aband0n acc0unt .
Make a trip t0 Suntec City later t0 ask ab0ut my camera, it seems weird, it l00ks blur whenever i tried t0 take a picture . Sians, th0ught 0f taking ph0t0s but n0w it turns 0ut t0 be like this . Sad . I went with my Aunt . S0 kind 0f her t0 g0 with me .
Went 0ver t0 Suntec City, but the sh0p is cl0sed . Damn it . Lady's luck is with me recently, feel extremely unlucky .
Then manage t0 find a Harvey N0rman, g0 0ver t0 the Digital Camera secti0n and ask the pr0m0ter there, a nice guy assist me, telling me that face detecti0n is sp0ilt, theref0re i am unable t0 take any ph0t0s . SIGHS )): Then the pers0n suggest me g0ing t0 the HQ which is l0cated at Upper Paya Lebar R0ad als0 New Industrial R0ad, quite far and hard t0 find .
Then we take train d0wn, manage t0 find, the pers0n there t0ld me that it might i dr0p it that why it is functi0ning s0 well . It will pr0bably takes a few days t0 check 0n the pr0blem and if that is any charges they might qu0te the price and let me kn0w .
I met nice, friendly Singap0rean t0day . S0 happy ~ =) Thanks f0r assisting me in the directi0ns and etc . =D
Afterwhich, we went t0 Singap0re P0st Centre t0 eat . We ate Slice Fish S0up . Nice, nice, nice !
Then we take train and g0 h0me !
Damn tired des l0rs . Hahas .
It have been 0ne week ever since i fall d0wn, but my w0unds is still bleeding very n0w and then . I keep feeling itchy and keep scratching it . Can't stand it lahs .
l0ves & misses
The diary=)
Saturday, December 27, 2008 ( 12/27/2008 11:58:00 AM )
L0LS .
PS, late greetings . I was really busy recently .
Pissed 0ff with s0me bitches* & bastards* .
N0t really in the m00d f0r festival seas0ns . Everywhere y0u g0 is packed .
I want, i want, i want a NEW PH0NE lahs !
I want t0 sell my cl0thes away !
Few days m0re t0 year 2009 ;D
BYE 2008, LET'S WELC0ME YEAR 2009 .
Shall end here, till we meet again .
H0pe every0ne's healthy & happy . ((: TAKE CARE !
l0ves & misses
Labels: =)
The diaryPissing 0ff
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 ( 12/23/2008 01:09:00 PM )
Was s0 pissed, was supp0se t0 0ff 0n Friday, and i have pr0mise my Mummie and Sister t0 celebrate f0r them in advance . Cause Sunday was their birthday, i can't even have a m0rning shift 0r 0ff 0n their birthday . They pr0mise me t0 let me 0ff 0n Friday, as my 0ff day is 0riginally 0n every Thursday . But this Wednesday and Thursday happen t0 be a PH, damn it, can't even 0ff 0n PH .
FCUK, fcuk, fcuk . Feeling s0 pissed .
SIGHS ): S0rry Mummie and Sister cause i have already pr0mised y0u guys lia0s . And they changed my 0ff day t0 t0day, claiming t0 say that they have n0t en0ugh cashiers . Always change my shift last minute, damn hate them lahz !
Think i can 0nly celebrate f0r them 0n Christmas Eve, cause i am w0rking m0rning shift .
I d0ubt i will be g0ing f0r celebrati0n and c0unting d0wn, suddenly l0se interest in it, all thanks t0 my management f0r changing my shifts all the time . And it was a very last minute decisi0n .
They always just think ab0ut themselves . Change 0ther pe0ple's shift with0ut n0ticing them . S0 unfair . They everytime say i like t0 c0mplaint a l0t, but wh0 d0n't, especially y0u didn't inf0rm anything and make y0ur 0wn decisi0n . I w0nder there are s0 many staff there why must they keep changing my shift ? S0 n0t fair t0 me .
Fcuk the pimples 0n my face, i have tw0 . Fugly . Th0ught 0f p0king them . L0LS . But it will leave a scar . Disgusting . Eye bags and dark circles, pls g0 away . ;)
An eye f0r an eye . What g0es ar0und c0mes ar0und . We shall see . =)
English s0ngs r0ck and make my day . Seld0m listen t0 Chinese s0ngs lia0z .
Super happy ab0ut s0mething, staff disc0unt will be increase t0 4o %, yeahs ha0 kai xin . But is 0nly f0r staffs, that why t0day must give passp0rt ph0t0 and the Christams present exchange gift . Last mintue decisi0n, have t0 g0 t0wn later . Always last minute . Damn hate sia . S0 tired and lazy t0 g0 .
When am i g0ing t0 quit sm0king ? Haas .
Shall end till the next time we met . L0LS .
l0ves & misses
Labels: Pissing 0ff .
The diaryDADDIE's birthday . =)
Sunday, December 21, 2008 ( 12/21/2008 09:36:00 PM )
These few days a l0t 0f things happen . Unhappiness sia . S0 unhappy .
S0 sad . S0 pissed .
S0 sad . S0 pissed .
SIGHS )): i JUST want a peaceful life . Grant my wish, pls . ;D
Shall n0t menti0n any further . N0t in a g00d m00d as well . M00dy and sh0rt tempered easily . And vuglar . What the FISH ~ ! D0n't pr0v0ked me again, bastard* just like y0u guys did yesterday . MF* AS*
Find it hard t0 c0ntr0l my temper at times .
Have a BIG fall these days back . Bel0w knee cap, freaking painful, i walk with a limping leg n0w . And that is this BITCH laughing at me, cursing me that i sh0uld have a BIG fall and fall t0 death ! KNN* CCB* Curse y0u back . ;)
DADDIE's birthday t0day . =)
H0pe y0u like the present i br0ught y0u . First time br0ught him present . L0l0ls .
Daddie and Aunt br0ught a l0t 0f f00d t0 eat, my daddie d0n't have the habit 0f buying and eating birthday cake every year . All the f00d they buy is s000 unhealthy ! I g0nna gain a few m0re p0unds again . SIGHS ): Fat en0ugh already sia .
Am i really happy with my life ? 0r am i just plain thinking ? Ab0ut ?!
Life is full 0f ups and d0wns . Perhaps i d0n't deserve happiness at all . ;D
Waiting and waiting . What am i waiting f0r ? Miracles ? I d0n't believe in miracles 0r g0d . But MYSELF .
Wanna start life afresh and f0rget the past, f0rget everything . Yeahs, EVERYTHING .
PS . Finally upl0aded ph0t0s . NICE ? I l0ve it s000 much ! L0l0ls . Cause its me . I AM 自恋狂 ! =) Nicely taken ? Any c0mments ? 0nly want t0 hear the p0sitive c0mments .
Save the negative 0nes f0r y0urself ! =p
MISS y0u s0000 much . SIGHS ):
Can i have him as my Christmas present, plsssss ? Mr Santa, i have give up in being naughty . GRANT my wish, will y0u ? I will l0veeeee y0u BIG BIG ~ ! ((: L0L0LS . J0KING .
Just want every0ne t0 be happy and healthy . =) 0ne small wish indeed, huhs ?
Everytime i see y0u, i th0ught i see h0pes in y0ur eyes but it is just all lies, i l0st faith in y0u, i l0st faith in everything, i l0st faith in myself . I begin n0t t0 trust any0ne . N0 0ne can trusted in this w0rld . Feel like my w0rkplace g0t a l0t 0f faker . Every0ne is wearing a mask, d0 n0t kn0w wh0 t0 trust and talk t0 . Just have t0 pretend . Every0ne is pretending, aren't we ? Feel s000 the damn l0st at times .
PS. 2 I L0VE MUMMIE & DADDIE A L0T A L0T ! With0ut them, i will die, i am such a small kid . L0VE the way i am ~ ! =)
l0ves & misses
Labels: and rand0ms ., Daddie's birthday, PH0T0S UPL0ADING .
The diaryW0rdy p0st .
Thursday, December 18, 2008 ( 12/18/2008 06:02:00 PM )
♥♥♥ ღ
HEY ~ !
Have 0ne nice s0ng t0 rec0mmend y0u pe0ple !
Save y0u sang by SIMPLE PLAN ! =)
Every0ne featured in that vide0 is a cancer surviv0r 0r is related t0 s0me0ne wh0 had cancer .
What 0riginally inspired this s0ng was Pierre's br0ther's battle with cancer. Ab0ut 3 years ag0 , Jay was diagn0sed with n0n-H0dgkin's lymphatic cancer. After 2 years 0f extremely difficult chem0therapy treatments, he learned that the cancer was g0ne f0r n0w and that he was in remission. After being t0ld he had a 50-50 chance to c0me 0ut 0f this alive, he had w0n his battle.
This s0ng was specially wr0te f0r pe0ple with cancers ! C00l ~ I l0ve this s0ng a l0t a l0t . Like the lyrics . ;D They must be very brave f0r battling with cancer, its hard but that is always h0pe when y0u try . Be p0stive, 0kays ? SMILE ! ((:
If y0u fall, stumble d0wn
I'll pick y0u up 0ff the gr0und
If y0u l0se faith in y0u
I'll give y0u strength t0 pull thr0ugh
Tell me y0u w0n't give up
Cause I'll be waiting if y0u fall y0u kn0w
I'll be there f0r y0u
I won't give up till it's overIf it takes you forever I want you to know
Pe0ple with cancer needs 0ur supp0rt, their life is t0ugh en0ugh already . Let's supp0rt them ! G0d will pray y0u ! =D ♥♥♥ ღ
Damn tired, d0ing st0cktake fr0m last night till this m0rning 8 am plus . DEAD beat . The day bef0re i didn't w0rk, i slept at 5 am in the m0rning, i must be insane . I am s00000 tired, eyes is a bit sw0llen, and thanks t0 my hands f0r rubbing them . C0ntact lens is extremely dry, special thanks t0 0ne 0f the Supervis0r Sarina f0r bringing eye dr0p and she lent it t0 me first . Luckily she bring if n0t the wh0le day i will be "crying" as my eyes is watering . The machine f0r keying the items in st0cktake is damn c00l lahs, like typing text message sia . Didn't have a chance t0 take a ph0t0 0f it . What a BIG pity sia . NEXT st0cktake will be next year December, guess i w0n't be there anym0re . The machine is t0 scan the barc0de 0f the item and we als0 type in the SKU in the machine . Really like a m0bile ph0ne but is multi functi0n and super BIG lehs ! CUTE lahs ~ !
Reach h0me at ar0und 9.15 am, sh0wer, rem0ve makeup and etc . And i am 0ff t0 bed . Sleep till ar0und 4 pm . I am still tired .
G00d news t0 share with y0u guys =d, my ph0ne d0n't kn0w what happen n0w its fine lia0s, but is a bit laggy . S0 happy, can at least save my 217 bucks instead 0f repairing it . But still very w0rry pr0blem may 0ccurs again . *T0UCH W00D* Better d0n't again . The LG m0bile ph0ne cust0mer care centre staff in Alexandra R0ad is s0 unffriendly and rude . Hate them . Whereas the staff in Viv0 City is much m0re better, 0nly s0me g0t stuck up face . See lia0s als0 du lan . But my ph0ne turns laggy n0w, my Daddie suspect is that they might have changed the parts inside with a faulty 0ne . But even that is the case, i w0n't kn0w, but this is n0t the right way t0 make sales . And that SUCKS !
I am gr0wing fatter each day, all thanks t0 all the fast f00d i ate . =) I seri0usly need a diet . I want t0 club, i want t0 dance, i want the music there .
L0nely in the blues . S0 em0 lately .
Need m0ney urgently, t0tally br0ke this m0nth, any suggesti0ns t0 earn extra cash ? Any temp j0b w0rk f0r a few days ? I need it !
Crazy 0ver music, games and great f00d . I l0ve t0 eat, if y0u have any places which sells nice f00d, let me kn0w . G00d l0bang must share ! ;d Especially night 0ut with friends, chilling, clubbing and supper always g0t n0 clue where and what t0 eat . N0 fast f00d, pls . (:
I w0n't give up till it's 0ver . I'll be there f0r y0u .
0ff t0 dinner, shall update later . (: Miss me !
With ღ ANGIE .
Why is it that friendster recently pe0ple keep sending me message and wh0se website t0 0pen ? All craps des . And pe0ple fr0m weird c0untry keep adding me, it is s0 ann0ying .
The th0ughts 0f me gr0wing 0lder every year makes me scare, i have N0 plans f0r my future, i d0 n0t kn0w what i want t0 be 0r d0 in my life, just live and w0rk blindly . Life feels s0 meaningless f0r me . T0tally n0 life . W0rk, w0rk w0rk everyday . N0 time t0 club, enj0y, and play . )); SIGHS ); Feel like a failure . Still c0nsidering whether t0 quit my j0b after Chinese New Year but its very hard t0 find a j0b 0utside, s0 perhaps i just stay put first and see h0w it g0es .
0h ya, f0rg0tt0n t0 tell y0u guys that n0 matter what y0u want t0 tell me 0r ask me f0r my reply, i will n0t reply in my tagb0ard, my tagb0ard is f0r pe0ple t0 tag and n0t spam, s0 theref0re i w0n't reply anything . =) I will reply in y0ur tagb0ard .
PS. St0p seeking my attenti0n, attenti0n seeker, i will n0t give y0u the attenti0n y0u deserve .
Sweet c0uples makes me s000 jeal0us . But i still enj0y SINGLE ~ ! =) Perhaps this is a better decisi0n .
I bel0ng t0 y0u ? Dream 0n, i think . Its just my wishful thinking all al0ng . Fr0m the start, i sh0uldn't have met and c0ntact y0u . I feel like a l0ser in l0ve . Failure in everything . Y0u didn't l0ve me all al0ng, i knew it, cause i can sense it . Intitially i th0ught i c0uld change y0ur mindset and thinking but i was t0tally wr0ng . If y0u really l0ve me, y0u w0uld care and c0ncern ab0ut me and meet me . But y0u did n0thing fr0m theab0ve menti0n . S0 disapp0inted in y0u . PERHAPS, its really time t0 give up F0REVER and let g0 and f0rget .
Regret f0r n0t ink-ing my wh0le b0dy that time, 0nly ink my back and its s0 small . I ink my skin, is n0t t0 sh0w 0ff 0r saying i am a ah lian, pe0ple must be scare 0f me, i just L0VE b0dy arts, tatt00 is my L0VE . And its s0 c00l . Can't understand why n0wadays y0ungsters like t0 ink and pierce until like crazy, wanna make pe0ple scare 0f them, f0r instant, XIA0 AH LIAN & XIA0 AH BENG, little gangster . Trying t0 sh0w 0ff 0r what ? Pls lahs, its ugly, y0u are just damaging y0ur 0wn image and its n0t c00l at all ~ ! Y0u l00k yucky this way, understand ? Think twice bef0re y0u d0 anything, if n0t y0u will regret f0r life .
F0r tatt00s, i d0n't rec0mmend y0ungsters t0 d0 it s0 y0ung, when y0u get y0ur skin inked, pe0ple will l00k at y0u like 0ne kind, thinking y0u are bad girl/b0y . D0 it when y0u gets 0lder and wiser and ch00se "better designs", d0n't be a silly by ink-ing y0ur BF/GF name 0r y0u l0ve that pers0n . Y0u l00k like a cl0wd .
CUTE guys with TATT00S, dimples and nice smiles turn me 0n . Guys wh0 is a pervert h0wever turns me 0ff . GET L0ST, L0SER . Y0u d0esn't bel0ng t0 this w0rld .
Things always happen in a unexpected situati0n . Just like g00d things, its always happen in a flash 0f light . Bad things w0n't st0p . Is life really fair ? ); Negative thinkings again . Can't help but think t00 much .
Hahas, i have turn m0re naggy recently due t0 my w0rdy and l0ng p0sts . Haaz :)
After s0 much happenings, i have gr0w and l00k at things lightly . Feel i am n0 l0nger me .
I am a m0nster . Wahahas, i g0nna eat y0u up ! Hehes .
l0ves & misses
Labels: W0rdy p0st .
The diarySTRESS
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 ( 12/16/2008 11:59:00 PM )
I am n0t g0ing t0 pin 0n any h0pes again . Everytime i pin all my h0pe 0n s0mething, end up the h0pes are dashed . Tired 0f seeing repeated happenings . Either d0 i g0ing t0 think t00 much again .
S0rry f0r what i've d0ne t0 y0u . Can y0u f0rgive me ?
F0r y0u its 0ver . But f0r me its n0t 0ver .
I still l0ve y0u . But y0u ?
All 0ur mem0ries, happiness and l0neliness . Tears, smiles . Cry, laughter . Please c0me back .
I miss y0u a l0t . As i've said, its n0t 0ver . F0r me "PAST IS PAST" . If y0u're disapp0inted, s0rry .
I've cried f0r y0u . I've laughed f0r y0u . I've changed just f0r y0u . N0w i'm al0ne just because 0f y0u . N0w i'm al0ne with0ut y0u .
IF i die t0day . What will y0u d0 ? C0me 0ver ? 0r just pretend n0t affected ?
I l0ve y0u after y0u l0ve me .
I wish i am a grass s0 i can cut myself . Y0u're imp0rtant t0 me .
I d0n't kn0w if i'll be 0kay .
Y0u traded everything just f0r me . I never realized that .
I l0ve y0u . I hate y0u .
My 0nly wish f0r n0w is t0 be with y0u . This summer have been my w0rst nightmare with this life 0f mine . Everything have changed . Y0u rem0ved my w0rries .
N0w i've thr0wed my dreams since i've d0ne this . I'm l0nely f0r a year .
My sunshine bec0mes my night . My happiness bec0mes a crap . Plenty lies .
Y0u're n0t here . I'm al0ne waiting f0r yu0 t0 c0me back .
I kn0w y0u can tell i l0ve y0u . I kn0w y0u can feel it t00 . But please d0n't leave me here because y0u kn0w i l0ve y0u .
I d0n't think i have the strength t0 let y0u g0 . Everything i said and did, wasn't just deceiving .
The grass is always greener 0n the 0ther side 0f the earth .
I am n0t thinking t00 much . Just suddenly feel like typing what is 0n my mind and i happen t0 see this phases 0nline s0 decide t0 p0st 0ut in my bl0g as well . Its alm0st the same as my thinking . I kn0w 0ver is 0ver and i am n0t g0ing t0 dwell 0n it again .
Damn it . Recently feel very tired easily . When i am at w0rk, when i travel t0 w0rk, when i g0 h0me . I feel sleepy at all times . Keep yawning n0n st0p .
Fcuk, fcuk & BIG BIG fcuk sia . Kn0w why i am s0 pissed 0ff ?
Is beacuse my ph0ne can be fixed but at 217 bucks, will y0u fix it if y0u were me ?
What the FISH l0rs, s0 expensive, all my c0lleague sugguest i get a new ph0ne, just n0t w0rth fixing it . But a NEW ph0ne is n0t cheap either . I L0VE that ph0nea l0t al0t . Use it f0r less than 6 m0nths sia and i upgraded my plan that time and its ar0und 200 plus bucks lehs . Fcuk right ? L0LS . Still c0nsidering whether t0 fix it . DAMN, DAMN, DAMN lahs . My mind just keep thinking ab0ut my ph0ne and n0thing else interest me . Including him .
0ff t0day and t0m0rr0w, cause will be d0ing st0cktake at Viv0 City . Think will be d0ing it due m0rning . It will be very tiring and a l0t 0f w0rk . Wish me luck, and d0n't fall alseep there . I feel super sleepy n0w . Been MSN-ING and playing 0nline games . B0RED lahz .
Been having fastf00d cravings . Eating fastf00d alm0st everyday . =p Gr0wing fatter and my dark circles get deeper and deeper . Sleeping really late . Can't sleep . Ins0mnia . Ice-cream and ch0c0late cravings is next . =) Leading life unhealthy . Its my life . But sm0ke lesser n0w . Its g00d news . =D Mummie will be glad t0 hear this .
i NEED m0ney urgently . Deadly br0ke .
W0rk is stressful, cr0wds is there . A l0t 0f pe0ple, sales is d0ing g00d, h0pe can hit target this m0nth and get c0nmissi0n . L0tsa 0f teenagers sh0p and try 0n the cl0thes but didn't buy . FCUK sia . N0 m0ney stay at h0me, better . D0n't waste pe0ple's time and n0 m0ney d0n't g0 steal . STUPID sia, y0ur future g0ne already .
STRESS is just ar0und the c0rner .
Feel guilty f0r my retail therapy . And this SUCKS . Cause i supp0se celebrate my Daddie, Mummie & Sister's birthday this m0nth f0r them, by bringing them 0ut t0 eat 0r whatever but due t0 i spend my m0ney unnecessary, i d0n't think i can d0 it . SIGHS ): Have t0 start saving f0r the next upc0ming pay .
Few m0re days t0 CHRISTMAS, what is y0ur christmas wish ?
Any present in mind ?
C0unting d0wn t0 2oo9 !
Next is Chinese New Year, Valentine Day & My birthday ! (:
Anyway, year 2008 isn't a g00d year f0r me . H0pe in year 2oo9, i will have a peaceful life and everything g00d and n0t tr0ubles again . I want a brand new life !
PS. MERRY CHRISTMAS in advanceee ! In case i MIA 0r never 0nline f0r the next few days . ((;
l0ves & misses
The diaryNo ph0t0s YET .
Sunday, December 14, 2008 ( 12/14/2008 11:22:00 AM )
I am sleepy, wanna sleep m0re ! I want m0re s0ngs in my I P0D T0UCH !
I want CHRISTMAS present ! I want t0 g0 f0r c0untd0wn .
I want m0re M0NEY t0 spend ! I want my fcuking ph0ne back fr0m repair !
0kays, this p0st is super super rand0m, have n0thing t0 p0st here . N0 ph0t0s YET . =) AP0L0GISE .
PS. Sh0uld i c0ntinue t0 w0rk 0r g0 back t0 study ? N0 answers . );
l0ves & misses
Labels: WANTS .
The diaryLG KU990 send f0r repair .
Thursday, December 11, 2008 ( 12/11/2008 06:37:00 PM )
Super lame l0rs, was supp0se t0 0ff t0day but still have t0 wake up early in the m0rning . S00000 tired . W0ke up early in the m0rning . Guess what time did i wake up t0day ?
Its 9.30 am, s0 early l0rs, all thanks t0 the girl wh0 steal . Spinning headache again .
Feel s0 sleepy .
Went t0 Tanglin p0lice divsi0n l0cated behind KKH . Damn far, cans ? Then walk t0 Bugis . Yes, i WALK t0 BUGIS & 0RCHARD . Any pr0blem ? I rather save the transp0rtati0n m0ney and spend the m0ney in elsewhere . S0 the weather was s0 h0t, but luckily i w0re my shades . =)
Just dye my hair, Mummie is the 0ne wh0 dye f0r me . But the c0l0ur can't really be seen . ):
Get my nails painted as well . It is in Mar00n . L0ve it lahz ! =D NICE ~ !
Dealing with my I P0D T0UCH n0w . It is s000 tr0ubles0me . Sians, everything y0u d0wnl0ad must be transfer fr0m iTunes . S0 waste 0f time . S0 much 0f w0rk t0 be d0ne . I P0D T0UCH is giving me s0 much pr0blems, perhaps i am still n0t used t0 it .
By the way, s0me news f0rg0tt0n t0 state here . I currently using S0ny Ericss0n ph0ne, i hate that useless ph0ne lahs, i miss my LG viewty ph0ne lahz ! Accidently dr0p it int0 the water few days back, was unable t0 use it, have t0 send it f0r repair . H0pe it is n0t t00 expensive . (LG have t0 charge me as water damage c0rr0si0n is n0t under warranty) . SAD right ? I just bec0me br0ke cause i br0ught my I P0D t0uch and this happen . Have t0 spend an0ther am0unt 0f m0ney . Praying hard that it is n0t expensive . I'm scare lahz ! Luckily i g0t extra ph0ne . =D But that ph0ne is useless lahs .
Lazy t0 g0 back t0 w0rk t0m0rr0w, d0ing the same 0ld thing everyday, s0 sick .
I want t0 have l0ng, l0ng hair s00n ! Miss them ! G0nna save m0re m0ney this m0nth if p0ssible, tell y0u s0mething, my c0ntact lens i have been wearing them f0r ar0und 0ne 0r tw0 m0nths, i guess . N0 m0ney t0 change due t0 i am p00r . L0LS ! Need a new pair and i wanna get the c0l0ur 0nes t00 ! =D Really missed wearing c0l0ured lens .
Feel s0 pr0ud 0f myself f0r n0t being lazy these days, cause i seld0m type a very l0ng p0st . Y0u pe0ple must be suprised, isn't it ? I h0pe my English is better n0w, still trying and learning them t0 brush up . Give me supp0rt lahz !
Think i am n0t celebrating 0r c0unting d0wn 0n CHRISTAS & last day 0f 2008 . :) N0b0dy is free t00, i am l0nely again . But i am fine with it . Already get used t0 it .
I wish y0u were here with me t0night . Miss SUPERMAN .
PS. MIND is g0ing wild . Wahahas .
l0ves & misses
Labels: ph0ne sp0ilt .
The diaryL0ngest p0st ever, i guess .
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 ( 12/10/2008 09:48:00 PM )
Br0ught my i p0d t0uch few days back . Let the pictures d0 the talking . Feel very heartache . Bank acc0unt left a small am0unt 0f m0ney, shall n0t menti0n . L00ks like i g0nna survive with bread and plain water n0w . SIGHS ): Feel happy cause i finally buy it after l0nging f0r s0 l0ng and sad is because i am t0tally br0ke ! N0t sure h0w am i g0ing t0 survive . SIANS . Still quite l0st 0n h0w t0 use it . L0LS, still learning lahs, 0kays .
Really busy t0 0nline these days .
Been having spinning headache and slight fever these days . Feel extremely l0nely, s0metimes feel really l0st, d0n't kn0w wh0 t0 talk t0 . I d0n't really have a l0t 0f friends . I d0n't trust pe0ple that easily anym0re . I realise i have bec0me m0re and m0re em0 . Very sians .
My life feels s0 messy n0w . I need s0me peace 0f mind .
Why d0 miracles d0n't happen 0n me ? Why d0es g00d things always never c0me, bad things keep happening, life is s0 unfair . SIGHS ); Recently t00 many things happen . Shall save the explainati0n .
N0w is festival seas0ns, s0 a l0t 0f pe0ple especially teenagers is 0ut t0 steal . It SUCKS, cause it is very tr0ubles0me when we have t0 make a statement, imgine still have t0 g0 t0 the p0lice stati0n by 0urself t0 take the statement, s0 waste 0f time . I did my statement when the security called in the p0lice and they t00k my statement, s0 why sh0uld i be b0ther t0 g0 again ? Really such a waste 0f time . If y0u can't aff0rd anything, save the m0ney . If n0t, d0n't buy, f0rget ab0ut stealing, 0kays ? Y0u will have a criminal rec0rd f0r the rest 0f the life . Y0ur label in life . The girl wh0 is being caught is 19 years 0ld, waiting t0 g0 Univerisity . If she wanna be 0n bail, the pers0n must be 21 years 0ld and ab0ve and must submit a 5,ooo$ bail sia . WTFish, s0 expensive sia . But her Mum d0n't beileve that she will steal . Her family l00k RICH ! Her Mum even make a hell l0ud 0f n0ise at the p0lice stati0n . S0 unglam . =x
Feel a bit pissed when hear cust0mer calling me "Xia0 Mei Mei", "Madam/Mdm", 0h please d0 i l00k s00000 y0ung and s00000 0ld in y0ur eyes ?!
HEART feel very pain, its BLEEDING, y0u can't SEE it . Tell me what t0 d0, feel s0 l0st . Need advise . I am seri0us in y0u, but y0u treat me like a piece 0f shit . Tell myself have t0 stay str0nger and n0t t0 be weak, but can't help and d0 n0thing, with th0se tears d0wn my cheeks .
Heart is really bleeding hard, scars get deeper again, all thanks t0 y0u . But n0 matter h0w y0u treat me, i am still willing t0 be with y0u and l0ve y0u . Cause i believe in my 0wn feelings . Perhaps i am really hurt, just feel s0 l0st f0r w0rds . N0w all i can d0 is t0 pray f0r the better and f0rget y0u . I d0ubt i can d0 it . But n0 pr0mises, i will try . If y0u ever g0t a chance t0 see my bl0g, i d0 hate y0u f0r hurting me . But i will always l0ve y0u in my heart . I'm seri0us ! N0t a kidding matter . Feel s0 dumb f0r all0wing y0u t0 hurt me alth0ught i kn0w y0u are n0t seri0us in me . Heart feels s0 empty with0ut y0u . Why am i always the 0ne getting hurt ? Can y0u really see my heart bleeding ? Need time t0 fix and heal my br0ken heart n0w . N0 cures f0r it yet . Unhappiness fall up0n me . Sadness c0ver my life with darkness . I'm s0 l0nely and scare in the dark . Just pray f0r the 0ne t0 rescue me is y0u . I'm n0t as str0ng and as happy as y0u see . I am actually very weak inside . Just need s0me0ne t0 be there f0r me whenever i am unhappy . A pity is that y0u are n0t that s0meb0dy .
Everyday l00king at my cellph0ne praying that y0u w0uld give me a text 0r call saying y0u l0ve me, but l00ks like its all my wishful thinking . Y0u were n0t the 0ne . I just need y0u . Y0u are my missing piece 0f puzzle . I d0n't trust any guys w0rds anym0re, thanks t0 y0u ! =D My mind is g0ne, i'm spinning r0und, been day dreaming . Thinking ab0ut y0u and the things y0u said t0 me . H0ping t0 see y0u 0nline . H0pe y0u get the picture 0ne day .
I'm actually a very em0ti0nal pers0n, i may l00k carefree, and happy but deep inside me i am n0t . I am just trying my best t0 l00k happy, at times when i can't handle the pressure i am handling, i will break d0wn and cry . I am nt0 that str0ng either, get em0ti0nally break d0wn easily . Easily influent by pe0ple, hench, i am a very sensitive pers0n . H0nest and straight-f0rward, that is character . Trying t0 get al0ng with pe0ple . And bec0me happy g0 lucky, wish me luck, i am trying t0 d0 n0w . I need l0tsa 0f c0urage, i need y0urs t00 ! Give me help if p0ssible . That all f0r t0day .
PS . PH0T0S will be upl0aded late . Due t0 busy schedule .
l0ves & misses
Labels: i guess =), L0ngest p0st ever
The diaryL0VE BLUES .
Sunday, December 7, 2008 ( 12/07/2008 08:56:00 PM )
My tears run d0wn like raz0rblades .
I wish that I c0uld take it back, but it's 0ver.
My, y0u're breaking my heart.
It really d0 hurts t0 kn0w the truth . It cuts my heart deep inside .
D0es it mean i have l0st in the battle again ? I must be plain stupid f0r all0wing y0u t0 treat me unfairly and treating me like shit . SIGHS, s0metimes i really d0 w0nder what y0u are thinking . I tried every way 0f getting y0u back but i have failed . I have l0st in the battle . I hate y0u f0r giving me all this false h0pe all this while but i still l0ve y0u . I really d0 and i mean it . I believe i can f0rget y0u s00ner 0r later . I just need time .
I w0n't be thinking ab0ut it again . 0ff y0u g0 . G00DBYE . =) D0n't wish t0 get hurt again . I will miss ya !
I HATE t0 cry .
I HATE being al0ne in the dark .
Having a slight fever, small pr0blem . I'm alright . :)
I can't believe that i actually can say "I'M S0RRY" . I seld0m say these w0rds and i find it hard t0 say . I am the type 0f pers0n wh0 is bad at expressing myself and my feelings . S0 end up i am at the losing end . Be it anything, family members, friends, relati0nship 0r pr0blem .
Christmas present wanted ! =D G0t the urge t0 c0untd0wn . But with wh0 ? Seems l0nely this Christmas . Whether am i g0ing t0 c0untd0wn is n0t imp0rtant, the main imp0rtant thing is i g0nna w0rk 0n b0th Eve and Christmas . ):
I'm tired, turning in s00n . *Yawns* TATA ~ NIGHTS & CANDIES DREAMS, PEEPS .
l0ves & misses
Labels: Hate is easy, l0ve is harder .
The diaryr-a-n-d-0-m
Thursday, December 4, 2008 ( 12/04/2008 01:14:00 PM )
Just came back fr0m s0mb0dy's h0use . Feel extremely tired but l00k s0 fresh . Hehes . S0meb0dy said that . =)
That s0meb0dy i d0n't l00k tired . N0t en0ugh sleep recently, suffer fr0m ins0mnia again sia .
Miss and l0ve th0se Christmas s0ngs . S0me were nice, s0me were err, n0 c0mments . =) L0LS .
By the way, Pussycat D0lls New Album is really nice and their dancing were s0 h0t . I want t0 learnt lehs . HAHAS .
I MISS Y0U . Secret admirer . L0LS .
This m0nth have t0 start saving a l0t . If n0t i will have a hard life f0r the rest 0f the m0nth .
By the way, what's wr0ng with a t0ngue piercing ? S0mb0dy's m0ther say why i d0 that . Ask me t0 take 0ut . SIGHS )); But i am stubb0rn s0 i w0n't take it 0ut . Even my Mummie ask me t0 take it 0ut but i als0 hack care . =D
I want t0 dye my hair lahs !
When s0mething g00d happen, s0mething bad happen t0o .
Miracles happen when y0u believe it will happen .
l0ves & misses
Labels: r-a-n-d-0-m
The diarymisses
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 ( 12/02/2008 10:50:00 PM )
N0thing t0 update . SIGHS )): N0thing t0 say at the m0ment . Feeling s0 c0nfused .
S0 sick 0f life .
l0ves & misses
Labels: l0ves
The diaryRAND0MLY P0ST DES .
Monday, December 1, 2008 ( 12/01/2008 09:49:00 AM )
Let the pictures d0 the talkings . =) SUPER RAND0M . =D
Just reach h0me fr0m s0meb0dy's h0use . Chatted the wh0le night . Make me s0 tired and sleepy . But think is w0rth it bahs . A bit regret ab0ut d0ing s0mething wr0ng . Feel s0rry and SUPER guilty n0w .
PS. IL0VEY0U . H0pe y0u are n0t lying t0 me again . I trust y0u 0nce m0re .
F0rget the past, l00k f0rward t0 the present and future . But i still d0n't feel very happy . Why is this s0 ? SIGHS )):
I want l0tsa CHRISTMAS PRESENT ! ((: L00king f0rward t0 it .
l0ves & misses
Labels: PH0T0S UPL0ADING .
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music