Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
Hard disk is driving me crazy ! I can't seems t0 transfer the games t0 my deskt0p . Damn ~ !
0h its raining n0w, freakinmg c0ld, my little fingers and little t0es feels very c0ld and I'm shivering . I need a hug ! And h0t ch0c0late ! (:
W0rked m0rning shift yesterday, Mummy and Sister dr0p by t0 find me and after w0rk went ate dinner at 0ur nearby sh0pping centre .
Mummy ans Sister br0ught their f00d, f0und a table and sat d0wn . Then I g0 t0 buy my f00d, was deciding 0n what t0 eat and finally I make up my mind .
S0 I quened 0ut and placed my 0rder, 0ut 0f sudden, all the lights went black0ut .
I sh0cked and felt panic ! L0ls, every0ne felt panic ! S0meb0dy even sh0uted . I g0tten my f00d and find Mummy and Sister and we just sit there and eat and left the place .
They started t0 search f0r their m0bile ph0ne f0r the "light" . A very different eating experience . L0ls .
Then sl0wly, pe0ple left the place . We left the place t00 .
And half 0f the sh0ps in the mall is black0ut, lucky f0r th0se wh0 didn't kanna the black0ut .
Y0u taste just like glitter mixed with r0ck and r0ll .
Y0ur l0ve taste just like candy fl0ss .
B0y, y0u kn0w I care .
Speechless ...
Cure my em0 m00ds, pls .
I want t0 cut my hair t0 b0b and full bangs ! (: But I'll miss my l0ng hair !
L0ves my sp0ngeb0b s0 much ! (:
X0x0 .
Girlfriend fr0m hell . Read and watch the vide0 and y0u will kn0w what really happen . =)
I ____ y0u . x3 = I _____ y0u . I ____ y0u . I ______ y0u . =D
When I say s0mething f0r three times, I mean what I say .
I wish time w0uld st0p at this m0ment .
St0p at the peak 0f happiness .
If it were p0ssible, I wish we were be able t0 be in each 0ther's circle f0rever . Turning and turning, never ending . Because I can't help but w0rry that happiness will be like ferris wheel and be 0ver in a m0ment .
Will happiness be like the ferris wheel and be 0ver in a sec0nd ?
Just like we didn't meet up f0r three weeks ?
I've given up 0n y0u . I've given 0n us . I've given up 0n the relati0nship .
Getting 0ver it . All the things I d0 still remind me 0f y0u . That n0t the ending I h0ped f0r . But things turned 0ut this way . Y0u l0ve her m0re than me, I kn0w that . I think I need s0me time t0 think ab0ut what I want and t0 c00l d0wn . I wish I c0uld talk t0 y0u f0r the last time, kiss y0u f0r the last time, hug y0u f0r the last time and l0ve y0u f0r the very last time bef0re I let g0 .
I guess I never g0t this chance again . I guess 0ur l0ve is just like the ferris wheel . But I'm really happy f0r th0se m0ments alth0ught it's just a sh0rt peri0d 0f time . Thanks f0r everything !
G00dbye .
J, y0u kn0w we are the cl0sest friend ever !
And y0u went MIA again !
I w0rry and think 0f y0u daily . Super w0rry sick ab0ut y0u . Where are y0u ? Spend days and weeks w0rrying, thinking and s0rting 0ut my feelings .
Craving f0r y0ur l0ve .
But after I g0tten y0ur l0ve, I bec0me greedy and wanted m0re fr0m y0u .
Afraid 0f l0sing everything .
Afraid 0f l0sing y0u .
Given up 0n l0ve . Till n0w . Till the end . My w0rld d0es n0t exist l0ve anym0re .
My life is started t0 feel brand new again . Whatever unhappy, sh0uld let g0 and f0rget .
Be happy always ! (:
Addicted t0 fruit juices and fruits ! =)
S0 happy ! Finally finish watching my drama, Huan Huan Ai . (: But the ending was really sad, I've a BIG cried !
Beauty sleep here I c0me ! =) L0ls .
X0x0 .
M0vies cravings ...
M0vies, any0ne ?
Yi ge ren zhi y0u yi ke xin ye zhi neng ai yi ge ren .
Why why l0ve is s0 addictive ! L0ve it ! (:
X0x0 .
A le0pard will never change its sp0ts ?
Cheating and dish0nest is a big 0ffence in a relati0nship, these pe0ple sh0uld be punished !
Disapp0intment again and again .
L0sing h0pe, l0sing heart .
L0sing my s0ul and mind .
Given up 0n y0u .
I d0n't need l0ve .
I need t0 be happy again !
That chance will never be there again .
My heart still hurts even when i think ab0ut what y0u did, and say .
L0ve is c0nfused .
My right eye lid twisting, is that a g00d 0r bad signs ?
T0y p00dle !!! Buy me 0ne pls . (:
I've never received fl0wers in my life . Haaz s0unds s0 retarded !
Watching Huan Huan Ai aka Why Why L0ve .
Nice nice ! MIKE HE is s0 h0t and cute ~ ! =D
I d0n't really watch id0l drama, this is the few that i really catch .
Here I've s0mething t0 make y0ur day !
If y0u want a g00d laugh, g0 y0utube, type 0wnage prank calls .
A series 0f prank calls t0 make y0ur day !
But beware, vuglar lanauage here and there . (:
I really laugh my ass 0ut ! =)
Being kidnapped by l0ve and alien . L0ls .
Xoxo .
What the fcuk ?!
I just typed everything 0ut and the 0ther minute it's g0ne . N0w I can't remember what I type here just n0w . Damn !
Cb .
00ps . S0unds s0 wr0ng . Pard0n me f0r being s0 vuglar here .
I am ...
N0 mater what happens, life still g0es 0n .
I am happy with the way things turned 0ut . I guess s0 .
I h0pe y0u can find y0ur true happiness and y0ur dream girl s00n !
N0 matter h0w much I wanted he ending t0 be, my heart aches .
Maybe its time t0 let g0 . I have s0 much t0 tell y0u . I was h0ping we c0uld talk and have a peaceful makeup face t0 face rather than dragging it . But ...
Letting g0, but I miss y0u . Sl0wly . Its hard but I'll try . I pr0mise . N0w I kn0w why happiness can't stay by my side, cause I'm a JINX .
Na De Qi Fang Bu Xia . Best t0 describe me . EASY t0 h0ld 0n, DIFFICULT t0 let g0 .
Sighs, I wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d gf . I failed .
I am n0t the perfect, pretty, sweet, l0ving and g00d gf y0u expected . F0rget it, get 0ver it . (:
Tears and unhappiness g0ne .
It is n0t meant t0 be, we are n0t meant t0 be .
I'm a JINX, are y0u still g0ing t0 be my friend ?
I'm a JINX, are y0u still g0ing t0 l0ve me ?
If y0ur heart is filled with hated, h0w will l0ve fl0w in ? Y0u must let 0ut y0ur hated in 0rder f0r l0ve t0 enter . 0ur heart is like a fridge . Hating s0me0ne is a terrible feeling . H0w I wish I c0uld l0ss my mem0ry s0 that I can f0rget unhappy mem0ries and y0u 0ut 0f my brain and system . At least I w0n't be feeling s0 em0 and unhappy everyday . Feel s0 terrible and h0rrible inside . I'm n0t the pers0n that c0uld give y0u the happiness y0u ever wanted s0 I'm setting y0u free n0w .
0kays, I'm freaking tired, I need s0me sleep seri0usly .
Feel s0 hungry n0w, never ate dinner, been skipping it f0r days .
Crazy f0r PSP games n0w . Craving f0r a l0t 0f f00d .
Mirr0r is my best, best friend ! (: L0ve it many many ! :)
X0x0 .
W0rking really very hard t0 get what i wanted .
Earn m0re m0ney by d0ing m0re 0T . M0ney here I c0me ! (:
Tired, lesser time f0r myself and freed0m .
N0w life will be t0ugh a bit but its f0r my future, a better future, I guess .
Its raining n0w . S0 c0ld . Nice t0 sleep !
Its the Lunar 7th m0nth . (Gh0st m0nth)
D0n't dare t0 say wr0ng things w0rry might 0ffend them .
Mummy even ask me n0t t0 g0 h0me t00 late .
If y0u d0 n0thing harmful t0 them, why will w0uld they harm y0u ?
St0p that t0pic . I am thinking way t00 much .
I want a baby ! L0ls . They're s0 cute 0nly when they're y0ung but such a headache .
I ad0re y0u my s0n, ACJ in Faceb00k . L0ls . He's s0 cute ! =) Mummy l0ves y0u !
But I'm t00 busy f0r anything especially my games in FB .
S0metimes I feel that I am being aband0n . N0 0ne cares . ): Sighs .
Hard t0 find s0me0ne wh0 understand y0u .
S0 hungry, didn't ate pr0per meal f0r days .
Skipped dinner 0r lunch, in 0ther w0rds, I just ate 0ne meal a day . I d0n't have the habit 0f eating breakfast .
Biatches, I miss y0u guys ! =)
Sighs, again and again . Given up .
The truth hurts, never did wanna kn0w .
I want a t0y p00dle s0 much ! Arghhhhh . )-:
I picked up sm0king again . Mummy is g0ing t0 kill me if she kn0ws ! =x
Miss all my ex c0lleague and the place where i w0rked, we share 0ur laughter t0gether and fight f0r what we want . N0w, its 0nly mem0ries .
Recently my mem0ry sucks t0 the c0re, I can't remember things well, guess I am 0ld, my brain need t0 retired s00n . Heh !
I miss seeing my admirer . L0ls . He is damn h0t, cans ? If I am n0t wr0ng, he must be a SMU student !
I'm currently 0bsessed with Japanese trends, fashi0n magazine, h0test music, c00lest f00d and cute guys ! =) I want t0 partttttttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! ;D Can't wait .
I am n0t a g00d friend .
I am n0t a g00d girl .
I am n0t a g00d daughter .
I am n0t a g00d sister .
I am n0t a g00d gf .
The w0rst pers0n in this w0rld is me ...
Sighs .
G00dbye .
S0 em0 . Update again, its late, need my beauty sleep, w0rking full shift f0r the next few days . JIA Y0US CHARLEEN ! ;) L0ve myself ! L0ls
Xoxo .
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do
It's hard to deal with the pain
of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile
when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed,
livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words
that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
Y0u t00k away all my happiness and left sadness f0r me .
S0metimes i think that l0ve is just like time, y0u can feel 0r sense it existence, but can't h0ld, t0uch it . And if y0u didn't treasure it, y0u might just waste it away 0r let it pass y0u .
When y0u're g0ne, my heart bleeds hard .
When y0u lie, my heart is t0rn apart .
A part 0f me is g0ne .
0ff day t0day, went Bugis with Sister . Didn't manage t0 take ph0t0s with her . ): Sad .
Br0ught eye lash, like finally ! (: At least this part makes me happy cause I'm spending m0ney 0n the things I l0ve !
At least my mind is peaceful f0r a m0ment . But my tears wanted t0 r0ll d0wn fr0m my cheeks, I've t0 stay str0ng t0 h0ld it . I wanted t0 cry 0ut l0ud s0 much and have a sh0ulder beside me . If 0nly ...
Think ab0ut this at the wr0ng timing ...
Went h0me after that, me and Sister t00k bus h0me and 0n the way h0me, Daddy called, and ask us t0 buy KFC, s0 we went t0 buy and g0 h0me and i ate a l0t and was feeling really full !
Unglam me with fat st0mach ! L0ls . 00ps, s0rry n0 ph0t0s, unglam ph0t0s I w0n't p0st . L0ls ! =D
Think I'm being t00 s0ft hearted . I g0t the urge t0 f0rgive him . What sh0uld I d0 ? Feel s0 l0st, what if he lies again ? I w0n't be able t0 take it again but h0w am i g0nna trust his w0rds again ? Been feeling s0 l0w and em0 . Letting g0 is n0t easy . T0tally shag . ):
L0ve is like a war, easy t0 begin, hard t0 f0rget .
Xoxo .
Xoxo .
I am n0t happy, at all .
Everything back t0 0ne, back t0 n0rmal, I sh0uld be happy 0r sad ?
T0tally l0st, n0 idea at all . 5o % happy ; 5o % sad .
I have t0 st0p being em0 and negative at w0rk and when I'm al0ne .
And st0p thinking ab0ut things that I sh0uldn't think .
When y0u're g0ne, y0u're g0ne .
L0ve, is 0ut 0f the t0pic, I just want t0 c0ncentrate 0n my life, j0b, family and friends . I wanna pamper myself and enj0y life t0 the max ! L0ve myself m0re ! =)
Till t0day I kn0w I am just a shad0w in y0ur heart .
When the day y0u lie t0 me, I have given up .
When the day y0u decided t0 leave, I have given up .
When the day I cry, I have already given up .
When a girl cries, it mean she have really given up .
When a guy cries, it means he is really in l0ve with the girl .
Will y0u be the pers0n wh0 shed a tear f0r me ?
Y0u gave me happiness and h0pe and t00k everything away fr0m me in just a day .
I swear th0se m0ments we spend is the happiest m0ment after s0 l0ng, it been s0 l0ng since I been happy . I really enj0yed th0se times with y0u . The late night m0vie and heart t0 heart talk .
The first place we meet up is Cineleisure Cheers .
The last place we meet up is Cineleisure Cheers .
The first message y0u send me is ________ .
The last message y0u send me is I'm s0rry and etc etc . __________
The first and last place y0u bring me t0 eat is Billy B0mbers .
The first m0vie we catch I can't remember the name 0f it, 0nly can remember is a h0rr0r m0vie .
The last m0vie we catch is G.I.J0E .
The first time we meet is 14 May .
The last time we mee is 8 Aug .
The day we get t0gether is 18 July .
The day we ended is 16 Aug .
All the things we chatted in MSN is still inside my c0m . Th0se sad, happy and funny c0nversati0n .
Especially in the beginning when we started chatting .
At least f0r 0nce, I was happy and really tried l0ving s0me0ne hard, I've learnt s0 many things in this relati0nship and fr0m y0u . I was really very happy when we are t0gether .
Thanks f0r everything 0nce again .
I kn0w y0u've already deleted me in y0ur faceb00k acc0unt, g0 ahead and d0 the same in MSN t00 .
I decide t0 set y0u free after deep th0ughts . I guess this is the best s0luti0n f0r b0th 0f us . Y0u can get what y0u want, I can find what i always wanted . We are equals n0w . I let g0 is n0t because I d0n't l0ve y0u anym0re, it just that I can't carry 0n l0ving s0me0ne wh0 is n0t true t0 me and himself . I'm really tired 0f the arugements we have 0ver small issue .
I w0n't hate y0u, I find it is useless t0 d0 it and hating s0me0ne is really tired . I d0n't wish t0 be sad anym0re after it ended .
I will sl0wly let g0 and f0rget everything, but that d0esn't mean I've f0rgiven y0u .
Anyway it's meaningless t0 say anything n0w .
I just h0pe y0u can be happy, faithful and true t0 y0urself and y0ur NEXT relati0nship, d0n't take pe0ple f0r granted . That all .
Mummy and Daddy even ask me t0 invite my "bf" h0me, but I t0ld them we have br0ke 0ff . (:
Th0ught 0f having a haircut, treat it as a brand new start f0r my new life . But I can't bear t0 d0 it .
Bl0gger went insane again . Cann0t c0l0ur my f0nts and upl0ad ph0t0s . Damn .
Xoxo .
Em0ti0nal breakd0wn . Really heart breaking news .
I w0n't c0mmit suicide 0ver it . I just want t0 disappear fr0m the net f0r a m0ment .
I can't take it anym0re . But I d0n't kn0w if I will d0 any silly things .
I guess I will n0t . That pers0n is n0t w0rth it and n0t w0rth my tears anym0re .
I need s0me time al0ne .
L0ve is g0ne .
All the things is g0ne, f0r g00d .
S0 many sad s0ngs c0ming t0 my mind .
My tears is preci0us . W0n't dr0p it anym0re .
I've c0me this far, my decisi0n is make up .
Which is g00d f0r b0th 0f us, we can d0 what we want n0w .
I h0pe the pers0n kn0w what I am trying t0 say here .
Anyway thanks f0r everything .
Take care and farewell g00dbye .
Xoxo .
Bl0gger is back t0 n0rmal again ! =) Like finally ! S0 many things t0 update . But ... Lazy and l0w pr0file . (:
Damn that PMS, feeling very m00dy recently . Especially my temper n0t s0 g00d .
S0 many unhappiness inside, wish i c0uld let it 0ut . I might g0 clubbing t0m0rr0w !
I miss my h0t guys and c00l music, l0ls . =D
W0rk is fine . Pe0ple there make me laugh my ass 0ut . Damn funny, they even talk ab0ut s0me j0kes n0t suitable f0r every0ne . =p
I saw my admirer this m0rning . This is my sec0nd time i saw him . S0 happy ~ ! S0 shy sia . L0ls . He is s0 cute and have h0t b0ds ! If 0nly ...
S0me0ne g0nna sc0ld me f0r saying this ! =x
I like you a lot lot Think you're really hot hot
I like you a lot lot All we want is hot hot
I feel s0 h0ttttt n0w ~ ! L0ls . Kidding . =p
Is there really guys 0ut there really vain ?
What are guys really thinking ab0ut ?
Why can't they just speak up ?
Why d0 guys always lie, what d0 they gain fr0m lying ?
Why d0 i always f0und 0ut s0mething i d0n't wish t0 kn0w ?
SIGHS, SIGHS, SIGHS, DISAPP0INTMENT . )-: I think i need s0me time al0ne .
I need sense 0f security and trust s0 much .
Sighs . Speechless .
I can feel the distance between us s0metimes . I need y0u s0 much at times, but y0u're n0t there .
If y0u ch00se t0 leave in the end, i will send y0u my blessings, its y0ur decisi0n, if y0u're happy, i will be t00 .
If the ending is a sad 0ne, i must stay str0ng and accept . I have t0 .
Fr0m n0w 0n, i w0n't type any unhappiness here . =)
I wanna change my bl0g link again, i wanna change my tagb0ard t00 ! I wanna upl0ad new s0ng t0 my bl0g t00 !
Am i really happy 0r sad ? I'm n0t happy at all .
I wanna c00k my maggie mee and watch my televisi0n lia0s, updating again s00n ! =)
PS . By the way h0tel 626 is a addicitve game ! Try it n0w ! =) L0ls .
Xoxo .
We fight, we break up .
We kiss, we make up .
H0tel 626 .
Little miss vain girl . (=
Label 0r l0ve ?
0ff day, but was busy d0wnl0ading s0ngs and updating my i p0d and c0mputer i tunes .
Thanks t0 my stupid c0mputer f0r being laggy . M0re time is inv0lved .
Xoxo .
I d0n't wanna hurt y0u .
I d0n't wish t0 see y0u sad .
Battle, it have already start .
Why d0es l0ve always feel like a battlefield ?
Don’t try to explain your mind
I know what’s happening here
One minute, it’s love
And, suddenly, it’s like a battlefield
One word turns into a
Why is it the smallest things that tear us down
My world’s nothing when you’re gone
I’m out here without a shield - can’t go back, now
I never meant to start a war
You know, I never wanna hurt you
Don’t even know what we’re fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
Can’t swallow our pride
Neither of us wanna raise that flag, mmm
If we can’t surrender
Then, we’re both gonna what we have
Am I supposed to be torn apart, broken hearted, in a corner crying?
Pardon me if I don't show it
I'll be alright
Take this final piece of advice and get yourself together,
but either way baby, I'm gone
D0n't let me g0 . Never say never t0 me .
S0 tired, w0rking full shift these few days . Wednesday 0ff .
I need m0ney s0 much !
S0 many s0ng waiting t0 be d0wnl0aded and upl0aded t0 my i p0d . (=
My l0ve affairs is getting c0mplicated . I feel s0 l0st .
Xoxo .
I feel really m00dy recently . Sighs .
I feel s0 l0st .
I feel like giving up 0n s0mething ... Sick and tired 0f everything .
I feel like sm0king again . Maybe i sh0uld .
Getting my pay s00n . 0n the 13th, i guess .
Its been a very l0ng time since i last talk ab0ut J . I miss J . I kn0w y0u're d0ing well, h0pe y0u take care and i will c0ntinue t0 miss y0u ! =)
I miss Zhen Ling Mummy . She will be back 0n M0nday aftern00n, i guess .
She is my cl0sest friend which i always talk and share secret t0 .
(= L0ve y0u, ZL Mummy . L0ls .
What the heck happen t0 bl0gger again ?! Sighs .
Xoxo .
Have a tiff with 0ne 0f my c0lleague yesterday . Shall n0t menti0n . Damn n0t happy . Luckily its 0ver n0w . (=
Sleepless nights all because 0f y0u . Em0 kills . N0 m0re em0-ing .
L0ve me f0r wh0 i am and n0t wh0 y0u want me t0 be 0r change t0 .
L0ve me 0r hate me, y0u decide .
L0ve is n0t a playing game . Never ever take things f0r granted .
Live, laugh, l0ve is the life i desire and l00king f0rward t0 n0w .
Truely madly deeply . Tatt00 y0ur name acr0ss my heart . Sweet dreams . I want n0b0dy, n0b0dy but y0u .
Hard t0 sleep, my mind 0nly have y0u t0night .
Xoxo .
I might be transfer t0 0ther st0re .
G00d 0r bad news ?
Xoxo .
Watching s0ccer is my l0ve <3>
Xoxo .
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diarye m 0
Sunday, August 30, 2009 ( 8/30/2009 12:05:00 PM )
Hard disk is driving me crazy ! I can't seems t0 transfer the games t0 my deskt0p . Damn ~ !
0h its raining n0w, freakinmg c0ld, my little fingers and little t0es feels very c0ld and I'm shivering . I need a hug ! And h0t ch0c0late ! (:
W0rked m0rning shift yesterday, Mummy and Sister dr0p by t0 find me and after w0rk went ate dinner at 0ur nearby sh0pping centre .
Mummy ans Sister br0ught their f00d, f0und a table and sat d0wn . Then I g0 t0 buy my f00d, was deciding 0n what t0 eat and finally I make up my mind .
S0 I quened 0ut and placed my 0rder, 0ut 0f sudden, all the lights went black0ut .
I sh0cked and felt panic ! L0ls, every0ne felt panic ! S0meb0dy even sh0uted . I g0tten my f00d and find Mummy and Sister and we just sit there and eat and left the place .
They started t0 search f0r their m0bile ph0ne f0r the "light" . A very different eating experience . L0ls .
Then sl0wly, pe0ple left the place . We left the place t00 .
And half 0f the sh0ps in the mall is black0ut, lucky f0r th0se wh0 didn't kanna the black0ut .
Y0u taste just like glitter mixed with r0ck and r0ll .
Y0ur l0ve taste just like candy fl0ss .
B0y, y0u kn0w I care .
Speechless ...
Cure my em0 m00ds, pls .
I want t0 cut my hair t0 b0b and full bangs ! (: But I'll miss my l0ng hair !
L0ves my sp0ngeb0b s0 much ! (:
X0x0 .
Labels: e m 0
The diaryUps and d0wns .
Saturday, August 29, 2009 ( 8/29/2009 09:51:00 PM )
Girlfriend fr0m hell . Read and watch the vide0 and y0u will kn0w what really happen . =)
I ____ y0u . x3 = I _____ y0u . I ____ y0u . I ______ y0u . =D
When I say s0mething f0r three times, I mean what I say .
I wish time w0uld st0p at this m0ment .
St0p at the peak 0f happiness .
If it were p0ssible, I wish we were be able t0 be in each 0ther's circle f0rever . Turning and turning, never ending . Because I can't help but w0rry that happiness will be like ferris wheel and be 0ver in a m0ment .
Will happiness be like the ferris wheel and be 0ver in a sec0nd ?
Just like we didn't meet up f0r three weeks ?
I've given up 0n y0u . I've given 0n us . I've given up 0n the relati0nship .
Getting 0ver it . All the things I d0 still remind me 0f y0u . That n0t the ending I h0ped f0r . But things turned 0ut this way . Y0u l0ve her m0re than me, I kn0w that . I think I need s0me time t0 think ab0ut what I want and t0 c00l d0wn . I wish I c0uld talk t0 y0u f0r the last time, kiss y0u f0r the last time, hug y0u f0r the last time and l0ve y0u f0r the very last time bef0re I let g0 .
I guess I never g0t this chance again . I guess 0ur l0ve is just like the ferris wheel . But I'm really happy f0r th0se m0ments alth0ught it's just a sh0rt peri0d 0f time . Thanks f0r everything !
G00dbye .
J, y0u kn0w we are the cl0sest friend ever !
And y0u went MIA again !
I w0rry and think 0f y0u daily . Super w0rry sick ab0ut y0u . Where are y0u ? Spend days and weeks w0rrying, thinking and s0rting 0ut my feelings .
Craving f0r y0ur l0ve .
But after I g0tten y0ur l0ve, I bec0me greedy and wanted m0re fr0m y0u .
Afraid 0f l0sing everything .
Afraid 0f l0sing y0u .
Given up 0n l0ve . Till n0w . Till the end . My w0rld d0es n0t exist l0ve anym0re .
My life is started t0 feel brand new again . Whatever unhappy, sh0uld let g0 and f0rget .
Be happy always ! (:
Addicted t0 fruit juices and fruits ! =)
S0 happy ! Finally finish watching my drama, Huan Huan Ai . (: But the ending was really sad, I've a BIG cried !
Beauty sleep here I c0me ! =) L0ls .
X0x0 .
Labels: Ups and d0wns .
The diary=)
( 8/29/2009 12:28:00 AM )
M0vies cravings ...
M0vies, any0ne ?
Yi ge ren zhi y0u yi ke xin ye zhi neng ai yi ge ren .
Why why l0ve is s0 addictive ! L0ve it ! (:
X0x0 .
Labels: =)
The diaryDramas .
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 ( 8/26/2009 09:59:00 PM )
A le0pard will never change its sp0ts ?
Cheating and dish0nest is a big 0ffence in a relati0nship, these pe0ple sh0uld be punished !
Disapp0intment again and again .
L0sing h0pe, l0sing heart .
L0sing my s0ul and mind .
Given up 0n y0u .
I d0n't need l0ve .
I need t0 be happy again !
That chance will never be there again .
My heart still hurts even when i think ab0ut what y0u did, and say .
L0ve is c0nfused .
My right eye lid twisting, is that a g00d 0r bad signs ?
T0y p00dle !!! Buy me 0ne pls . (:
I've never received fl0wers in my life . Haaz s0unds s0 retarded !
Watching Huan Huan Ai aka Why Why L0ve .
Nice nice ! MIKE HE is s0 h0t and cute ~ ! =D
I d0n't really watch id0l drama, this is the few that i really catch .
Here I've s0mething t0 make y0ur day !
If y0u want a g00d laugh, g0 y0utube, type 0wnage prank calls .
A series 0f prank calls t0 make y0ur day !
But beware, vuglar lanauage here and there . (:
I really laugh my ass 0ut ! =)
Being kidnapped by l0ve and alien . L0ls .
Xoxo .
Labels: Dramas .
The diaryMy life .
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 ( 8/25/2009 01:33:00 AM )
What the fcuk ?!
I just typed everything 0ut and the 0ther minute it's g0ne . N0w I can't remember what I type here just n0w . Damn !
Cb .
00ps . S0unds s0 wr0ng . Pard0n me f0r being s0 vuglar here .
I am ...
N0 mater what happens, life still g0es 0n .
I am happy with the way things turned 0ut . I guess s0 .
I h0pe y0u can find y0ur true happiness and y0ur dream girl s00n !
N0 matter h0w much I wanted he ending t0 be, my heart aches .
Maybe its time t0 let g0 . I have s0 much t0 tell y0u . I was h0ping we c0uld talk and have a peaceful makeup face t0 face rather than dragging it . But ...
Letting g0, but I miss y0u . Sl0wly . Its hard but I'll try . I pr0mise . N0w I kn0w why happiness can't stay by my side, cause I'm a JINX .
Na De Qi Fang Bu Xia . Best t0 describe me . EASY t0 h0ld 0n, DIFFICULT t0 let g0 .
Sighs, I wasn't g00d en0ugh t0 be a g00d gf . I failed .
I am n0t the perfect, pretty, sweet, l0ving and g00d gf y0u expected . F0rget it, get 0ver it . (:
Tears and unhappiness g0ne .
It is n0t meant t0 be, we are n0t meant t0 be .
I'm a JINX, are y0u still g0ing t0 be my friend ?
I'm a JINX, are y0u still g0ing t0 l0ve me ?
If y0ur heart is filled with hated, h0w will l0ve fl0w in ? Y0u must let 0ut y0ur hated in 0rder f0r l0ve t0 enter . 0ur heart is like a fridge . Hating s0me0ne is a terrible feeling . H0w I wish I c0uld l0ss my mem0ry s0 that I can f0rget unhappy mem0ries and y0u 0ut 0f my brain and system . At least I w0n't be feeling s0 em0 and unhappy everyday . Feel s0 terrible and h0rrible inside . I'm n0t the pers0n that c0uld give y0u the happiness y0u ever wanted s0 I'm setting y0u free n0w .
0kays, I'm freaking tired, I need s0me sleep seri0usly .
Feel s0 hungry n0w, never ate dinner, been skipping it f0r days .
Crazy f0r PSP games n0w . Craving f0r a l0t 0f f00d .
Mirr0r is my best, best friend ! (: L0ve it many many ! :)
X0x0 .
Labels: My life .
The diaryLife
Sunday, August 23, 2009 ( 8/23/2009 12:11:00 AM )
W0rking really very hard t0 get what i wanted .
Earn m0re m0ney by d0ing m0re 0T . M0ney here I c0me ! (:
Tired, lesser time f0r myself and freed0m .
N0w life will be t0ugh a bit but its f0r my future, a better future, I guess .
Its raining n0w . S0 c0ld . Nice t0 sleep !
Its the Lunar 7th m0nth . (Gh0st m0nth)
D0n't dare t0 say wr0ng things w0rry might 0ffend them .
Mummy even ask me n0t t0 g0 h0me t00 late .
If y0u d0 n0thing harmful t0 them, why will w0uld they harm y0u ?
St0p that t0pic . I am thinking way t00 much .
I want a baby ! L0ls . They're s0 cute 0nly when they're y0ung but such a headache .
I ad0re y0u my s0n, ACJ in Faceb00k . L0ls . He's s0 cute ! =) Mummy l0ves y0u !
But I'm t00 busy f0r anything especially my games in FB .
S0metimes I feel that I am being aband0n . N0 0ne cares . ): Sighs .
Hard t0 find s0me0ne wh0 understand y0u .
S0 hungry, didn't ate pr0per meal f0r days .
Skipped dinner 0r lunch, in 0ther w0rds, I just ate 0ne meal a day . I d0n't have the habit 0f eating breakfast .
Biatches, I miss y0u guys ! =)
Sighs, again and again . Given up .
The truth hurts, never did wanna kn0w .
I want a t0y p00dle s0 much ! Arghhhhh . )-:
I picked up sm0king again . Mummy is g0ing t0 kill me if she kn0ws ! =x
Miss all my ex c0lleague and the place where i w0rked, we share 0ur laughter t0gether and fight f0r what we want . N0w, its 0nly mem0ries .
Recently my mem0ry sucks t0 the c0re, I can't remember things well, guess I am 0ld, my brain need t0 retired s00n . Heh !
I miss seeing my admirer . L0ls . He is damn h0t, cans ? If I am n0t wr0ng, he must be a SMU student !
I'm currently 0bsessed with Japanese trends, fashi0n magazine, h0test music, c00lest f00d and cute guys ! =) I want t0 partttttttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! ;D Can't wait .
I am n0t a g00d friend .
I am n0t a g00d girl .
I am n0t a g00d daughter .
I am n0t a g00d sister .
I am n0t a g00d gf .
The w0rst pers0n in this w0rld is me ...
Sighs .
G00dbye .
S0 em0 . Update again, its late, need my beauty sleep, w0rking full shift f0r the next few days . JIA Y0US CHARLEEN ! ;) L0ve myself ! L0ls
Xoxo .
Labels: Life
The diary(:
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 ( 8/19/2009 10:37:00 PM )
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do
It's hard to deal with the pain
of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile
when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed,
livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words
that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
Y0u t00k away all my happiness and left sadness f0r me .
S0metimes i think that l0ve is just like time, y0u can feel 0r sense it existence, but can't h0ld, t0uch it . And if y0u didn't treasure it, y0u might just waste it away 0r let it pass y0u .
When y0u're g0ne, my heart bleeds hard .
When y0u lie, my heart is t0rn apart .
A part 0f me is g0ne .
0ff day t0day, went Bugis with Sister . Didn't manage t0 take ph0t0s with her . ): Sad .
Br0ught eye lash, like finally ! (: At least this part makes me happy cause I'm spending m0ney 0n the things I l0ve !
At least my mind is peaceful f0r a m0ment . But my tears wanted t0 r0ll d0wn fr0m my cheeks, I've t0 stay str0ng t0 h0ld it . I wanted t0 cry 0ut l0ud s0 much and have a sh0ulder beside me . If 0nly ...
Think ab0ut this at the wr0ng timing ...
Went h0me after that, me and Sister t00k bus h0me and 0n the way h0me, Daddy called, and ask us t0 buy KFC, s0 we went t0 buy and g0 h0me and i ate a l0t and was feeling really full !
Unglam me with fat st0mach ! L0ls . 00ps, s0rry n0 ph0t0s, unglam ph0t0s I w0n't p0st . L0ls ! =D
Think I'm being t00 s0ft hearted . I g0t the urge t0 f0rgive him . What sh0uld I d0 ? Feel s0 l0st, what if he lies again ? I w0n't be able t0 take it again but h0w am i g0nna trust his w0rds again ? Been feeling s0 l0w and em0 . Letting g0 is n0t easy . T0tally shag . ):
L0ve is like a war, easy t0 begin, hard t0 f0rget .
Xoxo .
Labels: (:
The diaryThe last straw
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 ( 8/18/2009 01:24:00 AM )
Xoxo .
Labels: The last straw
The diaryLOVE PART 2
( 8/18/2009 12:07:00 AM )
I am n0t happy, at all .
Everything back t0 0ne, back t0 n0rmal, I sh0uld be happy 0r sad ?
T0tally l0st, n0 idea at all . 5o % happy ; 5o % sad .
I have t0 st0p being em0 and negative at w0rk and when I'm al0ne .
And st0p thinking ab0ut things that I sh0uldn't think .
When y0u're g0ne, y0u're g0ne .
L0ve, is 0ut 0f the t0pic, I just want t0 c0ncentrate 0n my life, j0b, family and friends . I wanna pamper myself and enj0y life t0 the max ! L0ve myself m0re ! =)
Till t0day I kn0w I am just a shad0w in y0ur heart .
When the day y0u lie t0 me, I have given up .
When the day y0u decided t0 leave, I have given up .
When the day I cry, I have already given up .
When a girl cries, it mean she have really given up .
When a guy cries, it means he is really in l0ve with the girl .
Will y0u be the pers0n wh0 shed a tear f0r me ?
Y0u gave me happiness and h0pe and t00k everything away fr0m me in just a day .
I swear th0se m0ments we spend is the happiest m0ment after s0 l0ng, it been s0 l0ng since I been happy . I really enj0yed th0se times with y0u . The late night m0vie and heart t0 heart talk .
The first place we meet up is Cineleisure Cheers .
The last place we meet up is Cineleisure Cheers .
The first message y0u send me is ________ .
The last message y0u send me is I'm s0rry and etc etc . __________
The first and last place y0u bring me t0 eat is Billy B0mbers .
The first m0vie we catch I can't remember the name 0f it, 0nly can remember is a h0rr0r m0vie .
The last m0vie we catch is G.I.J0E .
The first time we meet is 14 May .
The last time we mee is 8 Aug .
The day we get t0gether is 18 July .
The day we ended is 16 Aug .
All the things we chatted in MSN is still inside my c0m . Th0se sad, happy and funny c0nversati0n .
Especially in the beginning when we started chatting .
At least f0r 0nce, I was happy and really tried l0ving s0me0ne hard, I've learnt s0 many things in this relati0nship and fr0m y0u . I was really very happy when we are t0gether .
Thanks f0r everything 0nce again .
I kn0w y0u've already deleted me in y0ur faceb00k acc0unt, g0 ahead and d0 the same in MSN t00 .
I decide t0 set y0u free after deep th0ughts . I guess this is the best s0luti0n f0r b0th 0f us . Y0u can get what y0u want, I can find what i always wanted . We are equals n0w . I let g0 is n0t because I d0n't l0ve y0u anym0re, it just that I can't carry 0n l0ving s0me0ne wh0 is n0t true t0 me and himself . I'm really tired 0f the arugements we have 0ver small issue .
I w0n't hate y0u, I find it is useless t0 d0 it and hating s0me0ne is really tired . I d0n't wish t0 be sad anym0re after it ended .
I will sl0wly let g0 and f0rget everything, but that d0esn't mean I've f0rgiven y0u .
Anyway it's meaningless t0 say anything n0w .
I just h0pe y0u can be happy, faithful and true t0 y0urself and y0ur NEXT relati0nship, d0n't take pe0ple f0r granted . That all .
Mummy and Daddy even ask me t0 invite my "bf" h0me, but I t0ld them we have br0ke 0ff . (:
Th0ught 0f having a haircut, treat it as a brand new start f0r my new life . But I can't bear t0 d0 it .
Bl0gger went insane again . Cann0t c0l0ur my f0nts and upl0ad ph0t0s . Damn .
Xoxo .
Labels: LOVE PART 2
The diaryLOVE PART 1
Monday, August 17, 2009 ( 8/17/2009 12:07:00 AM )
Em0ti0nal breakd0wn . Really heart breaking news .
I w0n't c0mmit suicide 0ver it . I just want t0 disappear fr0m the net f0r a m0ment .
I can't take it anym0re . But I d0n't kn0w if I will d0 any silly things .
I guess I will n0t . That pers0n is n0t w0rth it and n0t w0rth my tears anym0re .
I need s0me time al0ne .
L0ve is g0ne .
All the things is g0ne, f0r g00d .
S0 many sad s0ngs c0ming t0 my mind .
My tears is preci0us . W0n't dr0p it anym0re .
I've c0me this far, my decisi0n is make up .
Which is g00d f0r b0th 0f us, we can d0 what we want n0w .
I h0pe the pers0n kn0w what I am trying t0 say here .
Anyway thanks f0r everything .
Take care and farewell g00dbye .
Xoxo .
Labels: LOVE PART 1
The diaryRand0m
Friday, August 14, 2009 ( 8/14/2009 09:29:00 PM )
Bl0gger is back t0 n0rmal again ! =) Like finally ! S0 many things t0 update . But ... Lazy and l0w pr0file . (:
Damn that PMS, feeling very m00dy recently . Especially my temper n0t s0 g00d .
S0 many unhappiness inside, wish i c0uld let it 0ut . I might g0 clubbing t0m0rr0w !
I miss my h0t guys and c00l music, l0ls . =D
W0rk is fine . Pe0ple there make me laugh my ass 0ut . Damn funny, they even talk ab0ut s0me j0kes n0t suitable f0r every0ne . =p
I saw my admirer this m0rning . This is my sec0nd time i saw him . S0 happy ~ ! S0 shy sia . L0ls . He is s0 cute and have h0t b0ds ! If 0nly ...
S0me0ne g0nna sc0ld me f0r saying this ! =x
I like you a lot lot Think you're really hot hot
I like you a lot lot All we want is hot hot
I feel s0 h0ttttt n0w ~ ! L0ls . Kidding . =p
Is there really guys 0ut there really vain ?
What are guys really thinking ab0ut ?
Why can't they just speak up ?
Why d0 guys always lie, what d0 they gain fr0m lying ?
Why d0 i always f0und 0ut s0mething i d0n't wish t0 kn0w ?
SIGHS, SIGHS, SIGHS, DISAPP0INTMENT . )-: I think i need s0me time al0ne .
I need sense 0f security and trust s0 much .
Sighs . Speechless .
I can feel the distance between us s0metimes . I need y0u s0 much at times, but y0u're n0t there .
If y0u ch00se t0 leave in the end, i will send y0u my blessings, its y0ur decisi0n, if y0u're happy, i will be t00 .
If the ending is a sad 0ne, i must stay str0ng and accept . I have t0 .
Fr0m n0w 0n, i w0n't type any unhappiness here . =)
I wanna change my bl0g link again, i wanna change my tagb0ard t00 ! I wanna upl0ad new s0ng t0 my bl0g t00 !
Am i really happy 0r sad ? I'm n0t happy at all .
I wanna c00k my maggie mee and watch my televisi0n lia0s, updating again s00n ! =)
PS . By the way h0tel 626 is a addicitve game ! Try it n0w ! =) L0ls .
Xoxo .
Labels: Rand0m
The diaryHappy 0r sad ?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 ( 8/12/2009 01:26:00 PM )
We fight, we break up .
We kiss, we make up .
H0tel 626 .
Little miss vain girl . (=
Label 0r l0ve ?
0ff day, but was busy d0wnl0ading s0ngs and updating my i p0d and c0mputer i tunes .
Thanks t0 my stupid c0mputer f0r being laggy . M0re time is inv0lved .
Xoxo .
Labels: Happy 0r sad ?
The diaryDisapp0intment again . ):
Monday, August 10, 2009 ( 8/10/2009 11:44:00 PM )
I d0n't wanna hurt y0u .
I d0n't wish t0 see y0u sad .
Battle, it have already start .
Why d0es l0ve always feel like a battlefield ?
Don’t try to explain your mind
I know what’s happening here
One minute, it’s love
And, suddenly, it’s like a battlefield
One word turns into a
Why is it the smallest things that tear us down
My world’s nothing when you’re gone
I’m out here without a shield - can’t go back, now
I never meant to start a war
You know, I never wanna hurt you
Don’t even know what we’re fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
Can’t swallow our pride
Neither of us wanna raise that flag, mmm
If we can’t surrender
Then, we’re both gonna what we have
Am I supposed to be torn apart, broken hearted, in a corner crying?
Pardon me if I don't show it
I'll be alright
Take this final piece of advice and get yourself together,
but either way baby, I'm gone
D0n't let me g0 . Never say never t0 me .
S0 tired, w0rking full shift these few days . Wednesday 0ff .
I need m0ney s0 much !
S0 many s0ng waiting t0 be d0wnl0aded and upl0aded t0 my i p0d . (=
My l0ve affairs is getting c0mplicated . I feel s0 l0st .
Xoxo .
Labels: Disapp0intment again . ):
The diaryStruck
Sunday, August 9, 2009 ( 8/09/2009 09:27:00 PM )
I feel really m00dy recently . Sighs .
I feel s0 l0st .
I feel like giving up 0n s0mething ... Sick and tired 0f everything .
I feel like sm0king again . Maybe i sh0uld .
Getting my pay s00n . 0n the 13th, i guess .
Its been a very l0ng time since i last talk ab0ut J . I miss J . I kn0w y0u're d0ing well, h0pe y0u take care and i will c0ntinue t0 miss y0u ! =)
I miss Zhen Ling Mummy . She will be back 0n M0nday aftern00n, i guess .
She is my cl0sest friend which i always talk and share secret t0 .
(= L0ve y0u, ZL Mummy . L0ls .
What the heck happen t0 bl0gger again ?! Sighs .
Xoxo .
Labels: Struck
The diaryLife
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 ( 8/05/2009 03:16:00 PM )
Have a tiff with 0ne 0f my c0lleague yesterday . Shall n0t menti0n . Damn n0t happy . Luckily its 0ver n0w . (=
Sleepless nights all because 0f y0u . Em0 kills . N0 m0re em0-ing .
L0ve me f0r wh0 i am and n0t wh0 y0u want me t0 be 0r change t0 .
L0ve me 0r hate me, y0u decide .
L0ve is n0t a playing game . Never ever take things f0r granted .
Live, laugh, l0ve is the life i desire and l00king f0rward t0 n0w .
Truely madly deeply . Tatt00 y0ur name acr0ss my heart . Sweet dreams . I want n0b0dy, n0b0dy but y0u .
Hard t0 sleep, my mind 0nly have y0u t0night .
Xoxo .
Labels: Life
The diaryL0st
Monday, August 3, 2009 ( 8/03/2009 11:09:00 PM )
I might be transfer t0 0ther st0re .
G00d 0r bad news ?
Xoxo .
Labels: L0st
The diaryS0ccer l0ve
Saturday, August 1, 2009 ( 8/01/2009 10:44:00 AM )
Watching s0ccer is my l0ve <3>
Xoxo .
Labels: S0ccer l0ve
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music