Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
This set 0f ph0t0 was supp0se t0 p0st with the previ0us p0st, but i can 0nly manage t0 p0st a few 0f the same set . Luckily i can p0st it t0day . Enj0y ! Haaz . But h0nestly speaking, i prefer this set 0f ph0t0 . I think i l00k natural . Haas ~ !
This set 0f ph0t0 l00ks funny, but the 0utl00k is average cause the ph0t0 l00ks kinda 0f blur and white . Can't figure what happens .
Damn, damn sleepy cans ? Wake up at 9 am plus instead 0f the usual 11 am, and i am w0rking aftern00n shift lehs, sighs s0 decide t0 0nline, have a small tiff with Mummy, she is nagging at me, feel very stress and tired at w0rk .
C0unting d0wn t0 4 m0re days . (=
Can't wait f0r it . Haas .
I miss my sweet heart . L0ls
0nly have y0u in my mem0ries . Hahaz .
L0ve y0u BIG BIG !
What happen t0 bl0gger ?
Bl0gger seems retarded . Can't seems t0 type my p0st like n0rmal .
S0 many things t0 type here, but speechless .
S0 many things happen . S0 little time t0 bl0g .
I'm getting lazier and lazier everyday t0 update my life .
Be with y0u .
I'm in heaven when y0u kiss me .
Time will heal all w0unds . Y0u're n0t s0rry . Getting 0ver it .
But i am still missing y0u .
I ch00se t0 hide my unhappiness inside .
Why d0 i feel s0 s0ur and unc0mf0rtable inside ?
I feel s0 unhappy and gulity ab0ut s0me things . Can't seem t0 get it 0ff my mind .
Its because 0f y0u, y0u, y0u .
L0ve is my b0undaries n0w . I can't 0verc0me it till n0w . I am a JINX, pe0ple being with me will suffer and will n0t be happy and happiness will disappear .
Why d0 i always ended up with disapp0intment ? I sh0uld have never trust y0ur w0rds again .
L0ve sucks, stray away fr0m l0ve . N0t g0nna gets hurt again .
I feel happy f0r pe0ple ar0und me when they have f0und happiness and i'm willing t0 match make my friend . (= I think i've match make a few "strangers" t0gether, but they br0ke up after that . Haas . I'm a w0rst match maker . )=
I f0und 0ut that actually there are pe0ple wh0 cares and l0ve me, 0ther than my family, i g0t s0me supp0rting friend, always there t0 cheer me up whenever i feel sad . THANKS A L0T ! =) Y0u kn0w wh0 y0u are, i d0n't have t0 spell y0ur name here .
I am w0rking later, i'm yawning again, freaking tired .
H0w i wish i can find the perfect j0b . =)
Yeahs, g00d girl g0 bad .
Let's party ~ ! =D
N0 matter what, i must smile and be happy, stay str0ng and give me best sh0t !
Hey hey y0u y0u, i d0n't like y0ur gf .
Hey hey y0u y0u, i want t0 be y0ur gf .
Hey hey y0u y0u, i can be y0ur gf .
Hey hey y0u y0u, i kn0w that y0u like me .
N0 way n0 way its a secret .
N0 way n0 way i think y0u need a new 0ne .
HAHAS . Being s0 rand0m here .
Cutie .
Vintage and em0 style . =) L0ve, l0ve . <3
Sh0es, bag and c0smetic, what's next ?
Need m0re cash, pls .
Getting my pay next m0nth, h0w am i g0nna suvive when my m0ney is using up s00n ?
My buying list gets l0nger and l0nger, h0w i wish i make friend with MR ALADDIN, he will grant my wish with his "friend" . (:
http://www.absolutebargain.blogspot.com/ Visit here f0r RETAIL THRAPY . =D
http://ourfeistyprincess.com/ This little is having cancer .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd1K7sj2LFY This s0ng is nice, i'm in heaven when y0u kiss me, but i can't find wh0 is the singer and vide0 f0r it . =)
I've l0st in all, l0st everything .
If i c0uld write a s0ng 0r a p0em f0r y0u, i w0uld write s0mething i am feeling deep inside . Bad sad l0ve mem0ries can haunt 0ne mem0ries, f0rever . Y0u are the 0nly wish i make t0 g0d . L0ve makes 0ne str0ngand weak . 0nly l0ve can sing, try again 0r walk away . Y0u and me will find a better, sm,00ther, happier pathway t0 happiness . My heart feels like crying . Time heal all w0unds . We've tried,buy failed .
N0b0dy else is perfect . We l0ve, we care, we share but d0 the pers0n kn0w ? Taking the path sl0wly . Teach me h0w t0 c0ntr0l my em0ti0ns . I need t0 st0p ... I'm breaking d0wn . Where is my happiness landing ? D0es l0ve really exists ? It take tw0 hands t0 clap t0 make a relati0nship w0rk . But think pr0perly if there is n0 m0re l0ve between the R/S will the happiness beg0ne f0r g00d ?
Why d0es g0d created human beings, man and w0men t0 l0ve 0ne an0ther ? L0ve and hate is a str0ng w0rd . L0ve, i d0 n0t need that anym0re . L0ve, i d0 n0t kn0w h0w it feels like anym0re . I am h0lding 0n tightly t0 the p0le h0ping f0r s0me0ne t0 rescue me 0ne day . But will the pers0n c0me ?
Jinx, i am 0ne . My R/S w0n't last . G00d things d0n't c0me, 0nly bad things d0es . When will this c0me t0 an end ?
Letting g0 is 0ne happiness t00 . Darkness 0verc0me my happiness .
I am being left running all by myself in the path all al0ng . Dig 0pen my br0ken heart . Y0ur l0ve is a lie . Salvage w0n't help anym0re, i am free-ing y0u n0w t0 find y0ur 0wn happiness . I want t0 see y0u happy again . Running fr0m the fact .
Hmmm, i'm being rand0m here, just type it 0ut ab0ut i am thinking ab0ut in my heart .
Internet is my sec0nd life, i'm seri0usly addicted t0 it, bad addicti0n, i can happily spending h0urs and h0urs 0nline - f0r everything - sh0pping, s0cializing, playing games, watching m0vies and etc . (:
Tired, tired, tired . Can i quit and stay at h0me ?
St0re is having meeting t0m0rr0w, can't aff0rd t0 be late again, at Plaza Sing 9 am .
Damn s0 m00dy these days . Fcuk the PMS . I hate having menses . ~$!@#^*&
Fashi0n wars is s0 addictive ! =)
GREY c0l0ur represents ME .
D0ts, Megan F0x is a man !
She's damn sexy and h0t cans ?
Can't imgine . Scary .
W0rking t0m0rr0w, h0w i wish i can rest at h0me, i'm really tiredddddd .
Mummy is c00king chicken wings, my fav0urite ! =) L0ve y0u, Mummy !
I wanna cut d0wn 0n 0ily and unhealthy f00d !
Love you, Mummy & Daddy ! =D
BLACK c0l0ur hair suits me m0re ? Feel like c0l0uring it br0wn, 0r red .
0h s0 AL . D0n't want lahs, if i dye my hair, Mummy is g0nna kill me ! =x
And if i dye my hair i l00k m0re unfriendly and AL sia . D0n't make a risk ! =) Black is nice t00 ! I must say that i l00k g00d in black hair ! N0 kidding !
Sending 0ut c0untless resume, yet i receive 0ne 0r tw0 ph0ne calls, 0r even n0thing . Damn !
S0me 0f the agency their cust0mer service really SUCKS t0 the c0re !
3 m0re m0nths and 0ne day t0 STARHUB line expired ! Yeahs ~ !
Rec0nnting my M1 caller-id s00n . (:
Save m0ney, save m0ney .
I want t0 buy this and that lehs ! But n0 m0nwy lehz, h0w ? L0ls
Craving f0r p0tat0 wedges f0r very l0ng, where can i get it 0utside 0ther than supermarkets ?
0nly cinemas ?
Music is my everyday must have ! =)
G0ing t0 w0rk, g0ing h0me, g0ing t0 sleep and when i'm using the c0m definite have t0 play the music . =)
They tend to be very loyal, but also extremely jealous and possessive in a relationship. So if you feel frustrated, the Taurus' reaction can be very strong against the person he loves the most, costing a lot of work forgiveness and reconciliation. During the period of separation will demonstrate his various adventures with doing everything possible to ensure that their partner would know. So you will feel better about yourself and if there is still love between you guys, that love may return to the relationship, but will now turn on to be a record of accumulated good revenge.
I guess i've a answer left f0r it .
N0t g0nna say much . 0r d0 anything .
T0tally speechless .
I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is... broken
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me
How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty
Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it I mean it, I promise
I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me
I can't be without, you're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you, I'm sorry.
Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past . When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life a thousand reasons to SMILE. :D F0und this in a friend's pr0file .
I guess life sh0uld like this, but i find it very hard t0 smile if i'm n0t happy with s0mething, i tend t0 keep things inside n0w, making me feel very unhappy, i wasn't like this last time . What changed me ? Best is d0n't keep things inside . And i can be very unfriendly and rude t0 pe0ple i dislikes . =D
I'm burning up inside .
Is happiness 0n my side yet ?
Nic0tine is my BEST friend . (:
I've decided t0 change my bl0g link .
Haven think 0f 0ne yet .
I'm tired, really really tired ...
I d0ubt i g0t time t0 0nline n0w .
I'm late f0r tw0 times, i h0pe i can be early later . =)
The j0b i'm w0rking n0w s0unds easy but i am n0t feeling really happy at all, makes me s0 tired and aching all 0ver and the pay is s0 fcuking damn little, cans ?
Sh0uld i quit and l00k f0r better 0ne ?
I mean i d0n't mind .
I want t0 eat mac later ! Been eating unhealthy recently, fast f00d cravings all the times . I d0n't kn0w why, ever since y0ung, i'm addicted t0 fast f00d . Especially chicken, i d0n't eat lamb, p0rk, beef, but fish 0nly s0metimes . Guess chicken meat is m0re yummy, even kids l0ve them ! (:
St0mach n0t feeling well . What happen sia ?
Sh*tting ?!
Time t0 get 0ver ?
I believe that is n0 need t0 carry 0n with battle, cause i've l0st it .
I've decide 0n the path i want, i d0n't intend t0 get int0 relati0nship f0r an0ther tw0 years until i f0und the right pers0n and i might get marry the pers0n with0ut any hesitati0n .
I'm hunting f0r my 0wn happiness . L00king f0r g00d guys . L0ve can wait . Heart and character and l00ks is all that c0unts . =) Willing t0 be single f0r 4 years, 2 m0re years !
As l0ng as y0u're happy, i'll be happy t00 . (:
Ice cream party . W00h00
Banana split b0at ice cream . Yummy ! Craving f0r it .
J, i d0n't want t0 l0se y0u as a friend . D0n't leave me al0ne .
I ____ Y0U .
X0x0 l0ve .
I can wait f0rever, BABY .
Th0se three w0rds i want t0 hear .
Heh, which is y0ur fav0urite way t0 think p0sitive ?
A: Bad times w0n't g0 f0rever ;)
B: With l0ve and supp0rt, I will b0unce back !
C: I think ab0ut the g00d things in my life :)
I think i will ch00se A 0r C . =)
The news stated that m0re Singap0rean men are marrying f0reigners bride, what's y0ur p0int ?
I think the main p0int that they marry f0reigners bride is because they think Singap0rean w0men is sh0wing materalism . But living in Singap0re, every0ne just talk ab0ut m0ney, m0ney and m0re m0ney, we can't survive if we have g0t n0 cash in 0ur p0ckets . I think b0th Mars and Venus g0t their 0wn thinking . But i can't say that m0ney is n0t imp0rtant 0r very imp0rtant, i think i'm in the middle .
And Singap0rean men is marrying y0unger age bride, will their marriage last and be happy ?
0nly they have the asnwer f0r this . 0utsiders can't understand .
Mr Michael Jacks0n is g0ing t0 his NEVERLAND . D0 h0pe he will REST IN PEACE in heaven . (:
N0w every0ne starts talking ab0ut him and listening t0 his s0ngs when he's dead . What is the use ? If y0u really l0ve MJ, y0u sh0uld supp0rt him all the way . RIP MR MJ .
Singap0rean spending p0wer is back .
But they're spending m0re 0n . Well let me see ...
It been a l0ng time ever since i last sh0p . =) Cheers .
Cut the craps . (:
Here it is :
Dining and Enertainment 43 %
Fashi0n and access0ries 40 %
Travel 30 %
C0nsumer electr0nics 27 %
Fitness and Wellness 25 %
Children's educati0n 20 %
0wn educati0n 18 %
Pr0perty 10 %
Cars 8 %
D0mestic appliances 6 %
S0urce : MasterCard W0rldwide
What are the things that will m0re likely t0 spend 0n ?
Buttery fact0ry re0pens again . =)
Cheers f0r th0se party animal .
I st0pped party f0r quite s0me time .
F0rget b0ttled water, tap water as g00d as it gets .
Water is a c0mm0n but very preci0us assets . With0ut water, human being cann0t survive .
I can't believe it .
I still prefer b0iled water rather than tap water cause they smell and taste weirdly .
I want t0 be m0re 0ptimistic and p0sitive and happy .
Addictive t0 green apples .
They're healthy and ____ . (:
Meetup s00n . ____
Stress, headache 0n my way h0me just n0w .
I f0und a j0b but i'm n0t happy at all . N0t even a bit . Why is this s0 ?
If y0u nearby i sure visit y0u, i miss y0u .
J, h0w are y0u ?
X0x0 l0ve .
My brain is blank .
My brain is ____ .
My heart is g0ne .
My heart is ___ .
My s0ul is missing .
S0me0ne ever t0ld me this .
Happy is 0ne day .
Sad is 0ne day .
Why n0t be happy and spend the day ?
My reply was i can't, cause i think that its t00 fake, i w0n't hide it inside if i am n0t happy .
Even if i am sad, i'll sad f0r the rest 0f the day . S0 even if s0me0ne w0uld t0 ask me n0t t0 be sad 0r whatever, i treat that pers0n is talking t0 himself . Well, that me .
G0t character ahs ? L0ls . I am stubb0rn t00 . Feel free t0 test it .
Frankly speaking i l0ve t0 be sad and cry it 0ut, well i d0n't see any bad p0ints ab0ut it . Its my heath and my tears n0t y0urs . (:
And last n0t least, i'm a veryyyy negative pers0n and i'm l0ving it ! =D
St0p asking me t0 change . I really hate it when pe0ple ask me t0 change .
"Please d0n't leave me" by PINK is a nice s0ng, i'm listening t0 it n0w .
S0me s0rt 0f like l0ve s0ng asking y0ur bf/gf n0t t0 leave y0u .
The st0ry line sh0uld be like this, i guess s0 . (:
But the MV damn sad, cans ?
Acting cute is part 0f my daily career . L0ls . =) Kidding . Later g0t pe0ple spram my bl0g sia, i'm n0t BRB type . (:
Its better f0r y0u t0 leave n0w . I h0pe i can get 0ver it s00n . Rather than making the b0th 0f us unhappy . Better t0 be happy rather n0t happy right ? I want y0u t0 be happy ! =)
I'm sad, teach me h0w t0 be happy, where's my happiness ?
J is missed . Heh ! =))
X0x0 l0ve .
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diaryCheesecake
Friday, July 31, 2009 ( 7/31/2009 10:10:00 AM )
0re0 cheesecake !!!
Labels: Cheesecake
The diaryPh0t0s and w0rds .
Thursday, July 30, 2009 ( 7/30/2009 10:09:00 AM )
This set 0f ph0t0 was supp0se t0 p0st with the previ0us p0st, but i can 0nly manage t0 p0st a few 0f the same set . Luckily i can p0st it t0day . Enj0y ! Haaz . But h0nestly speaking, i prefer this set 0f ph0t0 . I think i l00k natural . Haas ~ !
This set 0f ph0t0 l00ks funny, but the 0utl00k is average cause the ph0t0 l00ks kinda 0f blur and white . Can't figure what happens .
Let the ph0t0s did the talking . (=
Damn, damn sleepy cans ? Wake up at 9 am plus instead 0f the usual 11 am, and i am w0rking aftern00n shift lehs, sighs s0 decide t0 0nline, have a small tiff with Mummy, she is nagging at me, feel very stress and tired at w0rk .
Recently very stress and tired at w0rk, we receive 800 pairs 0f st0cks, y0u're n0t hearing things, its 800 pairs . N0w y0u understand my pain . And all are selling at 10, 15 and 20 bucks, limited sizes, if y0u're feeling lucky en0ugh, y0u might get y0ur sizes . But all are 0ld st0cks . All sh0es have a life span, can't keep it f0r t00 l0ng .
Actually i h0pe Saturday can c0me faster ! But it will be the w0rst day ever, i swear . Cause my w0rk place the pers0n in charge is being swap and i d0n't like them, they are lazy at w0rk, and g0ssip here and there, i d0n't like t0 g0ssip, and i think i seri0usly can't click with them . But i can't wait t0 see my sweet heart this Saturday ! =) L0ve l0ve . <3
Actually i h0pe Saturday can c0me faster ! But it will be the w0rst day ever, i swear . Cause my w0rk place the pers0n in charge is being swap and i d0n't like them, they are lazy at w0rk, and g0ssip here and there, i d0n't like t0 g0ssip, and i think i seri0usly can't click with them . But i can't wait t0 see my sweet heart this Saturday ! =) L0ve l0ve . <3
0h n0 Mr BF is a label junkie . He l0ves his label m0re than me . ): If he sees this, he g0nna kill me ! =x L0ls .
0kays heard fr0m the p0wer 98 fm radi0 stati0n that, Megan f0xx
can't be a man, "she" indeed is a w0men, but anyways she's h0t, all men wants her and w0men are jeal0us 0f her b0dy . =) M0uth watering figure, wa, w0w !
Wants :
T0 get new ph0ne
T0 watch new m0vies
T0 be happy and health everyday
EVERY0NE i kn0w t0 be happy and health and stay peaceful ! (Family, friends & BF)
0kays g0t t0 g0 sh0wer and 0ff t0 w0rk . If n0t i will late again !
Labels: Ph0t0s and w0rds .
The diaryLOVE
Monday, July 27, 2009 ( 7/27/2009 10:09:00 PM )
C0unting d0wn t0 4 m0re days . (=
Can't wait f0r it . Haas .
I miss my sweet heart . L0ls
0nly have y0u in my mem0ries . Hahaz .
L0ve y0u BIG BIG !
Labels: LOVE
The diaryInsane bl0gger, w0rk, life and l0ve .
Sunday, July 26, 2009 ( 7/26/2009 08:23:00 PM )
Back t0 bl0gger, was supp0se t0 bl0g few days back, but was busy and lazy and bl0gger went "insane" . The pr0blem is still here, i can't seems t0 be able t0 edit 0r c0l0ur my f0nt . H0w weird !
Very happening .
W0rk is fine, just t00 many g0ssips here and there . I d0n't really like talking and hearing g0ssips . Waiting f0r pay, its n0t a bad j0b but the starting pay they gave me really sucks, pard0n me f0r using that w0rd . But it really sucks t0 the c0re and i c0uld 0nly get my pay next m0nth, m0st pr0bably 0n the 10th 0r 15th . Sighs still l0ng . The schedule is tiring but g0t n0 ch0ice w0rking f0r the sake 0f m0ney .
Life is tiring, but still g0es 0n .
L0ve is ... (=
See my smiley face and y0u sh0uld have kn0w my answer .
Aku cinta padamu . MR HAPPY .
I've f0und my happiness and i'm happy . Haaz .
I h0pe that i can be happy f0r the rest 0f my life ... and n0t unhappiness . I h0pe i w0n't get an0ther heart break and disapp0intment 0nce m0re .
Saturday faster c0me pls . (: Can't wait f0r it .
I MISS Y0U . L0ve l0ve . X0x0 <3
N0 m0ney, n0 h0ney . Haaz . I buy y0u a m0nkey 0r d0nkey 0kays ? Hahas
Updating s00n ... Hugs & kisses
Labels: Insane bl0gger, life and l0ve, w0rk
The diaryN0 c0mments
Thursday, July 23, 2009 ( 7/23/2009 05:59:00 PM )
What happen t0 bl0gger ?
Bl0gger seems retarded . Can't seems t0 type my p0st like n0rmal .
S0 many things t0 type here, but speechless .
S0 many things happen . S0 little time t0 bl0g .
I'm getting lazier and lazier everyday t0 update my life .
Labels: N0 c0mments
The diary사랑해요
Sunday, July 19, 2009 ( 7/19/2009 01:14:00 AM )
Be with y0u .
I'm in heaven when y0u kiss me .
Time will heal all w0unds . Y0u're n0t s0rry . Getting 0ver it .
But i am still missing y0u .
I ch00se t0 hide my unhappiness inside .
Why d0 i feel s0 s0ur and unc0mf0rtable inside ?
I feel s0 unhappy and gulity ab0ut s0me things . Can't seem t0 get it 0ff my mind .
Its because 0f y0u, y0u, y0u .
L0ve is my b0undaries n0w . I can't 0verc0me it till n0w . I am a JINX, pe0ple being with me will suffer and will n0t be happy and happiness will disappear .
Why d0 i always ended up with disapp0intment ? I sh0uld have never trust y0ur w0rds again .
L0ve sucks, stray away fr0m l0ve . N0t g0nna gets hurt again .
I feel happy f0r pe0ple ar0und me when they have f0und happiness and i'm willing t0 match make my friend . (= I think i've match make a few "strangers" t0gether, but they br0ke up after that . Haas . I'm a w0rst match maker . )=
I f0und 0ut that actually there are pe0ple wh0 cares and l0ve me, 0ther than my family, i g0t s0me supp0rting friend, always there t0 cheer me up whenever i feel sad . THANKS A L0T ! =) Y0u kn0w wh0 y0u are, i d0n't have t0 spell y0ur name here .
I am w0rking later, i'm yawning again, freaking tired .
H0w i wish i can find the perfect j0b . =)
Yeahs, g00d girl g0 bad .
Let's party ~ ! =D
N0 matter what, i must smile and be happy, stay str0ng and give me best sh0t !
Hey hey y0u y0u, i d0n't like y0ur gf .
Hey hey y0u y0u, i want t0 be y0ur gf .
Hey hey y0u y0u, i can be y0ur gf .
Hey hey y0u y0u, i kn0w that y0u like me .
N0 way n0 way its a secret .
N0 way n0 way i think y0u need a new 0ne .
HAHAS . Being s0 rand0m here .
Labels: 사랑해요
The diaryM0ney, unhappiness, PRESSURE, PMS .
Thursday, July 16, 2009 ( 7/16/2009 01:53:00 PM )
Cutie .
Vintage and em0 style . =) L0ve, l0ve . <3
Sh0es, bag and c0smetic, what's next ?
Need m0re cash, pls .
Getting my pay next m0nth, h0w am i g0nna suvive when my m0ney is using up s00n ?
My buying list gets l0nger and l0nger, h0w i wish i make friend with MR ALADDIN, he will grant my wish with his "friend" . (:
http://www.absolutebargain.blogspot.com/ Visit here f0r RETAIL THRAPY . =D
http://ourfeistyprincess.com/ This little is having cancer .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd1K7sj2LFY This s0ng is nice, i'm in heaven when y0u kiss me, but i can't find wh0 is the singer and vide0 f0r it . =)
I've l0st in all, l0st everything .
If i c0uld write a s0ng 0r a p0em f0r y0u, i w0uld write s0mething i am feeling deep inside . Bad sad l0ve mem0ries can haunt 0ne mem0ries, f0rever . Y0u are the 0nly wish i make t0 g0d . L0ve makes 0ne str0ngand weak . 0nly l0ve can sing, try again 0r walk away . Y0u and me will find a better, sm,00ther, happier pathway t0 happiness . My heart feels like crying . Time heal all w0unds . We've tried,buy failed .
N0b0dy else is perfect . We l0ve, we care, we share but d0 the pers0n kn0w ? Taking the path sl0wly . Teach me h0w t0 c0ntr0l my em0ti0ns . I need t0 st0p ... I'm breaking d0wn . Where is my happiness landing ? D0es l0ve really exists ? It take tw0 hands t0 clap t0 make a relati0nship w0rk . But think pr0perly if there is n0 m0re l0ve between the R/S will the happiness beg0ne f0r g00d ?
Why d0es g0d created human beings, man and w0men t0 l0ve 0ne an0ther ? L0ve and hate is a str0ng w0rd . L0ve, i d0 n0t need that anym0re . L0ve, i d0 n0t kn0w h0w it feels like anym0re . I am h0lding 0n tightly t0 the p0le h0ping f0r s0me0ne t0 rescue me 0ne day . But will the pers0n c0me ?
Jinx, i am 0ne . My R/S w0n't last . G00d things d0n't c0me, 0nly bad things d0es . When will this c0me t0 an end ?
Letting g0 is 0ne happiness t00 . Darkness 0verc0me my happiness .
I am being left running all by myself in the path all al0ng . Dig 0pen my br0ken heart . Y0ur l0ve is a lie . Salvage w0n't help anym0re, i am free-ing y0u n0w t0 find y0ur 0wn happiness . I want t0 see y0u happy again . Running fr0m the fact .
Hmmm, i'm being rand0m here, just type it 0ut ab0ut i am thinking ab0ut in my heart .
Internet is my sec0nd life, i'm seri0usly addicted t0 it, bad addicti0n, i can happily spending h0urs and h0urs 0nline - f0r everything - sh0pping, s0cializing, playing games, watching m0vies and etc . (:
Tired, tired, tired . Can i quit and stay at h0me ?
St0re is having meeting t0m0rr0w, can't aff0rd t0 be late again, at Plaza Sing 9 am .
Damn s0 m00dy these days . Fcuk the PMS . I hate having menses . ~$!@#^*&
Labels: M0ney, PMS ., PRESSURE, unhappiness
The diaryRAND0M
Monday, July 13, 2009 ( 7/13/2009 10:43:00 PM )
W0rking full shift later and t0m0rr0w, tired . Very tired .
Hmmm i w0rk m0rning shift t0day s0 i g0t time t0 0nline .
If n0t, i am busy, busy and m0re busy .
I think i w0n't update my bl0g that 0ften . 0r if i feel like bl0gging, i will . Depends 0n my m00d and what i wanna type here . My schedule is really tight this m0nth and next m0nth . Will be busy w0rking m0re . G0ing t0 chi0ng m0re full shift . Need m0re m0ney .
N0 m0re sh0pping fr0m n0w 0n . Actually i g0t plans f0r my future lia0s, i plan t0 save m0ney f0r my future and i want t0 have a drag0n baby . Cause they're very smart ! =D What z0diac year is it this year ? C0w ! 3 m0re years t0 g0 . Extactly 3 years and 6 m0nths m0re t0 g0 ! Best is can b0rn in January 0r February . ;) Wedding plan, maybe 3-5 years later . I d0n't intend t0 get marry, i just want a kid ! Baby is s0 cute ~ ! Just like me . (: 00ps . =x
Fashi0n wars is s0 addictive ! =)
Stray away fr0m l0ve ? 0nly friends and family is l0ved . And J . =)
But ...
L0ve y0u, Mummy & Daddy ! =D
I g0t this when i d0 a quiz in faceb00k and guess its quite true .
My ex is a sc0rpi0, aquarius . But in the end break up with a sad and hurting ending .
What d0es learn fr0m y0ur differences mean ? G00d 0r bad ?
Perfect Partners: Virgo, Capricorn
Nearly Perfect Partners: Cancer, Pisces
Like Minded Souls: Taurus
Opposites Youre Attracted To: Libra, Sagittarius
Learn From Your Differences: Aries, Gemini
Not Your Destiny: Leo, Aquarius
Astrological Hell: Scorpio
GREY c0l0ur represents ME .
YELL0W c0l0ur represents my ex, T .
GREEN c0l0ur represents my ex, A .
All using 0ur fav0urite c0l0ur s0 its m0re easier t0 understand .
C0unting d0wn t0 3 years and 6 m0nths m0re ! :)
0ff t0 bed .
Beauty sleep is needed, i still need t0 w0rk later . Yawns, i am s0 tired . Nighties sweet hearts . =) zZzZzZz
Is H1N1 still danger0us ?
Labels: Rand0m
The diaryHappy p0st . =)
Thursday, July 9, 2009 ( 7/09/2009 04:02:00 PM )
D0ts, Megan F0x is a man !
She's damn sexy and h0t cans ?
Can't imgine . Scary .
W0rking t0m0rr0w, h0w i wish i can rest at h0me, i'm really tiredddddd .
Mummy is c00king chicken wings, my fav0urite ! =) L0ve y0u, Mummy !
I wanna cut d0wn 0n 0ily and unhealthy f00d !
Love you, Mummy & Daddy ! =D
BLACK c0l0ur hair suits me m0re ? Feel like c0l0uring it br0wn, 0r red .
0h s0 AL . D0n't want lahs, if i dye my hair, Mummy is g0nna kill me ! =x
And if i dye my hair i l00k m0re unfriendly and AL sia . D0n't make a risk ! =) Black is nice t00 ! I must say that i l00k g00d in black hair ! N0 kidding !
Sending 0ut c0untless resume, yet i receive 0ne 0r tw0 ph0ne calls, 0r even n0thing . Damn !
S0me 0f the agency their cust0mer service really SUCKS t0 the c0re !
3 m0re m0nths and 0ne day t0 STARHUB line expired ! Yeahs ~ !
Rec0nnting my M1 caller-id s00n . (:
Save m0ney, save m0ney .
I want t0 buy this and that lehs ! But n0 m0nwy lehz, h0w ? L0ls
Craving f0r p0tat0 wedges f0r very l0ng, where can i get it 0utside 0ther than supermarkets ?
0nly cinemas ?
Music is my everyday must have ! =)
G0ing t0 w0rk, g0ing h0me, g0ing t0 sleep and when i'm using the c0m definite have t0 play the music . =)
Labels: Happy p0st . =)
The diaryW0RDS .
( 7/09/2009 01:35:00 AM )
They tend to be very loyal, but also extremely jealous and possessive in a relationship. So if you feel frustrated, the Taurus' reaction can be very strong against the person he loves the most, costing a lot of work forgiveness and reconciliation. During the period of separation will demonstrate his various adventures with doing everything possible to ensure that their partner would know. So you will feel better about yourself and if there is still love between you guys, that love may return to the relationship, but will now turn on to be a record of accumulated good revenge.
I guess i've a answer left f0r it .
N0t g0nna say much . 0r d0 anything .
T0tally speechless .
I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is... broken
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me
How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty
Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it I mean it, I promise
I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me
I can't be without, you're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you, I'm sorry.
Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past . When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life a thousand reasons to SMILE. :D F0und this in a friend's pr0file .
I guess life sh0uld like this, but i find it very hard t0 smile if i'm n0t happy with s0mething, i tend t0 keep things inside n0w, making me feel very unhappy, i wasn't like this last time . What changed me ? Best is d0n't keep things inside . And i can be very unfriendly and rude t0 pe0ple i dislikes . =D
I'm burning up inside .
Is happiness 0n my side yet ?
Nic0tine is my BEST friend . (:
I've decided t0 change my bl0g link .
Haven think 0f 0ne yet .
Labels: W0RDS .
The diaryMEEEEE
Monday, July 6, 2009 ( 7/06/2009 11:40:00 AM )
I'm tired, really really tired ...
I d0ubt i g0t time t0 0nline n0w .
I'm late f0r tw0 times, i h0pe i can be early later . =)
The j0b i'm w0rking n0w s0unds easy but i am n0t feeling really happy at all, makes me s0 tired and aching all 0ver and the pay is s0 fcuking damn little, cans ?
Sh0uld i quit and l00k f0r better 0ne ?
I mean i d0n't mind .
I want t0 eat mac later ! Been eating unhealthy recently, fast f00d cravings all the times . I d0n't kn0w why, ever since y0ung, i'm addicted t0 fast f00d . Especially chicken, i d0n't eat lamb, p0rk, beef, but fish 0nly s0metimes . Guess chicken meat is m0re yummy, even kids l0ve them ! (:
St0mach n0t feeling well . What happen sia ?
Sh*tting ?!
Time t0 get 0ver ?
I believe that is n0 need t0 carry 0n with battle, cause i've l0st it .
I've decide 0n the path i want, i d0n't intend t0 get int0 relati0nship f0r an0ther tw0 years until i f0und the right pers0n and i might get marry the pers0n with0ut any hesitati0n .
I'm hunting f0r my 0wn happiness . L00king f0r g00d guys . L0ve can wait . Heart and character and l00ks is all that c0unts . =) Willing t0 be single f0r 4 years, 2 m0re years !
As l0ng as y0u're happy, i'll be happy t00 . (:
Ice cream party . W00h00
Banana split b0at ice cream . Yummy ! Craving f0r it .
J, i d0n't want t0 l0se y0u as a friend . D0n't leave me al0ne .
I ____ Y0U .
X0x0 l0ve .
Labels: MEEEEE
The diaryNEWS .
Friday, July 3, 2009 ( 7/03/2009 01:06:00 PM )
I can wait f0rever, BABY .
Th0se three w0rds i want t0 hear .
Heh, which is y0ur fav0urite way t0 think p0sitive ?
A: Bad times w0n't g0 f0rever ;)
B: With l0ve and supp0rt, I will b0unce back !
C: I think ab0ut the g00d things in my life :)
I think i will ch00se A 0r C . =)
The news stated that m0re Singap0rean men are marrying f0reigners bride, what's y0ur p0int ?
I think the main p0int that they marry f0reigners bride is because they think Singap0rean w0men is sh0wing materalism . But living in Singap0re, every0ne just talk ab0ut m0ney, m0ney and m0re m0ney, we can't survive if we have g0t n0 cash in 0ur p0ckets . I think b0th Mars and Venus g0t their 0wn thinking . But i can't say that m0ney is n0t imp0rtant 0r very imp0rtant, i think i'm in the middle .
And Singap0rean men is marrying y0unger age bride, will their marriage last and be happy ?
0nly they have the asnwer f0r this . 0utsiders can't understand .
Mr Michael Jacks0n is g0ing t0 his NEVERLAND . D0 h0pe he will REST IN PEACE in heaven . (:
N0w every0ne starts talking ab0ut him and listening t0 his s0ngs when he's dead . What is the use ? If y0u really l0ve MJ, y0u sh0uld supp0rt him all the way . RIP MR MJ .
Singap0rean spending p0wer is back .
But they're spending m0re 0n . Well let me see ...
It been a l0ng time ever since i last sh0p . =) Cheers .
Cut the craps . (:
Here it is :
Dining and Enertainment 43 %
Fashi0n and access0ries 40 %
Travel 30 %
C0nsumer electr0nics 27 %
Fitness and Wellness 25 %
Children's educati0n 20 %
0wn educati0n 18 %
Pr0perty 10 %
Cars 8 %
D0mestic appliances 6 %
S0urce : MasterCard W0rldwide
What are the things that will m0re likely t0 spend 0n ?
Buttery fact0ry re0pens again . =)
Cheers f0r th0se party animal .
I st0pped party f0r quite s0me time .
F0rget b0ttled water, tap water as g00d as it gets .
Water is a c0mm0n but very preci0us assets . With0ut water, human being cann0t survive .
I can't believe it .
I still prefer b0iled water rather than tap water cause they smell and taste weirdly .
I want t0 be m0re 0ptimistic and p0sitive and happy .
Addictive t0 green apples .
They're healthy and ____ . (:
Meetup s00n . ____
Stress, headache 0n my way h0me just n0w .
I f0und a j0b but i'm n0t happy at all . N0t even a bit . Why is this s0 ?
If y0u nearby i sure visit y0u, i miss y0u .
J, h0w are y0u ?
X0x0 l0ve .
Labels: NEWS .
The diarySAD
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 ( 7/01/2009 04:42:00 PM )
My brain is blank .
My brain is ____ .
My heart is g0ne .
My heart is ___ .
My s0ul is missing .
S0me0ne ever t0ld me this .
Happy is 0ne day .
Sad is 0ne day .
Why n0t be happy and spend the day ?
My reply was i can't, cause i think that its t00 fake, i w0n't hide it inside if i am n0t happy .
Even if i am sad, i'll sad f0r the rest 0f the day . S0 even if s0me0ne w0uld t0 ask me n0t t0 be sad 0r whatever, i treat that pers0n is talking t0 himself . Well, that me .
G0t character ahs ? L0ls . I am stubb0rn t00 . Feel free t0 test it .
Frankly speaking i l0ve t0 be sad and cry it 0ut, well i d0n't see any bad p0ints ab0ut it . Its my heath and my tears n0t y0urs . (:
And last n0t least, i'm a veryyyy negative pers0n and i'm l0ving it ! =D
St0p asking me t0 change . I really hate it when pe0ple ask me t0 change .
"Please d0n't leave me" by PINK is a nice s0ng, i'm listening t0 it n0w .
S0me s0rt 0f like l0ve s0ng asking y0ur bf/gf n0t t0 leave y0u .
The st0ry line sh0uld be like this, i guess s0 . (:
But the MV damn sad, cans ?
Acting cute is part 0f my daily career . L0ls . =) Kidding . Later g0t pe0ple spram my bl0g sia, i'm n0t BRB type . (:
Its better f0r y0u t0 leave n0w . I h0pe i can get 0ver it s00n . Rather than making the b0th 0f us unhappy . Better t0 be happy rather n0t happy right ? I want y0u t0 be happy ! =)
I'm sad, teach me h0w t0 be happy, where's my happiness ?
J is missed . Heh ! =))
X0x0 l0ve .
Labels: SAD
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
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My Daily Job
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Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
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Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
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designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
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Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
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March 2009
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June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music