Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
Grandfather and Sister . (:
Sec0nd day 0f CNY was n0rmal .
Went t0 Istana building then t0 Anut's h0use t0 eat steamb0at .
Taken s0me ph0t0s t0day . Will upl0ad it t0m0rr0w, as well as s0me updated ph0t0s . (:
I l0st my GEEK specs . Damn it .
Geek specs is s0 trendy n0w . Can see every0ne is wearing it .
I"l0ve" my black hair s0 much . Black is always 0n the trend .
Seri0usly i can't seem t0 click with strangers and pe0ple wh0m i d0n't really kn0w . And they always find me very unfriendly . N0t every0ne is friendly and i d0n't find the need t0 change myself fr0m bec0ming friendly t0wards strangers . Unkn0wn .
www.hotel626.com is c00l, is a scary game . Really scare the hell 0ut 0f me . Luckily i play with br0ther . If n0t scare t0 death ! But still feel a bit scare . Try it if y0u dare . 0nly available at 6pm - 6 am .
If i were a b0y, i will l0ve my GF, stay faithful t0 her 0nly and treasure her a l0t . =) Afterall, girls are b0rn t0 be d0te n0t t0 d0 h0usech0res f0r man !
Fcuk wh0se eyebags and dark eye circles ! They were my w0rst nightmare ever . I l00k freaking FUGLY when i rem0ve and d0n't makeup . I l00k s0 pale and death .
Guys are w0lves, they l00k at p0rn everyday, l00king at girls figures and etc . Pervert !
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
T0day is CNY first day . W0ke up at ar0und 11 am . Eh, nt0 really early 0r late .
By the way, make a few trips t0 s0me relatives h0use . =) T00k s0me ph0t0s as well . Will upl0ad it when i am free and lazy-free . =D Receive quite a number 0f h0ng ba0 (red packets) . Wanna save in the bank . ((:
It is s0 true that friendships and even relati0nships needs t0 c0mmunicate and have a heart t0 heart talk if n0t the friendships and relati0nships will turn s0ur and things will turn bad .
My 0nly wish n0w is t0 get what i deserve (b0nus), and get a j0b ASAP .
I need t0 supp0rt the family . I need a j0b, seri0usly .
Think g0t quite a number 0f pe0ple kn0ws ab0ut my terminati0n . But still wish t0 kept it as a secret t0 wh0se wh0 d0n't kn0w . I guess it is just n0t my luck . And i d0ubt i will w0rk retail j0b again, cause i am n0t suitable f0r it .
And y0u kn0w what ? Just n0w my AM texts me, asking me t0 return them the unif0rms t0 my c0lleague s0 that they can send me my pay . And als0 i am N0T all0w t0 enter the sh0p anym0re . I was like ... WTF . Why can't i ? I am n0t y0ur staff anym0re . She c0ntiune texting me saying that my terminati0n was a private premises s0 they can ch00se t0 let wh0ever in and wh0ever they d0n't all0w there . Feel s00000 angry when hearing this . But i d0n't care .
D0n't wish t0 say anything else, feel s0 tired 0f it . I really need s0me peace . And a l0ng break .
Sh*t, i start t0 feel em0 lia0s . ):
Tell me what is 0n y0ur mind and i'll tell y0u what is 0n my mind . 0kays, i am being rand0m here .
I am super tired, i need t0 sleeep, sleep sleeeeeepppppppppppp ! ;D * yawns *
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
I swear that t0day is my w0rst day ever . Never ever felt s0 "suay" in my life bef0re .
I d0ubt this year g0nna be a better year f0r me either .
Why d0 i say this ? Let me explain . Imgine pe0ple feel happy durnig CNY, but these few days i d0n't feel s0 . Especially t0day . Cause i am j0bless n0w . N0 inc0me = .D.I.E. !
First, i was late f0r w0rk, i feel weird, i did set up the alarm cl0ck but it didn't ring, my Mummie says she tried t0 wake me up but i didn't resp0nse t0 her .
Sec0nd, when i reach my w0rkplace, i spill 0ne 0f my c0lleage's drink . Cause we shar l0cker and she happen t0 leave the drink inside the l0cker but its s0 near the l0cker's d00r s0 it spilled . Damn it, 0f c0urse i have t0 m0p it, and the m0p wasn't that g00d t0 use as well . L0usy . Feel feel sticky and have the smell 0f Mil0 . Then i went t0 T0ast B0x t0 buy f0r my c0lleague, the stuff in T0ast B0x stuff was s0000 sl0w .
Third, i was being terminted, yes, being terminated ! Thanks t0 that bl00dy cust0mer wh0 c0mplain ab0ut me . B*tchesss ! I was w0rking half way, when i saw all the m0rning shift plus the mid shift get t0 g0 f0r break, but they didn't ask me al0ng . I feel weird, i sense s0mething is n0t right fr0m that m0ment s0 i c0ntinue t0 w0rk until my seni0r call me saying that my Assistant Manager needs t0 talk t0 me .
N0 m0re w0rk fr0m n0w 0nwards, y0u're free t0 date 0r ask me 0ut ! L0ls . I feel sad and happy lahz .
But just think that my Management really SUCKS t0 the c0re and are s0000 fake ! Especially my 0perati0n Manager, Mrs M.H and Assistant Manager, Ms Y.H and my Supervis0r, K.0 . They sucks ! They b0th sucks m0re !
Hate them s000 much, they like t0 g0ssip ar0und behind and even inside 0f the pers0n, imagine it . It was s0000 ann0ying and after they tease the pers0n, they even want the pers0n t0 laugh al0ng t00 . Nabeh ! Y0u tease at pe0ple h0w t0 y0u expect pe0ple t0 laugh as well ? Pig brain, use y0ur bl00dy brain lahs b0d0h !
Think i like them ? I hate them fr0m the beginning, since they are fake s0 i fake t0 them back . An eye f0r an eye .
My AM even says i like t0 backstab her behind her, excuse me, please get this clear, wh0 is backstabbing behind wh0se back first ?!
Even quarrel with me and say like i am time b0mb will expl0de anytime, s0 y0u guys are scare 0f me . Fcuking b*tch, even sh0uted at me ! And say wanted t0 call the security ! Y0u better remember ! What g0es ar0und, c0mes ar0und . Always th0ught y0u're pretty . YUCKS !
The m0ment i heard the news, i feel like crying 0ut l0ud and a sh0ulder t0 lent 0n, just feel like telling s0me0ne then decide t0 g0 l00k f0r H0ng Sheng and ask if he is free .
He said he is n0t free, d0esn't have any break, have t0 w0rk till 6 pm . Then i replied never mind and i went 0ff .
But i definitly feel very happy after saying my last piece 0f w0rd t0 her, n0b0dy likes y0u, y0u think every0ne likes y0u ?! And y0u kn0w what ? Fr0m the beginning, i d0n't like y0u and y0u SUCKS ! =)
Finally g0t a chance t0 v0ice 0ut what is always in my mind . N0 matter what i did and said, i am always wr0ng, y0u say i didn't want t0 admit my mistakes but y0u were n0t in my sh0es . I tried t0 c0ntr0l but it is bey0nd my limits t0 c0ntr0l my em0ti0ns s0metimes . Y0u just d0n't understand .
***S0me 0f the things are n0t menti0n here . Shall n0t menti0n .
I remember that was this time, few days back, she is really ridicil0us . I asked my VM wh0m is in charge 0f changing all the mannequin's cl0thes and etc, where is the necklace 0r t0p is being placed at cause cust0mer asking me where is it, i am blur, i tried t0 l00k f0r it but can't seem t0 find it .
Then i went in t0 the 0ffice t0 l00k f0r her, she was sitting inside with my AM . And i asked her, after that my AM talked t0 me asking me why i didn't ask the seni0rs 0r her ab0ut the cl0thes, i was w0ndering s0metimes when i ask y0u guys ab0ut the cl0thes, y0u guys d0n't even kn0w where is it, i might as well find the VM wh0 kn0ws better than us . Isn't it ? Freaking lame then kanna sc0lding fr0m her f0r n0thing, recently she likes t0 sc0ld me a l0t but n0t anym0re . =)
Pe0ple at w0rk can be nice with but seri0usly can't be trusted . Likes t0 backstabbing behind pe0ple's back .
I feel a bit wasted, cause i've already pr0mised my Mummie t0 w0rk till after CNY, and after i get my this m0nth c0nmissi0n and b0nus then i will quit . But i've n0thing t0 give n0w . S0rry, Mummie . I kn0w y0u feel utterly feel disapp0inted ab0ut me . I pr0mise y0u that i will change f0r g00d and get a j0b ASAP .
Y0u guys will never kn0w h0w i feel, ESPECIALLY with this type 0f attitude, i als0 d0n't wish t0 have this type 0f attitude, i d0n't feel happy either .
I've n0thing t0 say ab0ut the j0b and wh0se sh*ts . Wanna get a j0b ASAP and f0rget the unhappiness m0ments .
PEEPS, pls D0N'T ask me what happen !
But anyways, peeps wh0 d0n't like me, i d0n't like y0u either, and y0u sh0uld feel happy cause y0u w0n't be seeing me again .
I g0t a feeling that this year is a bad year f0r me t00 . SIGHS ):
Will have a l0t 0f quarrels and arguements ar0und . I can't seem t0 click well with y0ungsters and pe0ple i d0n't like and strangers .
Just need peace n0w ! I'm free n0w, t0 be myself 0nce again .
But g0ing t0 return the unif0rms and get my pay real s00n . And i maybe farewell t0 my c0lleague wh0 is nice t0 me . =) I will miss y0u guys . =D Thanks ! I enj0yed w0rking with y0u guys !
Sh0uld i take this chance t0 learnt s0me skills 0r g0 back t0 study ?
T0 be happy in heart is t0 be happy in mind .
N0b0dy is there f0r me when i receive this piece 0f bad news .
I want the pieces 0f y0ur heart .
I wish y0u were here with me t0night .
G00dbye, l0ve .
Feel s0 l0st here, was thinking ab0ut a l0t 0f things t0 bl0g here but when i l0g in n0w, i feel s0 empty . L0ls .
N0 new year res0luti0n .
Just want every0ne t0 be healthy and happy .
I want t0 sm0ke again, i can't take it anym0re . Stress . M00DY . EM0 .
I finally realise i was n0t the 0ne f0r y0u and y0u are n0t the 0ne f0r me .*
FAREWELL ; w0rkmates, s0me0ne i like* and unhappiness . CUI*
SUNSHINE B0Y is wanted !
L00king f0r Mr Cutie t0 be my BF . L0LS . Just kidding . =) Just being rand0m here . Heh !
I'm n0t desperate 0r advertise t0 l00k f0r BF here . I'm n0t l00king f0r 0ne . L0LS .
Miss y0ur c00king, miss smell, miss y0ur smile, miss yu0, miss everything ab0ut Y0U !!!
L0ve is n0t s0 easy t0 find .
L0ve mean y0u have t0 be with him/her, y0u want t0 give the best f0r the pers0n . Let the pers0n feel happiness and be happy .
Was late f0r w0rk in the m0rning . All thanks t0 that traffic jammmmmmm .
Finish w0rk, g0 jalan jalan with 0ne 0f my c0lleague, Miasarah . =) Was supp0se t0 watch m0vie but ended up she is meeting her friends . S0 m0vie was f0rced t0 be cancel .
G0ing h0me late, Mummie was very angry, cause she waited f0r us t0 c0me back t0 eat, 0nly left Daddie and her . They wait f0r us till 7 pm . Feel PS .
Daddie IS g00d lahs ! He is g00d at fixing things, that why a h0use cann0t have n0 MAN ar0und ! He fix the t0ilet b0wl, few days back actually can't flush water but n0w can lia0s . See h0w pr0 Daddie is . L0LS !
But luckily n0b0dy shits these days if n0t smelly like hell and will die des ! =D He is 0ur super her0 at h0me ! Hees .
My m0uth have ulcer. Damn painful . 0n t0p and bel0w my gums . I need t0 drink m0re fluids lia0s . Feel very dry and thirsty inside . TSK !
I need m0re beauty sleep, will die s00ner 0r later . N0t en0ugh sleep sia .
Can't help but thinking ab0ut y0u and y0ur cute smile . Y0ur smile melt my heart .
I l00k like a sister t0 y0u .
Damn sleepy .
My c0mplexti0n SUCKS !
Can't wait t0 c0llect my camera t0m0rr0w . W00ts ! ((:
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
huiHUI-BLURs0t0ng .
Urghhhh . I'm b0red and sleepy . Always sleep s0 late ended up n0t having en0ugh sleep .
0ur st0re cl0sed at 10.30 pm instead 0f the usual 10 pm . Darn freaking tired, cans ?
Daddie is s0 g00d t0 us n0w . He just receive his b0uns and he give us each 250$ . C00l isn't it ?
When will i be receving mine fr0m my c0mpany . Sians, i w0nder h0w much .
Daddie say he pr0mise me t0 give me the m0ney f0r me t0 buy a new ph0ne, but i hesitate . Sh0uld i get it 0r n0t ? Perhaps i sh0uld just save up that sum 0f m0ney .
Super rand0m here .
Seem like y0u're n0t interested at all . I d0n't ask f0r much at all . =)
Sighs .
Been feeling s0 em0 .
l0ves & misses
What am i thinking ab0ut ? Hmmm, 0ne milli0n th0ughts in my minds . L0ls .
Slept at 3 am plus, darn it, fcuking tired sia .
I initially th0ught i was very rude but due t0day i have met pe0ple wh0se is w0rst than me .
I'm pr0ud 0f myself at least i am n0t the w0rst girl ever . Haaz . S0me pe0ple's attitude is w0rst than me . Yucks, they sucks m0re than i d0 .
C0uld it be that i've fallen f0r y0u ?
The feeling is s0 weird, i feel that sense 0f jeal0usly whenever i saw y0u talking t0 0ther girls . But h0w can that be ? We barely kn0w each 0ther . T0tally clueless, trying t0 s0rt 0ut my mind . Sh0uld i let him kn0w ? I was hesitating .
I c0uld have g0 h0me earlier but i hesitate awhile and see y0u awhile and decided t0 went h0me instead .
I als0 hesitate when i see my bus c0mes . What happen t0 me t0day ?
Can an0ne tell me why i feel that way ?
Perhaps its just puppy l0ve ? Like and puppy l0ve is different . D0n't get mixed up .
Feel s0 vexed that i can't seem t0 understand my feelings . Y0u are definite n0t a replacement .
Feel like telling y0u h0w i feel . But scare t0 kn0w y0ur answer .
Her lenses are damn cheap, 10 bucks n0w . =) The cheapest y0u can find . I want t0 get them as well . Hees .
I d0ubt that y0u will c0me back t0 me again s0 i decided t0 give up 0n y0u first and let g0 . I will never see y0u again .
Feel s0 l0st . Mixed feelings . Need s0me time t0 s0rt 0ut my feelings and em0ti0ns .
H0w t0 cure th0se ann0ying pimples and acne 0n the face ? I g0t plenty and l00k fcuking ugly . I seri0usly need t0 get cured bef0re CNY ! But will it be t00 late ? Kills the stupid acne 0n my face quick !
I feel s0 l0nely s0metimes . SIGHS ); Wish s0me0ne can listen t0 what i wanna say . I need s0me0ne t0 talk t0 .
Craving t0 watch m0vie . Any0ne want t0 watch m0vie with me ?
I l0ve y0u, MUMMIE . =D N0b0dy can replace y0u in my heart, MUMMIE ! L0VE y0u deep deep and BIG BIG ~ ! ((:
Tata ~ Beauty sleep .
Nights, 0ff t0 bed .
l0ves & misses
Quick updates :
11 Jan
Ate supper with Gl0ria, was supp0se t0 eat at H0ng K0ng Cafe (0ur fav0urite hang0ut), but when we went in there, the staff sh0w us the seats, i asked her if she want t0 eat at Y0uth Park instead s0 ended up we ate at Y0uth Park and have carr0t cake as 0ur supper f0r the day . Damn l0ve the carr0t cake there ! Its s0 yummy ! L0ls, must try ! Have s0me heart t0 heart talk . And 0h, i am s0 rand0m . L0ls, this is what she said t0 me . I am SUPER rand0m, 0kays ? Haas
12 Jan
W0rk m0rning shift as usual after w0rk went h0me f0r dinner with families, w0rk was n0rmal, s0 far s0 g00d . Everything seems 0kays these days but n0t the sales . Hahaz .
0ff day . Decide t0 r0t at h0me again .
Starting a new life is n0t easy but is w0rth t0 try . Why n0t isn't it ?
I'm n0t a bad pers0n but why d0es pe0ple keep thinking that i am a bad GIRL ? Sighs );
First impressi0n g0ne f0r g00d .
Have t00 much regrets in life, did s0 many wr0ng things . Hard t0 retrieve it anym0re .
0h i am s0 rand0m again .
W00ts, its been veryyyyy l0ng since i last watch a m0vie . Any nice m0vie t0 rec0mmend ?
Feel s0 l0nely at times, find it hard t0 ask pe0ple 0ut n0wadays, perhaps i have been m0re quiet . N0t as 0ut-g0ing as bef0re . Why d0 attached c0uples always neglect their family and friends and just care ab0ut their s0ul mate ? Just can't understand .
M0st 0f the pe0ple i kn0w, self pr0 claim that friends c0me first, but when ask them 0ut they will say : s0rry i meet my bf lia0s . And etc . 0h whatever . S0me even sh0w0ff that they have a BF, s0 what if i d0n't have ? N0t a BIG deal, y0u think i care ? I shall n0t menti0n names here . Y0u kn0w wh0 y0u are . =)
S0 afterwhich met up my mind n0t t0 ask pe0ple 0ut, rather stay at h0me, update bl0g, chat and play games . Theref0re, i bec0me very anti-s0cial, i HATE t0 meet pe0ple i d0n't kn0w and stuffs .
And i fear having friends and BF . I been thru a l0t, s0 been there d0ne there . Fear 0f everything .
N0 c0urage f0r anthing, especially l0ves . I l0se trust and faith in pe0ple . 0nce y0u l0st my trust, its hard t0 gain back again .
I've already regretted, but its all t00 late .
I0Y, 0NE BIG HUG . = I 0wn y0u 0ne BIG hug .
Let the w0rds remain unsaid .
I'm happier n0w n0t because i am really happy cause i have t0 pretend t0 be .
Actually i am a n0t a very happy pers0n, leading my life blindly everyday . Well, i have t0 .
I am happy n0t because 0f pe0ple ar0und me cause i just t0 be happy . N0t f0r the sake 0f any0ne .
Fr0m n0w 0n, i want t0 build better and str0nger relati0nship with my family and pe0ple wh0m i kn0w 0nly . Stay as cl0se as p0ssible . I d0n't want t0 have any regrets in life again, d0n't wanna l0se any0ne by my side again . I cherish pe0ple m0re n0w . I am n0 l0nger the ME like i used t0 be . I want t0 be a better pers0n t00 .
Spend last night thinking ab0ut y0u and 0ur past, i kn0w i v0w t0 f0rget y0u and past but its hard, y0u c0me t0 my mind again, cause i l0ve y0u s0 much . I have an0ther pers0nal diary write everything y0u and me in the past and my th0ught f0r y0u and the w0rds i wanna tell y0u . But n0w, let the w0rds remain unsaid . I SEEM s0 useless t0 y0u, s0 why b0ther t0 l00k up f0r me again ? Just making use 0f me again . I was just plain t00 stupid and naive t0 believe in y0u 0nce again . Always th0ught we can make 0ut again . Its imp0ssible ... anym0re .
S0metimes when i see my c0ntacts and i see y0ur number, i can't help but think w0uld y0u be the pers0n beside me t0 be there whenever i need s0me0ne, but i kn0w the answer clearly than y0u d0 ... It was never y0u, at all . Be it the past, present 0r the future .
I'm t0tally 0ut 0f y0ur life, y0u n0 l0nger cares and l0ves me like y0u d0 years back . After we br0ke up, i was never a happy pers0n, i keep everything t0 myself, i change a l0t, a l0t .
This is retirbuti0n, i deserves it . Blame n0b0dy but myself f0r having this kind 0f attitude .
The 0nly thing i can recall in year 2oo8 is 0nly unhappiness and sadness . All the unhappy things . I d0n't want it either . Is just my faith . Been trying t0 h0ld 0n and stay str0ng, but d0esn't seem as str0ng as i was . I was just t00 weak . I need HELP !
I shall be a guai guai g00d girl n0w . =D
The days and chances 0f me surviving in my w0rkplace seem hard f0r me .
L0tsa 0f pr0blem c0ming up after w0rking l0ng in a place, start t0 dislikes this and that, the pe0ple there, the changes they did and etc . Feel very vexed ab0ut it .
In future, i have anything i feel unhappy ab0ut, i shall n0t tell any0ne and just bl0g it 0ut .
C0s' n0b0dy can be trusted . 0ne pers0n always makes a difference . Th0ught 0f finding a better j0b, but its hard, i d0n't really have qualificati0n and skills . I 0nly have experience . D0es this c0unts ? Hate myself f0r n0t studying harder in the past . SIGHS ); Its t00 late . I th0ught 0f w0rking in a pub .
F0r 0ne thing which is clear, that is c0lleague will always be c0lleague and n0t friends . =D
I want, i want , i want a CUTE puppy ! =)
I l0ve kids n0wadays, h0ping t0 be a MUMMY s00n, L0LS, n0 BF yet h0w t0 have kids ? L0LS right ? Hahas . They're s0 cute but naughty sia . But i d0ubt i can be a g00d Mummy as well, i am n0t a g00d GF in the past lia0s . I am n0t a g00d daughter but i will always be y0ur g00d listening ear . N0t friend, perhaps .
Maybe i just wan't g00d en0ugh . Wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be anything 0r any0ne better .
Wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d daughter, wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d friend, wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d GF in the past, i wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be any0ne . I wasn't b0rn the way i want, i wasn't b0rn PERFECT . I am just n0t g00d en0ugh .
I can't ch00se wh0 i wanna be .
Maybe i was b0rn t0 be imperfect but n0w i want t0 be a perfecti0nist .
Been having blur visi0n, am i g0ing t0 be blind s00n ? Thinking t00 much again .
But if 0ne day i really turn blind, i will cry till i die . Bec0me crazy als0 .
N0t en0ugh sleep as well, been sleeping late, can't sleep well recently . What 0n earth is happening t0 me ?
C0ngrats me 0n "quit sm0king" f0r nearly three bl00dly weeks . C00l, but tends t0 eat a l0t . I am fatter n0w . And it SUCKS !
Thanks t0 that BIG fall, my leg's c0mplexti0n really SUCKS, make me have t0 wear 0nly jeans and leggings, n0 m0re sh0rts . Ugly scars . It g0t w0rst instead 0f getting any better . I hate wearing jeans, its my facts 0f life . Hate having peri0ds, feel extremely m00dy des . M00d is unstable .
New addicti0ns : Faberdrive, simple plan, click five and ETC ...
They're my new addicit0ns f0r n0w, cause they're H0T ! I l0ve H0T guys ! Haaz . =) Wh0 d0esn't ? Can't resist huhs ? Dr00ling 0ver them . Guess i need a tissue, lame, i kn0w . Haas .
Guys wh0 have n0 temper and sh0ws cares and c0ncern ab0ut my family turns me t0tally 0n ~ ! Guys having tatt00s and BANGS is H0T ~ ! L0ve them t0 death ~ ! L0LS .
0ne m0re m0nth t0 Valentine's Day . What y0u pe0ple plan t0 d0 ? Well, i d0n't have any plans, perhaps just catch a m0vie al0ne 0r just w0rk . Valentine's Day is n0t f0r me .
And i d0n't celebrate, this year g0nna be l0nely again . =) I'm PRETTY used t0 it .
I want t0 buy M + Y steel ring, it remind me 0f the past, but mem0ries is always sweet, its very imp0rtant t0 me . I h0pe i can get the same design years back the design y0u give me . N0t interested and keen in relati0nships . L0nely Valentine . HAHAS . G0ing t0 celebrate al0ne again like last year, watch m0vie al0ne . L0LS, i'm n0t sad just feel happy cause at least i've time f0r myself .
Life is s0 fraglic, y0u will never kn0w wh0 is g0ing t0 leave y0u next .
Feel s0 vexed 0ver my items which i want t0 sell .
Needs m0ney urgently .
Feel like learning MUSIC . Like pian0, guitar and ... Lets spin the music .
Play THE music .
0ne piece 0f g00d news, my camera is d0ne ! =) N0 CHARGE . S0 happy, was planning t0 get it t0day but changed my mind and decide t0 get it at my next 0ff day . Can't wait f0r it, was waiting f0r nearly three bl00dly weeks .
N0t buying any new year cl0thes, perhaps, have way t00 much cl0thes . Especially s0me is still new . Never wear bef0re . Save that extra bucks . (:
Its time f0r cleaning up f0r CNY ! I need th0se BIG bucks ! I need t0 sell 0ff all my cl0thes that i d0n't wear 0ff ASAP ! I w0n't be buying s0 many cl0thes that 0ften . Need t0 start saving m0ney f0r rainy days .
D0 i l00k like s0me underage girl when i tie my hair up ? A l0t 0f pe0ple says that, i think s0 . S0 kidish . G00d 0r bad ?
l0ves & misses
Sunday is a b0ring day f0r me .
N0thing much, just that everywhere y0u g0 i packed with Maids . N0 m0re c0mments .
I really need t0 save m0ney this m0nth, starting fr0m this m0nth 0nwards . At least 5o bucks the m0st .
Life is s0 meaningless s0metimes . SIGHS ): What am i thinking ab0ut ?
I feel that i am a l0t quieter these days . Just feel like keep everything in my heart . N0b0dy can be trusted t0 me .
Feel very tired . Might left my bl0g aband0ned f0r awhile . Anything just c0ntact by my m0bile . =) Take care, every0ne .
l0ves & misses
Why can't the w0rld be balance ? Why can't every0ne be sharing the same kind 0f happiness, instead 0f unhappiness here and there ? Then there w0n't be any0ne wh0 is t00 p00r 0r t00 rich .
Happiness is s0 simple, why am i find it s0 hard t0 smile and be happy ? What's wr0ng ?
Unable t0 smile 0r l00k happy at times . Find it hard t0 smile . That makes me super blacklisted and bec0me s0000 anti-s0cial . But i can "CLICK" well with pe0ple i c0mmunicate well .
Why d0es pe0ple always judge a b00k by its c0ver and with0ut l00king at its c0ntent inside ? Get what i am trying t0 say ? Whatever its if y0u still g0ing t0 judge me that way, suits y0ur way . I am n0t g0ing t0 care, because i am always me, y0u are n0t g0ing t0 bring me d0wn .
I've n0t been sm0king f0r nearly 0ne week . G00d news, isn't it ? Y0u will see me gaining weight s00ner 0r later . I am fat en0ugh . And i am UGLY . I hate MYSELF ! Been craving f0r it these few days, help me ~ ! Mummie and my c0lleague was 0verj0yed when they heard the news . But th0ught 0f starting back again, i feel very uneasy .
N0t praying 0f wanting any better this year . Just grant my wish by keeping every0ne in a happy and healthy state ! =)
I'm always al0ne and i have already give up 0n fate . If this is my fate i will just accept it .
I just, just want t0 treat my family nicely and giving them as much as i can give .
T0tally l0st c0nfident in R/S, FRIENDS, trust in pe0ple, m0ney issues . Very sensitive t0 all these issues . D0n't ask why and anything ab0ut the ab0ve menti0n, pls . GIMME peaceeee .
My family is the type that d0n't sh0ws c0ncern f0r 0ne an0ther s0 much, we tend t0 keep it inside 0ur heart but deep inside we care ab0ut 0ne an0ther .
Finally, my i t0uch is giving me "s0me" peace . But i have difficluties switching it 0ff . Thanks t0 the press and h0ld the 0ff butt0n . Fcuking tight and small and its inside, the invent0r is s0000 smart huhs ?
Urghhhhh, i miss my Thursday 0ff days . SH*T . They must have taken it away, i hate t0 0ff 0n Tuesday and Wednesday, i am used t0 having 0ff day 0n Thursday, i want t0 pray hard f0r 0ne again .
Been having mixed vegetables rice at Lucky Plaza these days f0r break and i am al0ne . ( Wanna j0in me ?) Damn fcuking cheap, cans ? 2 veggies, and 1 meat is 0nly 2.50$, tell me wherelse can y0u find the cheapest bargain in t0wn area ? N0 ch0ice i have t0 save a l0t starting fr0m this m0nth 0nwards .
0h yeah, i L.0.V.E TQ always ! BIG BIG & DEEP DEEP . =) But ...
The th0ughts 0f human beings making use 0f 0ne an0ther makes me angry, i hate it when pe0ple are making use 0f me .
A parent's l0ve is str0nger than anything else . Th0ught 0f ink-ing this at my wrist, nice ?
Mummie is bringing me t0 see d0ct0r t0m0rr0w in the m0rning ab0ut my skin .
I been sleeping late, heavy eye circles and eye bags . I hate it lahs . Any cures f0r it ? 0r anything t0 help it lighten ?
Heard 0f SK II miracle water is great, but hear fr0m my c0lleague that 0nce y0u start using, y0u can't st0p if n0t y0u will have side effects 0n y0ur side, was planning t0 get it but sec0nd th0ughts maybe n0t .
T0day is the first day year 2oo9 . =) And fcuk, i am 0ne year 0lder . DAMN it !
H0w d0 y0u celebrate y0ur day ? Unf0rtunately, i've t0 w0rk, but i am lucky as well cause i w0rked till 3 pm . C00l, isn't it ? S0me reas0ns behind it .
Went f0r c0untd0wn and firew0rks at Marina, after w0rk meet up with Angela at City Hall MRT stati0n, damn packed . Pe0ple here and there . D0n't really like c0unting d0wn .
The firew0rks is damn nice, SHI0K ~ ! T00 bad my camera send f0r "check0ut" . But i really hate cr0wded places, pls d0n't ask me g0 t0 cr0wded places again . I get "pekchek" very easily .
Get irritate by three bastards*, they keep staring at us and even vide0 cam us . I t0ld Angela but she said i think t00 much, guess they never see pretty girls in their entire life bef0re . Wahahaz =x And they are n0t even g00d-l00king, 0nly tw0 w0rds t0 describe them FUGLY . =) L0LS . But quite pissed with their stares .
Aiy0, i hate myself f0r spending m0ney like water and n0 m0ney sense .
Br0ught 0ne black shining legging, 0ne black skinny jeans (finally), black sh0rtand 0ne th0ng . =) C0l0urful and its cheap, 0nly 5 bucks . Hehes .
I l00k like a small kid whenever i tie my hair . Hahas . I want t0 cut BANGS again ! Pr0bably in February .
N0b0dy will understand the pain inside my heart .
Why are human beings s0 selfish ? Just care ab0ut themselves with0ut c0ncerning 0THER pe0ple's feelings ? SIGHS ):
N0B0DY's perfect, wh0 y0u think y0u are t0 judge me when y0u're n0t perfect as well ? Take a g00d l00k at y0urself in the mirr0r bef0re saying pe0ple . Really hate it when pe0ple say i am a AH LIAN, h0w many times must i say that i am n0t 0ne ? And i fcuking HATE AH LIAN t0 the c0re, d0n't y0u idi0ts* just judge me fr0m my tatt00s . D0es this means that all girls put tatt00s are AH LIAN and guys wh0 put are AH BENG ? Pls have s0me c0mm0n sense . I can teach y0u if y0u need help . I'm n0t as g00d as y0u think, i am n0t as bad as y0u think as well . ;D
I p0d is giving me a BIG headache, have difficulties in switching 0ff as the butt0n is small and flat and i can't transfer s0ngs fr0m my f0lders . SH*T .
Away f0r dinner . BRB . =D
Hey, hey, hey ! I'm back ~ ! =)
T0m0rr0w will be a better day f0r me . ;D
We hit the target last m0nth, s0 g0t c0nmissi0n, but s0me 0f the par timer, d0n't feel very happy and feel very unfair, why they didn't get . Additi0nal m0ney ! =) But can 0nly get it pr0bably in end 0f Janurary's pay r0ll .
Sh0p is extremely quiet t0day, perhaps m0st 0f the cust0mer t0n till m0rning, that well .
0kays, shall end here f0r t0day . PEACE .
l0ves & misses
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diaryPH0T0S UPL0ADING .
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ( 1/28/2009 01:40:00 PM )
Grandfather and Sister . (:
Me and my Sister 0n the day having reuni0n dinner .
Me and MUMMIE . TAKE 1
Br0ther, Mummie, Me & Daddie . (:
Sister & MUMMIE .
My bel0ved sweetheart .
Isn't he cute ? 0h ...
N0t RA sh0t, just trying t0 bent d0wn, y0u SUCKS if y0u think the 0ther way r0und .
Smile hard .
I kn0w it is cute . Hahas .
Eating l0llyp0p . =d
What am i thinking ab0ut ?
What am i l00king at ?
Hehes . =D
B00 ...
CHU ~ !
Thinking hard, real hard .
N0t em0 anym0re . L0ls .
Rand0m sh0ts . ((:
HELL0 (: My name is CHARLEEN, what's y0ur ?
What ya l00king at ? * R0ARS *
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Sch00l starts t0day and m0st 0f the sh0p sh0uld be 0pen by t0day 0r t0m0rr0w the latest . N0t sure . Sians .
Remember that when i was in sec0ndary sch00l, used t0 have a l0t 0f friends and even g0d siblings . But as y0u gr0w 0lder y0ur gap between y0ur friends and g0d siblings sl0wer drift apart . And y0u wil have lesser friends . True, isn't it ? Thinking back then, was really childish, what is the used 0f keeping s0 many g0d siblings, i even buy things f0r them every n0wand then . Just t0 keep themby my side and make them happy . What a waste 0f m0ney . I am a BIG m0ney splendid . D0esn't kn0w h0w t0 manage my finance well . );
W0nder why s0me guys fr0m pris0n keep sending me letters saying want t0 make friends and etc and i just received 0ne card CNY greetings . The pr0blem is n0t i mind making friends with them but the pr0blems lies 0n where did they get my address fr0m and h0w d0 they kn0w my name ? BIG BIG questi0n marks .
A l0t 0f times, a c0uple just aren't meant t0 be t0gether . Maybe, it is n0t they d0n't care 0r l0ve each 0ther . Maybe, the m0re they care, the m0re they l0ve, ir0nically, are the exact reas0ns the c0uple can't be t0gether . I kn0w it s0unds absurb, but l0ve needs c0rrect timing, c0rrect place t0 happen . N0t all relati0nships can have happy endings . S0metimes, a perfect relati0nship als0 c0mes t0 a day where it have t0 end .
TRUE, TRUE right ? But guess wh0 type it ? N0pe, its n0t me ! I saw it y0utube, s0me0ne were c0mmenting ab0ut 0ne s0ng and i find it quite meaningful and c0py and paste it here . N0t c0pyright by me . L0ls .
L0ve and sex is tw0 different things .
Super sians and tired, been sleeping extremely late .
I need l0tsa 0f water . I am dying s00n !
S0mem0re i hardly drink water n0w, i have been eating"unhealthy" f00d as well like jukes and crispy f00d .
If y0u saw s0me0ne wh0 l00k like y0ur ex, and y0u get t0 see the pers0n everyday what will y0u d0 ?
* Keep y0u with me in my heart, y0u make thing easier when life gets hard . Lucky i am in l0ve with my best friend .
I want t0 hear th0se three w0rds fr0m y0u . :)
** I believe in miracles s0metime, but miracles d0n't happen 0n me . Just have t0 pray hard .
Fate is 0ver, d0n't dwell 0n it . F0rget the past . It is just n0t meant t0 be .
Remember that when i was in sec0ndary sch00l, used t0 have a l0t 0f friends and even g0d siblings . But as y0u gr0w 0lder y0ur gap between y0ur friends and g0d siblings sl0wer drift apart . And y0u wil have lesser friends . True, isn't it ? Thinking back then, was really childish, what is the used 0f keeping s0 many g0d siblings, i even buy things f0r them every n0wand then . Just t0 keep themby my side and make them happy . What a waste 0f m0ney . I am a BIG m0ney splendid . D0esn't kn0w h0w t0 manage my finance well . );
W0nder why s0me guys fr0m pris0n keep sending me letters saying want t0 make friends and etc and i just received 0ne card CNY greetings . The pr0blem is n0t i mind making friends with them but the pr0blems lies 0n where did they get my address fr0m and h0w d0 they kn0w my name ? BIG BIG questi0n marks .
A l0t 0f times, a c0uple just aren't meant t0 be t0gether . Maybe, it is n0t they d0n't care 0r l0ve each 0ther . Maybe, the m0re they care, the m0re they l0ve, ir0nically, are the exact reas0ns the c0uple can't be t0gether . I kn0w it s0unds absurb, but l0ve needs c0rrect timing, c0rrect place t0 happen . N0t all relati0nships can have happy endings . S0metimes, a perfect relati0nship als0 c0mes t0 a day where it have t0 end .
TRUE, TRUE right ? But guess wh0 type it ? N0pe, its n0t me ! I saw it y0utube, s0me0ne were c0mmenting ab0ut 0ne s0ng and i find it quite meaningful and c0py and paste it here . N0t c0pyright by me . L0ls .
L0ve and sex is tw0 different things .
Super sians and tired, been sleeping extremely late .
I need l0tsa 0f water . I am dying s00n !
S0mem0re i hardly drink water n0w, i have been eating"unhealthy" f00d as well like jukes and crispy f00d .
If y0u saw s0me0ne wh0 l00k like y0ur ex, and y0u get t0 see the pers0n everyday what will y0u d0 ?
* Keep y0u with me in my heart, y0u make thing easier when life gets hard . Lucky i am in l0ve with my best friend .
I want t0 hear th0se three w0rds fr0m y0u . :)
** I believe in miracles s0metime, but miracles d0n't happen 0n me . Just have t0 pray hard .
Fate is 0ver, d0n't dwell 0n it . F0rget the past . It is just n0t meant t0 be .
I really h0pe t0 see y0u again . :)
Stay tuned f0r m0re ph0t0s t0m0rr0w ! ((;
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: PH0T0S UPL0ADING .
The diary
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 ( 1/27/2009 11:38:00 PM )
Sec0nd day 0f CNY was n0rmal .
Went t0 Istana building then t0 Anut's h0use t0 eat steamb0at .
Taken s0me ph0t0s t0day . Will upl0ad it t0m0rr0w, as well as s0me updated ph0t0s . (:
I l0st my GEEK specs . Damn it .
Geek specs is s0 trendy n0w . Can see every0ne is wearing it .
I"l0ve" my black hair s0 much . Black is always 0n the trend .
Seri0usly i can't seem t0 click with strangers and pe0ple wh0m i d0n't really kn0w . And they always find me very unfriendly . N0t every0ne is friendly and i d0n't find the need t0 change myself fr0m bec0ming friendly t0wards strangers . Unkn0wn .
www.hotel626.com is c00l, is a scary game . Really scare the hell 0ut 0f me . Luckily i play with br0ther . If n0t scare t0 death ! But still feel a bit scare . Try it if y0u dare . 0nly available at 6pm - 6 am .
If i were a b0y, i will l0ve my GF, stay faithful t0 her 0nly and treasure her a l0t . =) Afterall, girls are b0rn t0 be d0te n0t t0 d0 h0usech0res f0r man !
Fcuk wh0se eyebags and dark eye circles ! They were my w0rst nightmare ever . I l00k freaking FUGLY when i rem0ve and d0n't makeup . I l00k s0 pale and death .
Guys are w0lves, they l00k at p0rn everyday, l00king at girls figures and etc . Pervert !
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
The diaryCNY first day .
( 1/27/2009 12:38:00 AM )
T0day is CNY first day . W0ke up at ar0und 11 am . Eh, nt0 really early 0r late .
By the way, make a few trips t0 s0me relatives h0use . =) T00k s0me ph0t0s as well . Will upl0ad it when i am free and lazy-free . =D Receive quite a number 0f h0ng ba0 (red packets) . Wanna save in the bank . ((:
It is s0 true that friendships and even relati0nships needs t0 c0mmunicate and have a heart t0 heart talk if n0t the friendships and relati0nships will turn s0ur and things will turn bad .
My 0nly wish n0w is t0 get what i deserve (b0nus), and get a j0b ASAP .
I need t0 supp0rt the family . I need a j0b, seri0usly .
Think g0t quite a number 0f pe0ple kn0ws ab0ut my terminati0n . But still wish t0 kept it as a secret t0 wh0se wh0 d0n't kn0w . I guess it is just n0t my luck . And i d0ubt i will w0rk retail j0b again, cause i am n0t suitable f0r it .
And y0u kn0w what ? Just n0w my AM texts me, asking me t0 return them the unif0rms t0 my c0lleague s0 that they can send me my pay . And als0 i am N0T all0w t0 enter the sh0p anym0re . I was like ... WTF . Why can't i ? I am n0t y0ur staff anym0re . She c0ntiune texting me saying that my terminati0n was a private premises s0 they can ch00se t0 let wh0ever in and wh0ever they d0n't all0w there . Feel s00000 angry when hearing this . But i d0n't care .
D0n't wish t0 say anything else, feel s0 tired 0f it . I really need s0me peace . And a l0ng break .
Sh*t, i start t0 feel em0 lia0s . ):
Tell me what is 0n y0ur mind and i'll tell y0u what is 0n my mind . 0kays, i am being rand0m here .
I am super tired, i need t0 sleeep, sleep sleeeeeepppppppppppp ! ;D * yawns *
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: CNY first day .
The diaryTERMINATI0N .
Sunday, January 25, 2009 ( 1/25/2009 10:16:00 PM )
I swear that t0day is my w0rst day ever . Never ever felt s0 "suay" in my life bef0re .
I d0ubt this year g0nna be a better year f0r me either .
Why d0 i say this ? Let me explain . Imgine pe0ple feel happy durnig CNY, but these few days i d0n't feel s0 . Especially t0day . Cause i am j0bless n0w . N0 inc0me = .D.I.E. !
First, i was late f0r w0rk, i feel weird, i did set up the alarm cl0ck but it didn't ring, my Mummie says she tried t0 wake me up but i didn't resp0nse t0 her .
Sec0nd, when i reach my w0rkplace, i spill 0ne 0f my c0lleage's drink . Cause we shar l0cker and she happen t0 leave the drink inside the l0cker but its s0 near the l0cker's d00r s0 it spilled . Damn it, 0f c0urse i have t0 m0p it, and the m0p wasn't that g00d t0 use as well . L0usy . Feel feel sticky and have the smell 0f Mil0 . Then i went t0 T0ast B0x t0 buy f0r my c0lleague, the stuff in T0ast B0x stuff was s0000 sl0w .
Third, i was being terminted, yes, being terminated ! Thanks t0 that bl00dy cust0mer wh0 c0mplain ab0ut me . B*tchesss ! I was w0rking half way, when i saw all the m0rning shift plus the mid shift get t0 g0 f0r break, but they didn't ask me al0ng . I feel weird, i sense s0mething is n0t right fr0m that m0ment s0 i c0ntinue t0 w0rk until my seni0r call me saying that my Assistant Manager needs t0 talk t0 me .
N0 m0re w0rk fr0m n0w 0nwards, y0u're free t0 date 0r ask me 0ut ! L0ls . I feel sad and happy lahz .
But just think that my Management really SUCKS t0 the c0re and are s0000 fake ! Especially my 0perati0n Manager, Mrs M.H and Assistant Manager, Ms Y.H and my Supervis0r, K.0 . They sucks ! They b0th sucks m0re !
Hate them s000 much, they like t0 g0ssip ar0und behind and even inside 0f the pers0n, imagine it . It was s0000 ann0ying and after they tease the pers0n, they even want the pers0n t0 laugh al0ng t00 . Nabeh ! Y0u tease at pe0ple h0w t0 y0u expect pe0ple t0 laugh as well ? Pig brain, use y0ur bl00dy brain lahs b0d0h !
Think i like them ? I hate them fr0m the beginning, since they are fake s0 i fake t0 them back . An eye f0r an eye .
My AM even says i like t0 backstab her behind her, excuse me, please get this clear, wh0 is backstabbing behind wh0se back first ?!
Even quarrel with me and say like i am time b0mb will expl0de anytime, s0 y0u guys are scare 0f me . Fcuking b*tch, even sh0uted at me ! And say wanted t0 call the security ! Y0u better remember ! What g0es ar0und, c0mes ar0und . Always th0ught y0u're pretty . YUCKS !
The m0ment i heard the news, i feel like crying 0ut l0ud and a sh0ulder t0 lent 0n, just feel like telling s0me0ne then decide t0 g0 l00k f0r H0ng Sheng and ask if he is free .
He said he is n0t free, d0esn't have any break, have t0 w0rk till 6 pm . Then i replied never mind and i went 0ff .
But i definitly feel very happy after saying my last piece 0f w0rd t0 her, n0b0dy likes y0u, y0u think every0ne likes y0u ?! And y0u kn0w what ? Fr0m the beginning, i d0n't like y0u and y0u SUCKS ! =)
Finally g0t a chance t0 v0ice 0ut what is always in my mind . N0 matter what i did and said, i am always wr0ng, y0u say i didn't want t0 admit my mistakes but y0u were n0t in my sh0es . I tried t0 c0ntr0l but it is bey0nd my limits t0 c0ntr0l my em0ti0ns s0metimes . Y0u just d0n't understand .
***S0me 0f the things are n0t menti0n here . Shall n0t menti0n .
I remember that was this time, few days back, she is really ridicil0us . I asked my VM wh0m is in charge 0f changing all the mannequin's cl0thes and etc, where is the necklace 0r t0p is being placed at cause cust0mer asking me where is it, i am blur, i tried t0 l00k f0r it but can't seem t0 find it .
Then i went in t0 the 0ffice t0 l00k f0r her, she was sitting inside with my AM . And i asked her, after that my AM talked t0 me asking me why i didn't ask the seni0rs 0r her ab0ut the cl0thes, i was w0ndering s0metimes when i ask y0u guys ab0ut the cl0thes, y0u guys d0n't even kn0w where is it, i might as well find the VM wh0 kn0ws better than us . Isn't it ? Freaking lame then kanna sc0lding fr0m her f0r n0thing, recently she likes t0 sc0ld me a l0t but n0t anym0re . =)
Pe0ple at w0rk can be nice with but seri0usly can't be trusted . Likes t0 backstabbing behind pe0ple's back .
I feel a bit wasted, cause i've already pr0mised my Mummie t0 w0rk till after CNY, and after i get my this m0nth c0nmissi0n and b0nus then i will quit . But i've n0thing t0 give n0w . S0rry, Mummie . I kn0w y0u feel utterly feel disapp0inted ab0ut me . I pr0mise y0u that i will change f0r g00d and get a j0b ASAP .
Y0u guys will never kn0w h0w i feel, ESPECIALLY with this type 0f attitude, i als0 d0n't wish t0 have this type 0f attitude, i d0n't feel happy either .
I've n0thing t0 say ab0ut the j0b and wh0se sh*ts . Wanna get a j0b ASAP and f0rget the unhappiness m0ments .
PEEPS, pls D0N'T ask me what happen !
But anyways, peeps wh0 d0n't like me, i d0n't like y0u either, and y0u sh0uld feel happy cause y0u w0n't be seeing me again .
I g0t a feeling that this year is a bad year f0r me t00 . SIGHS ):
Will have a l0t 0f quarrels and arguements ar0und . I can't seem t0 click well with y0ungsters and pe0ple i d0n't like and strangers .
Just need peace n0w ! I'm free n0w, t0 be myself 0nce again .
But g0ing t0 return the unif0rms and get my pay real s00n . And i maybe farewell t0 my c0lleague wh0 is nice t0 me . =) I will miss y0u guys . =D Thanks ! I enj0yed w0rking with y0u guys !
Sh0uld i take this chance t0 learnt s0me skills 0r g0 back t0 study ?
T0 be happy in heart is t0 be happy in mind .
N0b0dy is there f0r me when i receive this piece 0f bad news .
I want the pieces 0f y0ur heart .
I wish y0u were here with me t0night .
G00dbye, l0ve .
Feel s0 l0st here, was thinking ab0ut a l0t 0f things t0 bl0g here but when i l0g in n0w, i feel s0 empty . L0ls .
N0 new year res0luti0n .
Just want every0ne t0 be healthy and happy .
I want t0 sm0ke again, i can't take it anym0re . Stress . M00DY . EM0 .
I finally realise i was n0t the 0ne f0r y0u and y0u are n0t the 0ne f0r me .*
FAREWELL ; w0rkmates, s0me0ne i like* and unhappiness . CUI*
Anyways, peeps HAPPY 牛 YEAR !
M00, m00, m00 . Niu nian kuai le . ((:
Just finish reuni0n dinner at my grandparents h0use . N0t feeling very happy still thinking ab0ut what happen ealier 0n . Can't help but think as i have been w0rking there f0r like s0 l0ng ?
Back t0 the t0pic .
This year was very different, aiya i f0rget t0 take the picture 0f the buffet, yes we have buffet this year .
D0esn't s0und much 0f a reuni0n dinner f0r me . Cause buffet have t0 eat separtely whereas a "pr0per" reuni0n dinner sh0uld be ate t0gether as a family in a BIG table . That feeling was damn shi0k ! I swear i will miss it !
H0pe next year we will have a better reuni0n dinner . =D
Eh, t0 be h0nest, i d0n't like buffet, their f00d is n0t nice 0nly 50 : 50 and the feeling 0f reuni0n dinner is g0ne .
Feeling very tired these few days, i need a l0ng l0ng rest . N0w i can a l0ng l0ng f0r all i want . =)
Th0ught 0f g0ing 0versea f0r awhile .
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
huiHUI- BLURs0t0ng .
The diary=)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ( 1/21/2009 10:47:00 PM )
SUNSHINE B0Y is wanted !
L00king f0r Mr Cutie t0 be my BF . L0LS . Just kidding . =) Just being rand0m here . Heh !
I'm n0t desperate 0r advertise t0 l00k f0r BF here . I'm n0t l00king f0r 0ne . L0LS .
Miss y0ur c00king, miss smell, miss y0ur smile, miss yu0, miss everything ab0ut Y0U !!!
L0ve is n0t s0 easy t0 find .
L0ve mean y0u have t0 be with him/her, y0u want t0 give the best f0r the pers0n . Let the pers0n feel happiness and be happy .
Was late f0r w0rk in the m0rning . All thanks t0 that traffic jammmmmmm .
Finish w0rk, g0 jalan jalan with 0ne 0f my c0lleague, Miasarah . =) Was supp0se t0 watch m0vie but ended up she is meeting her friends . S0 m0vie was f0rced t0 be cancel .
G0ing h0me late, Mummie was very angry, cause she waited f0r us t0 c0me back t0 eat, 0nly left Daddie and her . They wait f0r us till 7 pm . Feel PS .
Daddie IS g00d lahs ! He is g00d at fixing things, that why a h0use cann0t have n0 MAN ar0und ! He fix the t0ilet b0wl, few days back actually can't flush water but n0w can lia0s . See h0w pr0 Daddie is . L0LS !
But luckily n0b0dy shits these days if n0t smelly like hell and will die des ! =D He is 0ur super her0 at h0me ! Hees .
My m0uth have ulcer. Damn painful . 0n t0p and bel0w my gums . I need t0 drink m0re fluids lia0s . Feel very dry and thirsty inside . TSK !
I need m0re beauty sleep, will die s00ner 0r later . N0t en0ugh sleep sia .
Can't help but thinking ab0ut y0u and y0ur cute smile . Y0ur smile melt my heart .
I l00k like a sister t0 y0u .
Damn sleepy .
My c0mplexti0n SUCKS !
Can't wait t0 c0llect my camera t0m0rr0w . W00ts ! ((:
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
huiHUI-BLURs0t0ng .
Labels: =)
The diaryExtra cash .
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 ( 1/20/2009 11:25:00 AM )
Urghhhh . I'm b0red and sleepy . Always sleep s0 late ended up n0t having en0ugh sleep .
0ur st0re cl0sed at 10.30 pm instead 0f the usual 10 pm . Darn freaking tired, cans ?
Daddie is s0 g00d t0 us n0w . He just receive his b0uns and he give us each 250$ . C00l isn't it ?
When will i be receving mine fr0m my c0mpany . Sians, i w0nder h0w much .
Daddie say he pr0mise me t0 give me the m0ney f0r me t0 buy a new ph0ne, but i hesitate . Sh0uld i get it 0r n0t ? Perhaps i sh0uld just save up that sum 0f m0ney .
Super rand0m here .
Seem like y0u're n0t interested at all . I d0n't ask f0r much at all . =)
Sighs .
Been feeling s0 em0 .
l0ves & misses
Labels: Extra cahs . W00ts . =)
The diaryMixed feelings .
Sunday, January 18, 2009 ( 1/18/2009 08:58:00 PM )
What am i thinking ab0ut ? Hmmm, 0ne milli0n th0ughts in my minds . L0ls .
Slept at 3 am plus, darn it, fcuking tired sia .
I initially th0ught i was very rude but due t0day i have met pe0ple wh0se is w0rst than me .
I'm pr0ud 0f myself at least i am n0t the w0rst girl ever . Haaz . S0me pe0ple's attitude is w0rst than me . Yucks, they sucks m0re than i d0 .
C0uld it be that i've fallen f0r y0u ?
The feeling is s0 weird, i feel that sense 0f jeal0usly whenever i saw y0u talking t0 0ther girls . But h0w can that be ? We barely kn0w each 0ther . T0tally clueless, trying t0 s0rt 0ut my mind . Sh0uld i let him kn0w ? I was hesitating .
I c0uld have g0 h0me earlier but i hesitate awhile and see y0u awhile and decided t0 went h0me instead .
I als0 hesitate when i see my bus c0mes . What happen t0 me t0day ?
Can an0ne tell me why i feel that way ?
Perhaps its just puppy l0ve ? Like and puppy l0ve is different . D0n't get mixed up .
Feel s0 vexed that i can't seem t0 understand my feelings . Y0u are definite n0t a replacement .
Feel like telling y0u h0w i feel . But scare t0 kn0w y0ur answer .
Her lenses are damn cheap, 10 bucks n0w . =) The cheapest y0u can find . I want t0 get them as well . Hees .
I d0ubt that y0u will c0me back t0 me again s0 i decided t0 give up 0n y0u first and let g0 . I will never see y0u again .
Feel s0 l0st . Mixed feelings . Need s0me time t0 s0rt 0ut my feelings and em0ti0ns .
H0w t0 cure th0se ann0ying pimples and acne 0n the face ? I g0t plenty and l00k fcuking ugly . I seri0usly need t0 get cured bef0re CNY ! But will it be t00 late ? Kills the stupid acne 0n my face quick !
I feel s0 l0nely s0metimes . SIGHS ); Wish s0me0ne can listen t0 what i wanna say . I need s0me0ne t0 talk t0 .
Craving t0 watch m0vie . Any0ne want t0 watch m0vie with me ?
I l0ve y0u, MUMMIE . =D N0b0dy can replace y0u in my heart, MUMMIE ! L0VE y0u deep deep and BIG BIG ~ ! ((:
Tata ~ Beauty sleep .
Nights, 0ff t0 bed .
l0ves & misses
Labels: Mixed feelings .
The diarySheesha, sales .
Friday, January 16, 2009 ( 1/16/2009 11:14:00 AM )
W00ts, nice isn't it ? I wanna get these tw0 items when i get my pay next m0nth, but its expensive lahs . C0sts a b0mb, that will be a BIG h0le in my p0cket next m0nth .
Suddenly g0t the urge t0 sm0ke, feel like trying sheesha . Is it spell like that ? L0ls, my spelling fail . Haas, whatever as l0ng as i kn0w what i type can lia0s . Sh0uld i 0r sh0uld i n0t ?
S0me guys are s00000 ann0ying, they even ch00se l00ks t0 make friends with girls, 0h please lahs y0u are n0t even hands0me l00king y0urselves still want the girls t0 be pretty, y0u sh0uld be happy f0r having a GF and sh0uld be lucky that pe0ple d0es n0t pick y0u instead . Yucks, disgusting fell0ws, make me wanna puke .
Sales wasn't that g00d recently, guess the cr0wd have g0ne t0 Chinat0wn . Their things are way m0re cheaper .
Ta ta ~ !
Need t0 rush 0ff t0 w0rk ! =)
Have a nice day and weekend ahead ! CHEERS ! =D
l0ves & misses
Labels: new ph0ne and key l0ck necklace ., sales, Sheesha
The diaryMy facts 0f life . (:
Thursday, January 15, 2009 ( 1/15/2009 12:29:00 PM )
Quick updates :
11 Jan
Ate supper with Gl0ria, was supp0se t0 eat at H0ng K0ng Cafe (0ur fav0urite hang0ut), but when we went in there, the staff sh0w us the seats, i asked her if she want t0 eat at Y0uth Park instead s0 ended up we ate at Y0uth Park and have carr0t cake as 0ur supper f0r the day . Damn l0ve the carr0t cake there ! Its s0 yummy ! L0ls, must try ! Have s0me heart t0 heart talk . And 0h, i am s0 rand0m . L0ls, this is what she said t0 me . I am SUPER rand0m, 0kays ? Haas
12 Jan
W0rk m0rning shift as usual after w0rk went h0me f0r dinner with families, w0rk was n0rmal, s0 far s0 g00d . Everything seems 0kays these days but n0t the sales . Hahaz .
0ff day . Decide t0 r0t at h0me again .
Starting a new life is n0t easy but is w0rth t0 try . Why n0t isn't it ?
I'm n0t a bad pers0n but why d0es pe0ple keep thinking that i am a bad GIRL ? Sighs );
First impressi0n g0ne f0r g00d .
Have t00 much regrets in life, did s0 many wr0ng things . Hard t0 retrieve it anym0re .
0h i am s0 rand0m again .
W00ts, its been veryyyyy l0ng since i last watch a m0vie . Any nice m0vie t0 rec0mmend ?
Feel s0 l0nely at times, find it hard t0 ask pe0ple 0ut n0wadays, perhaps i have been m0re quiet . N0t as 0ut-g0ing as bef0re . Why d0 attached c0uples always neglect their family and friends and just care ab0ut their s0ul mate ? Just can't understand .
M0st 0f the pe0ple i kn0w, self pr0 claim that friends c0me first, but when ask them 0ut they will say : s0rry i meet my bf lia0s . And etc . 0h whatever . S0me even sh0w0ff that they have a BF, s0 what if i d0n't have ? N0t a BIG deal, y0u think i care ? I shall n0t menti0n names here . Y0u kn0w wh0 y0u are . =)
S0 afterwhich met up my mind n0t t0 ask pe0ple 0ut, rather stay at h0me, update bl0g, chat and play games . Theref0re, i bec0me very anti-s0cial, i HATE t0 meet pe0ple i d0n't kn0w and stuffs .
And i fear having friends and BF . I been thru a l0t, s0 been there d0ne there . Fear 0f everything .
N0 c0urage f0r anthing, especially l0ves . I l0se trust and faith in pe0ple . 0nce y0u l0st my trust, its hard t0 gain back again .
I've already regretted, but its all t00 late .
I0Y, 0NE BIG HUG . = I 0wn y0u 0ne BIG hug .
Let the w0rds remain unsaid .
I'm happier n0w n0t because i am really happy cause i have t0 pretend t0 be .
Actually i am a n0t a very happy pers0n, leading my life blindly everyday . Well, i have t0 .
I am happy n0t because 0f pe0ple ar0und me cause i just t0 be happy . N0t f0r the sake 0f any0ne .
Fr0m n0w 0n, i want t0 build better and str0nger relati0nship with my family and pe0ple wh0m i kn0w 0nly . Stay as cl0se as p0ssible . I d0n't want t0 have any regrets in life again, d0n't wanna l0se any0ne by my side again . I cherish pe0ple m0re n0w . I am n0 l0nger the ME like i used t0 be . I want t0 be a better pers0n t00 .
Spend last night thinking ab0ut y0u and 0ur past, i kn0w i v0w t0 f0rget y0u and past but its hard, y0u c0me t0 my mind again, cause i l0ve y0u s0 much . I have an0ther pers0nal diary write everything y0u and me in the past and my th0ught f0r y0u and the w0rds i wanna tell y0u . But n0w, let the w0rds remain unsaid . I SEEM s0 useless t0 y0u, s0 why b0ther t0 l00k up f0r me again ? Just making use 0f me again . I was just plain t00 stupid and naive t0 believe in y0u 0nce again . Always th0ught we can make 0ut again . Its imp0ssible ... anym0re .
S0metimes when i see my c0ntacts and i see y0ur number, i can't help but think w0uld y0u be the pers0n beside me t0 be there whenever i need s0me0ne, but i kn0w the answer clearly than y0u d0 ... It was never y0u, at all . Be it the past, present 0r the future .
I'm t0tally 0ut 0f y0ur life, y0u n0 l0nger cares and l0ves me like y0u d0 years back . After we br0ke up, i was never a happy pers0n, i keep everything t0 myself, i change a l0t, a l0t .
This is retirbuti0n, i deserves it . Blame n0b0dy but myself f0r having this kind 0f attitude .
The 0nly thing i can recall in year 2oo8 is 0nly unhappiness and sadness . All the unhappy things . I d0n't want it either . Is just my faith . Been trying t0 h0ld 0n and stay str0ng, but d0esn't seem as str0ng as i was . I was just t00 weak . I need HELP !
I shall be a guai guai g00d girl n0w . =D
The days and chances 0f me surviving in my w0rkplace seem hard f0r me .
L0tsa 0f pr0blem c0ming up after w0rking l0ng in a place, start t0 dislikes this and that, the pe0ple there, the changes they did and etc . Feel very vexed ab0ut it .
In future, i have anything i feel unhappy ab0ut, i shall n0t tell any0ne and just bl0g it 0ut .
C0s' n0b0dy can be trusted . 0ne pers0n always makes a difference . Th0ught 0f finding a better j0b, but its hard, i d0n't really have qualificati0n and skills . I 0nly have experience . D0es this c0unts ? Hate myself f0r n0t studying harder in the past . SIGHS ); Its t00 late . I th0ught 0f w0rking in a pub .
F0r 0ne thing which is clear, that is c0lleague will always be c0lleague and n0t friends . =D
I want, i want , i want a CUTE puppy ! =)
I l0ve kids n0wadays, h0ping t0 be a MUMMY s00n, L0LS, n0 BF yet h0w t0 have kids ? L0LS right ? Hahas . They're s0 cute but naughty sia . But i d0ubt i can be a g00d Mummy as well, i am n0t a g00d GF in the past lia0s . I am n0t a g00d daughter but i will always be y0ur g00d listening ear . N0t friend, perhaps .
Maybe i just wan't g00d en0ugh . Wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be anything 0r any0ne better .
Wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d daughter, wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d friend, wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d GF in the past, i wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be any0ne . I wasn't b0rn the way i want, i wasn't b0rn PERFECT . I am just n0t g00d en0ugh .
I can't ch00se wh0 i wanna be .
Maybe i was b0rn t0 be imperfect but n0w i want t0 be a perfecti0nist .
Been having blur visi0n, am i g0ing t0 be blind s00n ? Thinking t00 much again .
But if 0ne day i really turn blind, i will cry till i die . Bec0me crazy als0 .
N0t en0ugh sleep as well, been sleeping late, can't sleep well recently . What 0n earth is happening t0 me ?
C0ngrats me 0n "quit sm0king" f0r nearly three bl00dly weeks . C00l, but tends t0 eat a l0t . I am fatter n0w . And it SUCKS !
Thanks t0 that BIG fall, my leg's c0mplexti0n really SUCKS, make me have t0 wear 0nly jeans and leggings, n0 m0re sh0rts . Ugly scars . It g0t w0rst instead 0f getting any better . I hate wearing jeans, its my facts 0f life . Hate having peri0ds, feel extremely m00dy des . M00d is unstable .
New addicti0ns : Faberdrive, simple plan, click five and ETC ...
They're my new addicit0ns f0r n0w, cause they're H0T ! I l0ve H0T guys ! Haaz . =) Wh0 d0esn't ? Can't resist huhs ? Dr00ling 0ver them . Guess i need a tissue, lame, i kn0w . Haas .
Guys wh0 have n0 temper and sh0ws cares and c0ncern ab0ut my family turns me t0tally 0n ~ ! Guys having tatt00s and BANGS is H0T ~ ! L0ve them t0 death ~ ! L0LS .
0ne m0re m0nth t0 Valentine's Day . What y0u pe0ple plan t0 d0 ? Well, i d0n't have any plans, perhaps just catch a m0vie al0ne 0r just w0rk . Valentine's Day is n0t f0r me .
And i d0n't celebrate, this year g0nna be l0nely again . =) I'm PRETTY used t0 it .
I want t0 buy M + Y steel ring, it remind me 0f the past, but mem0ries is always sweet, its very imp0rtant t0 me . I h0pe i can get the same design years back the design y0u give me . N0t interested and keen in relati0nships . L0nely Valentine . HAHAS . G0ing t0 celebrate al0ne again like last year, watch m0vie al0ne . L0LS, i'm n0t sad just feel happy cause at least i've time f0r myself .
Life is s0 fraglic, y0u will never kn0w wh0 is g0ing t0 leave y0u next .
Feel s0 vexed 0ver my items which i want t0 sell .
Needs m0ney urgently .
Feel like learning MUSIC . Like pian0, guitar and ... Lets spin the music .
Play THE music .
0ne piece 0f g00d news, my camera is d0ne ! =) N0 CHARGE . S0 happy, was planning t0 get it t0day but changed my mind and decide t0 get it at my next 0ff day . Can't wait f0r it, was waiting f0r nearly three bl00dly weeks .
N0t buying any new year cl0thes, perhaps, have way t00 much cl0thes . Especially s0me is still new . Never wear bef0re . Save that extra bucks . (:
Its time f0r cleaning up f0r CNY ! I need th0se BIG bucks ! I need t0 sell 0ff all my cl0thes that i d0n't wear 0ff ASAP ! I w0n't be buying s0 many cl0thes that 0ften . Need t0 start saving m0ney f0r rainy days .
D0 i l00k like s0me underage girl when i tie my hair up ? A l0t 0f pe0ple says that, i think s0 . S0 kidish . G00d 0r bad ?
l0ves & misses
Labels: My facts 0f life . (: W0rdy p0st, rand0m . Just edited .
The diarySIGHS )):
Sunday, January 11, 2009 ( 1/11/2009 11:27:00 AM )
Sunday is a b0ring day f0r me .
N0thing much, just that everywhere y0u g0 i packed with Maids . N0 m0re c0mments .
I really need t0 save m0ney this m0nth, starting fr0m this m0nth 0nwards . At least 5o bucks the m0st .
Life is s0 meaningless s0metimes . SIGHS ): What am i thinking ab0ut ?
I feel that i am a l0t quieter these days . Just feel like keep everything in my heart . N0b0dy can be trusted t0 me .
Feel very tired . Might left my bl0g aband0ned f0r awhile . Anything just c0ntact by my m0bile . =) Take care, every0ne .
l0ves & misses
The diary
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 ( 1/06/2009 09:27:00 PM )
Why can't the w0rld be balance ? Why can't every0ne be sharing the same kind 0f happiness, instead 0f unhappiness here and there ? Then there w0n't be any0ne wh0 is t00 p00r 0r t00 rich .
Happiness is s0 simple, why am i find it s0 hard t0 smile and be happy ? What's wr0ng ?
Unable t0 smile 0r l00k happy at times . Find it hard t0 smile . That makes me super blacklisted and bec0me s0000 anti-s0cial . But i can "CLICK" well with pe0ple i c0mmunicate well .
Why d0es pe0ple always judge a b00k by its c0ver and with0ut l00king at its c0ntent inside ? Get what i am trying t0 say ? Whatever its if y0u still g0ing t0 judge me that way, suits y0ur way . I am n0t g0ing t0 care, because i am always me, y0u are n0t g0ing t0 bring me d0wn .
I've n0t been sm0king f0r nearly 0ne week . G00d news, isn't it ? Y0u will see me gaining weight s00ner 0r later . I am fat en0ugh . And i am UGLY . I hate MYSELF ! Been craving f0r it these few days, help me ~ ! Mummie and my c0lleague was 0verj0yed when they heard the news . But th0ught 0f starting back again, i feel very uneasy .
N0t praying 0f wanting any better this year . Just grant my wish by keeping every0ne in a happy and healthy state ! =)
I'm always al0ne and i have already give up 0n fate . If this is my fate i will just accept it .
I just, just want t0 treat my family nicely and giving them as much as i can give .
T0tally l0st c0nfident in R/S, FRIENDS, trust in pe0ple, m0ney issues . Very sensitive t0 all these issues . D0n't ask why and anything ab0ut the ab0ve menti0n, pls . GIMME peaceeee .
My family is the type that d0n't sh0ws c0ncern f0r 0ne an0ther s0 much, we tend t0 keep it inside 0ur heart but deep inside we care ab0ut 0ne an0ther .
Finally, my i t0uch is giving me "s0me" peace . But i have difficluties switching it 0ff . Thanks t0 the press and h0ld the 0ff butt0n . Fcuking tight and small and its inside, the invent0r is s0000 smart huhs ?
Urghhhhh, i miss my Thursday 0ff days . SH*T . They must have taken it away, i hate t0 0ff 0n Tuesday and Wednesday, i am used t0 having 0ff day 0n Thursday, i want t0 pray hard f0r 0ne again .
Been having mixed vegetables rice at Lucky Plaza these days f0r break and i am al0ne . ( Wanna j0in me ?) Damn fcuking cheap, cans ? 2 veggies, and 1 meat is 0nly 2.50$, tell me wherelse can y0u find the cheapest bargain in t0wn area ? N0 ch0ice i have t0 save a l0t starting fr0m this m0nth 0nwards .
0h yeah, i L.0.V.E TQ always ! BIG BIG & DEEP DEEP . =) But ...
The th0ughts 0f human beings making use 0f 0ne an0ther makes me angry, i hate it when pe0ple are making use 0f me .
A parent's l0ve is str0nger than anything else . Th0ught 0f ink-ing this at my wrist, nice ?
Mummie is bringing me t0 see d0ct0r t0m0rr0w in the m0rning ab0ut my skin .
I been sleeping late, heavy eye circles and eye bags . I hate it lahs . Any cures f0r it ? 0r anything t0 help it lighten ?
Heard 0f SK II miracle water is great, but hear fr0m my c0lleague that 0nce y0u start using, y0u can't st0p if n0t y0u will have side effects 0n y0ur side, was planning t0 get it but sec0nd th0ughts maybe n0t .
The diaryfirst day 0f 2oo9 .
Thursday, January 1, 2009 ( 1/01/2009 06:09:00 PM )
T0day is the first day year 2oo9 . =) And fcuk, i am 0ne year 0lder . DAMN it !
H0w d0 y0u celebrate y0ur day ? Unf0rtunately, i've t0 w0rk, but i am lucky as well cause i w0rked till 3 pm . C00l, isn't it ? S0me reas0ns behind it .
Went f0r c0untd0wn and firew0rks at Marina, after w0rk meet up with Angela at City Hall MRT stati0n, damn packed . Pe0ple here and there . D0n't really like c0unting d0wn .
The firew0rks is damn nice, SHI0K ~ ! T00 bad my camera send f0r "check0ut" . But i really hate cr0wded places, pls d0n't ask me g0 t0 cr0wded places again . I get "pekchek" very easily .
Get irritate by three bastards*, they keep staring at us and even vide0 cam us . I t0ld Angela but she said i think t00 much, guess they never see pretty girls in their entire life bef0re . Wahahaz =x And they are n0t even g00d-l00king, 0nly tw0 w0rds t0 describe them FUGLY . =) L0LS . But quite pissed with their stares .
Aiy0, i hate myself f0r spending m0ney like water and n0 m0ney sense .
Br0ught 0ne black shining legging, 0ne black skinny jeans (finally), black sh0rt
I l00k like a small kid whenever i tie my hair . Hahas . I want t0 cut BANGS again ! Pr0bably in February .
N0b0dy will understand the pain inside my heart .
Why are human beings s0 selfish ? Just care ab0ut themselves with0ut c0ncerning 0THER pe0ple's feelings ? SIGHS ):
N0B0DY's perfect, wh0 y0u think y0u are t0 judge me when y0u're n0t perfect as well ? Take a g00d l00k at y0urself in the mirr0r bef0re saying pe0ple . Really hate it when pe0ple say i am a AH LIAN, h0w many times must i say that i am n0t 0ne ? And i fcuking HATE AH LIAN t0 the c0re, d0n't y0u idi0ts* just judge me fr0m my tatt00s . D0es this means that all girls put tatt00s are AH LIAN and guys wh0 put are AH BENG ? Pls have s0me c0mm0n sense . I can teach y0u if y0u need help . I'm n0t as g00d as y0u think, i am n0t as bad as y0u think as well . ;D
I p0d is giving me a BIG headache, have difficulties in switching 0ff as the butt0n is small and flat and i can't transfer s0ngs fr0m my f0lders . SH*T .
Away f0r dinner . BRB . =D
Hey, hey, hey ! I'm back ~ ! =)
T0m0rr0w will be a better day f0r me . ;D
We hit the target last m0nth, s0 g0t c0nmissi0n, but s0me 0f the par timer, d0n't feel very happy and feel very unfair, why they didn't get . Additi0nal m0ney ! =) But can 0nly get it pr0bably in end 0f Janurary's pay r0ll .
Sh0p is extremely quiet t0day, perhaps m0st 0f the cust0mer t0n till m0rning, that well .
0kays, shall end here f0r t0day . PEACE .
l0ves & misses
Labels: first day 0f 2oo9 .
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music