Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
0h my, 0h my .
What am i thinking ab0ut in my brain ?
Even y0u might n0t have everything, y0u must be happy .
When i say i am happy 0r sad, it d0esn't c0ncerns y0u . Just keep quiet . Its my business .
Please remember that everything y0u d0 and say, think first .
Cause y0u might left with regrets in future .
0kays, i am a very lazy girl .
But fr0m n0w 0nwards f0r the sake 0f having a pretty face and better c0mplexti0n .
I will d0 mask twice every week .
M0NEY G0NE . ):
Always be y0urself, d0n't ever c0mpare y0urself with 0thers .
Waiting f0r y0u t0 c0me back, if miracles d0 exists . Will the day c0mes ? I am n0t really l00king f0rward t0 it .
When s0me0ne is quiet, what are they thinking in their brain ?
I spend the wh0le night (yesterday), thinking ab0ut stuffs . Past . Listening t0 really sad l0ve s0ngs . I think 0f y0u . Day and night . When i am w0rking, h0w ab0ut y0u ?
Wh0 can i talk t0 ? I need a chatter . I need a sh0ulder . I need a listening ear .
Life is c0nfusing .
My mind is m0re c0nfusing . What d0 i really want in life ?
T0 carry 0n with life blindly ?
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Life is alright recently but i hardly g0t time t0 0nline .
Busy with w0rk . Tiring sia ~ ! )=
Nightmares is s0 scary ~ !
Can't wait f0r my paycheque t0 arrive ! =)
The grass isn't always greener 0n the 0ther side 0f the earth .
Shall i ink my wrist ? Th0ught 0f ink-ing a zipper . L0ls, s0unds s0 funny and wr0ng huhs .
Update again this Thursday . 0ff t0 w0rk lia0s . =d
Tata ~ !
l0ves & misses
Sighing 0ff
13 Feb
V day eve few minutes t0 midnight, every0ne is busy sending l0ve message ar0und . I was busy texting a few 0f my friends sending them V day's greeting and its super lag and it t00k a l0ng time t0 be sent 0ut .
14 Feb
Valentine .
S0me pe0ple are s0 ann0ying, kept asking if i am celebrating .
Here i am again n0t celebrating it . (:
Instead i was w0rking .
I swear this is my l0neliness m0ment ever . Never ever felt s0 l0nely in my life bef0re .
Sighs i have been living in this w0rld f0r twenty years yet i have never ever celebrated V day and 0ther special 0ccasi0ns bef0re .
0h what a failure i am . ):
I can sense and smell l0nely t0day . L0ve is n0t in the air . Jeal0usy is in the air . Jeal0usy kills . ):
Th0se three w0rds seems s0 hard f0r me n0w . ** I MISS Y0U, I L0VE Y0U .
W0uld y0u rather ch00se the 0ne y0u l0ve 0r the 0ne wh0 l0ve y0u ?
I think i will never have the taste 0f being in l0ve again .
I d0ubt i will fall in l0ve again .
V day is n0t 0nly f0r c0uples . V day symb0ls l0ve n0t 0nly f0r c0uples . Tell y0ur l0ved 0nes y0u l0ve them .
15 Feb - 18 Feb
I feel i am much m0re happier w0rking in my current j0b c0mpare t0 the previ0us j0b .
N0 m0re unhappiness, n0 m0re cust0mer's c0mplaint . (:
Think my life will be better, just hang 0n there and c0ntr0l my temper .
Life is hard en0ugh, why make y0ur life m0re miserable and w0rst and unhappy . S0 keep smiling even if y0u make a mistake . I can 0nly tell pe0ple h0w t0 d0 it, but i d0n't kn0w h0w t0 d0 it . =)
By the way, my ph0ne have already been s0ld .
But s0meh0w 0r rather, i feel guilty . );
I did s0mething that really makes me guilty the wh0le day .
Kept thinking ab0ut what happen . Was s0 guilty and w0rry .
Sh0uldn't have d0 it .
N0 w0rds can best describle h0w i feel at that m0ment .
19 Feb
S0 l0ng never see y0u 0nline . I really miss y0u .
I have a l0t 0f things t0 tell y0u . I want t0 chat with y0u . Ab0ut y0u, ab0ut y0ur life . Y0ur w0rk . Everything ab0ut y0u . Why view me in friendster with0ut sending a c0mment 0r message ? Y0u have changed s0 much, till i can't rec0gnise y0u are the pers0n i used t0 kn0w . Y0u even changed y0ur c0ntacts . Y0u are scary . Despite all, i still miss y0u ! =) Y0u kuku, but i still l0ve y0u even y0u are a kuku ! I l0ve y0u, kuku ! I l0ve kuku !
I feel l0nely at times, especially times when i missed y0u s0 much ! The days missing y0u is killing me .
I was lucky t0 have y0u in the past but i didn't get t0 treasure y0u 0n time and it is wayyyyyy t0 lateeee . But y0u definite will feel happier with y0ur current life, better 0ff with0ut me . Y0u kn0w any better than me .
0ne mistake and we can't turn back .
I swear i l0ve y0u a l0t and y0u are the 0nly 0ne i l0ve . This is my first and last time i am g0nna be seri0us and f0r s0 h0w l0ng in l0ving s0me0ne, hist0ry will n0t be repeated again .
I really hate y0u f0r pretending t0 l0ve me when i kn0w y0u d0n't at all . But yet, i still l0ve y0u a l0t . Last time i use t0 take y0u f0r granted and n0w y0u d0n't even kn0w h0w t0 treasure me . It really hurts s0 much, n0w i been thru what y0u been thru in the past . And this is retributi0n .
I am c0ming back t0 sh0w y0u i am keeping all the pr0mises i have made .
This pers0n stays in my mem0ry f0r years . This pers0n plays a big part in my life but in the past . I will never f0rget it and y0u . It have always been with me . Thinking ab0ut it day and night . Sec0nds and minutes spend missing the pers0n .
***I think i am insane, i knew we are n0t meant t0 be, yet here i am still thinking ab0ut the past and all the thrash .
9 m0re days t0 pay day, can't wait f0r that day t0 c0me .
9 days seems like a m0nth t0 me, s0 sl0w .
Deadly br0ke .
Treat Sister t0 eat LJS just n0w . L0ls .
C0untd0wn t0 90 m0re days .
1o things that i am scare 0f:
1. sleeping al0ne (i am sleeping al0ne everyday) l0ls
2.bl00d (disgusting and scary, cans ?)
3. darkness (i am scare 0f dark since y0ung)
4. al0ne in the t0ilet (especially funny s0unds)
5. insects (eeeyer)
6. gh0st (0h my g0dddddddddd !!!)
7. perverts (fcuk ti k0 peh)
8. m0nsters (d0 they still exists ?!)
9. masks with ugly scary faces (y0u kn0w, ers, th0se with the 0utfit als0)
10. hell (wh0 is n0t scare g0ing t0 hell ?)
Wa, my parents have been marry f0r 23 years . L0ls envi0us lehs !
I d0ubt i can d0 it lehz, face the same pers0n everyday . Hahas .
Dream present . Very dreamy . I swear !
Here it g0es:
Cup cake named cup cake land and fairy cake . With y0ur name/w0rdings and i l0ve y0u 0n it .
If 0nly i kn0w h0w t0 bake 0ne ! Hahaz !
I prefer t0 b0ttle it inside rather than tell ANY0NE . L0VE SUCKS !
有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死 而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你 ):
Will 0nly be updating my bl0g when i am FREE ! =D BUSY W0RKING .
PS . KINDLY D0 SUPP0RT http://www.absolutebargain.blogspot.com/ (; thanks !
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
I miss this little naughty, cute b0y b0y . (: I edited this ph0t0 using my cam . =D
It hurts s0000 much .
I'm bleeding inside .
Regretted s0 much .
S0 l0sttttt ...
... SIGHS ):
I prefer t0 b0ttle inside .
FCUK lahs, just f0und a j0b and s0me0ne fr0m a better c0mpany called me . Damn angry sia, then i reject, feel s0 heartache . Sh0uld accept . The pay and envir0ment might be better . (:
SIGHS ); St0p thinking ab0ut it . Alamak, i headache lahs thinking ab0ut this .
FCUK th0se ugly scars and pimples lahz ! S0 FUGLY, cans ?
ANGRY, angry lehs ~ ! ))=
L0LS, i kn0w i am UGLY ! =D
Wa, i still have a t0tal 0f unpaid sum 0f $o.9o in my Acc0unts . NBL .
When i was y0ung, always g0 and b0rr0w b00ks and read, but i see the pictures nia . =D
But always return late . Wakakas !
I miss SINGING ~ ! =)
I miss w0rking, cause i'm really b0red at h0me . )=
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Y0ur smile is my best drug t0 get well really fast . ;D
Bad day . Down with flu . Sick . ):
I want a b0uquet 0f r0ses and tw0 necklace 0f y0ur ph0t0 and mine and with 0ur name in it . 0ne f0r y0u, 0ne f0r me . ;D
I am scared 0f the future .
Cause i went t0 a Chinese temple very l0ng time ag0, or is it a few years back ? Can't really remember .
0kays, back t0 t0pic .
The f0rtune teller says i have a bad future .
If i were t0 get marry, i will get div0rce .
I hear this i bec0me t0tally shag . Then i sh0uld be al0ne f0r the rest 0f my life ? SIGHS );
But i am still quite afraid even it is n0t heard fr0m my 0wn ears, cause b0th my Mum and Dad side's relative g0t div0rce . S0 i am scare, y0u see .
Fear f0r everything .
My life is very unsuccessful . Everything i d0 will n0t g0 well .
As the f0rtune teller c0ntuinues, i kn0w that my life will be very t0ugh as i am gr0wing 0lder .
If this is my fate, i will accept it . L00ks like i have t0 stay single f0r the rest 0f my life .
Must learnt t0 l00k at things on a different angles .
Th0ught 0f keeping a puppy .
Bu d0 s0me researches that m0st 0f the puppies might n0t suit y0u . F0r eg, if y0u get a puppy just because he is cute, y0u might aband0n him 0ne day when he gr0w up f0r n0t being cute anym0re .
And ...
Because with0ut having pr0perly researched what type 0f d0g that puppy will gr0w up t0 be, y0u will be taking a risk 0f whether the d0g will be the ideal c0mpani0n f0r y0u 0r n0t.
When y0u first l00k at any puppy, regardless 0f what type it is, it is s0 easy t0 0verl00k the fact in a few m0nths they will start t0 bec0me the size and type 0f whatever breed that they came fr0m.
In 0ther w0rds, alth0ugh the new puppy is small and seems easy t0 handle n0w, you need t0 make sure 0f the future size the d0g will bec0me and als0 if it will have characteristics suitable t0 y0ur h0me and family.
Puppy t0 d0g . C0nsider them y0ur life-mate . D0n't aband0n them if y0u knw0 y0u can't keep them . (:
0r send them t0 SPCA . Its s0 cruel .
Puppy is n0t y0ur t0y . =)
It is s0 ann0ying whenever i g0 f0r interview, they ask me t0 wait f0r their calls, i waited and waited, n0t receiving a single call, until i f0und a j0b, they will started t0 call if i am free t0 c0me f0r the next interview 0r ask me t0 start w0rk . S0 funny lahs .
Awaiting f0r miracles . (:
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
N0t waiting f0r a new relati0nship t0 c0me .
N0t waiting f0r a new realti0nship t0 bl0ss0m .
n0t waiting f0r any0ne .
I l0ve n0b0dy .
L0nely Valentine . =)
Yesterday was d0ng fang qing ren jie . (Eastern Valentine)
Saturday is xi fang qing ren jie . (Western Valentine)
H0w w0uld y0u celebrate ?
Guess m0st 0f the girls w0uld be celebrating with their BF .
G0 0ut t0 catch a m0vie, have sweet dinner and a trip t0 the r0mantic beach, ehs ? L0ls . Very imginative ahs ? ;D
Been searching f0r j0bs here and there . And been g0ing f0r interview, feel like giving up s0metimes . But i kn0w i can't . That is a reas0n behind it . FCUK th0se pe0ple f0r wasting my time .
J0b-hunting was n0t s0 fun . L0ls . Dealing with b0th nice and nasty pe0ple .
I find h0pe again .
N0t g0nna let the same thing happen again . (:
Miracles d0 exists if y0u ch00se t0 believe .
I want t0 marry Mr TANG . =) S0 cute and talented ! ;D (W0nderland)
l0ves & misses
Signing off
Which bl0g sh0p's 0wner can be trusted and their g00ds is n0t s0 expensive but nice ?
Cause n0w every bl0g y0u g0, y0u c0uld see pe0ple tagging at their tagb0ard f0r their bl0g sh0p . I d0n't have the habit t0 sh0p 0nline and i can't trust them . But i have a bl0g sh0p myself . =) S0me pe0ple in bl0g sh0ps are s0 unreas0nable, acc0rding t0 my pers0nal experience .
Feel very lazy t0 reply c0mments in friendster, lazy t0 bl0g, lazyyyyyy t0 reply text messages and ph0ne calls, due t0 very tired recently . =)
(: 有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死 而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你 ):
Very sians at h0me . Want t0 die lia0s . B0ringgggggggggg .
Valentine day is the best time t0 c0nfess t0 s0me0ne y0u l0ve/like .
Eg. H0ld me tight in y0ur arms and never let g0 .
0r Be my Valentine .
PS . Baby, be MINE this valentine . =D
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
H0w i wish i can kn0w what y0u're thinking .
What am i thinking n0w, at this m0ment ?
Have y0u ever h0pe y0u are s0me0ne else 0r envy s0me0ne else because 0f their life ? Well, s0metime i did . I really envy pe0ple with g00d life and have everything .
Just d0n't think t00 much . (:
Jeal0us 0f 0ther pe0ple l0ve and happiness .
St0ning = em0 .
Well let me tell y0u s0mething, i am thinking ab0ut y0u all day l0ng . Yes, i still think ab0ut y0u everyday . I miss y0u day and night . L0LS !
Every night i can't sleep, i will listen t0 sad s0ngs, think ab0ut y0u, and staring int0 space and st0n . Sl0wly i will bec0me em0 . Can't f0rget th0se g00d times we have spend t0gether . I miss y0u . I realy did .
I am n0t g00d en0ugh f0r y0u . Either am i the perfect 0ne f0r y0u . I finally understand everything after s0 many years .
I still think ab0ut y0u 0ver the years even 0ver the slightest thing . Every small little thing fr0m y0u i will always remember but whenever i c0me t0 think 0f it, i can't help but cry .
Y0u ch0se t0 let g0 and f0rget me, why sh0uld i dwell 0n y0u again ?
L0ve makes a pers0n g0es blind with0ut all0wing them fr0m staying at the right pathway .
Realize s0mething n0w, even if we are still t0gether n0w, we will still be separted s0meday .
Cause we are n0t meant t0 be . That why we ch0se t0 be single n0w ? H0w can y0u let g0 and f0rget s0 easily when y0u claim that y0u l0ve me last time ? 0r is it all just lies fr0m y0u ?
If i ever have a chance t0 be y0urs again, i will make every sec0nds 0f it c0unts and make y0ur day with a perfect smile and add 0n beautiful c0l0urs t0 it in 0ur next life, perhaps . (: I h0pe t0 be in y0ur arms again in my next life . The times we have is the best m0ment i ever have in my life .
If i never find a perfect dream tree, i will stay single f0r the rest 0f my life .
I d0n't want t0 live with regrets f0r hurting s0me0ne again .
Pe0ple in l0ve are blind, they can't see any0ne but just their l0ved 0nes ! (= Agree ?
Br0ught a small catuts that time, but have upl0aded the ph0t0s recently . His CUTE little name is CATUZ . NICE ? 0h, s0 rand0m . Hahaz .
Rand0m FACTS AB0UT ME (15):
2.) 0nly sh0w respect f0r elderly, can't click well with y0ungsters.
3.) Super anti-s0cial, dislikes mixing ar0und.
4.) Very em0ti0nal, s0ft hearted .
5.) Can be very quiet, n0isy and crazy .
6.) I am lazyyyyyyyyyy .
7.) Will never fall in l0ve again .
8.) HATES cheenas, ALs & ABs al0t .
9.) Is crazy 0ver CUTE & H0T guys .
10.) HATES insects and furry animals .
11.) S0me0ne wh0 likes peace a l0t, dislikes n0isy and cr0wded places .
12.) Attitude pr0blem SUCKS . Sh0rt temper (;
13.) I am FAT & SH0RT, UGLY and unp0pular . =)
14.) L0ve t0 j0ke ar0und, i like funny pe0ple .
15.) L0ve music, games, m0ney, gadgets and day dream . =DD
List 15 first, can't think 0f any at the m0ment . PS . (:
Things 0ften happen this way :
when y0u least expect it, it happens .
when y0u pray and wish f0r it t0 happen, it w0n't happen .
Just d0n't think t00 much and be happy always .
I always t0ld pe0ple t0 be happy and smile but i, myself d0n't even kn0w h0w t0 d0 it . ):
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diary...
Thursday, February 26, 2009 ( 2/26/2009 04:42:00 PM )
0h my, 0h my .
What am i thinking ab0ut in my brain ?
Even y0u might n0t have everything, y0u must be happy .
When i say i am happy 0r sad, it d0esn't c0ncerns y0u . Just keep quiet . Its my business .
Please remember that everything y0u d0 and say, think first .
Cause y0u might left with regrets in future .
0kays, i am a very lazy girl .
But fr0m n0w 0nwards f0r the sake 0f having a pretty face and better c0mplexti0n .
I will d0 mask twice every week .
M0NEY G0NE . ):
Always be y0urself, d0n't ever c0mpare y0urself with 0thers .
Waiting f0r y0u t0 c0me back, if miracles d0 exists . Will the day c0mes ? I am n0t really l00king f0rward t0 it .
When s0me0ne is quiet, what are they thinking in their brain ?
I spend the wh0le night (yesterday), thinking ab0ut stuffs . Past . Listening t0 really sad l0ve s0ngs . I think 0f y0u . Day and night . When i am w0rking, h0w ab0ut y0u ?
Wh0 can i talk t0 ? I need a chatter . I need a sh0ulder . I need a listening ear .
Life is c0nfusing .
My mind is m0re c0nfusing . What d0 i really want in life ?
T0 carry 0n with life blindly ?
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: ...
The diary.
Monday, February 23, 2009 ( 2/23/2009 10:29:00 AM )
Life is alright recently but i hardly g0t time t0 0nline .
Busy with w0rk . Tiring sia ~ ! )=
Nightmares is s0 scary ~ !
Can't wait f0r my paycheque t0 arrive ! =)
The grass isn't always greener 0n the 0ther side 0f the earth .
Shall i ink my wrist ? Th0ught 0f ink-ing a zipper . L0ls, s0unds s0 funny and wr0ng huhs .
Update again this Thursday . 0ff t0 w0rk lia0s . =d
Tata ~ !
l0ves & misses
Sighing 0ff
Labels: .
The diaryY0u, y0u, y0u .
Thursday, February 19, 2009 ( 2/19/2009 03:11:00 PM )
13 Feb
V day eve few minutes t0 midnight, every0ne is busy sending l0ve message ar0und . I was busy texting a few 0f my friends sending them V day's greeting and its super lag and it t00k a l0ng time t0 be sent 0ut .
14 Feb
Valentine .
S0me pe0ple are s0 ann0ying, kept asking if i am celebrating .
Here i am again n0t celebrating it . (:
Instead i was w0rking .
I swear this is my l0neliness m0ment ever . Never ever felt s0 l0nely in my life bef0re .
Sighs i have been living in this w0rld f0r twenty years yet i have never ever celebrated V day and 0ther special 0ccasi0ns bef0re .
0h what a failure i am . ):
I can sense and smell l0nely t0day . L0ve is n0t in the air . Jeal0usy is in the air . Jeal0usy kills . ):
Th0se three w0rds seems s0 hard f0r me n0w . ** I MISS Y0U, I L0VE Y0U .
W0uld y0u rather ch00se the 0ne y0u l0ve 0r the 0ne wh0 l0ve y0u ?
I think i will never have the taste 0f being in l0ve again .
I d0ubt i will fall in l0ve again .
V day is n0t 0nly f0r c0uples . V day symb0ls l0ve n0t 0nly f0r c0uples . Tell y0ur l0ved 0nes y0u l0ve them .
15 Feb - 18 Feb
I feel i am much m0re happier w0rking in my current j0b c0mpare t0 the previ0us j0b .
N0 m0re unhappiness, n0 m0re cust0mer's c0mplaint . (:
Think my life will be better, just hang 0n there and c0ntr0l my temper .
Life is hard en0ugh, why make y0ur life m0re miserable and w0rst and unhappy . S0 keep smiling even if y0u make a mistake . I can 0nly tell pe0ple h0w t0 d0 it, but i d0n't kn0w h0w t0 d0 it . =)
By the way, my ph0ne have already been s0ld .
But s0meh0w 0r rather, i feel guilty . );
I did s0mething that really makes me guilty the wh0le day .
Kept thinking ab0ut what happen . Was s0 guilty and w0rry .
Sh0uldn't have d0 it .
N0 w0rds can best describle h0w i feel at that m0ment .
19 Feb
S0 l0ng never see y0u 0nline . I really miss y0u .
I have a l0t 0f things t0 tell y0u . I want t0 chat with y0u . Ab0ut y0u, ab0ut y0ur life . Y0ur w0rk . Everything ab0ut y0u . Why view me in friendster with0ut sending a c0mment 0r message ? Y0u have changed s0 much, till i can't rec0gnise y0u are the pers0n i used t0 kn0w . Y0u even changed y0ur c0ntacts . Y0u are scary . Despite all, i still miss y0u ! =) Y0u kuku, but i still l0ve y0u even y0u are a kuku ! I l0ve y0u, kuku ! I l0ve kuku !
I feel l0nely at times, especially times when i missed y0u s0 much ! The days missing y0u is killing me .
I was lucky t0 have y0u in the past but i didn't get t0 treasure y0u 0n time and it is wayyyyyy t0 lateeee . But y0u definite will feel happier with y0ur current life, better 0ff with0ut me . Y0u kn0w any better than me .
0ne mistake and we can't turn back .
I swear i l0ve y0u a l0t and y0u are the 0nly 0ne i l0ve . This is my first and last time i am g0nna be seri0us and f0r s0 h0w l0ng in l0ving s0me0ne, hist0ry will n0t be repeated again .
I really hate y0u f0r pretending t0 l0ve me when i kn0w y0u d0n't at all . But yet, i still l0ve y0u a l0t . Last time i use t0 take y0u f0r granted and n0w y0u d0n't even kn0w h0w t0 treasure me . It really hurts s0 much, n0w i been thru what y0u been thru in the past . And this is retributi0n .
I am c0ming back t0 sh0w y0u i am keeping all the pr0mises i have made .
This pers0n stays in my mem0ry f0r years . This pers0n plays a big part in my life but in the past . I will never f0rget it and y0u . It have always been with me . Thinking ab0ut it day and night . Sec0nds and minutes spend missing the pers0n .
***I think i am insane, i knew we are n0t meant t0 be, yet here i am still thinking ab0ut the past and all the thrash .
9 m0re days t0 pay day, can't wait f0r that day t0 c0me .
9 days seems like a m0nth t0 me, s0 sl0w .
Deadly br0ke .
Treat Sister t0 eat LJS just n0w . L0ls .
C0untd0wn t0 90 m0re days .
1o things that i am scare 0f:
1. sleeping al0ne (i am sleeping al0ne everyday) l0ls
2.bl00d (disgusting and scary, cans ?)
3. darkness (i am scare 0f dark since y0ung)
4. al0ne in the t0ilet (especially funny s0unds)
5. insects (eeeyer)
6. gh0st (0h my g0dddddddddd !!!)
7. perverts (fcuk ti k0 peh)
8. m0nsters (d0 they still exists ?!)
9. masks with ugly scary faces (y0u kn0w, ers, th0se with the 0utfit als0)
10. hell (wh0 is n0t scare g0ing t0 hell ?)
Wa, my parents have been marry f0r 23 years . L0ls envi0us lehs !
I d0ubt i can d0 it lehz, face the same pers0n everyday . Hahas .
Dream present . Very dreamy . I swear !
Here it g0es:
Cup cake named cup cake land and fairy cake . With y0ur name/w0rdings and i l0ve y0u 0n it .
If 0nly i kn0w h0w t0 bake 0ne ! Hahaz !
I prefer t0 b0ttle it inside rather than tell ANY0NE . L0VE SUCKS !
有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死 而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你 ):
Will 0nly be updating my bl0g when i am FREE ! =D BUSY W0RKING .
PS . KINDLY D0 SUPP0RT http://www.absolutebargain.blogspot.com/ (; thanks !
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
The diaryRand0m
Friday, February 13, 2009 ( 2/13/2009 01:36:00 PM )
I miss this little naughty, cute b0y b0y . (: I edited this ph0t0 using my cam . =D
My dream t0y p00dle ! (:
Lady with tw0 t0y p00dle .
Man with his f0ur t0y p00dles in Japan .
Man with his f0ur t0y p00dles in Japan . H0w f0rtunate !
Sun-tanning, ehs ?
He is l00king at y0u ! =x
Wasn't able t0 sleep pr0perly last night .
Decide t0 play a prank 0n a few 0f my friends .
But in the end i text a few unkn0wn n0 f0r fun .
L0ls . Was trying t0 be playful .
I just think that life can be very simple, just that pe0ple always make it very c0mplicated .
0ut 0f sudden, i started t0 like children a l0t . (:
Suddenly sh0w c0ncern f0r my Mum, ask her ab0ut her family backgr0und and her siblings relati0nship and etc, etc . My Mum think i am a bit unusual t0day . She th0ught i am insane f0r asking her th0se questi0ns .
A bit nerv0us and w0rry f0r t0m0rr0w, n0t because its V.D . :))
Sh0uld i 0r sh0uld i n0t ?
Get a t0yp00dle . S0 cute, cans ?
By the way, i will be carrying din0saur ph0ne fr0m t0m0rr0w 0nwards, will be selling my LG ph0ne t0night . (;
New 0r 0ld ph0ne, is still a ph0ne anyways . Able t0 use can lia0s .
Feel the pinch f0r spending m0ney n0w .
I wish y0u were here with me, t0night .
I just can't believe that y0u're g0ne . Still waiting f0r t0m0rr0w t0 c0me, when the seas0n the summer rise, waiting f0r y0u by my side . Tell me what it is i am reaching f0r . I will just h0ld an0ther day in my heart, i kn0w its selfish t0 ask f0r m0re . All the br0ken dreams .
I'm s0 sick 0f l0ve s0ngs . S0 tired 0f tears . S0 d0ne with wishing y0u were still here . Said i am s0 sick 0f l0ve s0ngs . S0 sad and sl0w . S0 why can't i turn 0ff the radi0 ? Stupid l0ve s0ngs .
FCUK the l0ve . FCUK the r0mance .
I w0nder if i can stay put 0n the j0b fr0m t0m0rr0w 0nwards . 0kays, t0m0rr0w will be a better day f0r me ahead .
I need m0re skincare pr0ducts, eat m0re vegetable and fruits f0r better c0mplexti0n .
PS . I MISS y0u . (:
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Decide t0 play a prank 0n a few 0f my friends .
But in the end i text a few unkn0wn n0 f0r fun .
L0ls . Was trying t0 be playful .
I just think that life can be very simple, just that pe0ple always make it very c0mplicated .
0ut 0f sudden, i started t0 like children a l0t . (:
Suddenly sh0w c0ncern f0r my Mum, ask her ab0ut her family backgr0und and her siblings relati0nship and etc, etc . My Mum think i am a bit unusual t0day . She th0ught i am insane f0r asking her th0se questi0ns .
A bit nerv0us and w0rry f0r t0m0rr0w, n0t because its V.D . :))
Sh0uld i 0r sh0uld i n0t ?
Get a t0yp00dle . S0 cute, cans ?
By the way, i will be carrying din0saur ph0ne fr0m t0m0rr0w 0nwards, will be selling my LG ph0ne t0night . (;
New 0r 0ld ph0ne, is still a ph0ne anyways . Able t0 use can lia0s .
Feel the pinch f0r spending m0ney n0w .
I wish y0u were here with me, t0night .
I just can't believe that y0u're g0ne . Still waiting f0r t0m0rr0w t0 c0me, when the seas0n the summer rise, waiting f0r y0u by my side . Tell me what it is i am reaching f0r . I will just h0ld an0ther day in my heart, i kn0w its selfish t0 ask f0r m0re . All the br0ken dreams .
I'm s0 sick 0f l0ve s0ngs . S0 tired 0f tears . S0 d0ne with wishing y0u were still here . Said i am s0 sick 0f l0ve s0ngs . S0 sad and sl0w . S0 why can't i turn 0ff the radi0 ? Stupid l0ve s0ngs .
FCUK the l0ve . FCUK the r0mance .
I w0nder if i can stay put 0n the j0b fr0m t0m0rr0w 0nwards . 0kays, t0m0rr0w will be a better day f0r me ahead .
I need m0re skincare pr0ducts, eat m0re vegetable and fruits f0r better c0mplexti0n .
PS . I MISS y0u . (:
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: Rand0m
The diarySIGHS ):
Thursday, February 12, 2009 ( 2/12/2009 04:08:00 PM )
It hurts s0000 much .
I'm bleeding inside .
Regretted s0 much .
S0 l0sttttt ...
... SIGHS ):
I prefer t0 b0ttle inside .
FCUK lahs, just f0und a j0b and s0me0ne fr0m a better c0mpany called me . Damn angry sia, then i reject, feel s0 heartache . Sh0uld accept . The pay and envir0ment might be better . (:
SIGHS ); St0p thinking ab0ut it . Alamak, i headache lahs thinking ab0ut this .
FCUK th0se ugly scars and pimples lahz ! S0 FUGLY, cans ?
ANGRY, angry lehs ~ ! ))=
L0LS, i kn0w i am UGLY ! =D
Wa, i still have a t0tal 0f unpaid sum 0f $o.9o in my Acc0unts . NBL .
When i was y0ung, always g0 and b0rr0w b00ks and read, but i see the pictures nia . =D
But always return late . Wakakas !
I miss SINGING ~ ! =)
I miss w0rking, cause i'm really b0red at h0me . )=
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: SIGHS ):
The diaryFlu, keeping puppies .
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 ( 2/11/2009 02:13:00 PM )
Y0ur smile is my best drug t0 get well really fast . ;D
Bad day . Down with flu . Sick . ):
I want a b0uquet 0f r0ses and tw0 necklace 0f y0ur ph0t0 and mine and with 0ur name in it . 0ne f0r y0u, 0ne f0r me . ;D
I am scared 0f the future .
Cause i went t0 a Chinese temple very l0ng time ag0, or is it a few years back ? Can't really remember .
0kays, back t0 t0pic .
The f0rtune teller says i have a bad future .
If i were t0 get marry, i will get div0rce .
I hear this i bec0me t0tally shag . Then i sh0uld be al0ne f0r the rest 0f my life ? SIGHS );
But i am still quite afraid even it is n0t heard fr0m my 0wn ears, cause b0th my Mum and Dad side's relative g0t div0rce . S0 i am scare, y0u see .
Fear f0r everything .
My life is very unsuccessful . Everything i d0 will n0t g0 well .
As the f0rtune teller c0ntuinues, i kn0w that my life will be very t0ugh as i am gr0wing 0lder .
If this is my fate, i will accept it . L00ks like i have t0 stay single f0r the rest 0f my life .
Must learnt t0 l00k at things on a different angles .
Th0ught 0f keeping a puppy .
Bu d0 s0me researches that m0st 0f the puppies might n0t suit y0u . F0r eg, if y0u get a puppy just because he is cute, y0u might aband0n him 0ne day when he gr0w up f0r n0t being cute anym0re .
And ...
Because with0ut having pr0perly researched what type 0f d0g that puppy will gr0w up t0 be, y0u will be taking a risk 0f whether the d0g will be the ideal c0mpani0n f0r y0u 0r n0t.
When y0u first l00k at any puppy, regardless 0f what type it is, it is s0 easy t0 0verl00k the fact in a few m0nths they will start t0 bec0me the size and type 0f whatever breed that they came fr0m.
In 0ther w0rds, alth0ugh the new puppy is small and seems easy t0 handle n0w, you need t0 make sure 0f the future size the d0g will bec0me and als0 if it will have characteristics suitable t0 y0ur h0me and family.
Puppy t0 d0g . C0nsider them y0ur life-mate . D0n't aband0n them if y0u knw0 y0u can't keep them . (:
0r send them t0 SPCA . Its s0 cruel .
Puppy is n0t y0ur t0y . =)
It is s0 ann0ying whenever i g0 f0r interview, they ask me t0 wait f0r their calls, i waited and waited, n0t receiving a single call, until i f0und a j0b, they will started t0 call if i am free t0 c0me f0r the next interview 0r ask me t0 start w0rk . S0 funny lahs .
Awaiting f0r miracles . (:
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: Flu, keeping puppies .
The diaryRomance, j0b-hunting .
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 ( 2/10/2009 11:22:00 AM )
N0t waiting f0r a new relati0nship t0 c0me .
N0t waiting f0r a new realti0nship t0 bl0ss0m .
n0t waiting f0r any0ne .
I l0ve n0b0dy .
L0nely Valentine . =)
Yesterday was d0ng fang qing ren jie . (Eastern Valentine)
Saturday is xi fang qing ren jie . (Western Valentine)
H0w w0uld y0u celebrate ?
Guess m0st 0f the girls w0uld be celebrating with their BF .
G0 0ut t0 catch a m0vie, have sweet dinner and a trip t0 the r0mantic beach, ehs ? L0ls . Very imginative ahs ? ;D
Been searching f0r j0bs here and there . And been g0ing f0r interview, feel like giving up s0metimes . But i kn0w i can't . That is a reas0n behind it . FCUK th0se pe0ple f0r wasting my time .
J0b-hunting was n0t s0 fun . L0ls . Dealing with b0th nice and nasty pe0ple .
I find h0pe again .
N0t g0nna let the same thing happen again . (:
Miracles d0 exists if y0u ch00se t0 believe .
I want t0 marry Mr TANG . =) S0 cute and talented ! ;D (W0nderland)
l0ves & misses
Signing off
Labels: j0b-hunting ., Romance
The diary0nline sh0pping, lazy .
Sunday, February 8, 2009 ( 2/08/2009 01:32:00 PM )
Which bl0g sh0p's 0wner can be trusted and their g00ds is n0t s0 expensive but nice ?
Cause n0w every bl0g y0u g0, y0u c0uld see pe0ple tagging at their tagb0ard f0r their bl0g sh0p . I d0n't have the habit t0 sh0p 0nline and i can't trust them . But i have a bl0g sh0p myself . =) S0me pe0ple in bl0g sh0ps are s0 unreas0nable, acc0rding t0 my pers0nal experience .
Feel very lazy t0 reply c0mments in friendster, lazy t0 bl0g, lazyyyyyy t0 reply text messages and ph0ne calls, due t0 very tired recently . =)
(: 有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死 而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你 ):
Very sians at h0me . Want t0 die lia0s . B0ringgggggggggg .
Valentine day is the best time t0 c0nfess t0 s0me0ne y0u l0ve/like .
Eg. H0ld me tight in y0ur arms and never let g0 .
0r Be my Valentine .
PS . Baby, be MINE this valentine . =D
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: 0nline sh0pping, lazy .
The diary(:
Saturday, February 7, 2009 ( 2/07/2009 08:35:00 PM )
I L0VE playing ne0pet despite i am gr0wing 0lder lia0s . (: The games are c00l, kays ? S0em0re g0t pet, can play with them and can earn ne0p0ints als0 .
Childish ? I l0ve kids games ! I l0ve everything f0r kids ! (= BIG kid ehs ?
Still l00king f0r j0b, any0ne g0t g00d l0bang must intr0duce t0 me 0kays ? Thanks, thanks ahs ! =D
0ne m0re week t0 Valentine Day . But i am n0t l00king f0rward t0 it and n0t celebrating it . Y0u kn0w what ? I never celebrate V.D bef0re and i am always single when it alm0st reach V.D . S0unds creepy, isn't it ? Ever since i d0n't have the habit 0f celebrating it . L0nely V.D last year, this year, every year . I am used t0 it . (=
Falling stars i see y0u t0night .
I l00k at y0u at such distance .
It ends t0night .
I have learnt a new w0rd in "Hawaiian" . =)
S0 "nani", it means cute/ beautiful .
EG . BARBIE D0LLS are s000000 nani !
Feel t0tally withdrawal fr0m every0ne . Feel s0 helpless . My s0cial netw0rking need t0 expand .
I have l0st s0me0ne i l0ve the m0st . It hurts s0 much . I l0ve y0u m0re than any0ne else .
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: (:
The diaryL0ve matters, rand0m facts ab0ut me . (;
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 ( 2/03/2009 12:44:00 PM )
H0w i wish i can kn0w what y0u're thinking .
What am i thinking n0w, at this m0ment ?
Have y0u ever h0pe y0u are s0me0ne else 0r envy s0me0ne else because 0f their life ? Well, s0metime i did . I really envy pe0ple with g00d life and have everything .
Just d0n't think t00 much . (:
Jeal0us 0f 0ther pe0ple l0ve and happiness .
St0ning = em0 .
Well let me tell y0u s0mething, i am thinking ab0ut y0u all day l0ng . Yes, i still think ab0ut y0u everyday . I miss y0u day and night . L0LS !
Every night i can't sleep, i will listen t0 sad s0ngs, think ab0ut y0u, and staring int0 space and st0n . Sl0wly i will bec0me em0 . Can't f0rget th0se g00d times we have spend t0gether . I miss y0u . I realy did .
I am n0t g00d en0ugh f0r y0u . Either am i the perfect 0ne f0r y0u . I finally understand everything after s0 many years .
I still think ab0ut y0u 0ver the years even 0ver the slightest thing . Every small little thing fr0m y0u i will always remember but whenever i c0me t0 think 0f it, i can't help but cry .
Y0u ch0se t0 let g0 and f0rget me, why sh0uld i dwell 0n y0u again ?
L0ve makes a pers0n g0es blind with0ut all0wing them fr0m staying at the right pathway .
Realize s0mething n0w, even if we are still t0gether n0w, we will still be separted s0meday .
Cause we are n0t meant t0 be . That why we ch0se t0 be single n0w ? H0w can y0u let g0 and f0rget s0 easily when y0u claim that y0u l0ve me last time ? 0r is it all just lies fr0m y0u ?
If i ever have a chance t0 be y0urs again, i will make every sec0nds 0f it c0unts and make y0ur day with a perfect smile and add 0n beautiful c0l0urs t0 it in 0ur next life, perhaps . (: I h0pe t0 be in y0ur arms again in my next life . The times we have is the best m0ment i ever have in my life .
If i never find a perfect dream tree, i will stay single f0r the rest 0f my life .
I d0n't want t0 live with regrets f0r hurting s0me0ne again .
Pe0ple in l0ve are blind, they can't see any0ne but just their l0ved 0nes ! (= Agree ?
Br0ught a small catuts that time, but have upl0aded the ph0t0s recently . His CUTE little name is CATUZ . NICE ? 0h, s0 rand0m . Hahaz .
Rand0m FACTS AB0UT ME (15):
2.) 0nly sh0w respect f0r elderly, can't click well with y0ungsters.
3.) Super anti-s0cial, dislikes mixing ar0und.
4.) Very em0ti0nal, s0ft hearted .
5.) Can be very quiet, n0isy and crazy .
6.) I am lazyyyyyyyyyy .
7.) Will never fall in l0ve again .
8.) HATES cheenas, ALs & ABs al0t .
9.) Is crazy 0ver CUTE & H0T guys .
10.) HATES insects and furry animals .
11.) S0me0ne wh0 likes peace a l0t, dislikes n0isy and cr0wded places .
12.) Attitude pr0blem SUCKS . Sh0rt temper (;
13.) I am FAT & SH0RT, UGLY and unp0pular . =)
14.) L0ve t0 j0ke ar0und, i like funny pe0ple .
15.) L0ve music, games, m0ney, gadgets and day dream . =DD
List 15 first, can't think 0f any at the m0ment . PS . (:
Things 0ften happen this way :
when y0u least expect it, it happens .
when y0u pray and wish f0r it t0 happen, it w0n't happen .
Just d0n't think t00 much and be happy always .
I always t0ld pe0ple t0 be happy and smile but i, myself d0n't even kn0w h0w t0 d0 it . ):
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: L0ve matters, rand0m facts ab0ut me . (;
The diaryPh0t0s upl0ading f0r CNY day 1 and 2, CHINGAY .
Monday, February 2, 2009 ( 2/02/2009 04:29:00 PM )
Ab0ve are the ph0t0s taken during CNY, s0me 0f the ph0t0s were taken in Istana building .
Days taken during CNY was day 0ne and day tw0 .
And the Chingay events as well . (: S0me 0f the "blur" ph0t0s were delete and n0t being upl0aded . But s0me is still blur, n0 ch0ice my cam is n0t s0 g00d . L0ls .
And rand0m ph0t0s . =)
l0ves & misses
Signing 0ff
Labels: CHINGAY ., Ph0t0s upl0ading f0r CNY day 1 and 2
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music