Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
I hate CPF lahs, damn fcuking ann0ying, keep sending letters t0 ask y0u t0 fill this and that . Damn tr0ubles0me ! I rather n0t having CPF and m0re cash . Damn CPF . Waste my time . N0rmally i will just ign0re it . (;
Started t0 feel em0 and m00dswings again . Hate everything, myself, this w0rld, pe0ple and whatever .......
Getting s0 b0red and sick 0f everything . I get pissed 0ff easily these days . N0t sure why . PMS visiting ? N0, n0t yetttttt .
W0rking adult life is s0 tiring, t0tally n0 life, w0rk, w0rk, w0rk and m0re w0rk everything with0ut fail . What are human beings living and w0rking f0r ? F0r the sake 0f m0ney t0 live ?
0kays, let me make myself clear, i am N0T a friendly and s0ciable pers0n . Super anti-s0cial, d0n't like mixing ar0und . And i d0n't care, what's use 0f having s0 much friend ? I d0n't need any . My 0nly best friend is bl0gger.com (: . Where i st0re all my happiness and unhappiness here . =D The 0nly difference is that bl0gger.com w0n't betray and make use 0f me unlike real friends . I trust n0b0dy . Pe0ple always think i am the friendly type 0r i l00k very "da0" . That the way i am . Wh0 cares ? I am being me, and i am happy .
T00 busy f0r a date, sh0pping, m0vies, updating bl0g . Cause i am just pure lazy ! =p
I hate picking up calls, text messaging n0w ....
S0 sick 0f everything .
I l0ve alphabet T, just like y0ur name . I l0ve T is because its y0ur name . And i l0ve y0u in my heart always and f0rever, till the very last breath 0f my life . =D N0 swears ! I d0n't intend t0 l0ve y0u f0rever since y0u l0ng f0rg0tten and d0n't l0ve me anym0re . Rand0m here .
A pers0n with0ut dreams is t0tally n0 life . Just like me .
And ...
N0 music, n0 life .
N0 dream, n0 life .
N0 m0ney, n0 life .
N0 h0ney, will die .
L0ls, s0und matching duh ! (; Fun sia .
MaKe s0ME0NE hAPpy iS d0InG A g0Od DeeD . And i think type like this is cute ! (; Big, small cpas t0gether . Matching duh ! (;
Dummy girl was here .
I'm b0ring at h0me .............. D0ing n0thing . Ask me 0ut .
Headache .
What the use 0f quit sm0king when y0u n0 l0nger mine ? I br0ke my pr0mise, f0r pr0mising y0u that i will quit .
I started sm0king ... again . (:
Trying t0 numb myself . T0 f0rget y0u .
I st0p thinking ab0ut ... y0u . 0r i didn't ?
I really d0n't kn0w what t0 d0 0r say anym0re .
S0metime thinking t00 much is a g00d way t0 relieve stress .
Have y0u been feeling y0u are stress ab0ut everything when y0u g0t n0thing t0 w0rry 0r think ?
Excessive stress can kills . I h0pe it kills me .
Dummy girl was here .
Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy .
But i just can't sleep .
I'm thinking ab0ut a l0t 0f things .
It been a l0ng since i upl0ad ph0t0s, as days pass, i feel that i be0cming m0re and m0re lazier t0 d0 (anything) !
Wish i c0uld earn m0re m0ney . (; Buy the things i want .
Dummy girl was here .
Sunday will be a very b0ring day at w0rk .
Very tiring, just an0ther w0rking day . W0nder what t0 d0 and eat later ?
Will have cust0mers ? 0ur prices have been slashs d0wn . Same f0r my bl0gsh0p . (;
Em0 again . Sad lahs . L0ls .
Been having nightmares and have difficulties t0 sleep at night thanks t0 the h0rr0r sh0w i watched !
Shall update again . (When i'm free) =D
Dummy girl was here .
I'm 0ff and i'm staying at h0me t0day . (;
Its been a l0ng time since i ever hang 0ut with friends and club .
Its been a l0ng, l0ng time since i saw him 0nline in MSN . Perhaps he is 0ut t0 av0id me . Such a c0ward . I hate c0wards !
Even if i am 0n my 0ff day, i am still busy . Feels like time pass very fast .
I need t0 tidy up my cl0thes, upl0ading s0ngs t0 my i p0d, and many many m0re . But i can't seem t0 have the time . Perhaps i spend t00 much time facing my c0mputer, that why .
Spinning headache hurts .
Time really flies, i've been w0rking f0r 0ne m0nth . Stressful life, trying t0 catch up with it .
C0nfused mindset .
D0 any0ne kn0ws where t0 get 0versized tees but is n0t t00 ex ? Thanks, pm me if y0u kn0w . (: L0ve ya peeps !
Dummy girl was here .
Wh0 shall i l00k up f0r 0r text in the future ?
I need s0me c0l0urs in my life . Shall n0t l00k back anym0re .
Shall n0t think ab0ut the past and y0u . I always th0ught that i can f0rget y0u easily fr0m my brain mem0ry, but isn't an easy task f0r me . Acti0n speaks l0uer than w0rds . Thinking is easy, but d0ing it is hard .
S0metimes i think back . I l0ve y0u as much as i hate y0u . I l0ve y0u as much as i l0ve myself . I l0ve y0u m0re than any0ne . I l0ve y0u as much as the stars ab0ve the sky .
S0metimes i hate y0u as much as i hate myself .
H0w much y0u l0ve y0urself is equal t0 much l0ve yu0 receive fr0m y0ur man .
I miss y0u, th0se happy m0ments and the past ab0ut us .
I might tell y0u that i am used t0 be al0ne and l0nely . But actually that is my biggest fears . Wh0 likes being al0ne and l0nely anyway ?
Instead 0f em0-ing n0wadays what i think 0f p0sting i will first type it 0ut and save it in my ph0ne and i will re-type it 0ut t0 bl0g it 0ut . This way, i w0n't be em0 and f0rget what t0 bl0g again .
But s0metimes i really wish i can cry 0ut l0ud and cry all my heart 0ut . I wish i can cry in a dark c0rner and d0n't care ab0ut the w0rld, anything and everything .
I seri0usly need help in expanding my s0cial netw0rking . I can't seem t0 mix well with pe0ple and i am scare t0 start talking . Afraid 0f saying wr0ng things . And i feel like i can't trust any0ne . Can i ever gain my c0nfident t0 trust any0ne again ? I d0n't seem t0 understand myself . What am i actually d0ing and what am i thinking ab0ut ?
Thinking wayyyyyy t00 much . The time n0w is 2.34 AM and i am right here updating my bl0g . And i am w0rking later . I can't sleep anyway . Thinking ab0ut things i sh0uldn't have think .
Well, st0p everything and 0ff t0 bed ! (=
Nights, my dear every0ne . H0pe i will have a peaceful day . Cheers ! =D
Dummy girl was here .
A few things i felt weird when i 0pen the st0re this aftern00n .
First thing i reach my w0rk place i sense s0mething is weird . My b0ss lady installed tw0 "cameras" in the st0re . I feel unc0mf0rtable like i am being spy at w0rk . But i g0t n0thing t0 w0rry ab0ut cause i didn't d0 anything bad s0 far, i guess . Hah !
Sec0nd thing is that i realize s0me 0f the cl0thes is missing, i th0ught is missing 0r my b0ss lady s0ld . But is n0ne 0f the ab0ve menti0n, she transfer all the st0cks t0 level 3 .
Third thing is she br0ught s0mething f0r me and that is sweet . I d0n't think its cheap . But i like the sweet a l0t and it is very sweet . I l0ve sweet stuffs ! (=
I have been sleeping really late and n0t en0ugh sleep . Been yawning n0n st0p, i've changed my life style and a few changes in life a l0t .
1. I quit sm0king .
2. I st0pped clubbing .
3. N0 meetups with friends .
4 . D0n't g0 f0r m0vies .
5. Already cut d0wn unnecessary expenses and started saving .
AND ???
Can't remember ... Hahas !
I tried many ways t0 f0rget y0u, but it d0esn't w0rks, but i kn0w in the end i have t0 face up th0se pr0blem i been thru .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UhiQ2V4Xs I like this band named Yuan Wei Jue Xing since years back then and this s0ng a l0t . I even sing it t0 0ne 0f my ex BF in the past and even wr0te the lyrics in the letter f0r him .
I like talented and cute uys like them ! =D B0th are h0t ~ ! L0ls . The sh0rt hair guy is Jay, and the l0ng hair guy is Wesley . (:
Whenever i'm sad 0r feel unhappy i will listen t0 their s0ngs and i will feel happy f0r the wh0le day . It been a l0ng time since i listen t0 their s0ngs .
I need t0 get a life ! I can't carry 0n with my life like this . Seri0usly, i can't .
Vexed lahs . Think ab0ut this and that day and night . Have t0 d0 s0me seri0us planning 0f what i wanna d0 .
I've deleted all my previ0us 0ld, 0ld 0ld friendster acc0unts . S00ner 0r later it will be my 0ld bl0gger acc0unts . And next shall be faceb00k . (: Faceb00k is s0 n0t me . Perhaps i might be deleting my current friendster acc0unt, y0u kn0w as y0u gets 0lder y0u are sick 0f everything CHILDISH . I find friendster a bit childish . Call me n0 life 0r whatever but that me, i've a busy life n0w n0 time f0r MSN, FRIENDSTER and bl0gging . ); Did i menti0n that i still play ne0pets ?! L0ls . I l0ve playing ! (;
Dummy girl was here .
Its been a l0ng time since i p0st . Hahas . I super busy . Hardly g0t the time t0 bl0g . First p0st in March .
Very happening recently . Sians . S0me i f0rget and i shall n0t p0st . Lazy t0 think back t00 . Next few week might be m0re free .
What sh0uld i p0st ?
My w0rk ?
W0rk was fine but i have n0t been having my 0ff day f0r 0ne week plus due till my b0ss lady was 0verseas . Tiring, b0ring but it is better than my previ0us w0rk place .
I d0n't mixing with the pe0ple there, s0 many g0ssip m0ngers ar0und . Y0u walk pass their sh0ps, they will talk ab0ut y0u, y0ur dressing . My dressing sense and style is n0t f0r y0u t0 judge, i l0ve what i wear, mind y0u and y0ur m0uth ! Y0u are what y0u wear . 0r y0u pe0ple are just jeal0us cause i'm prettier 0r my fashi0n sense is better than y0u ? Hah !
Theref0re i d0n't talk t0 them, 0nly smile with a few pe0ple there wh0m they smile with me .
I d0n't think i have t0 be friendly t0 them as well . =D I'm n0t a friendly pers0n anyway . Its n0t g00d t0 be friendly .
I need m0re c0urage t0 d0 a l0t 0f things . I need t0 be str0nger as well .
Well, i think i make a mistake in 0ne 0f the previ0us p0st . I have w0rk in my previ0us w0rkplace f0r 1 year 7 m0nths . And i have been single f0r nearly tw0 years . Wa, c00l, first time have been single f0r s0 l0ng . I'M A RETARD !
Skin c0mplexti0n is impr0ving sl0wly, needs t0 drink m0re water, eat m0re fruits and vegtables, sleep early, eat/drink c0llagen and put mask !!! Must c0ntinue and n0t lazy . I believe my skin will be fully impr0ve 0ne day ! (=
I went t0 a beauty centre t0 have my eyebr0w t0 be trimmed but the facial girl asked me t0 d0 facial as well, eh, i am n0t keen in facial, they will p0ke y0ur pimples, it will turn 0ut t0 be m0re ugly than y0u think . And its n0t cheap, n0t 0nly just 0ne sessi0n, y0u have t0 sign up f0r a few sessi0ns bef0re y0u get t0 see the 0utc0mes .
What t0 d0 if g0t dry skin ? My skin is giving me s0 many pr0blems .
T0day is my 0ff day and i am 0ut al0ne . ;) S0 many places i wish t0 g0 . My "wanted" list just gets l0nger and l0nger .
Dummy girl was here .
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diaryM00dless ...
Sunday, March 29, 2009 ( 3/29/2009 01:28:00 AM )
I hate CPF lahs, damn fcuking ann0ying, keep sending letters t0 ask y0u t0 fill this and that . Damn tr0ubles0me ! I rather n0t having CPF and m0re cash . Damn CPF . Waste my time . N0rmally i will just ign0re it . (;
Started t0 feel em0 and m00dswings again . Hate everything, myself, this w0rld, pe0ple and whatever .......
Getting s0 b0red and sick 0f everything . I get pissed 0ff easily these days . N0t sure why . PMS visiting ? N0, n0t yetttttt .
W0rking adult life is s0 tiring, t0tally n0 life, w0rk, w0rk, w0rk and m0re w0rk everything with0ut fail . What are human beings living and w0rking f0r ? F0r the sake 0f m0ney t0 live ?
0kays, let me make myself clear, i am N0T a friendly and s0ciable pers0n . Super anti-s0cial, d0n't like mixing ar0und . And i d0n't care, what's use 0f having s0 much friend ? I d0n't need any . My 0nly best friend is bl0gger.com (: . Where i st0re all my happiness and unhappiness here . =D The 0nly difference is that bl0gger.com w0n't betray and make use 0f me unlike real friends . I trust n0b0dy . Pe0ple always think i am the friendly type 0r i l00k very "da0" . That the way i am . Wh0 cares ? I am being me, and i am happy .
T00 busy f0r a date, sh0pping, m0vies, updating bl0g . Cause i am just pure lazy ! =p
I hate picking up calls, text messaging n0w ....
S0 sick 0f everything .
I l0ve alphabet T, just like y0ur name . I l0ve T is because its y0ur name . And i l0ve y0u in my heart always and f0rever, till the very last breath 0f my life . =D N0 swears ! I d0n't intend t0 l0ve y0u f0rever since y0u l0ng f0rg0tten and d0n't l0ve me anym0re . Rand0m here .
A pers0n with0ut dreams is t0tally n0 life . Just like me .
And ...
N0 music, n0 life .
N0 dream, n0 life .
N0 m0ney, n0 life .
N0 h0ney, will die .
L0ls, s0und matching duh ! (; Fun sia .
MaKe s0ME0NE hAPpy iS d0InG A g0Od DeeD . And i think type like this is cute ! (; Big, small cpas t0gether . Matching duh ! (;
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: M00dless ...
The diaryWhat the heck ?
Thursday, March 26, 2009 ( 3/26/2009 03:31:00 PM )
I'm b0ring at h0me .............. D0ing n0thing . Ask me 0ut .
Headache .
What the use 0f quit sm0king when y0u n0 l0nger mine ? I br0ke my pr0mise, f0r pr0mising y0u that i will quit .
I started sm0king ... again . (:
Trying t0 numb myself . T0 f0rget y0u .
I st0p thinking ab0ut ... y0u . 0r i didn't ?
I really d0n't kn0w what t0 d0 0r say anym0re .
S0metime thinking t00 much is a g00d way t0 relieve stress .
Have y0u been feeling y0u are stress ab0ut everything when y0u g0t n0thing t0 w0rry 0r think ?
Excessive stress can kills . I h0pe it kills me .
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: What the heck ?
The diarySleepy . ZzZzZ .
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 ( 3/25/2009 11:52:00 PM )
Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy .
But i just can't sleep .
I'm thinking ab0ut a l0t 0f things .
It been a l0ng since i upl0ad ph0t0s, as days pass, i feel that i be0cming m0re and m0re lazier t0 d0 (anything) !
Wish i c0uld earn m0re m0ney . (; Buy the things i want .
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: Sleepy . ZzZzZ .
The diaryEM0
Sunday, March 22, 2009 ( 3/22/2009 10:48:00 AM )
Sunday will be a very b0ring day at w0rk .
Very tiring, just an0ther w0rking day . W0nder what t0 d0 and eat later ?
Will have cust0mers ? 0ur prices have been slashs d0wn . Same f0r my bl0gsh0p . (;
Em0 again . Sad lahs . L0ls .
Been having nightmares and have difficulties t0 sleep at night thanks t0 the h0rr0r sh0w i watched !
Shall update again . (When i'm free) =D
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: EM0
The diaryStressful life . ):
Thursday, March 19, 2009 ( 3/19/2009 12:49:00 PM )
I'm 0ff and i'm staying at h0me t0day . (;
Its been a l0ng time since i ever hang 0ut with friends and club .
Its been a l0ng, l0ng time since i saw him 0nline in MSN . Perhaps he is 0ut t0 av0id me . Such a c0ward . I hate c0wards !
Even if i am 0n my 0ff day, i am still busy . Feels like time pass very fast .
I need t0 tidy up my cl0thes, upl0ading s0ngs t0 my i p0d, and many many m0re . But i can't seem t0 have the time . Perhaps i spend t00 much time facing my c0mputer, that why .
Spinning headache hurts .
Time really flies, i've been w0rking f0r 0ne m0nth . Stressful life, trying t0 catch up with it .
C0nfused mindset .
D0 any0ne kn0ws where t0 get 0versized tees but is n0t t00 ex ? Thanks, pm me if y0u kn0w . (: L0ve ya peeps !
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: Stressful life . );
The diaryL0nely life . ):
Monday, March 16, 2009 ( 3/16/2009 01:12:00 AM )
Wh0 shall i l00k up f0r 0r text in the future ?
I need s0me c0l0urs in my life . Shall n0t l00k back anym0re .
Shall n0t think ab0ut the past and y0u . I always th0ught that i can f0rget y0u easily fr0m my brain mem0ry, but isn't an easy task f0r me . Acti0n speaks l0uer than w0rds . Thinking is easy, but d0ing it is hard .
S0metimes i think back . I l0ve y0u as much as i hate y0u . I l0ve y0u as much as i l0ve myself . I l0ve y0u m0re than any0ne . I l0ve y0u as much as the stars ab0ve the sky .
S0metimes i hate y0u as much as i hate myself .
H0w much y0u l0ve y0urself is equal t0 much l0ve yu0 receive fr0m y0ur man .
I miss y0u, th0se happy m0ments and the past ab0ut us .
I might tell y0u that i am used t0 be al0ne and l0nely . But actually that is my biggest fears . Wh0 likes being al0ne and l0nely anyway ?
Instead 0f em0-ing n0wadays what i think 0f p0sting i will first type it 0ut and save it in my ph0ne and i will re-type it 0ut t0 bl0g it 0ut . This way, i w0n't be em0 and f0rget what t0 bl0g again .
But s0metimes i really wish i can cry 0ut l0ud and cry all my heart 0ut . I wish i can cry in a dark c0rner and d0n't care ab0ut the w0rld, anything and everything .
I seri0usly need help in expanding my s0cial netw0rking . I can't seem t0 mix well with pe0ple and i am scare t0 start talking . Afraid 0f saying wr0ng things . And i feel like i can't trust any0ne . Can i ever gain my c0nfident t0 trust any0ne again ? I d0n't seem t0 understand myself . What am i actually d0ing and what am i thinking ab0ut ?
Thinking wayyyyyy t00 much . The time n0w is 2.34 AM and i am right here updating my bl0g . And i am w0rking later . I can't sleep anyway . Thinking ab0ut things i sh0uldn't have think .
Well, st0p everything and 0ff t0 bed ! (=
Nights, my dear every0ne . H0pe i will have a peaceful day . Cheers ! =D
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: L0nely life . ):
The diary(: CHEERS
Friday, March 13, 2009 ( 3/13/2009 11:51:00 PM )
A few things i felt weird when i 0pen the st0re this aftern00n .
First thing i reach my w0rk place i sense s0mething is weird . My b0ss lady installed tw0 "cameras" in the st0re . I feel unc0mf0rtable like i am being spy at w0rk . But i g0t n0thing t0 w0rry ab0ut cause i didn't d0 anything bad s0 far, i guess . Hah !
Sec0nd thing is that i realize s0me 0f the cl0thes is missing, i th0ught is missing 0r my b0ss lady s0ld . But is n0ne 0f the ab0ve menti0n, she transfer all the st0cks t0 level 3 .
Third thing is she br0ught s0mething f0r me and that is sweet . I d0n't think its cheap . But i like the sweet a l0t and it is very sweet . I l0ve sweet stuffs ! (=
I have been sleeping really late and n0t en0ugh sleep . Been yawning n0n st0p, i've changed my life style and a few changes in life a l0t .
1. I quit sm0king .
2. I st0pped clubbing .
3. N0 meetups with friends .
4 . D0n't g0 f0r m0vies .
5. Already cut d0wn unnecessary expenses and started saving .
AND ???
Can't remember ... Hahas !
I tried many ways t0 f0rget y0u, but it d0esn't w0rks, but i kn0w in the end i have t0 face up th0se pr0blem i been thru .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UhiQ2V4Xs I like this band named Yuan Wei Jue Xing since years back then and this s0ng a l0t . I even sing it t0 0ne 0f my ex BF in the past and even wr0te the lyrics in the letter f0r him .
I like talented and cute uys like them ! =D B0th are h0t ~ ! L0ls . The sh0rt hair guy is Jay, and the l0ng hair guy is Wesley . (:
Whenever i'm sad 0r feel unhappy i will listen t0 their s0ngs and i will feel happy f0r the wh0le day . It been a l0ng time since i listen t0 their s0ngs .
I need t0 get a life ! I can't carry 0n with my life like this . Seri0usly, i can't .
Vexed lahs . Think ab0ut this and that day and night . Have t0 d0 s0me seri0us planning 0f what i wanna d0 .
I've deleted all my previ0us 0ld, 0ld 0ld friendster acc0unts . S00ner 0r later it will be my 0ld bl0gger acc0unts . And next shall be faceb00k . (: Faceb00k is s0 n0t me . Perhaps i might be deleting my current friendster acc0unt, y0u kn0w as y0u gets 0lder y0u are sick 0f everything CHILDISH . I find friendster a bit childish . Call me n0 life 0r whatever but that me, i've a busy life n0w n0 time f0r MSN, FRIENDSTER and bl0gging . ); Did i menti0n that i still play ne0pets ?! L0ls . I l0ve playing ! (;
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: (; CHEERS
The diaryY0u are what y0u wear .
Thursday, March 12, 2009 ( 3/12/2009 11:20:00 AM )
Its been a l0ng time since i p0st . Hahas . I super busy . Hardly g0t the time t0 bl0g . First p0st in March .
Very happening recently . Sians . S0me i f0rget and i shall n0t p0st . Lazy t0 think back t00 . Next few week might be m0re free .
What sh0uld i p0st ?
My w0rk ?
W0rk was fine but i have n0t been having my 0ff day f0r 0ne week plus due till my b0ss lady was 0verseas . Tiring, b0ring but it is better than my previ0us w0rk place .
I d0n't mixing with the pe0ple there, s0 many g0ssip m0ngers ar0und . Y0u walk pass their sh0ps, they will talk ab0ut y0u, y0ur dressing . My dressing sense and style is n0t f0r y0u t0 judge, i l0ve what i wear, mind y0u and y0ur m0uth ! Y0u are what y0u wear . 0r y0u pe0ple are just jeal0us cause i'm prettier 0r my fashi0n sense is better than y0u ? Hah !
Theref0re i d0n't talk t0 them, 0nly smile with a few pe0ple there wh0m they smile with me .
I d0n't think i have t0 be friendly t0 them as well . =D I'm n0t a friendly pers0n anyway . Its n0t g00d t0 be friendly .
I need m0re c0urage t0 d0 a l0t 0f things . I need t0 be str0nger as well .
Well, i think i make a mistake in 0ne 0f the previ0us p0st . I have w0rk in my previ0us w0rkplace f0r 1 year 7 m0nths . And i have been single f0r nearly tw0 years . Wa, c00l, first time have been single f0r s0 l0ng . I'M A RETARD !
Skin c0mplexti0n is impr0ving sl0wly, needs t0 drink m0re water, eat m0re fruits and vegtables, sleep early, eat/drink c0llagen and put mask !!! Must c0ntinue and n0t lazy . I believe my skin will be fully impr0ve 0ne day ! (=
I went t0 a beauty centre t0 have my eyebr0w t0 be trimmed but the facial girl asked me t0 d0 facial as well, eh, i am n0t keen in facial, they will p0ke y0ur pimples, it will turn 0ut t0 be m0re ugly than y0u think . And its n0t cheap, n0t 0nly just 0ne sessi0n, y0u have t0 sign up f0r a few sessi0ns bef0re y0u get t0 see the 0utc0mes .
What t0 d0 if g0t dry skin ? My skin is giving me s0 many pr0blems .
T0day is my 0ff day and i am 0ut al0ne . ;) S0 many places i wish t0 g0 . My "wanted" list just gets l0nger and l0nger .
Dummy girl was here .
Labels: Y0u are what y0u wear .
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music