I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
Feel like crying that time, I f0rg0tten t0 p0st ab0ut all this .
Cause I t00k the wr0ng bus h0me and went h0me really late .
Was really em0 that day, h0ping y0u were there with me, was wearing my killer heels that day, s0 I was walking really sl0w !
I w0re my tw0 inch high heels f0r tw0 days straight, 0ut 0f sudden, I feel I've gr0w taller but my legs hurts !
The feeling is w0nderful but I get unwanted attenti0n . Hahas ~ !
M0re vintage bags, killers heels and dresses, pls ! (:
An0ther time is I supp0se t0 meet 0ut 0ne 0f my c0lleague 0ut f0r a m0vie, t0tally sp0ilt m00d sia . Th0ught she is eight-teen but she's just 17 ! Wanted t0 watch Hall0ween II but is M18 . Sians . She keep talking 0n the ph0ne and she is talking l0udly 0n the ph0ne and I feel like I've asked the wr0ng pers0n 0ut .
Depsite wearing a tw0 inch high heels, I still make a eff0rt t0 meet her and she keep c0mplaining and I never c0mplaint anything . Damn disapp0inting . M00d was ruin that day, needless t0 say .
Scared t0 hell, was h0lding the sh0p's key .
S0 there was certasin days where I've t0 0pen the sh0p early 0r al0ne .
I always g0t this scare feeling after hearing s0me eerie st0ries fr0m my previ0us in charge .
Especially few days back . Th0se feelings can't be explained .
Learning t0 f0rgive and f0rget, th0se unhapiness m0ments .
I've f0rg0tten the l0ve we 0nce have .
N0 l0nger that em0 . (:
I just want my happiness . And being happy ! I h0pe I can d0 it !
I might went MIA f0r awhile s0 I'm n0t g0ing 0nline as 0ften . 0r n0t at all .
M0ney and careers c0mes first, I'm earning my vacati0n m0ney f0r next year Taiwan's trip . (: L00king f0rward t0 it s0 much ~!
S0 n0t l00king f0rward t0 Hall0ween, can't f0rget last year's Hall0ween, that is pe0ple tried t0 scare me and they sh0cked the hell 0ut 0f me . I even sc0lded the pers0n . Scared me fr0m behind, I was like What the fish___ .
0h yeah, I'm turning int0 a adult w0rld next year . And I've received a letter fr0m Ministry 0f Health . Inf0rming me ab0ut the Human 0ran Transplant Act (H0TA) . H0TA all0ws f0r the kidneys, liver, heart and c0rneas t0 be d0nated 0ut after death . If I d0 n0t wish t0 have y0ur 0rgans rem0ved after death, I can register my 0bjecti0n with the Ministry 0f Health . Regarding this, I might d0nate my "useful" 0rgans after death . (:
I h0pe I can save lives t00 !
My way f0r c0ntributing t0 the patients wh0 needed it .
PS. I can't decide t0 get DKNY, CK 0r FCUK watches, I l0ve all ! But I just need 0ne f0r all 0utfits, perhaps I'll get the FCUK which I set my eyes 0n . =)
Y0u sure g0nna miss me after this p0st, I might n0t be 0nline f0r a l0ng time .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: f0rgive and f0rget, H0TA ., hall0ween, tw0 inch heels
Baby, I miss y0u, why d0 y0u want t0 leave ?
L says I'm wild and l00ks like a little girl, didn't expect the w0rds came 0ut fr0m y0u . I feel hurt when I heard that, I think I've fallen f0r y0u .
K is a liar ! G0t Gf, say n0 GF, idi0t lahs, but luckily we're just friends, n0thing m0re, I didn't expect things turn 0ut t0 be like this, I really detest liar ! Make me think 0f my ex wh0 lie t0 me t00 !
I w0n't be able t0 see y0u again .
I w0n't be able t0 see y0ur n0 flashing 0n my ph0ne ever again .
I w0n't be able t0 receive y0ur messages ever again .
ENVY with GREEN . Guys/men wh0 buy present f0r their wife/gf really turn me 0n, makes me think that they're the m0st sweet and best guy in the w0rld !
0bsessed with GREEN apples and YELL0W bananas . Watching my diet cl0sely, l00king f0r 0nly health ch0ice l0g0 f00d . =)
H0ld me in y0ur arms when I cry .
If l0ve is like a expl0si0n, y0u'll never kn0w when it's g0ing t0 expl0de .
I can't deny that my heart feels very c0ld, I d0 get this c0ld-ish feeling whenever I think 0f y0u . It's a sad feeling . Damn th0se sweet mem0ries .
Y0u were 0nce in my life chapter, its en0ugh .
Falling in l0ve is like eating mushr00ms ; y0u're never sure it's the real thing until it's t00 late .
-Alfred E. Newman
0ur heart can never f0rget s0me0ne s0 easily .
P0sitive Qualities : Mature, Reliable, Calm, Loyal, Friendly, Patient, C0nfident, Affecti0nate, Pratical, Loving, Secure, Kind, Determined, Artistic, Self-Reliant .
Negative Qualities : Self-indulgent, Acrim0ni0us, P0ssessive, Greedy, Envi0us, Ind0lent, Materialistic, 0bstinate .
0nce up0n a time, there's a princess named BERNARDETTE . Lets call her B . She is happily in l0ve and is very happy . She and her pirnce stay happily in l0ve . Until 0ne day, s0mething happened .
She met a accident and g0t killed . Bef0re she dies, she predicted that she will leave the w0rld bef0re her prince s0 she decided t0 write a letter t0 him bef0re she dies .
The letter wr0te:
I h0pe I can be with y0u f0rever and f0rever till ever . But my lifespan is sh0rt, I can't spend f0rever with y0u . I h0pe y0u can find 0ther pirncess wh0 can spend f0rever with y0u .
I l0ve y0u always .
The ab0ve is a st0ry I think 0f . L0ls .Bef0re she cl0ses her eyes f0r the last time, she t0ld her prince t0 l00k f0r an0ther princess . He replied her, N0, I'll never l00k f0r an0ther princess, y0u're the 0nly 0ne I l0ve and my l0ve f0r y0u will never changed . After hearing that, tears r0ll d0wn her cheeks and she cl0se her eyes and died . She died peacefully after hearing that .
The prince l0ve his princess a l0t that he d0 n0t bear t0 bury her b0dy .
S0 he keep the c0rpse with him f0r years . Until 0ne day s0me0ne disc0ver it in the c0ttage, and every0ne t0ld him t0 give the princess a pr0per bury .
The stench 0f the c0rpse is s0 str0ng that every0ne in the c0ttage left .
Every0ne w0ndered why he d0 n0t want t0 bury her b0dy and he replied I l0ve n0b0dy but 0nly her in my life . She will always be mine . Their l0ve st0ry really t0uched every0ne . 0ne day, s0me0ne went t0 visit him and f0und him lying 0n the fl00r with n0 breath . He is dead . S0 pe0ple bury him and the princess' c0rpse t0gether s0 that they can be t0gether f0rever, till ever .
This is a sad l0ve st0ry, indeed .
Was supp0se t0 g0 f0r interview . But was t00 tired and lazy t0 g0 .
Create a miracle in my life .
Chase em0, unhappines and tears away . I just want happiness in my life . I h0pe I can find a new j0b, asap ! =D
Love , family .
Love , friends .
Love , ______ . Nobody . L_____E
Love , red .
Love , yellow .
Love , gold .
Love , silver .
Love , blue .
Love , green .
Love , purple .
Love , rainbow .
Love , vintage .
Love , rock .
Love , black .
Love , white .
Love , cutie boys .
Love , ink-ed .
Love , piercings .
Love , cartoons .
Love , movies .
Love , junk food .
Love , fast food .
Love , myself .
Love , gadgets .
Love , shopping .
Love , smoking .
Love, clubbing .
Love , pain-ted nails .
Love , colours .
Love , labels .
Love , tank top .
Love , leggings .
Love , cap .
Love , eye lash .
Love , emo-ing .
Love , trends .
Love , pop corn .
Love , ice cream .
Love , potato wedges .
Love , fries .
Love , chicken wings .
Love , MSN .
Love , text message .
Sad, em0 s0ngs really suits my current m00d . Feeling a bit em0 right n0w . Hahaz !
I w0n't be able t0 meet y0u ever again .
I w0n't be able t0 see y0ur smile .
Life is sh0rt, treasure it while y0u can, l0ve the pe0ple ar0und y0u, y0u'll never kn0w what will happen the next minute . D0 whatever y0u're happy but n0t crime ! D0n't dwell t00 much and live life t0 the fullest ! Stay happy is the key ! ((=
I want a s0ul mate ~ !
I want l0ng lasting happiness ~ !
I want a new j0b ~ !
I want a new ph0ne ~ !
I want a new me ~ !
I want a cheerful me ~ !
I want a BF ~ ! (: L0ls .
S0 sad lahs, L is my type but he say I'm wild and l00k like little girl . Sians .
B0y, my l0ve will get y0u h0me . L0st and all al0ne .
I'm g0ing f0r interview t0mrr0w, I'm nerv0us !
G0 fly kite .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: interview, LOVE, pr0per diet ., Taurus
Yesterday I went sh0pping again !
Like finally ! (:
But I feel like killing myself f0r buying things .
Well, girls just L0VE sh0pping, isn't it ?
I br0ught tw0 pairs 0f heels, its tw0 inch and tw0 and a half inch high .
L0ve Sister t0 bits lahs, she helped me t0 c0llect my ph0ne after sch00l fr0m clementi t0 Viv0 City, imagine the distance and she didn't eat a thing .
I went 0ver t0 Viv0 City last week t0 get my LG ph0ne check and send my ph0ne battery f0r exchange, they even t00k my ph0ne f0r a checkup t00 .
Afterwhich, met her at Bugis, sh0pped there f0r awhile and we t00k a bus t0 t0wn, its s0 nice t0 find s0me0ne t0 sh0p with !
I always sh0p al0ne ! At certain times, I d0 need 0pini0n f0r the things I eyed 0n .
T0day I g0nna type 0ut several things that I been hiding inside f0r quite s0me time 0r perhaps the things I d0n't wish t0 share initially . And after this, I d0ubt I am thinking ab0ut it and talking ab0ut it . After this, I g0nna start a brand NEW life . N0t g0nna talk ab0ut him, the past, the unhappiness and l0ve .
Initially, I d0n't wish t0 talk ab0ut all this . I supp0se t0 f0rget, in fact I've get 0ver but he c0ntacted me again . Makes my mind whirl .
I d0n't kn0w if will he still view my bl0g .
But I've reply his text: "Can y0u leave my w0rld al0ne ? My w0rld d0esn't c0nsists 0f y0u anym0re ." I feel happy, and 0n the 0ther hand I feel sad, cause I d0ubt we will talk again . S0meh0w, I feel like crying after replying his text, when I faced him, I'm weak, s0ft and em0ti0nal unstable . That why I hate myself f0r falling f0r him in the first place .
In fact, he's the 0ne wh0 wanna leave me, why d0es he still care then ?
I hate it when he is still acting c0wardly till this p0int, even he text and call me, even if y0u did, just admit, n0 need t0 hide . I d0n't hide when things happen, where were y0u when things happen ?
My life and death d0esn't c0ncerns him anym0re, the day he decided t0 leave, y0u already clear with what y0u want, and I did ask him t0 stay t0 n0 avail . I decide t0 let g0 afterwhich .
When I decided t0 let g0 and f0rget, he c0ntacts me again . Since this is the ending y0u wished f0r, d0n't c0ntact me f0r g00d . Treat it as a fav0ur, f0r the very last time . Let everything c0me t0 an end, 0kays ?
I d0n't want t0 feel hurt .
I d0n't want t0 feel sad .
I d0n't want t0 cry anym0re .
My heart bleeds even he c0ntact me .
0r d0 y0u wanna see s0mething like this ?
*I miss hearing y0ur v0ice .
*I miss y0u being mine .
*I miss seeing y0ur laughter .
*I miss hearing y0u call me silly and NAMES .
*I miss calling y0u din0saur .
*I miss y0ur warm hug .
*I miss y0ur h0t b0ds .
*I miss y0ur th0se sweet kisses .
*I miss th0se m0ments with y0u .
*I miss th0se late night m0vies .
*I miss eating supperwith y0u .
*I miss h0lding y0ur arms .
*I miss y0u calling me baby .
*I miss y0u f0r missing me .
*I miss calling y0u sweetheart .
*I miss saying i l0ve y0u t0 y0u .
*I miss everything ab0ut y0u .
Everything y0u see here shall bec0me a hist0ry . We b0th need a new life . D0n't turn and l00k back, 0kays ? I d0n't want t0 cry anym0re . And I kn0w y0u n0 l0nger c0ming back .
Y0u kn0w I feel s0 l0usy when y0u stray . It makes me a bad gf, a really bad, I admit I am, y0u ____ the wr0ng pers0n . Perhaps I never d0 a l0t f0r y0u and n0t en0ugh f0r y0u . I th0ught we c0uld have a future t0gether, and I tried very hard being a g00d gf, but in y0ur heart, I'm always n0t g00d en0ugh c0mpare t0 all y0ur ex gfs . Y0u always wanted me being s0me0ne which is n0t me, with0ut sparing a th0ught f0r me .
Its s0 hard t0 l0ve and keep y0ur heart with me when I'm scare that y0u'll leave me eventually . (C0ngras, y0u've w0n and have already left me .)
At that very m0ment when he decided t0 leave me, I really hate him . I have d0ne n0thing wr0ng, I didn't flirt, I was faithful all al0ng, and is trying my best t0 be a perfect gf s0 why he still ch00se t0 give up 0n me ?
In y0ur heart n0 matter h0w hard I'm trying, y0u can't see, y0u'll still think I never put in en0ugh .
It been tw0 m0nths since we br0ke up and last met up . I guess he've already f0rg0tten ab0ut me .
He've ch0sen his path, and its time f0r me t0 make mine .
I always been wanting t0 ask him .
-D0 y0u feel sad f0r leaving me ?
-Have y0u ever l0ve me bef0re even its just a bit 0r perhaps just a crush ?
-Will y0u th0ught 0f me when we're t0gether ?
0h, 0ut 0f sudden, I feel em0 ... again .
I really can't take the bl0w .
T0 him, I'm such a disgust, that he've never tell any0ne ab0ut us when we're t0gether .
Even if I g0 his h0use, his parents is always n0t at h0me, his faceb00k and MSN d0es n0t have any signs 0f him being attached at all . Perhaps, he is just being l0w pr0file, but f0r me, it matters a l0t, if y0u truely l0ve me, why are y0u s0 afraid 0f sh0wing it ?
We met fate but are n0t meant t0 be t0gether .
I already predicted this day will c0me but just didn't expect it t0 happen s0 sudden and s0 fast .
But why am I still crying and thinking ab0ut him after he treated me in such a nasty way ?
F0r 0nce, I was his new t0y, when he f0und an0ther new t0y, he aband0n and thr0w me int0 the trash with0ut t00king a sec0nd glance . New 0nes can always replace the 0ld 0ne, isn't it ?
Anway, thinking 0f y0u just makes my heart m0re miserable and upset . N0 use wasting my tears f0r a guy like y0u !
I'll pr0ve t0 y0u I'll live happily with0ut y0u !
Here is a s0ng heartless by kanya west use t0 describle a heartless girl .
I'm using it 0n y0u .
"He l0st his s0ul t0 a w0man s0 heartless"
"H0w c0uld y0u be s0 heartless"
"And we just gon be enemies"
In this w0rld, n0thing is fair .
I 0ften w0ndered, why d0 g0d always take the g00d things I've in my life after giving me ?
If he kn0ws, will he still l0ve me ?
I guess I've n0 answer .
What I d0 kn0w is that he will read every p0st I type here .
T0 sh0w him h0w much he means t0 me .
S0 that he can c0ntinue t0 sense my feelings f0r him .
Even after I have left this w0rld .
L0ve kn0ck y0u d0wn . L0ve f00l . Attractive guys and girls are likely t0 cheat . Its true !
L0ve is n0thing but hurt .
It takes tw0 hands t0 clap f0r a relati0nship t0 w0rk .
When g0d cl0se 0ne d00r, he will 0pen an0ther 0ne f0r y0u .
Em0ti0nal breakd0wn .
I need s0me0ne t0 talk t0 .
I need a sh0ulder t0 lie 0n .
Stress ab0ut w0rk and m0ney .
I just started learning t0 d0 settlement, there're al0t 0f things I'm still learning .
My brain can't abs0rb everything and I'm a sl0w learner !
Nic0tine seems t0 be my 0nly best friend when I'm d0wn .
En0ugh 0f the sad, em0 p0st .
Share with y0u guys s0mething ...
The cute malay guy asked me t0 j0in him f0r sm0king again and he asked me f0r my n0 . (:
And I gave him .
I find him really cute and nice lahs .
Let call him K 0r Mr K .
I think I prefer t0 call him K . (:
I cut my finger and I didn't realize it till I reach h0me .
Never pay much attenti0n t0 it s0 n0t sure when did I injure myself .
Interesting ph0ne calls, called at the wr0ng timing .
Received tw0 ph0ne calls, 0ne was when I'm ab0ut t0 sh0wer and the 0ther 0ne is right after I finish sh0wer .
I was like WTF sia . L0ls .
0ne keep crying and the 0ther 0ne keep laughing like sia0 0ne when she say she is upset .
T0tally d0ts l0rs .
Bel0w is the link sang by chipmunks ! They're s0 ad0rable but freaky and ann0ying t00 ! (:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hda7XmpJNKI Beautiful girls
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03NBFyZnfrA Please D0n't St0p The Music
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Ild4MigR8 Smack That
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOY945pz3HQ L0w
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQUOQYEhesI Way I Are Remix
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFRX4vEx5lc Just Dance Remix
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cmi1tus I Hate This Part **I l0ve this ~ !
Damn cute !!! =) Make my m00d happy sia ! ((:
I like cute little b0ys and girls ! x3
Shall edit again . Lazy t0 bl0g n0w . Been quite busy and stress-ed up with w0rk .
Time f0r my beauty sleep .
W0rking m0rning shift .
Quitting my j0b s00n . N0t s0 sure when, but hear I'm already being c0nfirmed .
Hunting f0r pub j0bs . (:
K, h0pe t0 see y0u later, wanna talk t0 y0u !
Y0u make me wanna smile again .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: em0ti0nal breakd0wn ., Mixed feelings ., sh0pping day
Life with0ut g0als means n0thing .
I think I better g0 0ne c0rner and em0 .
Wa, recently damn em0 . 0ut 0f sudden 0ne .
Might resign s00n, l00king f0r pub j0b at the m0ment . (:
Any l0bangs, let me kn0w .
W0rk until very stress .
This cann0t, that cann0t, th0ught can earn a l0t this m0nth but they restrict all the full shifts t0 0nly 2o h0urs . N0t en0ugh l0rs, I'm n0t earning a l0t already n0w they're d0ing this . M0re w0rst, I earn what ? Peanuts ? Sighs ): Been stressing ab0ut w0rk and m0ney .
I hate this kind 0f life . ): I hate the life I'm leading right n0w, I hate stressing ab0ut w0rk and m0ney .
Pe0ple wh0 really l0ve y0u will never make y0u sad . Pe0ple wh0 make y0u sad are n0t w0rth y0ur tears .
PS. I think my bl0g is messy and unattactive . What d0 y0u think ? Pard0n me f0r my bad English . ):
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: em0 ., g0als, j0b hunting
Me, at least f0r n0w . =) Cam-wh0ring during and after w0rk ! *((:
Sh0e brusher !
Super, super str0ng glue !
Sh0e cleaner ! Stain rem0ver ! Its a cream, it w0rks ! Whatever y0u-name-it .
A cl0seup . (:
Guess what is this ? L0ls . Its a glue eraser !
It can clean 0ff any min0r stains ! P0wer sia ~ !
Then I bec0me em0 again . Damn ! 0ut 0f sudden, my m00d is very rand0m 0ne .
Labels: dressing, Happy 0r sad ?, public h0lidays, rec0rd breaking, sales .
Sp0ngeb0b in Middle Finger . =)
CJ 7 . 7 Zai . (:
Elm0 & C00kie M0nster . ;D BEST FRIEND EVER !
This Sp0ngeb0b may l00ks very c0mm0n . But is fr0m HK .
0ne and 0nly in S'p0re . In my h0use . L0ls .
He is my new l0ve . ((;
W0nder which idi0t in my h0use twist my bel0ved's hands and legs .
This yell0w m0nster sleeps with me every night . Hug him t0 sleep everyday .
A smiley face made with cereals and banana skin . (: Creative huhs ?
First, I went t0 Viv0 City t0 get my ph0ne battery checked, its seems faulty .
Sh0p and t0ured ar0und there .
Then I went t0 Bugis .
Br0ught 0ne pair 0f sandals, tw0 bags .
And tw0 t0p f0r Mummy . Mummy keep c0mplaining why I always buy cl0thes f0r her, I replied: "I feel like buying jiu buy l0rs, anyway y0u d0n't bear t0 buy cl0thes des and very hard t0 buy, I happen t0 see, its nice, s0 buy f0r y0u l0rz ."
Mummy always think when I treat her nice, I g0t a m0tive .
Sians 1/2 . She's my Mummy, 0f c0urse I buy things f0r her, its n0rmal, isn't it ? M0ney spend 0n family and f00d is the m0st well spent m0ney . (=
And lastly, I went t0 0rchard, Far East .
Find the tw0 JIE JIES 0pp0site the sh0p I'm w0rking at, its been a very l0ng time since I g0 there . S0 many changes .
Saw three 0f my ex c0lleague w0rking in F21 . (: Ira, Li Ping and J0anna . Whenever I g0 t0wn, I'll saw pe0ple wh0m I kn0w .
I want t0 buy m0re heels and dresses !
I want t0 get m0re bags t00 !
I like t0 see little b0ys and little girls (y0unger than me a few years 0ld) dressing up . S0me have really g00d fashi0n sense .
G00d fashi0n sense pe0ple turns me 0n, and I l0ve hanging ar0und with them .
I was wearing a super sh0rt sh0rts, tankt0p, vintage black bag and a scarf ar0und my neck, every0ne keep staring at me, they w0nder why I wear a scarf when the weather is h0t, when I haven step 0ut 0f my h0use, the weather l00ks like its g0ing t0 rain .
H0lding a few carrier with me, it was heavy .
And I never g0tten a seat in the bus after leaving Far East t0 g0 h0me .
And halfway the trip, my left eye c0ntact lens came 0ff . S0 damn pai seh, cans ? Half blind . L0l0ls .
S0 I keep it inside my bag, think its t00 dye . The guy standing beside me n0tice that, I guess .
Pard0n me f0r the messy and 0verdue ph0t0s in the previ0us p0sts . =x
Time and busy schedule is the fault, l0ls .
Everything start fr0m zer0 .
I want t0 start my life all 0ver again .
I need a new life .
G00dbye, past .
Will never turn back ever again .
I l0athes army b0ys . Makes me think 0f Mr N . And they're n0t seri0us in R/S .
***Whenever I see y0u, I th0ught I saw h0pe . But everything is just a hist0ry . If I c0uld decide the future, I want t0 be in y0ur chapter in life .
I am in l0ve ... again .
This time with MR S . =)
Sp0ngeb0b !!!
L0L0LS !!! =d
Labels: EM0, M00dless, retail therapy, sp0ngie .
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
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December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010