Tried to take a picture; Of love
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
I wanna fill this new frame; But it's Empty
ramblings of a LADY
The Lady: Charleen
Big day: 20 May
My way of living: . Live . Laugh . Love .
Trademark: Being myself, don't care about how people look at you .
Loves being: Herself, unique, extraordinary
Living in peace lala land
CIGARETTE & MUSIC is my life .
Addicted to: Day dreaming, vain-ing, cam-whoring, shopping and movies .
My world: Family, nicotine, party, cute boys, F1, ink, studs, soccer, music, fashion, make up & sweet stuffs .
Tried to write a letter; In ink
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
Sister claimed that this is s0-called ART . L0ls .
Wa, sh*t lahs, I accidentially dr0pped my FCUK watch and there is scratches 0n it . Damn !
S0 unlucky after I br0ught the watch, it is either that isn't any pr0tecti0n f0r the screen 0r the "diam0nds" dr0pped 0ff .
The staff must be find me very ann0ying, keep g0ing them f0r help . ):
I really l0ve this watch t0 bits, I h0pe they can d0 s0mething f0r me when I sh0w them t0m0rr0w . (:
* Pray * * Pray *
Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know youre out there
Theres got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I cant seem to find
Somebody to love
You fall in love?
Then let me show you love
Give me the key to your heart
I can give you what you want
When youre waiting for love
And youre lookin for someone
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Ph0t0s again !!! =)
Aunt's BIRTHDAY . (:
R0ck my happiness ; r0ck my w0rld .
Y0u are wh0 y0u hang 0ut with .
Absence makes the heart gr0w f0nder .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
W0rked m0rning yesterday was supp0se t0 g0 0ut f0r m0vie but kanna put aer0plane by pe0ple . Last minute .
Damn . Wasted . Th0ught will have a chance t0 be happy and enj0y myself .
See the prizes 0nline . F0r m0re inf0rmati0n, simply click 0n the link typed 0ut here . (:
Buy the leg0 bricks . And help the less f0rtunate family . =) D0 supp0rt ! Just $2/ brick .
Have n0 time f0r new sh0pping centres like Tampines 1, I0N, 0rchard Central, and the upc0ming 313 S0merset .
* Y0u left with0ut a w0rd that day, I can't accept that y0u left f0r s0me0ne else, still h0lding 0n, waiting f0r y0u, waiting f0r y0u t0 say y0u still l0ve me, but y0u never did . And w0uld did . All I left was a empty, br0ken heart .
I have n0 right t0 st0p y0ur decisi0n at that m0ment, I didn't want t0 leave y0u but either d0 I want t0 see y0u unhappy .
S0 I ch00se t0 let g0 . I h0pe that my decisi0n is right .
Since y0u decided t0 leave, f0rget, let g0 and give up, I guess everything shall c0me t0 an end .
And I have n0 reas0n t0 stay .
When I th0ught I have gained happiness, g0d t00k everything away .
When g0d cl0ses a d00r, he will 0pen an0ther d00r f0r y0u .
I 0nly h0pe f0r happiness t0 be my side .
L0ve is n0thing but hurt . It will bring 0ne d0wn and will make 0ne gr0w str0ng . I d0ubt that I w0uld have the c0urage t0 l0ve again . Feels like getting marry, stable d0wn, having kids and n0t playing anym0re but its hard cause I never met my fate . But f0r me its s0mething I have 0nce in my life chapter .
I still miss y0u . I really d0 . I still care ab0ut y0u . I still l0ve y0u . But y0u were n0 l0nger here . Th0se m0ment is what I treasure till n0w . It is als0 my happiest m0ment in my life this year . Its the luckiest thing that ever happen 0n me . N0b0dy have ever make wanna l0ve and be s0 seri0us and n0b0dy have ever make me this happy . =) He's superb . BEST WISHES .
Measure the l0ve, n0t the distance .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Wo bu kuai le .
I g0t int0 a arugement with a stupid b*tch MINA .
Damn her, she sc0lded and push me first !
I was like WTF, s0 I sc0ld and push her back .
An eye f0r an eye .
~!@)(*&#$%^ All the vularities just came 0ut fr0m 0ur m0uths and the security tried t0 st0p us . They were being KP0 at the m0ment, I just d0n't care wh0 the pers0n, h0w 0ther pe0ple l00k at me, I'm very angry with her, but luckily the security were there t00, if n0t things were n0t be what I expected, maybe things may turn 0ut even uglier .
Finally I kn0w there's is pe0ple wh0 cares f0r me . S0 happy, the staff fr0m Pr0fess0r _______ I can't just wh0 they are 0r where they w0rk . (: They knew that I am being bullied s0 they were quite w0rry ab0ut me and they say I sh0uld tell them s0 that they can bring f0rk and sp00n t0 g0 scare her ! L0ls .They're s0 cute lahs .
Bl00d d0nati0n, any0ne ?
Bef0re I g0 f0r bl00d d0nati0n, I must get my full b0dy check up first .
T0 make sure that I g0t healthy bl00d . (:
G00d English Pr0gramme .
C00l and h0t .
I feel s0 retarded !
I'm g0ing sh0pping with 0ne 0f my c0lleague t0m0rr0w !
But she say there will be an0ther c0lleague g0ing with us since she is engaging s00n . T0 get her heels and make up .
I h0pe that I c0uld be a tai tai . L0ls .
Simple happiness .
Even if it just last f0r 5 mins I'm happy and c0ntented .
I want y0ur w0rth 5 milli0n bucks smile .
Give me 5 mins 0f laughter and 10 mins 0f happiness .
I remember that when I was y0ung, Mummy 0r Aunt like telling me drinking l0t 0f water will give y0u g00d c0mplexti0n, wh0 says s0 ?
Its n0t 100% true !
Excessive 0f water can kill y0u ! Due t0 water p0si0n0us .
80% 0f 0ur b0dy c0ntains water, that why we need water everyday but n0t every0ne's b0dy can take 1.5 litres 0f water everyday, take f0r eg, human with unc0mf0rtable gastric, pregnant w0men, diabetes patients, high bl00d pressure patients . They can't take t00 much water .
Bf, g0 0ne c0rner and em0 lahz .
Idi0t .
Naughty G .
W0rk hard . Play hard .
Energy, stamina and perf0rmance .
H0t h0t b0dy . =)
C0l0ur crash is very in n0w .
Dare t0 wear cl0thes l0ud and eye catching . Be b0ld .
G0ld access0ries is m0re trendy .
Just blink my eyes and happiness is g0ne .
All back t0 zer0 .
G0nna spend this year's Christmas and next year's Valentine al0ne, I guess .
G0nna reflect 0n what I've d0ne this year . And I'll type it here next time I bl0gged .
Y0ur hands in mine seems like a nice sh0w . ;D
Chicken wings ~ ! Yeahs .
Mummy is c00king chicken wings f0r me .
Been eating unhealthy .
Eat mac f0r tw0 days straight .
Will eat t0m0rr0w again . Casue I want t0 c0llect the stickers game !
If I g0nna win $50, 000 cash, I'll d0nate $10, 000 t0 certain charity ! =)
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
I supp0se t0 bl0g yesterday 0n Hall0ween but didn't manage t0 be able t0 use the c0m 0n time . L0ls .
I think I'm being rand0m here .
Cause I d0n't wish t0 have any p0st f0r N0vember .
Actually n0t much t0 bl0g . I kn0w that my bl0g is n0t as attactive as 0thers, I d0 n0t need unwanted attenti0n, I'm n0t a attenti0n seeker, f0r y0ur inf0rmati0n ! ;D
Just wanna say: HAPPY HALL0WEEN ! (:
Anyway, its happy belated hall0ween ALREADY !
T00k the wr0ng bus again, this is the sec0nd time this m0nth .
Think I'm t00 tired 0r my lens is expired, I always wear expired lens 0r wear them f0r m0nths .
Waste m0ney 0n transp0rt recently all thanks t0 the interviews and my super blur directi0n, my weakness is directi0n, d0n't ask me that ! (:
Alth0ugh I've experience in Retail, but it's still hard f0r me t0 get a j0b ! Sighs, started t0 feel stress, I sh0uld get a pub j0b perhaps ?
Give l0ve a chance .
Give future a h0pe .
If y0u d0 care, why leave ?
If y0u kn0w, why pretend ?
Heart br0ken, m00dless, em0 .
Mixed feelings .
L, I d0ubt that I'll never get t0 see y0u again .
Very much f0r l0ve at first 0r sec0nd sight, I wanted t0 tell y0u h0w I'm feeling t0wards y0u but fear 0f rejecti0n cause I kn0w where d0 I stand in y0ur heart and I d0n't have faith in l0ve anym0re . As much as I feel like being in l0ve again, I'm like 0ther girls, I'm wanted a bf t00, wh0 d0esn't want t0 be pampered and d0te 0n ? But I guess I'm always n0t the lucky 0ne . Y0u're the pers0n I wanted . Y0u're my type, my everything . I can't be in l0ve . That is my fact . I w0n't have any happy ending .
The truth lies . The truth hurts . That is the fact .
N0 m0re l0ve . F0rget ~ !
I can't blame any0ne f0r the state I'm in right n0w .
W0 bu kuai le . I've f0rg0tten ab0ut the miserable past . I've f0rg0tten that s0me0ne wh0 just br0ke my heart 0ne m0nth ag0 .
I'm enduring all the pain, tell me h0w t0 release it 0ut ?
D0wn with flu .
Needs t0 rest already .
Z0uk0ut, any0ne ?
Jennifer's b0dy, any0ne ?
Diet, diet, diet .
I'm skipping breakfast, lunch and dinner . Hahaz !
I find that I'm n0t a very feminine girl . Alth0ugh I l0ve dressing up and make up, but I w0n't waste m0ney 0n branded g00ds 0r beauty pr0ducts and d0 manicure and pedicures, in fact I've never d0ne it in my life bef0re . L0ls . Seri0us, n0 j0ke . Hence, I hate myself f0r being s0 weak in R/S . F0r the cry baby girly tears . I HATE CRYING ! Superb em0ti0nal . I want t0 be the str0ng girl ! Y0u will see me start crying 0ver sad l0ve st0ry, damn I super em0ti0n sia . Hate myself f0r falling in l0ve . I hate tears in my eyes .
Given up 0n my future, given up 0n life, given up 0n l0ve, given up 0n trusting and believing, given up 0n everything .
Each day I live I'm waiting f0r a miracle that d0esn't exist .
Each day I live I'm l0sing h0pe and giving up .
W0nder h0w l0ng I still can take it .
N0w I d0n't have much expecti0n in life, I just want a peaceful and perhaps a happier life .
And what 0ther girls expected 0r want, I d0 n0t want any .
I think I'm the unique 0ne . I'm n0t the friendly girl next d00r . N0t perfect . And etc .
It takes time t0 really get t0 kn0w me . I can be nice . I can be happy t00 . I'm very r0ugh .
N0 matter what I d0 and say, I've never ever regret in my life .
Perhaps at times I will get th0se feelings .
Its my pr0blem I guess in this state . N0t any0ne's fault, I'm partly t0 blame t00 .
I feel l0st and all al0ne . Will any0ne be there ?
I'm always al0ne, I'm used t0 it .
Being l0nely isn't scary, what fears y0u m0st is n0b0dy is there when y0u need help .
I guess I've already given up 0n life and a l0t 0f things which I used t0 pin f0r .
I kn0w I'm very negative, but I can't help but have this feeling cause my life is really sucky, everything will g0 wr0ng, definite, I w0nder if I'm a JINX, unhappiness is always by my side .
Why can't g0d let me stay happy f0r 0nce ?
If y0u understand h0w I feel after s0 much happen, y0u'll kn0w h0w much I been thru and the pain inside .
I hate the fact that I'm n0t being happy at all yet I've t0 pretend t0 be happy .
Th0ught 0f cutting my hair, reb0nd and dye my hair .
Sh0uld I cl0se all my ear-h0les ? I've 16 0f them . L0ls . A l0t sia .
Fcuk th0se pimples 0n my f0rehead . Arghhhhhhhhh .
0h g0d, I'm hungry at this h0ur, guess I'm sleeping after typing this p0st .
Feel like killing myself, I'm d0ing st0cktake later, have t0 wake up superb early but I'm still using the c0m, h0w stubb0rn ~ !
N0te: This is n0t a EM0 p0st . (: My mind is very clear ab0ut what I type here .
PS. I'm getting that French C0nnecti0n watch s00n ~ ! (; Wait f0r me, 0kays ? I'll bring y0u h0me . =D
L0ls, I ended up typing a l0t . :))
0kays, I shall end here .
Till we meet again .
Update my tagb0ard with c0mments ! (: W0n't entertained t0 n0nsense ! L0ves l0ves <3>
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
I've got a piece of paper; But it's Empty
The diaryr a n d 0 m
Monday, November 30, 2009 ( 11/30/2009 12:43:00 AM )
Sister claimed that this is s0-called ART . L0ls .
Wa, sh*t lahs, I accidentially dr0pped my FCUK watch and there is scratches 0n it . Damn !
S0 unlucky after I br0ught the watch, it is either that isn't any pr0tecti0n f0r the screen 0r the "diam0nds" dr0pped 0ff .
The staff must be find me very ann0ying, keep g0ing them f0r help . ):
I really l0ve this watch t0 bits, I h0pe they can d0 s0mething f0r me when I sh0w them t0m0rr0w . (:
* Pray * * Pray *
Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know youre out there
Theres got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I cant seem to find
Somebody to love
You fall in love?
Then let me show you love
Give me the key to your heart
I can give you what you want
When youre waiting for love
And youre lookin for someone
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: raannndddd00000mmmmmm .
The diary
Sunday, November 29, 2009 ( 11/29/2009 09:27:00 PM )
Ph0t0s again !!! =)
My mind is blank, right n0w .
S0 I d0n't kn0w what t0 type .
Anyway, I'm happy that I will be able t0 wear my c0ntacts again 0n M0nday .
But I g0nna wear them 0n Tuesday, which is 0n the 1st .
I'm 0ff t0day, like finally !
S0 happy lahz, received my pay already !
Th0ught I c0uld sleep till 11 0r 12 am but Mummie wakes me up early in the m0rning, saying that we w0uld be visiting Grandpa later . I was telling her t0 let me sleep m0re but sh0rtly after she step 0ut 0f my r00m, I w0ke up, I remember telling her that I wanted t0 visit him (Grandpa) when I 0ff . N0w the chance have c0me !
And s0, I sh0wer, g0t dressed up, makeup and 0ff we g0 .
I was s0 sh0cked t0 see Grandpa . He bec0me m0re skinny . My heart aches t0 see him like this and his leg g0t amputated . But the 0ther leg may be amputated t00, up0n hearing that, I feel very sad, he can't g0 anywhere he like, like he did in the past, 0ther than staying at h0me .
The ward he is staying in is very h0t and there's n0 TV . If its f0r me, n0 TV, n0 gadgets, I w0uld die .
Recently I met a l0t 0f cute guys, I mean, they are really cute, they're my type .
I feel extreme shy when I saw them especially when I l00k ugly in th0se nerdy spec .
S0metimes when I'm w0rking, I can't help but hunt f0r cute guys, then my c0lleague will say that I'm "hua chi" (mandarin f0r crazy 0ver men) . I was like, WTH lahs .
I mean I just feel happy when I saw them n0t t0 the extreme that I will get their c0ntact n0 0r stalk them .
But s0meh0w, I am still afraid 0f getting hurt, again . After all, the previ0us w0und is t00 deep f0r me t0 rec0very within a sh0rt peri0d 0f time .
0kays, d0n't talk ab0ut unhappiness anym0re, it will bring me d0wn m0re .
0h n0, I missed the IT fair this year !
S0 many things I wanted t0 get ! Hahas .
S0 I d0n't kn0w what t0 type .
Anyway, I'm happy that I will be able t0 wear my c0ntacts again 0n M0nday .
But I g0nna wear them 0n Tuesday, which is 0n the 1st .
I'm 0ff t0day, like finally !
S0 happy lahz, received my pay already !
Th0ught I c0uld sleep till 11 0r 12 am but Mummie wakes me up early in the m0rning, saying that we w0uld be visiting Grandpa later . I was telling her t0 let me sleep m0re but sh0rtly after she step 0ut 0f my r00m, I w0ke up, I remember telling her that I wanted t0 visit him (Grandpa) when I 0ff . N0w the chance have c0me !
And s0, I sh0wer, g0t dressed up, makeup and 0ff we g0 .
I was s0 sh0cked t0 see Grandpa . He bec0me m0re skinny . My heart aches t0 see him like this and his leg g0t amputated . But the 0ther leg may be amputated t00, up0n hearing that, I feel very sad, he can't g0 anywhere he like, like he did in the past, 0ther than staying at h0me .
The ward he is staying in is very h0t and there's n0 TV . If its f0r me, n0 TV, n0 gadgets, I w0uld die .
Recently I met a l0t 0f cute guys, I mean, they are really cute, they're my type .
I feel extreme shy when I saw them especially when I l00k ugly in th0se nerdy spec .
S0metimes when I'm w0rking, I can't help but hunt f0r cute guys, then my c0lleague will say that I'm "hua chi" (mandarin f0r crazy 0ver men) . I was like, WTH lahs .
I mean I just feel happy when I saw them n0t t0 the extreme that I will get their c0ntact n0 0r stalk them .
But s0meh0w, I am still afraid 0f getting hurt, again . After all, the previ0us w0und is t00 deep f0r me t0 rec0very within a sh0rt peri0d 0f time .
0kays, d0n't talk ab0ut unhappiness anym0re, it will bring me d0wn m0re .
0h n0, I missed the IT fair this year !
S0 many things I wanted t0 get ! Hahas .
Can't wait f0r the 0ne next year !
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: blank, cute b0ys, IT fair ., visit grandpa
The diaryLife . . .
Thursday, November 26, 2009 ( 11/26/2009 09:38:00 PM )
Enj0y, d0n't dr00l, l0ls . Kidding .
W0rk is alright .
Life is ?
Still g0ing 0n . Alth0ught life sucks .
It's the heart that matters . 0h I kn0w that I'm being rand0m here . Hahas .
But I hate the way I l00k n0w .
N0w I s0meh0w can't mind the way I l00k .
Cause recently I g0t eye infecti0n s0 I was being f0rced t0 wear glasses everyday instead 0f c0ntact lens and eye makeup and lashies . Hmmm, well, I miss them . I l00k ugly in glasses .
Sh0uld I cut bangs ? L0ls can't make up my mind after much c0nsiderati0n .
Be g00d t0 y0urself . Be true t0 y0urself .
If y0u c0uld create a miracle f0r me, what will it be ?
I just can't resist y0u . I can't f0rget y0u .
Y0u kn0w that I was tr0uble, but y0u c0uldn't resist .
I kn0w that y0u were tr0uble but I c0ulsn't resist .
Life is ?
Still g0ing 0n . Alth0ught life sucks .
It's the heart that matters . 0h I kn0w that I'm being rand0m here . Hahas .
But I hate the way I l00k n0w .
N0w I s0meh0w can't mind the way I l00k .
Cause recently I g0t eye infecti0n s0 I was being f0rced t0 wear glasses everyday instead 0f c0ntact lens and eye makeup and lashies . Hmmm, well, I miss them . I l00k ugly in glasses .
Sh0uld I cut bangs ? L0ls can't make up my mind after much c0nsiderati0n .
Be g00d t0 y0urself . Be true t0 y0urself .
If y0u c0uld create a miracle f0r me, what will it be ?
I just can't resist y0u . I can't f0rget y0u .
Y0u kn0w that I was tr0uble, but y0u c0uldn't resist .
I kn0w that y0u were tr0uble but I c0ulsn't resist .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: c0l0urs life, changing 0f image, true, unresistable .
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 ( 11/24/2009 11:57:00 PM )
Aunt's BIRTHDAY . (:
0h n0 pay will be delayed this m0nth by 0ne 0r tw0 days, can't wait f0r my pay ! S0 br0ke !
Even I've leave with n0thing, I feel that its w0rth it as l0ng as y0u're happy, anything I d0 w0n't matter .
A pure g0ld heart is w0rth a milli0n bucks than a g00d l00k but black heart .
Y0u say y0u d0n't want me, I feel ugly .
I want a c0untd0wn party !
I want a diam0nd ring !
Starhub Max 0nline 35% 0ff, cable TV 5o% 0ff . D0 PM me if y0u're interested .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Even I've leave with n0thing, I feel that its w0rth it as l0ng as y0u're happy, anything I d0 w0n't matter .
A pure g0ld heart is w0rth a milli0n bucks than a g00d l00k but black heart .
Y0u say y0u d0n't want me, I feel ugly .
I want a c0untd0wn party !
I want a diam0nd ring !
Starhub Max 0nline 35% 0ff, cable TV 5o% 0ff . D0 PM me if y0u're interested .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: l00ks, pay delayed, Ph0t0s, starhub pr0m0 ., wishes
The diarySimple p0st .
Thursday, November 19, 2009 ( 11/19/2009 02:07:00 PM )
She's my g0dma .
Half 0f my m0ther .
I feel guilty f0r n0t d0ing anything f0r her .
G0nna buy her a birthday cake later .
Help ! I'm br0ke !
R0ck my happiness ; r0ck my w0rld .
Y0u are wh0 y0u hang 0ut with .
Absence makes the heart gr0w f0nder .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: Aunt's birthday, rand0m facts .
The diaryEm0ti0nal .
Sunday, November 15, 2009 ( 11/15/2009 12:09:00 AM )
W0rked m0rning yesterday was supp0se t0 g0 0ut f0r m0vie but kanna put aer0plane by pe0ple . Last minute .
Damn . Wasted . Th0ught will have a chance t0 be happy and enj0y myself .
See the prizes 0nline . F0r m0re inf0rmati0n, simply click 0n the link typed 0ut here . (:
Buy the leg0 bricks . And help the less f0rtunate family . =) D0 supp0rt ! Just $2/ brick .
Have n0 time f0r new sh0pping centres like Tampines 1, I0N, 0rchard Central, and the upc0ming 313 S0merset .
* Y0u left with0ut a w0rd that day, I can't accept that y0u left f0r s0me0ne else, still h0lding 0n, waiting f0r y0u, waiting f0r y0u t0 say y0u still l0ve me, but y0u never did . And w0uld did . All I left was a empty, br0ken heart .
I have n0 right t0 st0p y0ur decisi0n at that m0ment, I didn't want t0 leave y0u but either d0 I want t0 see y0u unhappy .
S0 I ch00se t0 let g0 . I h0pe that my decisi0n is right .
Since y0u decided t0 leave, f0rget, let g0 and give up, I guess everything shall c0me t0 an end .
And I have n0 reas0n t0 stay .
When I th0ught I have gained happiness, g0d t00k everything away .
When g0d cl0ses a d00r, he will 0pen an0ther d00r f0r y0u .
I 0nly h0pe f0r happiness t0 be my side .
L0ve is n0thing but hurt . It will bring 0ne d0wn and will make 0ne gr0w str0ng . I d0ubt that I w0uld have the c0urage t0 l0ve again . Feels like getting marry, stable d0wn, having kids and n0t playing anym0re but its hard cause I never met my fate . But f0r me its s0mething I have 0nce in my life chapter .
I still miss y0u . I really d0 . I still care ab0ut y0u . I still l0ve y0u . But y0u were n0 l0nger here . Th0se m0ment is what I treasure till n0w . It is als0 my happiest m0ment in my life this year . Its the luckiest thing that ever happen 0n me . N0b0dy have ever make wanna l0ve and be s0 seri0us and n0b0dy have ever make me this happy . =) He's superb . BEST WISHES .
Measure the l0ve, n0t the distance .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: l0ve-less ., Sadness, unhappiness
The diaryRecent updates .
Thursday, November 12, 2009 ( 11/12/2009 09:37:00 PM )
I reserved this watch, will get it when I get my pay this c0ming 25th . (:
This is n0t bad t00 . But the w0rd U and K cann0t be seen pr0perly .
Yell0w 0r red ?
Went f0r tw0 interviews t0day but n0 avail .
This is my l0ve ! I br0ught this ~ ! S0 in l0ve with it ! B0yfriend watch is s0 in n0w ~ !
Yell0w 0r red ?
Sh0uld I get the yell0w 0r the red 0ne ?
I l0ve b0th c0l0urs, yell0w is my fav0urite ~ !
Went f0r tw0 interviews t0day but n0 avail .
I received the c0mm0n reply .
We will called y0u if y0u're sh0rtlisted .
But 0ne 0f the interviewer say s0mething that makes me really upset .
The interviwer said: I'm afraid that I might have t0 declined this j0b applicati0n .
I feel s0 disapp0inted, and l0st that I break d0wn, really break d0wn, d0n't kn0w wh0 t0 tell . And I cried .
I feel s0 disapp0inted, and l0st that I break d0wn, really break d0wn, d0n't kn0w wh0 t0 tell . And I cried .
0ften, I always h0pe that there is always s0me0ne t0 share my g00d and bad news .
But in my mind, I c0uldn't think 0f any0ne . Except ____ .
We used t0 share everything t0gether . N0w, I c0uld tell n0b0dy .
Anyway, I'm used t0 it . Used t0 l0nely .
Guess what ?
I have already br0ught my FCUK watch h0me ~ !
S0 damn happy . Ha0 kai xin w0r ! ;D
S0 damn happy . Ha0 kai xin w0r ! ;D
I will be buying my sec0nd FCUK watch s00n ~ !
M0st pr0bably my next upc0ming pay !
Lately, my spending p0wer is back .
I br0ught tw0 perfumes, FCUK and CK . (:
s0 0bsessed with them and FCUK ~ !
Recently I g0t s0 many things t0 buy . Feel like ch0pping 0ff my hands . L0ls .
But I feel very happy as th0ugh I have everything in this w0rld and feel like I am the w0rld happiest pers0n ever . But th0se feeling is 0nly temp0rary, 0nce the feeling is g0ne, I feel unhappy and regretted f0r the items I br0ught .
M00d f0r party . Any0ne keen ?
Christmas party ?!!!
I th0ught 0f taking up c0urses ab0ut Design 0r Fashi0n 0r Make-up .
But have t0 make up seri0us c0nsiderati0n bef0re d0ing it .
These three are my 0nly interest . (:
Will y0u make it a wish c0me true f0r me ?
F0rget the past, let g0 0f unhappiness .
Why d0 I feel s0 uneasy ?
Th0ugh we b0th have m0ved 0n, but Ican't wait t0 think ab0ut him, like take t0day f0r eg, cause I been t0 the places that he w0rk and the places we went t0gether . Th0se mem0ries c0me back .
N0w I have t0 search f0r my happiness and smile back . I am glad that I have get 0ver . Start everything afresh .
Hence, we start 0ur life afresh, d0n't turn 0r l00k back .
I w0uld ch00se l0neliness rather than sadness .
I may l00k like having everything, but I have n0thing .
Appreciate all the little things I have . In life . Alth0ught its n0t a l0t .
Everyday 6 h0urs 0f sleep is killing me !
Restless everyday .
TV drama and newspaper everyday is a MUST ~ !
0bsessed with H0t Sh0t @ Channel U at 11.3o pm but 0nly half an h0ur .
And, and, and, The Unbeatables III !!! =D
I l0ve Li Nan Xing . (: Best Act0r Ever .
And s0me 0ther act0r and act0ress, can't remember what is their name .
I gave up my seat again . =) Feel extremely happy as th0ugh I have d0ne a g00d deed . (:
Human beings are selfish . Just think ab0ut themselves .
Instead 0f giving up their seats t0 pe0ple wh0 needs it m0re, they pretend t0 sleep 0r read .
But I d0n't need unwanted attenti0n after giving up the seat, pe0ple keep staring at me .
When I've d0ne s0mething, 0r s0mething g00d, I d0n't expect pe0ple t0 kn0w .
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: c0urses, fcuk watch, Happiness is, i p0d, interviews, l0neliness, restless .
The diaryC0l0urful life ?
Thursday, November 5, 2009 ( 11/05/2009 05:01:00 PM )
Wo bu kuai le .
I g0t int0 a arugement with a stupid b*tch MINA .
Damn her, she sc0lded and push me first !
I was like WTF, s0 I sc0ld and push her back .
An eye f0r an eye .
~!@)(*&#$%^ All the vularities just came 0ut fr0m 0ur m0uths and the security tried t0 st0p us . They were being KP0 at the m0ment, I just d0n't care wh0 the pers0n, h0w 0ther pe0ple l00k at me, I'm very angry with her, but luckily the security were there t00, if n0t things were n0t be what I expected, maybe things may turn 0ut even uglier .
Finally I kn0w there's is pe0ple wh0 cares f0r me . S0 happy, the staff fr0m Pr0fess0r _______ I can't just wh0 they are 0r where they w0rk . (: They knew that I am being bullied s0 they were quite w0rry ab0ut me and they say I sh0uld tell them s0 that they can bring f0rk and sp00n t0 g0 scare her ! L0ls .They're s0 cute lahs .
Bl00d d0nati0n, any0ne ?
Bef0re I g0 f0r bl00d d0nati0n, I must get my full b0dy check up first .
T0 make sure that I g0t healthy bl00d . (:
G00d English Pr0gramme .
C00l and h0t .
I feel s0 retarded !
I'm g0ing sh0pping with 0ne 0f my c0lleague t0m0rr0w !
But she say there will be an0ther c0lleague g0ing with us since she is engaging s00n . T0 get her heels and make up .
I h0pe that I c0uld be a tai tai . L0ls .
Simple happiness .
Even if it just last f0r 5 mins I'm happy and c0ntented .
I want y0ur w0rth 5 milli0n bucks smile .
Give me 5 mins 0f laughter and 10 mins 0f happiness .
I remember that when I was y0ung, Mummy 0r Aunt like telling me drinking l0t 0f water will give y0u g00d c0mplexti0n, wh0 says s0 ?
Its n0t 100% true !
Excessive 0f water can kill y0u ! Due t0 water p0si0n0us .
80% 0f 0ur b0dy c0ntains water, that why we need water everyday but n0t every0ne's b0dy can take 1.5 litres 0f water everyday, take f0r eg, human with unc0mf0rtable gastric, pregnant w0men, diabetes patients, high bl00d pressure patients . They can't take t00 much water .
Bf, g0 0ne c0rner and em0 lahz .
Idi0t .
Naughty G .
W0rk hard . Play hard .
Energy, stamina and perf0rmance .
H0t h0t b0dy . =)
C0l0ur crash is very in n0w .
Dare t0 wear cl0thes l0ud and eye catching . Be b0ld .
G0ld access0ries is m0re trendy .
Just blink my eyes and happiness is g0ne .
All back t0 zer0 .
G0nna spend this year's Christmas and next year's Valentine al0ne, I guess .
G0nna reflect 0n what I've d0ne this year . And I'll type it here next time I bl0gged .
Y0ur hands in mine seems like a nice sh0w . ;D
Chicken wings ~ ! Yeahs .
Mummy is c00king chicken wings f0r me .
Been eating unhealthy .
Eat mac f0r tw0 days straight .
Will eat t0m0rr0w again . Casue I want t0 c0llect the stickers game !
If I g0nna win $50, 000 cash, I'll d0nate $10, 000 t0 certain charity ! =)
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: arguement, bl00d d0nati0n, c0l0urs life, charity ., Happiness is, sh0pping day, water kills
The diaryAll .
Sunday, November 1, 2009 ( 11/01/2009 12:07:00 AM )
I supp0se t0 bl0g yesterday 0n Hall0ween but didn't manage t0 be able t0 use the c0m 0n time . L0ls .
I think I'm being rand0m here .
Cause I d0n't wish t0 have any p0st f0r N0vember .
Actually n0t much t0 bl0g . I kn0w that my bl0g is n0t as attactive as 0thers, I d0 n0t need unwanted attenti0n, I'm n0t a attenti0n seeker, f0r y0ur inf0rmati0n ! ;D
Just wanna say: HAPPY HALL0WEEN ! (:
Anyway, its happy belated hall0ween ALREADY !
T00k the wr0ng bus again, this is the sec0nd time this m0nth .
Think I'm t00 tired 0r my lens is expired, I always wear expired lens 0r wear them f0r m0nths .
Waste m0ney 0n transp0rt recently all thanks t0 the interviews and my super blur directi0n, my weakness is directi0n, d0n't ask me that ! (:
Alth0ugh I've experience in Retail, but it's still hard f0r me t0 get a j0b ! Sighs, started t0 feel stress, I sh0uld get a pub j0b perhaps ?
Give l0ve a chance .
Give future a h0pe .
If y0u d0 care, why leave ?
If y0u kn0w, why pretend ?
Heart br0ken, m00dless, em0 .
Mixed feelings .
L, I d0ubt that I'll never get t0 see y0u again .
Very much f0r l0ve at first 0r sec0nd sight, I wanted t0 tell y0u h0w I'm feeling t0wards y0u but fear 0f rejecti0n cause I kn0w where d0 I stand in y0ur heart and I d0n't have faith in l0ve anym0re . As much as I feel like being in l0ve again, I'm like 0ther girls, I'm wanted a bf t00, wh0 d0esn't want t0 be pampered and d0te 0n ? But I guess I'm always n0t the lucky 0ne . Y0u're the pers0n I wanted . Y0u're my type, my everything . I can't be in l0ve . That is my fact . I w0n't have any happy ending .
The truth lies . The truth hurts . That is the fact .
N0 m0re l0ve . F0rget ~ !
I can't blame any0ne f0r the state I'm in right n0w .
W0 bu kuai le . I've f0rg0tten ab0ut the miserable past . I've f0rg0tten that s0me0ne wh0 just br0ke my heart 0ne m0nth ag0 .
I'm enduring all the pain, tell me h0w t0 release it 0ut ?
D0wn with flu .
Needs t0 rest already .
Z0uk0ut, any0ne ?
Jennifer's b0dy, any0ne ?
Diet, diet, diet .
I'm skipping breakfast, lunch and dinner . Hahaz !
I find that I'm n0t a very feminine girl . Alth0ugh I l0ve dressing up and make up, but I w0n't waste m0ney 0n branded g00ds 0r beauty pr0ducts and d0 manicure and pedicures, in fact I've never d0ne it in my life bef0re . L0ls . Seri0us, n0 j0ke . Hence, I hate myself f0r being s0 weak in R/S . F0r the cry baby girly tears . I HATE CRYING ! Superb em0ti0nal . I want t0 be the str0ng girl ! Y0u will see me start crying 0ver sad l0ve st0ry, damn I super em0ti0n sia . Hate myself f0r falling in l0ve . I hate tears in my eyes .
Given up 0n my future, given up 0n life, given up 0n l0ve, given up 0n trusting and believing, given up 0n everything .
Each day I live I'm waiting f0r a miracle that d0esn't exist .
Each day I live I'm l0sing h0pe and giving up .
W0nder h0w l0ng I still can take it .
N0w I d0n't have much expecti0n in life, I just want a peaceful and perhaps a happier life .
And what 0ther girls expected 0r want, I d0 n0t want any .
I think I'm the unique 0ne . I'm n0t the friendly girl next d00r . N0t perfect . And etc .
It takes time t0 really get t0 kn0w me . I can be nice . I can be happy t00 . I'm very r0ugh .
N0 matter what I d0 and say, I've never ever regret in my life .
Perhaps at times I will get th0se feelings .
Its my pr0blem I guess in this state . N0t any0ne's fault, I'm partly t0 blame t00 .
I feel l0st and all al0ne . Will any0ne be there ?
I'm always al0ne, I'm used t0 it .
Being l0nely isn't scary, what fears y0u m0st is n0b0dy is there when y0u need help .
I guess I've already given up 0n life and a l0t 0f things which I used t0 pin f0r .
I kn0w I'm very negative, but I can't help but have this feeling cause my life is really sucky, everything will g0 wr0ng, definite, I w0nder if I'm a JINX, unhappiness is always by my side .
Why can't g0d let me stay happy f0r 0nce ?
If y0u understand h0w I feel after s0 much happen, y0u'll kn0w h0w much I been thru and the pain inside .
I hate the fact that I'm n0t being happy at all yet I've t0 pretend t0 be happy .
Th0ught 0f cutting my hair, reb0nd and dye my hair .
Sh0uld I cl0se all my ear-h0les ? I've 16 0f them . L0ls . A l0t sia .
Fcuk th0se pimples 0n my f0rehead . Arghhhhhhhhh .
0h g0d, I'm hungry at this h0ur, guess I'm sleeping after typing this p0st .
Feel like killing myself, I'm d0ing st0cktake later, have t0 wake up superb early but I'm still using the c0m, h0w stubb0rn ~ !
N0te: This is n0t a EM0 p0st . (: My mind is very clear ab0ut what I type here .
PS. I'm getting that French C0nnecti0n watch s00n ~ ! (; Wait f0r me, 0kays ? I'll bring y0u h0me . =D
L0ls, I ended up typing a l0t . :))
0kays, I shall end here .
Till we meet again .
Update my tagb0ard with c0mments ! (: W0n't entertained t0 n0nsense ! L0ves l0ves <3>
L0ve me, Charleen . (:
Labels: al0ne, b0ring bl0g ., changing 0f image, fcuk watch, Flu, Halloween, pr0per diet ., unhappiness, weakness, wr0ng transp0rtati0n
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
If we; Should be getting under
These sheets; We could lie in this bed; But it's Empty
i think they call it freedom of speech
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Trying too hard; Maybe we're torn apart
Blog Sh0p
Brenda's Blogshop
Cheapest Deals
Daily Job Hunt, Singapore
Fragrance Blogshop
Hair, lashes & nails
Li Ping's Blogshop
My Daily Job
Number 159
Dawn Yang
Derrick Hoh
Felicia Chen Jing Xuan
He Run Dong
Ice Angel
Joanne Bai Wei Xiu
Lorraine Kh00
Ruan Jing Tian
Xia Xue
Xie Jia Fa
Zheng Bin Hui
Bao Yi
Joseph Tan
Kai Ling
Kai Yang
Li Ping
Min 1
Min 2
Pei Pei
Si Hong
Si Min
Wei Jie
Yi Feng
Zhen Ling
See how fast time flies
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
designer DancingSheep
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
Is beating our hearts; We're Empty
I wish upon the stars
Re-pierce naval piercing Slimming down
Ink my Wrist/hand =D
Car/bike license
Soul mate (Buddy)
Toy poodle
Family & friends to be safe, healthy & happy always
Better skin & good complexion
HAPPINESS stay by my side always
Being HAPPY always
Taiwan 2010
spins the music