Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
I can't sleep at night . And i am listening t0 the same 0ld s0ng . 0ver and 0ver again . Even bef0re i sleep .
A little t00 n0t 0ver y0u, y0u're n0t s0rry . And s0me really sad s0ngs . Sad s0ngs fit my m00d n0w .
Tears pls d0n't fall anym0re . I will f0rget it s00n !
N0 m0re unhappiness . Destr0y everything between y0u and me .
I'm right, happiness is n0t mine, its n0t 0n my side . Shake it 0ff, let it g0 .
My neighb0ur at my side, the st0re beside me, her s0n is s0 cute ! He even kiss me 0n the cheek ! Very cute thru, just he is scare 0f me . L0ls, d0n't kn0w why .
I am friendly, 0nly t0 kids ! ;D
I think i might n0t be bl0gging f0r a sh0rt peri0d 0f time .
I need s0me space 0n my 0wn . Decide t0 MIA f0r a while .
I want t0 d0 whatever i wanna d0 and be happy and f0rget the unhappiness .
I've been eating fast f00d, just rec0ver, but guess g0nna get sick again, cause thr0at is n0t feeling well .
When 0ne d00r 0f happiness cl0ses, an0ther 0pens; but 0ften we l00k s0 l0ng at the cl0sed d00r that we d0 n0t see the 0ne which has been 0pened f0r us .
Set me free and let me g0 .
Y0u d0n't have t0 call anym0re
I w0n't pick up the ph0ne
This is the last straw
D0n't want t0 hurt anym0re
And y0u can tell me that y0u're s0rry
But I d0n't believe y0u baby
Like I did bef0re
Y0u're n0t s0rry
N0, n0, n0, n0
Yesterdays' mem0ries will always be in my heart . Mem0ries supp0sed t0 fade .
What we had has c0me and g0ne
Y0 u're better 0ff with s0me0ne else
It's f0r the best, I kn0w it is
But I see you
I try t0 hide
What I feel inside
S0 all al0ng its just a lie . It hurts s0 much t0 kn0w that the pers0n y0u have feelings f0r are cheating y0ur feelings . I can't believe that y0u will d0 this t0 me . WHY ?! Why it have t0 be y0u ? I th0ught y0u are n0t like 0ther b0ys, actually y0u are just the same like them . My 0nly h0pe, g0ne f0r g00d . D0 i l00k like a t0y t0 y0u ? I hate it when pe0ple are lying t0 me ! I will never f0rgive y0u ! Its a dream, a h0rrible 0ne . N0t g0nna have it ever again .
Let it g0, f0rget it .
Its 0ver .
G00dbye, MR N .
I will pretend i've never met y0u .
My smile is g0ne f0r g00d . My heart is bleeding . I will n0t cry again .
Y0u're n0t s0rry , i'm just plain stupid, very dumb, i'm the real dumb .
S0me0ne deserves n0 happiness at all . I sh0uld be single f0r the rest 0f my life . I keep repeating the s0ng "Y0u're n0t s0rry" by Tayl0r Swift . This is h0w i feel .
Actually i feel like crying 0ut l0ud .
What the FISH ! I just finish typing my bl0g p0st . And i accidentially press s0mething and its g0ne ! N0w i've t0 retype everything again . ):
T0night g0ing 0ut with MR N, we are g0ing t0 catch a mid-night m0vie .
Terminati0n Salvati0n ?
0h my g0d, i can't believe that i am painting my nail bright pink and t0es nails light pink . I hate pink all the way, but the c0l0ur is cute, n0t 0n me . ): L0ls .
I miss y0u . (:
I'm b0red at h0me !
Ate mac breakfast finally .
Been eating fast f00d n0n-st0p these days, as my breakfast, lunch and dinner .
I want the green glass t0day ! I want, i want ! :)
Pissed, f0rget t0 bring my keys 0ut .
Called h0me, luckily Sister is at h0me, ask her t0 rush d0wn with my keys .
Wait f0r her t0 c0me, then 0pen the sh0p, started a fight with a b*tch, AL .
I d0n't like her at all, ask her m0ther t0 talk t0 me s0me m0re . Her bf g0t gang want lehs, i s000000 scare sia . L0ls . Even her bf sc0lded me, *nb cb* fcuker sia .
I started t0 like kids n0wadays, i will even smile t0 them and t00k a few m0re glance at them . Perhaps i sh0uld get marry faster and have kid ! L0ls, i th0ught 0f it bef0re but i d0n't intend t0 get tie s0 y0ung, i want my freed0m .
I may c0nsider taking up Early Childh00d c0urse ! I l0ve children s0 much ! (= G0d bless me with cute kids in the future ! ;P I use t0 dislike them a l0t, think that they're the m0st terrible pers0n in the w0rld ! Little m0nster ! But n0w i want kid 0f my 0wn . Hahas ! I want b0y b0y and girl girl ! Heh !
T0m0rr0w will be a better day . (:
Sales is very bad recently . Sighs ):
GSS appr0aching, i want buy this and that, i h0pe i can save m0ney first ! :))
M00d wasn't that g00d .
Sales is the w0rst, third time i've n0 sales, feel guilty, b0ss lady just c0me back with st0cks and she br0ught s0mething f0r me as my birthday present ! Thanks a l0t !
I like a few new st0cks, sians spending m0ney again .
I texted b0ss lady t0 tell her that i d0n't want any 0ff day this week, she reply and said: i've already arranged f0r y0u 0n thursday and friday y0u 0ff, i want t0 see h0w the cr0wd is like .
Wa, i t0tally sad, th0ught can earn m0re m0ney this m0nth, but she sh0uld ask me in advance, i mean she even decide it f0r me with0ut asking me bef0rehand . If i didn't text her, i still happily th0ught that i can earn m0re cash this m0nth ! Sighs ):
Every0ne enj0ys freed0m, n0b0dy likes being kept in a cage . It is n0t like i am a bird 0r s0mething . I need my freed0m t00 . This is me, my life . Take it 0r leave it .
PS. I really feel like giving up . Seri0us . Tired 0f everything . It sh0uldn't like this in the beginning .
L0ve is in the air ?
Jeal0usly kills .
D0 y0u kn0w h0w much i regretted f0r n0t studying pr0perly in the past ? My future is ruined n0w . I 0nly can w0rk in retail line .
Trust me, y0u've a bright future ahead d0n't regrets later, this is what i t0ld my ex c0lleague wh0 decided n0t study
S0 tired 0f w0rking . Feel like giving up and travel ar0und the w0rld, but its hard because 0f the H1N1 . STUPID SWINE FLU ! Arghhhh . W0rk is stressful, i am w0rry ab0ut the sales everyday . I just want a simple, peaceful life, with0ut any w0rries .
I th0ught 0f g0ing t0 Taiwan 0n June . But need t0 save up first . (:
0h my, 0h my, few m0re days t0 GSS ! Can't wait f0r that really h0t sales .
Clubbing this wednesday any0ne ? Z0uk, St James, Attica 0r .... ?
Pay day is appr0aching . Buy lists get l0nger and l0nger . =) Can't wait any l0nger ! I wanna sh0p !
Alth0ught t0day is my birthday but i am n0t feeling happy at all . N0t sure why either, l0ls .
I'm sad 0f tw0 things . First, he is n0t free t0 celebrate f0r me as he needs t0 w0rk . 0kays, i understand . Sec0nd, my friends, where have they g0ne t0 ? They all f0rget ab0ut my birthday . SIGHS ): S0 sad right ?
But i'n alright . N0t t0 the extreme that i need t0 kill myself .
Clubbing t0night was cancelled ! (= Changed t0 Saturday . A bit disapp0inted, but luckily Saturday i'm g0ing .
PS . I MISS Y0U ! (:
I'm 0ne year 0lder, my birthday wish is the same every year . Guess d0 i wish f0r . And i 0nly make 0ne wish, i d0n't find the need t0 make s0 many wishes if they can't c0me true . N0 present f0r myself this year expect a new tube dress . =D
THANKS a l0t t0 th0se wh0 remembered my birthday and wishes me happy birthday greetings and etc ! L0ve y0u guys ! (;
All i want f0r present is th0se wh0 kn0w me rememeber my birthday every year and w0uld wish me ! (; My present is price-less and y0u can d0ne it !
Seri0usly i d0n't kn0w what i want and what am i thinking ab0ut .
And ... I d0n't wish t0 think t00 much .
Clubbing t0m0rr0w, any0ne ?
Just in a c0uple h0urs 0f time, i'll be turning 0ne year 0lder, t0tally chui . Sians, sighs . ):
And h0nestly, i'm n0t l00king f0rward t0 it .
I am pretty surprise that when i g0 t0wn just n0w, the D0ris DA JIE JIE 0pp0site my sh0p ask me t0 g0 find her t0day, she th0ught i am w0rking t0day and 0ff 0n t0m0rr0w and Thursday instead . Then i t00k a while t0 g0 there, i'm sh0cked that she actually br0ught a cake f0r me ! That s0 sweet ! (= Thanks a l0t D0ris, DA JIE JIE & her tw0 guy friends . =D I'm s0 t0uched . They even sing birthday s0ng f0r me ! A meaningful 0ne, thanks anyways .
Every year's birthday is the same, n0thing special, and i d0n't care much ab0ut it as i get 0lder .
A stranger is the first t0 wish me happy birthday, f0ll0w by THE STAFF in ****************, D0ris JIE JIE & friends, Shirley (SHEEN), Catherine (B0ss lady), g0d br0ther and lets see wh0's the next 0ne . L0ls . (=
T0tally speechless ... I've g0t n0thing else t0 say . Disapp0intment . ); Sighs .
I feel like giving up . Seri0usly d0 ...
Happy birthday t0 myself in advance ! (=
I hate y0u f0r making me falling in l0ve with y0u . N0w i think ab0ut y0u all the time . I will start t0 get very w0rry ab0ut y0u if y0u d0n't c0ntact me . But that tw0 days we spent seems like a dream . A beautiful 0ne . Perhaps i should try t0 ... F0rget . Cause we are n0t meant t0 be . I w0uld be very happy if y0u can surprise me by appearing at my h0use area 0r w0rk place . And i think my feeling gr0w f0r y0u . I started t0 miss y0u . It sh0uldn't have happen this way . I think y0u are like 0ther guys trying t0 cheat my feelings . N0thing must happen t0 y0u 0kays i am willing t0 give up 0n him if s0mething bad really happen t0 him . Waiting t0 see y0u 0nline . Can't wait t0 see y0u again . Y0u are n0t 0nline again t0day . S0 sad, its been tw0 days since we last chatted . I miss y0u . (=
Its friday t0day and i am n0t w0rking cause its my 0ff day and i d0n't intend t0 g0 anywhere .
But i am meeting him later, he ask me t0 meet him, i didn't want t0 meet, but he insist that we meet cause he said he miss me a l0t . And i agreed . We meet at my h0use nearby . He is heading 0ver t0 his training after that . G00d luck 0n y0ur j0b 0n M0nday ! (=
I am scared that i might have fallen f0r him . =x
The grass isn't always greener 0n the 0ther side .
Believing that will just make y0u feel w0rthless .
Y0u will be the prince and i'll be the princess, its a l0ve st0ry, baby just say YES . R0me0 & Juliet .
Tw0 m0vies i wanna watch badly .
Terminat0r Salvati0n
Night At The Museum 2: Escape Fr0m The Smiths0nian
0h my, 0h my, where are y0u n0w ? I'm s0 w0rry sick . L0ls .
Here are s0me 0verdue ph0t0s bef0re i cut my hair and bangs .
Ph0ne is having pr0blems that time and i was really busy . L0ls . Lazy t0 update als0 . (= Hahas .
C0untd0wn t0 8 days t0 my BIG day ! (=
Even if y0u're pretty, but y0ur character are n0t g00d, y0u are n0t perfect at all, y0u still suck !
My tatt00 0r ink-ed skin is just my label, rebel is the best w0rd t0 describle me .
I'm happy just t0 have happiness f0r just 0ne day . ((:
自恋狂 ! =) ♥♥♥ ღ PEACE . :) I'm the DEVIL's best friend . L0VE is n0t a playing game . The grass isn't always greener 0n the 0ther side 0f the earth . N0t using FS that 0ften .
C0untd0wn t0 9 days ! (: If 0nly we were fated t0 l0ve each 0ther in the beginning ...
I may n0t have a rich backgr0und, but i am financially independent .
I may n0t have a l0ving and supp0rting family, but i've a peaceful life with them .
I may n0t have a l0t f0 friends, but i've pe0ple wh0 cares and c0ncern ab0ut me .
I may n0t have a g00d character, but i am being unique and being me .
I may n0t have a degree 0r dip0lma, but i am n0t s0me sp0oilt bratz .
I may n0t have a b0yfriend, but i'm n0t l00king f0rward t0 it anym0re .
I may n0t have my dream j0b, but at least i am w0rking with my 0wn eff0rt, swear and m0ney .
Being a plain Jane isn't that bad either . I care less ab0ut my makeup and l00ks n0wadays, i've started t0 wear glasses, wear less makeup . Wh0 cares ? I might be dressing up t0 kill, but i definite n0t the 0ne wh0 dress up t0 impress any0ne .
Been yawning n0n st0p . Sleeping late, h0pe t0 c0mplete my dramas s00n ! Nice drama ! L0ve, l0ves !
By the way, i've deleted all my clear pictures in friendster . (= Th0se remaining 0nes is the 0ne which is n0t s0 clear .
C0untd0wn t0 14 m0re days t0 my birthday ! (: N0t really, really l00king f0rward t0 it .
Fated t0 l0ve y0u drama make me cry like hell but i'm addicted t0 it ! Watch fr0m the beginning again . I l0ve him 99 times, 99 marks happiness . (=
Family, friends, b0yfriend, career/studies .
Stress . This is what y0ungster n0wadays been stress-ing ab0ut . N0t me . 0nly career and m0ney .
That is s0mething that i been feeling uneasy ab0ut .
I have a very strange feeling these days . S0 c0nfused ab0ut that feeling .
After sh0wing all the dramas, feel extremely tired especially when i am at w0rk, i keep yawning n0n st0p . Life-less .
Still c0ntinue watching . Damn funny cans !
Addicted t0 fated t0 l0ve y0u drama, very addictive ! L0ve it s0 much alth0ught i am n0t int0 id0l dramas . =) Nice and t0uching . Damn ! I cried number0us times !
St0ry t0 be c0ntinued .
Been watching f0r days till 4 am plus . =)
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diary...
Sunday, May 31, 2009 ( 5/31/2009 11:27:00 PM )
I'm feeling really sad t0day .
Sales is s0 bad, and i'm n0t happy at all . T0tally n0 m00d t0 w0rk t0day . 0ut 0f l0ve ?!I can't sleep at night . And i am listening t0 the same 0ld s0ng . 0ver and 0ver again . Even bef0re i sleep .
A little t00 n0t 0ver y0u, y0u're n0t s0rry . And s0me really sad s0ngs . Sad s0ngs fit my m00d n0w .
Tears pls d0n't fall anym0re . I will f0rget it s00n !
N0 m0re unhappiness . Destr0y everything between y0u and me .
I'm right, happiness is n0t mine, its n0t 0n my side . Shake it 0ff, let it g0 .
My neighb0ur at my side, the st0re beside me, her s0n is s0 cute ! He even kiss me 0n the cheek ! Very cute thru, just he is scare 0f me . L0ls, d0n't kn0w why .
I am friendly, 0nly t0 kids ! ;D
I think i might n0t be bl0gging f0r a sh0rt peri0d 0f time .
I need s0me space 0n my 0wn . Decide t0 MIA f0r a while .
I want t0 d0 whatever i wanna d0 and be happy and f0rget the unhappiness .
I've been eating fast f00d, just rec0ver, but guess g0nna get sick again, cause thr0at is n0t feeling well .
When 0ne d00r 0f happiness cl0ses, an0ther 0pens; but 0ften we l00k s0 l0ng at the cl0sed d00r that we d0 n0t see the 0ne which has been 0pened f0r us .
Hellen Keller
Agree, agree .Set me free and let me g0 .
Y0u d0n't have t0 call anym0re
I w0n't pick up the ph0ne
This is the last straw
D0n't want t0 hurt anym0re
And y0u can tell me that y0u're s0rry
But I d0n't believe y0u baby
Like I did bef0re
Y0u're n0t s0rry
N0, n0, n0, n0
Yesterdays' mem0ries will always be in my heart . Mem0ries supp0sed t0 fade .
What we had has c0me and g0ne
Y0 u're better 0ff with s0me0ne else
It's f0r the best, I kn0w it is
But I see you
I try t0 hide
What I feel inside
Labels: ...
( 5/31/2009 12:02:00 AM )
S0 all al0ng its just a lie . It hurts s0 much t0 kn0w that the pers0n y0u have feelings f0r are cheating y0ur feelings . I can't believe that y0u will d0 this t0 me . WHY ?! Why it have t0 be y0u ? I th0ught y0u are n0t like 0ther b0ys, actually y0u are just the same like them . My 0nly h0pe, g0ne f0r g00d . D0 i l00k like a t0y t0 y0u ? I hate it when pe0ple are lying t0 me ! I will never f0rgive y0u ! Its a dream, a h0rrible 0ne . N0t g0nna have it ever again .
Let it g0, f0rget it .
Its 0ver .
G00dbye, MR N .
I will pretend i've never met y0u .
My smile is g0ne f0r g00d . My heart is bleeding . I will n0t cry again .
Y0u're n0t s0rry , i'm just plain stupid, very dumb, i'm the real dumb .
S0me0ne deserves n0 happiness at all . I sh0uld be single f0r the rest 0f my life . I keep repeating the s0ng "Y0u're n0t s0rry" by Tayl0r Swift . This is h0w i feel .
Actually i feel like crying 0ut l0ud .
The diary.
Friday, May 29, 2009 ( 5/29/2009 01:46:00 PM )
What the FISH ! I just finish typing my bl0g p0st . And i accidentially press s0mething and its g0ne ! N0w i've t0 retype everything again . ):
T0night g0ing 0ut with MR N, we are g0ing t0 catch a mid-night m0vie .
Terminati0n Salvati0n ?
0h my g0d, i can't believe that i am painting my nail bright pink and t0es nails light pink . I hate pink all the way, but the c0l0ur is cute, n0t 0n me . ): L0ls .
Labels: .
The diary,
Thursday, May 28, 2009 ( 5/28/2009 02:34:00 PM )
I miss y0u . (:
I'm b0red at h0me !
The diary?
( 5/28/2009 12:23:00 AM )
Ate mac breakfast finally .
Been eating fast f00d n0n-st0p these days, as my breakfast, lunch and dinner .
I want the green glass t0day ! I want, i want ! :)
Pissed, f0rget t0 bring my keys 0ut .
Called h0me, luckily Sister is at h0me, ask her t0 rush d0wn with my keys .
Wait f0r her t0 c0me, then 0pen the sh0p, started a fight with a b*tch, AL .
I d0n't like her at all, ask her m0ther t0 talk t0 me s0me m0re . Her bf g0t gang want lehs, i s000000 scare sia . L0ls . Even her bf sc0lded me, *nb cb* fcuker sia .
I started t0 like kids n0wadays, i will even smile t0 them and t00k a few m0re glance at them . Perhaps i sh0uld get marry faster and have kid ! L0ls, i th0ught 0f it bef0re but i d0n't intend t0 get tie s0 y0ung, i want my freed0m .
I may c0nsider taking up Early Childh00d c0urse ! I l0ve children s0 much ! (= G0d bless me with cute kids in the future ! ;P I use t0 dislike them a l0t, think that they're the m0st terrible pers0n in the w0rld ! Little m0nster ! But n0w i want kid 0f my 0wn . Hahas ! I want b0y b0y and girl girl ! Heh !
T0m0rr0w will be a better day . (:
Sales is very bad recently . Sighs ):
GSS appr0aching, i want buy this and that, i h0pe i can save m0ney first ! :))
Labels: ?
The diarySighs ):
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 ( 5/26/2009 11:53:00 PM )
M00d wasn't that g00d .
Sales is the w0rst, third time i've n0 sales, feel guilty, b0ss lady just c0me back with st0cks and she br0ught s0mething f0r me as my birthday present ! Thanks a l0t !
I like a few new st0cks, sians spending m0ney again .
I texted b0ss lady t0 tell her that i d0n't want any 0ff day this week, she reply and said: i've already arranged f0r y0u 0n thursday and friday y0u 0ff, i want t0 see h0w the cr0wd is like .
Wa, i t0tally sad, th0ught can earn m0re m0ney this m0nth, but she sh0uld ask me in advance, i mean she even decide it f0r me with0ut asking me bef0rehand . If i didn't text her, i still happily th0ught that i can earn m0re cash this m0nth ! Sighs ):
Every0ne enj0ys freed0m, n0b0dy likes being kept in a cage . It is n0t like i am a bird 0r s0mething . I need my freed0m t00 . This is me, my life . Take it 0r leave it .
PS. I really feel like giving up . Seri0us . Tired 0f everything . It sh0uldn't like this in the beginning .
Labels: SIGHS ):
The diaryRand0m . (:
( 5/26/2009 12:31:00 AM )
L0ve is in the air ?
Jeal0usly kills .
D0 y0u kn0w h0w much i regretted f0r n0t studying pr0perly in the past ? My future is ruined n0w . I 0nly can w0rk in retail line .
Trust me, y0u've a bright future ahead d0n't regrets later, this is what i t0ld my ex c0lleague wh0 decided n0t study
Seri0usly i regretted s0 much . SIGHS ): If 0nly i can get a better cert, i will be w0rking in a better envir0ment and j0b n0w !
first but w0rk first, she's giving up studies at the m0ment .S0 tired 0f w0rking . Feel like giving up and travel ar0und the w0rld, but its hard because 0f the H1N1 . STUPID SWINE FLU ! Arghhhh . W0rk is stressful, i am w0rry ab0ut the sales everyday . I just want a simple, peaceful life, with0ut any w0rries .
I th0ught 0f g0ing t0 Taiwan 0n June . But need t0 save up first . (:
0h my, 0h my, few m0re days t0 GSS ! Can't wait f0r that really h0t sales .
Clubbing this wednesday any0ne ? Z0uk, St James, Attica 0r .... ?
Pay day is appr0aching . Buy lists get l0nger and l0nger . =) Can't wait any l0nger ! I wanna sh0p !
Labels: Rand0m (:
The diaryPS .
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ( 5/20/2009 01:30:00 PM )
Alth0ught t0day is my birthday but i am n0t feeling happy at all . N0t sure why either, l0ls .
I'm sad 0f tw0 things . First, he is n0t free t0 celebrate f0r me as he needs t0 w0rk . 0kays, i understand . Sec0nd, my friends, where have they g0ne t0 ? They all f0rget ab0ut my birthday . SIGHS ): S0 sad right ?
But i'n alright . N0t t0 the extreme that i need t0 kill myself .
Clubbing t0night was cancelled ! (= Changed t0 Saturday . A bit disapp0inted, but luckily Saturday i'm g0ing .
PS . I MISS Y0U ! (:
Labels: PS .
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ( 5/19/2009 11:48:00 PM )
I'm 0ne year 0lder, my birthday wish is the same every year . Guess d0 i wish f0r . And i 0nly make 0ne wish, i d0n't find the need t0 make s0 many wishes if they can't c0me true . N0 present f0r myself this year expect a new tube dress . =D
THANKS a l0t t0 th0se wh0 remembered my birthday and wishes me happy birthday greetings and etc ! L0ve y0u guys ! (;
All i want f0r present is th0se wh0 kn0w me rememeber my birthday every year and w0uld wish me ! (; My present is price-less and y0u can d0ne it !
The diaryBirthday eve .
( 5/19/2009 10:50:00 AM )
Seri0usly i d0n't kn0w what i want and what am i thinking ab0ut .
And ... I d0n't wish t0 think t00 much .
Clubbing t0m0rr0w, any0ne ?
Just in a c0uple h0urs 0f time, i'll be turning 0ne year 0lder, t0tally chui . Sians, sighs . ):
And h0nestly, i'm n0t l00king f0rward t0 it .
I am pretty surprise that when i g0 t0wn just n0w, the D0ris DA JIE JIE 0pp0site my sh0p ask me t0 g0 find her t0day, she th0ught i am w0rking t0day and 0ff 0n t0m0rr0w and Thursday instead . Then i t00k a while t0 g0 there, i'm sh0cked that she actually br0ught a cake f0r me ! That s0 sweet ! (= Thanks a l0t D0ris, DA JIE JIE & her tw0 guy friends . =D I'm s0 t0uched . They even sing birthday s0ng f0r me ! A meaningful 0ne, thanks anyways .
Every year's birthday is the same, n0thing special, and i d0n't care much ab0ut it as i get 0lder .
A stranger is the first t0 wish me happy birthday, f0ll0w by THE STAFF in ****************, D0ris JIE JIE & friends, Shirley (SHEEN), Catherine (B0ss lady), g0d br0ther and lets see wh0's the next 0ne . L0ls . (=
T0tally speechless ... I've g0t n0thing else t0 say . Disapp0intment . ); Sighs .
I feel like giving up . Seri0usly d0 ...
Happy birthday t0 myself in advance ! (=
Labels: Birthday eve .
The diaryIts all ab0ut y0u .
Sunday, May 17, 2009 ( 5/17/2009 12:21:00 AM )
I hate y0u f0r making me falling in l0ve with y0u . N0w i think ab0ut y0u all the time . I will start t0 get very w0rry ab0ut y0u if y0u d0n't c0ntact me . But that tw0 days we spent seems like a dream . A beautiful 0ne . Perhaps i should try t0 ... F0rget . Cause we are n0t meant t0 be . I w0uld be very happy if y0u can surprise me by appearing at my h0use area 0r w0rk place . And i think my feeling gr0w f0r y0u . I started t0 miss y0u . It sh0uldn't have happen this way . I think y0u are like 0ther guys trying t0 cheat my feelings . N0thing must happen t0 y0u 0kays i am willing t0 give up 0n him if s0mething bad really happen t0 him . Waiting t0 see y0u 0nline . Can't wait t0 see y0u again . Y0u are n0t 0nline again t0day . S0 sad, its been tw0 days since we last chatted . I miss y0u . (=
Labels: Its all ab0ut y0u .
The diaryRand0m .
Friday, May 15, 2009 ( 5/15/2009 12:22:00 PM )
Its friday t0day and i am n0t w0rking cause its my 0ff day and i d0n't intend t0 g0 anywhere .
But i am meeting him later, he ask me t0 meet him, i didn't want t0 meet, but he insist that we meet cause he said he miss me a l0t . And i agreed . We meet at my h0use nearby . He is heading 0ver t0 his training after that . G00d luck 0n y0ur j0b 0n M0nday ! (=
I am scared that i might have fallen f0r him . =x
The grass isn't always greener 0n the 0ther side .
Believing that will just make y0u feel w0rthless .
Y0u will be the prince and i'll be the princess, its a l0ve st0ry, baby just say YES . R0me0 & Juliet .
Tw0 m0vies i wanna watch badly .
Terminat0r Salvati0n
Night At The Museum 2: Escape Fr0m The Smiths0nian
0h my, 0h my, where are y0u n0w ? I'm s0 w0rry sick . L0ls .
Labels: Rand0m .
The diaryPh0t0s updated . (=
Thursday, May 14, 2009 ( 5/14/2009 11:39:00 PM )
T0day and t0m0rr0w is my 0ff day .
I went 0ut t0 catch a m0vie .
I went 0ut t0 catch a m0vie .
L0ls .
The Uninvited . N0t really very nice lahs ! Rated: 5/1o . N0t h0rr0r, just thriller .
The Uninvited . N0t really very nice lahs ! Rated: 5/1o . N0t h0rr0r, just thriller .
Sighs ); It can't be . It can't be true . I just can't believe it . 0h my g0d ... Tell me its n0t truth .
What am i thinking ab0ut ? Arghhh, st0p thinking t00 much !
Pls d0n't say y0u ____ me . My happiness w0n't last . Happiness d0n't last 0n me .
*Let nature take its c0urse .
*Time can pr0ve everything .
*If its meant t0 be, it will always be .
*Time can pr0ve everything .
*If its meant t0 be, it will always be .
PS. Ph0t0s updated . (=
Labels: Ph0t0s updated . (=
The diaryCheers (=
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 ( 5/12/2009 11:21:00 PM )
Here are s0me 0verdue ph0t0s bef0re i cut my hair and bangs .
Ph0ne is having pr0blems that time and i was really busy . L0ls . Lazy t0 update als0 . (= Hahas .
I break my rec0rd f0r n0t eating anything t0day . I just keep 0n drinking water .
N0 breakfast, n0 lunch, n0 dinner, n0 supper, n0thing . N0t hungry at all . Just feel sick . Very sick .
Sudden g0t the urge t0 eat supper, maggie mee with tw0 eggs with l0tsa 0f MSG . Yummy ! (=
Last friday went t0 Z0uk t0 club . T0m0rr0w n0t sure whether g0ing clubbing and d0n't kn0w g0 where . Sians . )= L0ls .
I just ate supper, fcuking damn nice cans ? I c00k myself myself ... Maggie mee with tw0 eggs . Hahas !
I h0pe that i can get well s00n ! (=
N0 breakfast, n0 lunch, n0 dinner, n0 supper, n0thing . N0t hungry at all . Just feel sick . Very sick .
Sudden g0t the urge t0 eat supper, maggie mee with tw0 eggs with l0tsa 0f MSG . Yummy ! (=
Last friday went t0 Z0uk t0 club . T0m0rr0w n0t sure whether g0ing clubbing and d0n't kn0w g0 where . Sians . )= L0ls .
I just ate supper, fcuking damn nice cans ? I c00k myself myself ... Maggie mee with tw0 eggs . Hahas !
I h0pe that i can get well s00n ! (=
Labels: Cheers (=
The diaryC
( 5/12/2009 02:35:00 AM )
C0untd0wn t0 8 days t0 my BIG day ! (=
Even if y0u're pretty, but y0ur character are n0t g00d, y0u are n0t perfect at all, y0u still suck !
My tatt00 0r ink-ed skin is just my label, rebel is the best w0rd t0 describle me .
I'm happy just t0 have happiness f0r just 0ne day . ((:
Labels: C
The diaryThis is ME . (=
Sunday, May 10, 2009 ( 5/10/2009 11:46:00 PM )
自恋狂 ! =) ♥♥♥ ღ PEACE . :) I'm the DEVIL's best friend . L0VE is n0t a playing game . The grass isn't always greener 0n the 0ther side 0f the earth . N0t using FS that 0ften .
C0untd0wn t0 9 days ! (: If 0nly we were fated t0 l0ve each 0ther in the beginning ...
I may n0t have a rich backgr0und, but i am financially independent .
I may n0t have a l0ving and supp0rting family, but i've a peaceful life with them .
I may n0t have a l0t f0 friends, but i've pe0ple wh0 cares and c0ncern ab0ut me .
I may n0t have a g00d character, but i am being unique and being me .
I may n0t have a degree 0r dip0lma, but i am n0t s0me sp0oilt bratz .
I may n0t have a b0yfriend, but i'm n0t l00king f0rward t0 it anym0re .
I may n0t have my dream j0b, but at least i am w0rking with my 0wn eff0rt, swear and m0ney .
Labels: This is ME . (=
The diaryPlain Jane .
Friday, May 8, 2009 ( 5/08/2009 12:12:00 AM )
Being a plain Jane isn't that bad either . I care less ab0ut my makeup and l00ks n0wadays, i've started t0 wear glasses, wear less makeup . Wh0 cares ? I might be dressing up t0 kill, but i definite n0t the 0ne wh0 dress up t0 impress any0ne .
Been yawning n0n st0p . Sleeping late, h0pe t0 c0mplete my dramas s00n ! Nice drama ! L0ve, l0ves !
By the way, i've deleted all my clear pictures in friendster . (= Th0se remaining 0nes is the 0ne which is n0t s0 clear .
Labels: Plain Jane
The diaryHappiness is here ?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ( 5/06/2009 12:03:00 AM )
C0untd0wn t0 14 m0re days t0 my birthday ! (: N0t really, really l00king f0rward t0 it .
Fated t0 l0ve y0u drama make me cry like hell but i'm addicted t0 it ! Watch fr0m the beginning again . I l0ve him 99 times, 99 marks happiness . (=
Labels: Happiness is
The diaryStress
Saturday, May 2, 2009 ( 5/02/2009 11:34:00 PM )
Family, friends, b0yfriend, career/studies .
Stress . This is what y0ungster n0wadays been stress-ing ab0ut . N0t me . 0nly career and m0ney .
That is s0mething that i been feeling uneasy ab0ut .
I have a very strange feeling these days . S0 c0nfused ab0ut that feeling .
After sh0wing all the dramas, feel extremely tired especially when i am at w0rk, i keep yawning n0n st0p . Life-less .
Still c0ntinue watching . Damn funny cans !
Labels: Stress
The diaryFated t0 l0ve y0u . (;
( 5/02/2009 12:43:00 AM )
Addicted t0 fated t0 l0ve y0u drama, very addictive ! L0ve it s0 much alth0ught i am n0t int0 id0l dramas . =) Nice and t0uching . Damn ! I cried number0us times !
St0ry t0 be c0ntinued .
Been watching f0r days till 4 am plus . =)
Labels: Fated t0 l0ve y0u . (;
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music